Facebook Posts on all-20q1

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Trump blurts out the truth - voter suppression is a pillar 2020-03-31 42 10 5 5 9 democracy
The new class - 2020-03-31 29 2 1 5 virus
It's not just Democratic governors that are looking 2020-03-31 20 2 1 virus
It's all the fault of Pelosi and Schiff! 2020-03-31 108 28 20 9 44 virus
This must stress presidential demeanor. 2020-03-31 28 2 trump
Nobody could have foreseen! 2020-03-31 53 10 2 16 election
The Cuomo contradiction 2020-03-31 62 12 1 2 11 politics
Training the next generation to obey Dear Leader! 2020-03-31 22 4 2 1 1 other
Do conservative intellectuals have anything to say to 2020-03-31 18 1 3 1 other
And why wouldn't CEO's praise Trump? 2020-03-31 61 8 2 3 9 1 election
Recalculating the Trump re-election campaign. 2020-03-30 42 2 2 1 6 election
Does local journalism have to be non-profit, like NPR? 2020-03-30 7 - journalism
Life imitates art - 2020-03-30 12 - virus
He'd like a favor... 2020-03-30 67 7 2 2 5 election
Cruise CEO feels cruises are safe. 2020-03-30 6 - virus
For once, Trump taught Putin? 2020-03-30 14 - 1 virus
Never waste a good crisis. 2020-03-30 83 22 4 4 15 deregulation
Dumber than an ass! 2020-03-30 32 3 2 12 virus
First national coronavirus victim 2020-03-30 40 4 3 4 virus
He's not REALLY a government official! 2020-03-30 85 9 1 1 6 trump
Local government will be paying for the virus for 2020-03-30 32 3 1 5 economics
Creating a rationale why Democratic deficit spending is 2020-03-30 22 1 election
When politicians make health decisions - it works the same 2020-03-30 24 1 1 health
How do you lead democracies to take unpleasant medicine? 2020-03-30 14 1 theory
Leading the retreat from greatness 2020-03-30 48 13 1 3 9 foreign
The purpose of presidential press conferences is to provide 2020-03-30 77 14 3 2 24 journalism
If you think pandemics are bad for business, you're just 2020-03-29 51 10 2 3 7 economics
The purpose of frivolous lawsuits against reporters. 2020-03-29 14 - 2 journalism
A hero for our times 2020-03-29 27 3 5 virus
Vote by mail - an idea whose time has come. 2020-03-29 21 2 2 2 democracy
Not so easy to mass produce a complicated machine in a 2020-03-29 20 1 1 5 virus
What the experts propose 2020-03-29 19 - 1 1 virus
Surprise! Trump signs the law and says he will ignore 2020-03-28 94 29 7 7 34 economics
How can you make the most of an election-year crisis? 2020-03-28 51 6 6 virus
The world ends today! 2020-03-28 15 - 1 other
Andrew Cuomo in 2024? 2020-03-27 13 - 1 virus
Income inequality and health inequality 2020-03-27 9 - virus
Cascading crises 2020-03-27 10 - 1 virus
Why stock buybacks are so popular with major political 2020-03-27 12 - economics
Think not that I am come to destroy Trumpism: I am not 2020-03-27 53 7 2 1 13 politics
Epidemiology is the new climatology. 2020-03-27 19 1 1 virus
Right to lifers? 2020-03-27 19 - 1 3 virus
The free market unleashed! 2020-03-27 35 5 4 4 virus
What you'll never hear from Donald Trump - an admission 2020-03-27 20 - 1 virus
Republicans work diligently to free hard-working Americans 2020-03-26 12 - economics
Not surprising a former casino owner wants to make 2020-03-26 20 - virus
National security or administration security? 2020-03-26 36 2 1 11 economics
Code Blue 2020-03-26 23 2 7 virus
All for nought. Just like Vietnam. 2020-03-25 15 1 1 mideast
A triumph for Management by Objectives! 2020-03-25 16 2 2 1 11 other
Don't waste a good crisis. 2020-03-25 33 3 2 deregulation
Is the stress is getting to Gavin Newsom? 2020-03-25 21 - 1 virus
Lesson from the New Deal - let recovery bubble up instead 2020-03-25 13 - economics
Don't waste a good crisis. 2020-03-25 7 - virus
The new shape of the fall campaign, as shaped by Fox 2020-03-24 15 - virus
We have to open up the country by Easter! 2020-03-24 63 7 3 2 14 virus
Relief for whom? 2020-03-24 23 - 1 6 economics
Italy today, New York tomorrow. 2020-03-24 16 3 virus
Solving the entitlements problem. 2020-03-24 50 4 3 2 17 virus
Loss of sense of smell might indicate virus. 2020-03-24 13 - virus
A different international dispute - dealing with leap 2020-03-24 12 - other
Congress needs to take the fear out of missing a paycheck. 2020-03-23 26 7 1 4 1 virus
Not all the world stops for a virus. For some, it's an 2020-03-23 10 - foreign
Getting as many as possible back to work, as soon as 2020-03-22 27 3 3 virus
Opportunity strikes for some people. 2020-03-22 20 - 1 virus
They thought only the tourists were gambling on games 2020-03-22 54 1 2 3 virus
Have trouble visualizing exponential growth? Try this 2020-03-21 14 - 1 virus
Politicians get dire warnings all the time. 2020-03-20 62 4 12 virus
Access - it's the return on big campaign investments. 2020-03-20 40 4 4 11 theory
A national lottery - with global losers. 2020-03-20 16 - 1 5 virus
Insider trading? 2020-03-19 49 7 1 1 2 economics
Amazing that people are still signing up to cruise! 2020-03-19 22 1 1 virus
How would a Net Assessment rank America and China? 2020-03-19 16 - virus
Does America still have a place called "us" ? 2020-03-19 10 - virus
Predicted in advance - with great accuracy. 2020-03-19 24 8 4 5 virus
Camus on the random plagues of life. 2020-03-19 11 - other
In the Trump era, it always helps to be rich or famous! 2020-03-18 25 1 2 virus
Since it's all just a show, staging is everything! 2020-03-18 28 3 1 1 media
No immunity for millenials! 2020-03-18 21 - 1 2 virus
Feminism then and now - 2020-03-18 13 - 3 other
Living with uncertainty. 2020-03-18 11 - other
Mea culpa! 2020-03-18 24 1 26 democracy
Must be different viruses - or different politics. 2020-03-18 20 1 1 1 virus
The Trump Way - Other People's Money 2020-03-18 28 4 2 3 trump
Justice served! 2020-03-18 38 7 2 1 6 1 justice
Planning for the worst. 2020-03-18 16 - 2 4 virus
More VP speculation 2020-03-18 7 - election
QAnoners never sleep - and neither do firearms enthusiasts 2020-03-18 10 - qanon
What happens when the leader's followers don't follow 2020-03-17 9 - 1 1 health
The word from abroad. 2020-03-17 35 2 2 11 virus
Why everybody has to shelter at home. 2020-03-17 16 - 1 2 health
Why economists and politicians are so worried. 2020-03-17 7 - 1 2 economics
How bailouts work 2020-03-17 13 - economics
How strong leaders run the internet 2020-03-16 6 - foreign
Some Russians don't mind being caught and brought to trial. 2020-03-16 49 7 3 1 14 russian-interference
Everybody's getting into the act. 2020-03-16 11 - media
Looking beyond today - turning a crisis into an 2020-03-16 13 - 1 foreign
McConnell acts to preserve his legacy! 2020-03-16 89 8 5 2 27 justice
What's the right amount of social distancing? 2020-03-16 14 1 1 virus
"A" for Active Measures 2020-03-16 12 - 1 1 russian-interference
Haunted by zombie corporate debt 2020-03-16 13 - economics
Pacific Overtures cross the ocean again. 2020-03-16 19 - 3 virus
Jared Diamond talks about wild animal markets. 2020-03-16 11 - virus
Who needs to listen to "public health experts" 2020-03-16 25 - 1 virus
True Trumpists! 2020-03-15 19 - economics
All unfolding according to plan. Putin's plan? 2020-03-15 18 - 1 2 mideast
Two old white men competing to run against another old 2020-03-15 14 - 1 election
When just-in-time is just-too-late to prevent panic buying. 2020-03-15 20 2 1 3 economics
Even in the midst of a crisis the president still has time 2020-03-15 25 1 1 4 justice
It's time to loosen burdensome infection controls at 2020-03-15 62 15 3 4 11 virus
Has it really been only two months? 2020-03-15 27 - 6 virus
McConnell's greatest achievement. 2020-03-15 18 - justice
The life of a salesman. 2020-03-14 25 - 1 other
Never buy a gift card for the government. Or any 2020-03-14 12 - 1 other
FISA authority expiring. 2020-03-14 19 2 2 3 trump
Why would an ACTING director order a major reorg? 2020-03-14 9 - 1 trump
Russian "internet research" moves to Africa! 2020-03-14 19 4 1 russian-interference
The pride of Fresno! 2020-03-14 22 3 1 2 election
The virus that infected our politics. 2020-03-14 14 1 2 media
There's actually a specific book being ignored! 2020-03-14 39 3 2 8 virus
It's the same the world over. 2020-03-14 26 3 1 1 health
Trust your social media? 2020-03-12 13 - media
Three diverse possibilities for VP. 2020-03-12 25 - 1 1 election
Living in the moment tends to bring out the best in people. 2020-03-12 14 - 1 other
It's hard to conceal what's going on in a desert. 2020-03-12 66 4 1 5 17 health
Can we learn from one crisis to prepare for the next 2020-03-12 40 6 2 3 technology
Kushner and Miller wrote the speech. That explains 2020-03-12 66 8 3 1 23 health
Let's hear it for Jeb Bush! 2020-03-12 24 - 1 politics
America does have some structural advantages against 2020-03-12 23 1 3 health
A different kind of foreign economic interference. 2020-03-12 54 5 1 4 15 economics
Warrenism and structural change. 2020-03-12 19 2 1 1 1 theory
Why almost everything happens first in California 2020-03-12 13 - ca-politics
Why waste a good crisis? 2020-03-12 81 14 4 3 9 tax
Lessons in strong leadership from a master! 2020-03-12 22 4 2 1 russian-interference
Corporate debt 2020-03-12 13 - 1 economics
Where have all the anti-vaxxers gone? 2020-03-12 30 1 1 1 8 health
Worst nightmare coming true! 2020-03-12 74 22 4 1 22 election
Was Trumpism/Putinism the product of unrealistic 2020-03-09 24 1 1 theory
"If we lose the war we will be tried as war 2020-03-09 35 4 other
The only reality is what you feel! 2020-03-09 37 5 5 other
A temporary setback in the Trumpist/Putinist war against 2020-03-09 31 5 3 other
Good for what ails you! 2020-03-09 41 1 8 tax
Taxed out? 2020-03-09 19 - 1 ca-politics
Oh brother where art thou? Up to no good! 2020-03-09 29 4 2 trump
Trump, Sanders, Biden - maybe? 2020-03-09 43 5 7 4 russian-interference
Biden is increasing turnout too. 2020-03-09 43 4 1 2 1 election
Are Trump's greatest hits good enough to keep his base 2020-03-09 33 1 1 2 election
Keep on suing! 2020-03-09 59 14 3 11 journalism
Don't talk to the FBI without a lawyer. 2020-03-09 52 6 3 9 justice
How to take over a political party for fun and profit. 2020-03-09 18 - 1 1 election
A virus that infects truth. 2020-03-08 22 1 3 media
The President can shut down the internet! 2020-03-08 68 10 5 15 media
What happens if nobody wins a majority of Democratic 2020-03-08 28 1 1 1 election
Facebook challenges the Trump campaign. 2020-03-08 32 6 1 6 media
Sanderistas 2020-03-08 29 3 1 2 election
Score one for Iranian intelligence. 2020-03-08 32 5 1 mideast
Bullock to run for Senate. 2020-03-08 30 3 1 election
Prostitution degrades both participants. 2020-03-08 26 1 1 other
How Sanders already won. 2020-03-08 40 6 1 8 election
Tom Steyer moves on. 2020-03-08 25 2 2 democracy
You can't keep doubling down - you run into the house 2020-03-08 70 14 3 15 election
Only the best in the Trump administration! 2020-03-07 92 9 2 8 1 health
Where Bernie draws his strength. 2020-03-07 31 3 2 media
The Supreme Court will decide about Obamacare - 2020-03-06 53 4 1 1 3 health
Mulvaney shouldn't have admitted the truth. 2020-03-06 65 13 1 4 15 trump
A conservative looks forward to the end of Trumpism. 2020-03-06 28 1 3 election
The stock price of internet companies is usually based on 2020-03-06 14 - media
The Afghanistan settlement - a victory for Pakistan 2020-03-05 21 1 1 mideast
Was impeachment worthwhile? 2020-03-05 63 13 1 1 12 impeachment
Imagining a Sanders route to victory. 2020-03-05 32 3 1 1 1 election
Who makes quarantines possible? 2020-03-05 21 - 1 health
Last chance for the establishment? 2020-03-05 23 3 1 3 election
Social media is best at propagating sensational bad news. 2020-03-05 18 1 1 media
Bloomberg putting his money to good use. 2020-03-05 43 6 1 1 3 election
Not good to threaten judges. 2020-03-05 40 2 1 6 justice
What was wrong with Warren? 2020-03-05 76 9 4 1 13 election
Pandemics have a way of showing who hasn't been taken care 2020-03-05 32 3 4 5 health
Just in time globalization. 2020-03-05 22 2 2 trade
A light to the nations - or at least a dark lantern. 2020-03-05 13 2 1 democracy
Misleading the public? Surely not Barr, Lord! 2020-03-05 41 7 1 1 5 justice
A week ago nobody cared about Hunter Biden any more. 2020-03-05 53 7 1 1 10 election
Biden is the candidate who can change things. 2020-03-04 51 8 1 12 1 election
Projecting from 1968 to 2020. 2020-03-04 80 8 4 1 26 election
Political health above personal health? Wrong answer! 2020-03-04 20 3 1 4 health
Who gets to be veep? A balancing act. 2020-03-04 81 6 3 11 election
Viruses in Fantasyland 2020-03-03 41 9 1 3 10 health
Pots simmering on the back of the stove, out of sight 2020-03-03 21 1 mideast
Switch to plan A! 2020-03-03 82 17 4 5 28 1 tax
The presidential election is not decided by rallying more 2020-03-02 55 4 1 12 election
The coronavirus didn't get the memo! 2020-03-02 62 8 4 9 health
Is AIPAC emulating NRA by becoming strictly 2020-03-02 34 5 1 5 mideast
Sometimes free health care for all is the cheapest 2020-03-02 31 2 1 health
Pandemics vs interconnectedness 2020-03-02 16 1 health
Why vaccine development goes slowly 2020-03-02 51 9 3 18 health
Mayor Pete's next job? 2020-03-02 86 12 3 10 politics
No withdrawal from the Middle East without withdrawal 2020-03-02 43 4 3 8 mideast
Taking the sting out of Ring 2020-03-02 16 1 technology
Trump modus operandi 2020-03-02 32 3 1 1 3 trump
The graveyard of empires strikes back! 2020-03-02 21 1 mideast
Israel - growing up to be LA or NY? 2020-03-02 32 4 1 3 mideast
Trump administration help rural schools learn to stand 2020-03-02 73 21 2 4 6 other
How Modi's supporters celebrated Trump's visit. 2020-03-02 84 10 2 7 foreign
How to fix the primary process? 2020-03-02 17 1 1 democracy
NYT spotted a gap and filled it while Trump was talking 2020-03-02 13 1 1 journalism
So what if Trump makes illegal appointments. 2020-03-02 65 15 5 10 trump
Coronavirus will not CAUSE the next recession. 2020-03-02 20 1 1 economics
And the winner of the 2020 US Presidential election is - 2020-03-02 97 13 2 5 21 russian-interference
How should journalists handle official propaganda? 2020-03-02 54 10 1 1 12 journalism
Undermining the rule of law. 2020-03-01 103 20 1 5 17 justice
If they collect your data, they will sell it. 2020-03-01 36 11 2 2 other
Making the worst of a bad situation 2020-02-29 90 9 1 3 16 1 health
The rest of the country is catching up to California. 2020-02-28 108 36 4 27 democracy
Imagineering excuses for Trump 2020-02-28 100 22 3 6 29 health
It's passed the House. 2020-02-28 98 26 4 4 13 other
The suffering of the Syrian people will soon be over. 2020-02-28 155 89 2 10 18 mideast
Trump sues NY Times 2020-02-28 67 16 2 11 journalism
CPAC No Evil 2020-02-28 114 30 5 3 38 health
Not taking sides is taking a side. 2020-02-27 23 2 1 mideast
Trump actions unconstitutional? 2020-02-27 22 1 3 democracy
Iran botched coronavirus worse than China or America 2020-02-27 53 7 2 health
Trump does not do self-restraint. 2020-02-27 53 5 1 12 1 health
Six pundits praise six Democratic candidates. 2020-02-27 30 7 1 6 election
A song for Trump 2020-02-27 10 - 1 health
The yield curve inverts again 2020-02-27 10 - 2 economics
It might not matter much who the Democrats nominate for 2020-02-27 31 4 3 1 election
Trump's plan to boost the economy 2020-02-27 25 3 economics
Taking steps on homelessness 2020-02-27 36 3 1 3 8 ca-politics
Preparing for pandemics 2020-02-27 64 8 2 7 health
For dead Gandhi's memory, lip service. For living 2020-02-27 52 3 1 3 foreign
We need to disqualify all non-Trumpist judges and jurors! 2020-02-27 71 16 2 13 1 justice
A leader for the Trump-Jugend! 2020-02-27 30 2 1 1 climate
The lottery is not a game of chance for the people 2020-02-27 97 22 3 7 9 ca-politics
Post-integrity 2020-02-26 75 7 1 4 5 trump
537 votes in Florida made the difference between Gore and 2020-02-26 19 2 election
It's not just us 2020-02-26 16 1 1 2 foreign
You can't take credit for the Obama recovery - 2020-02-26 17 1 economics
Hazards of punditry 2020-02-26 10 - journalism
It doesn't have to be true or real, if it polls well. 2020-02-26 106 12 4 3 20 1 election
A circular firing squad is not a more perfect union 2020-02-25 40 4 9 election
a chisel meticulously aimed at pre-existing cracks in a 2020-02-25 43 5 1 2 russian-interference
How dare they have a pandemic right before the election! 2020-02-25 104 13 4 3 17 health
Where your pork and poultry come from 2020-02-25 49 5 1 4 other
When is a census not a Census? 2020-02-25 75 14 3 4 14 election
Miller 1, Mulvaney 0 2020-02-25 66 7 1 7 immigration
All bubbles pop eventually 2020-02-25 9 - 1 economics
Norman Eisen 2020-02-25 19 - 3 impeachment
So where does radioactive nuclear waste go? 2020-02-23 56 6 1 10 other
This belonged on the Science Channel? Is that on Fox? 2020-02-23 116 12 3 2 17 other
California is very liberal, except in the pocketbook. 2020-02-23 49 2 1 4 ca-politics
It's not just Putinists and Trumpists that spread media 2020-02-23 60 7 5 media
What if Bernie is the nominee? 2020-02-22 129 17 3 2 20 election
Learning how to rewrite history together. 2020-02-22 43 3 1 2 foreign
The audacity of hype 2020-02-22 64 4 1 1 13 election
Blago auditions for a job in Trump administration! 2020-02-22 35 - 1 other
Why Putin supports BOTH Trump and Sanders. 2020-02-22 25 2 1 russian-interference
Of course Trump likes Gone with the Wind - 2020-02-21 69 7 1 8 trump
All conversations with Trump are classified for security 2020-02-21 114 30 6 10 47 trump
Revenge is Trump's! Political appointees must be 2020-02-21 123 39 5 14 51 1 trump
Putin still "helping" Sanders as well as Trump. 2020-02-21 88 10 3 2 17 russian-interference
The questions for Republican senators - 2020-02-21 67 4 4 18 election
Trump should quit worrying about Biden and Sanders. 2020-02-21 40 5 5 health
Partisan primaries - a prescription for voting instability 2020-02-20 18 - 1 3 democracy
Trump does not do "neutral." 2020-02-20 22 1 1 media
Fantasy economics! 2020-02-20 46 4 3 economics
More private diplomacy. 2020-02-20 64 11 2 1 6 foreign
Bootstrapping 2020-02-19 56 16 1 6 20 economics
Are things likely to get better? 2020-02-19 99 18 5 2 22 1 media
gimme that old-time religion - and that old-time standard 2020-02-19 20 - other
Humiliating the help is just part of the Trump management 2020-02-19 96 23 5 5 25 trump
They were treated so unfairly! 2020-02-19 49 5 3 trump
Such a natural for the Trump administration. Maybe he 2020-02-19 27 1 1 other
Cleaning out the government! 2020-02-19 66 14 3 1 11 trump
Tax unrealized capital gains? 2020-02-19 47 6 1 9 tax
J'accuse - l'affaire Dreyfus 2020-02-18 99 26 3 14 1 ukraine
When they get away from home, they know it's wrong. 2020-02-18 29 2 foreign
Too much even for Barr? 2020-02-18 83 14 5 14 justice
If Biden drops out after Super Tuesday, will Trump still 2020-02-18 19 3 1 ukraine
Those self-sufficient rural Republicans are tired of being 2020-02-18 174 30 4 4 39 other
They only have to convince the right 78,000 voters! 2020-02-18 54 8 1 1 7 1 election
How retailers reduce overhead. 2020-02-18 90 15 2 12 1 economics
The big picture behind pardons. 2020-02-18 91 9 4 1 19 1 theory
"the always used National Security excuse" 2020-02-18 47 4 1 7 trade
The pathetic insecurity of the hopelessly mediocre. 2020-02-18 44 3 4 2 trump
Where does your data go? 2020-02-18 37 3 technology
Stone, Manafort, and Lewis won't rot in jail forever! 2020-02-18 75 12 4 2 8 1 trump
San Jose Mercury News endorses Klobuchar 2020-02-18 34 5 1 1 5 1 ca-politics
Of course it's completely tested and foolproof! 2020-02-18 31 3 1 1 2 technology
What happens next? 2020-02-18 4 - technology
Why are modern electronics so hard to use? 2020-02-18 17 1 1 1 technology
Convergence of America and Russia 2020-02-18 20 1 foreign
Two points of view on deficit spending. 2020-02-18 71 14 1 5 16 economics
Roots of the infrastructure crisis - 2020-02-18 33 3 1 other
Some things are new, and some never change! 2020-02-18 26 3 1 3 justice
If you're a Trumpist, the only truth that matters is the 2020-02-16 93 10 1 2 21 health
Trump doesn't have to tell Barr what to do. 2020-02-16 48 7 3 4 1 trump
Are you sure you believe in local control? 2020-02-16 32 - 2 democracy
Time for a new Federal Department of Official History! 2020-02-16 64 10 2 3 15 2 trump
It's easy to get around the rules! 2020-02-16 20 - media
Another complicated investigation into investigations. 2020-02-15 27 2 2 7 russian-interference
The argument for Klobuchar. 2020-02-14 52 6 1 10 election
Vocational education making a comeback. 2020-02-14 73 8 1 4 ca-politics
The argument for Bloomberg. 2020-02-14 43 5 5 election
Don't distract me with arithmetic! 2020-02-14 190 51 13 11 47 economics
Putin has figured out how to get Trump out of Syria 2020-02-14 67 4 1 5 mideast
Trump, Barr, Giuliani, Parnas, and a new Temple in 2020-02-14 24 3 5 1 ukraine
The death of retail. 2020-02-14 12 1 economics
Presidential aspirations on hold... 2020-02-14 62 8 1 1 4 other
Better than Kafka! 2020-02-14 114 16 3 4 24 immigration
The difference between an investor and a donor. 2020-02-13 96 33 17 8 19 2 trump
What Trump doesn't get about Scandinavia - 2020-02-13 19 - 3 theory
Isn't an "ongoing emergency" an oxymoron? 2020-02-13 88 18 1 5 4 1 theory
Prophecy fulfilled. 2020-02-13 73 9 1 1 10 2 trump
But I would not feel so all alone - Everybody must get 2020-02-13 108 12 9 4 25 trump
Silicon Valley Syndrome. 2020-02-13 18 - economics
They are still at it - working both sides of every issue. 2020-02-13 87 23 3 7 11 1 russian-interference
Same old same old in NC. 2020-02-13 29 6 2 1 democracy
A billionaire making himself useful. 2020-02-13 44 6 1 2 election
Nothing happens without the Senate, so who has the longest 2020-02-12 30 1 1 election
Don't give up the ship! 2020-02-12 17 3 democracy
The essential argument in American politics: feudalism vs 2020-02-12 83 17 4 3 14 1 theory
Trump is testing the Republican senators. 2020-02-12 138 41 10 11 46 3 trump
Attacking truth and attacking reality 2020-02-12 18 - 1 election
The Electoral College will strike again. 2020-02-12 63 12 2 13 election
Congress needs to reclaim its power. 2020-02-12 26 1 2 democracy
Nothing is impeachable now! 2020-02-12 107 33 10 3 25 trump
Trump and Putin are counting on the Democrats. 2020-02-11 37 7 2 1 2 1 election
Now Trump is specifying architecture 2020-02-11 67 10 2 1 5 other
Another way democracy dies 2020-02-11 58 12 1 3 10 economics
Attacking the Enlightenment 2020-02-11 89 18 2 5 23 1 trump
Keeping track of other people's secrets 2020-02-11 21 2 1 2 4 technology
Hookers for Trump! 2020-02-11 88 15 5 8 29 1 trump
Fill in the blanks! 2020-02-11 24 1 2 tax
Headwinds against the economy from the east. 2020-02-10 15 1 economics
If you collect it, somebody will buy it or steal it. 2020-02-10 14 - technology
What does Roger Stone deserve? 2020-02-10 64 15 2 2 7 1 trump
Who needs Civil Service? 2020-02-10 159 116 24 25 38 1 trump
Do it again! Do it again! Harder, harder! 2020-02-10 46 9 2 3 impeachment
Rand Paul stands within a great American tradition. 2020-02-10 27 2 2 politics
Trump surrenders to simple arithmetic. 2020-02-10 47 7 7 1 economics
Just what we needed - more kinds of nukes. 2020-02-09 43 3 2 6 other
A startup opportunity with amazing growth prospects! 2020-02-09 21 1 technology
It's the Trump way - words for little donors, deeds for big 2020-02-09 111 21 1 3 17 trade
Lindsey Graham Is a step behind Trump. 2020-02-09 99 18 5 16 trump
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his 2020-02-09 32 1 other
Is this how democracy ends? 2020-02-09 96 12 4 15 qanon
A sustainable decadence. 2020-02-08 18 - theory
Trumpian leadership in action! 2020-02-08 21 1 1 foreign
What it takes to win a Presidential Medal of Freedom now. 2020-02-08 89 16 2 2 30 1 media
Thank Trump for delivering the State of the Union Address 2020-02-08 123 12 2 2 18 1 politics
The essential Trump promise that he always keeps! 2020-02-08 54 9 2 6 election
Susan Collins was right - Trump did learn his lesson! 2020-02-08 99 18 3 3 29 3 trump
No more problematic FBI investigations of Republicans! 2020-02-08 206 31 8 3 38 election
A timeline for Putinism - from Fox! 2020-02-08 44 4 1 1 13 media
Keep it quiet! 2020-02-08 80 17 2 3 20 2 theory
It's not just Trump that got a license to do whatever 2020-02-07 116 29 9 26 1 foreign
Here's one way to get rid of unwanted persons. 2020-02-07 29 3 1 1 immigration
Incremental rationalization. 2020-02-07 90 15 1 5 28 theory
What a surprise! The Republicans were helping out during 2020-02-06 101 28 3 5 21 election
Why would Trumpists care? 2020-02-04 53 11 3 13 1 health
Paving the way for Potemkin democracy! 2020-02-04 71 16 1 2 16 election
Republicans lead on exploiting internet technology. 2020-02-04 52 8 1 1 12 media
All they had to do was talk! 2020-02-04 62 3 1 1 13 foreign
Undermining confidence in elections - there's an app 2020-02-04 20 1 2 election
Trump delegates pardon processing to Kardashian and Kushner 2020-02-04 69 18 2 7 24 other
Trumpists rev up their election machine! 2020-02-03 106 21 5 4 32 election
Infrastructure - talk about it all you like! 2020-02-03 32 2 1 1 politics
The real world simplifies itself to conform to political 2020-02-03 18 1 1 theory
Weaponizing history against domestic political opposition 2020-02-03 37 3 2 theory
Saved by impeachment! 2020-02-03 12 - other
A true Trumpist speaks up! 2020-02-02 90 17 10 3 28 politics
Gandhi is gone. The work of burying his legacy 2020-02-01 73 11 1 4 theory
How to undermine the deep state - the people who have a 2020-02-01 29 3 8 politics
Trumpism/Putinism is forever! 2020-01-31 64 10 1 4 18 1 democracy
A teaching moment on Wednesday! 2020-01-31 46 7 1 2 1 election
The Trump administration shuts down immigration bit by bit. 2020-01-30 56 5 2 4 11 1 immigration
Who knew walls were so complicated? 2020-01-30 78 43 20 14 19 immigration
Wilbur Ross doesn't understand global supply chains. 2020-01-30 14 2 trade
Trump administration thinks of a way to fight the deficit 2020-01-30 100 20 3 5 13 1 health
Death threats against a novelist? 2020-01-30 18 - other
Don't hold your breath until you notice any difference 2020-01-30 41 4 1 5 trade
Now there's another tape 2020-01-30 126 20 1 12 19 impeachment
The 2020 election needs to be about Senate cleaning. 2020-01-30 12 - 1 3 impeachment
What happens when deficits exceed a trillion dollars 2020-01-30 19 - economics
What should society do about irresponsible disruption? 2020-01-29 4 - technology
Can Holy Land conflict be re-configured? 2020-01-29 9 - mideast
Is your phone on all the time? Then you're being 2020-01-29 8 - 1 media
Why there won't be any witnesses. 2020-01-29 71 8 1 3 26 impeachment
Is the government and are the people ready for a real 2020-01-29 7 - health
The changing environment of journalism 2020-01-29 5 - journalism
Daring the president to actually make a deal instead of 2020-01-29 26 3 3 3 politics
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap 2020-01-29 40 5 2 5 1 trump
Could California have a Republican governor? 2020-01-29 29 2 1 3 1 ca-politics
You don't believe in hell? 2020-01-29 77 12 1 3 11 1 theory
Putting an end to satanic pregnancies 2020-01-29 74 14 2 1 14 1 other
Only rich people need apply 2020-01-29 21 2 1 immigration
If it doesn't work the first time, try twice as hard. 2020-01-29 57 11 4 8 1 trade
How the Trump defense works 2020-01-29 41 7 1 3 10 trump
Automatic cars might make you sick. 2020-01-29 7 - technology
Facial recognition roots out uncivilized behavior 2020-01-29 12 - technology
How to keep your head off a pike - 2020-01-28 43 2 4 election
Tick tock 2020-01-28 11 - climate
Lessons from Peru 2020-01-28 15 - democracy
Two cheers for slow growth! 2020-01-28 8 - economics
A plan for peace - 2020-01-28 43 9 1 5 mideast
Sharing surveillance 2020-01-28 13 - media
How to neuter Congress 2020-01-28 11 - 1 1 impeachment
Did you think billionaires pay their own legal bills? 2020-01-28 59 11 1 6 18 1 impeachment
Putting billions to good use! 2020-01-27 49 10 6 election
Persistent homology of politics 2020-01-27 22 1 3 democracy
Wouldn't it be a shame if Trump were brought down by 2020-01-27 46 7 1 3 election
European solutions to housing crisis 2020-01-27 11 - economics
What will the other politicians be doing when they are 95? 2020-01-27 76 17 10 other
Chekhov's gun 2020-01-27 32 4 1 foreign
What draining the swamp sounds like - 2020-01-26 93 17 2 2 22 2 democracy
VFW doesn't think much of presidential medical 2020-01-25 255 30 2 4 31 2 other
"polarization exists for structural reasons having to 2020-01-25 17 - 1 6 theory
The door is wide open for foreign interference! 2020-01-25 48 10 2 2 13 1 russian-interference
Citizens United changed things for a generation. Will they 2020-01-25 41 7 6 democracy
The bad news bros - 2020-01-24 42 2 2 russian-interference
Nobody is looking forward to the 22nd century! 2020-01-24 11 - theory
Another Trump win - against our allies 2020-01-24 14 - 2 1 trade
Deregulation moves forward as planned 2020-01-24 136 27 2 6 6 deregulation
Why minority rule is easier for Republicans than majority 2020-01-24 12 - democracy
How Putinism works. 2020-01-24 95 16 5 2 18 1 media
The worst effect of 9/11 - surveillance capitalism 2020-01-24 11 - technology
Look what was hiding under a rock! 2020-01-24 46 6 2 4 1 ukraine
Why Trump wants to withdraw from the world 2020-01-24 53 13 1 8 foreign
Maybe a little regulation is a good thing! 2020-01-24 75 7 4 1 10 deregulation
Rudy spent his whole life preparing for this moment! 2020-01-24 58 8 3 1 13 1 ukraine
Apple backs off on encrypting backups. 2020-01-24 6 - technology
The great equalizer! 2020-01-24 8 - 1 technology
Congress couldn't act so it delegated. 2020-01-23 37 4 5 trade
He didn't really mean it! 2020-01-23 69 8 4 6 2 trump
Partisanship has been worse! 2020-01-23 20 - 1 politics
Investors flock to Trump - more tax cuts, more 2020-01-23 55 17 1 4 7 1 election
Who pays for deregulation? 2020-01-23 57 12 1 1 9 deregulation
Why the 2020 elections have to be about the Senate, not 2020-01-23 42 10 1 16 1 election
The Supreme Court to the rescue! 2020-01-22 28 - 1 5 health
Here's a politician we could stand to hear more from! 2020-01-22 41 4 4 impeachment
How the swamp grows! 2020-01-22 82 8 7 22 1 trade
The surveillance state. 2020-01-22 27 3 3 3 technology
Something else to worry about. 2020-01-22 77 12 1 2 5 other
53 Republican senators are on trial! 2020-01-22 76 13 2 2 19 impeachment
Whiner in chief! 2020-01-22 50 4 1 13 1 impeachment
The great Philadelphia FOIA 2020-01-21 54 5 2 2 20 impeachment
Does frequent turnover make the National Security Council 2020-01-21 17 - other
High and low politics 2020-01-21 26 4 impeachment
Never charged with a crime! 2020-01-21 82 9 2 1 9 2 impeachment
Democrats want your guns! 2020-01-21 150 34 9 8 33 2 1 firearms
Saying bad things can get you blown up! 2020-01-21 69 10 3 12 mideast
Koch plans 2020 election strategy. 2020-01-21 143 27 2 11 22 election
Who knows what Bolton might say? 2020-01-20 105 35 8 14 34 impeachment
Getting sucked into the Trump vortex - 2020-01-19 20 1 ukraine
Just exercising his 2nd amendment rights! 2020-01-19 24 1 2 firearms
If it looks like a tax break for wealthy Republican real 2020-01-19 44 13 1 1 7 tax
Bipartisanship has always been an uphill struggle. 2020-01-18 46 3 2 13 theory
Who pays for Trump tariffs? 2020-01-17 22 1 7 trade
Putin exercises strong leadership in Potemkin academics - 2020-01-17 11 - 1 other
Don't worry! Republican senators will remember their 2020-01-17 37 2 2 6 democracy
William Weld's motivation. 2020-01-17 40 8 3 2 11 election
Known by the company they keep! 2020-01-17 54 8 1 14 ukraine
Equalcitizens to be heard by Supreme Court. 2020-01-17 47 7 1 11 democracy
Ignore the dog whistles to the Klan! Trump really wants 2020-01-17 65 14 2 12 election
School lunches deregulated! 2020-01-17 101 17 3 18 deregulation
It can't be Trump's fault! 2020-01-17 15 - health
The health care election 2020-01-17 39 3 1 election
Prohibition - an incredibly fruitful experiment! 2020-01-17 15 - deregulation
Schizophrenic government - 2020-01-17 17 2 1 mideast
Trump and his generals 2020-01-17 125 11 6 3 55 1 trump
Command center for the western world. 2020-01-16 26 5 1 2 trump
How strong leaders rule under Potemkin democracy. 2020-01-16 38 6 1 2 2 foreign
The sacrifices made on the altar of 2020-01-16 96 19 5 6 44 3 impeachment
Back to the middle ages 2020-01-16 63 9 1 1 14 health
Trump's friends could certainly run a profitable post 2020-01-16 58 9 1 2 deregulation
Violent isolationism! 2020-01-16 50 9 6 1 trump
Just in time to distract from impeachment! 2020-01-16 23 1 trade
Social media apps are free because their business model 2020-01-16 10 - media
Aren't you glad Nancy Pelosi waited? 2020-01-16 70 15 3 1 13 impeachment
Just like Vietnam! 2020-01-15 37 5 2 4 politics
Another in the long line of tell-alls. 2020-01-15 55 8 2 7 1 trump
Inconvenienced by gun laws? Just roll your own! 2020-01-14 14 - firearms
The end of visual evidence! 2020-01-14 18 - technology
Whose side is Barr on? 2020-01-14 55 7 1 1 14 1 politics
This is my Putin's world! 2020-01-14 55 4 1 4 foreign
Republican SAY is the opposite of Republican DO. 2020-01-14 30 11 26 3 4 1 election
How the Trumpist/Putinists are counting on the media 2020-01-14 35 8 7 2 impeachment
GRU to the rescue! 2020-01-13 41 6 2 russian-interference
The anti-Carter. 2020-01-12 11 - 1 trump
How deregulation works - 2020-01-12 36 4 2 deregulation
Human nature doesn't change. 2020-01-11 24 2 3 1 2 impeachment
An admirable Arab leader. 2020-01-11 24 4 2 mideast
An opportunity lost. 2020-01-10 34 10 1 media
What's the allure of hell? 2020-01-10 9 - other
Who needs robots as long as contractors are cheaper? 2020-01-10 9 - ca-politics
It's just a pause until the next phase starts. 2020-01-10 11 - mideast
Grand jury indicts low-density housing policies. 2020-01-10 11 - 1 ca-politics
Telecom companies find tradition of reliability too 2020-01-10 12 - ca-politics
Regime change doesn't work. 2020-01-10 19 3 1 1 foreign
Raising the minimum wage would be the best single thing 2020-01-10 15 - 1 1 economics
Iranian response is not over. 2020-01-10 17 3 1 mideast
Looks like Medicaid is winning. 2020-01-10 10 - 1 1 health
How a do-nothing Congress follows us into endless wars. 2020-01-10 47 22 6 13 21 foreign
Would dissolution of the UK be good for everybody? 2020-01-10 9 - foreign
They'll be back! 2020-01-10 12 - russian-interference
Must be time to start another Clinton investigation! 2020-01-10 28 2 1 6 politics
Everybody wants to know what Bolton might say! 2020-01-09 20 5 4 1 impeachment
"The real high-risk move is the one both parties 2020-01-09 14 - 1 1 mideast
Buttigieg works on his shortcomings. 2020-01-09 18 3 1 election
Why Trump likes sanctions. 2020-01-09 10 - 1 1 foreign
Nothing stops deregulation! 2020-01-09 20 5 1 1 deregulation
Let's say something nice for a change about Lee and Paul. 2020-01-09 19 3 1 5 1 mideast
Nothing new under the sun. 2020-01-09 13 - 1 3 election
We finally got rid of President Cheney. Now we have to 2020-01-08 16 2 2 1 election
Why Mitch has to go! 2020-01-08 37 9 1 1 6 2 election
Putin and Assad confer 2020-01-08 15 - mideast
He's planning to run for president in 4 years based on 2020-01-07 19 - 1 4 politics
CES = Comprehensive Electronic Surveillance? 2020-01-07 10 - technology
Tariffs are usually paid by the importing country. 2020-01-07 13 1 1 trade
Will Bloomberg choose his message wisely? 2020-01-07 22 2 1 election
Nothing to be done 2020-01-07 8 - russian-interference
How dark money works 2020-01-07 24 11 2 2 democracy
One reason why Iraq and Iran are such a mess. 2020-01-07 7 - 1 mideast
Counting on a pardon! 2020-01-07 12 2 1 1 trump
Not even redacted. 2020-01-07 41 13 1 5 1 ukraine
More deregulation of housing. 2020-01-07 34 4 1 deregulation
Iran has more than one general. 2020-01-07 14 - 3 3 mideast
All in with Trumpism/Putinism! 2020-01-07 24 3 4 election
Permanent damage of recessions. 2020-01-06 11 - 1 economics
A pointless quest in search of what is not there to 2020-01-06 22 2 mideast
It's all about bread and butter! 2020-01-06 13 1 2 election
Is Klobuchar a better bet than Biden? 2020-01-05 18 - 1 election
We need some good news! 2020-01-05 23 2 4 1 ukraine
Has the residential housing market topped out in most of 2020-01-05 14 - ca-politics
The Great Uniter! 2020-01-05 13 - 1 2 1 mideast
More victims of automation and trade wars. 2020-01-03 37 6 3 5 economics
“Under our Constitution, you don’t impeach people at 2020-01-03 23 4 2 1 6 1 impeachment
"The quickest way to get a President Stacey Abrams 2020-01-03 16 1 election
Fighting it out in a battleground state. 2020-01-03 39 8 1 3 7 election
Superfund cleanup not a priority for Trump. 2020-01-03 60 11 4 5 deregulation
Shallow fake aimed at Biden. 2020-01-03 14 - media
Sometimes you can squat your way into homeownership. 2020-01-03 11 - 1 ca-politics
The Republicans tolerated lies in their base until the 2020-01-03 8 - 1 1 trump
Climate change is just a hoax. 2020-01-03 17 - 2 climate
The Libertarian fallacy. 2020-01-03 10 - 1 1 theory
A theory for which ideas work politically and which don't. 2020-01-03 40 2 1 6 theory
How to apologize. 2020-01-03 7 - 3 other
10 worst/10 best 2020-01-03 18 - 5 2 trump
Is this the best way to get a pardon from Trump? 2020-01-03 9 - 1 1 trump
Perhaps it's better to get Republican senators on the 2020-01-03 26 - 1 3 impeachment
Converting the world-wide web into national propaganda 2020-01-03 12 1 technology
Would Trump even talk about running with a Democrat? 2020-01-03 23 1 election
No inconvenient truth goes unpunished. 2020-01-03 7 - foreign
If Trump really wants to get out of the Middle East, 2020-01-03 23 - 2 1 foreign
Paying for new job costs. 2020-01-03 11 - ca-politics
Alex Jones has to pay for fake conspiracy mongering. 2020-01-03 56 18 1 3 10 1 media
Trump does something about robocalls. 2020-01-03 14 1 1 technology
So you thought robots would make life easier? 2020-01-03 8 - technology
Something is happening here, and you don't know what it is, 2020-01-02 12 - 2 2 foreign
Still no plan for replacing Obamacare. 2020-01-02 21 1 2 2 health
Chinese Belt and Road Inititiative in Malayasia 2020-01-02 8 - foreign
Trump's special imports for America! 2020-01-02 12 - trump
This is what hell is like. 2020-01-02 16 1 3 mideast
hubris, nemesis, disillusionment, decadence 2020-01-01 13 - theory
William Barr's new Syllabus of Errors - restoring the 2020-01-01 37 9 1 7 theory
Reprogramming children - that's one way to wipe out 2020-01-01 31 3 2 foreign
How hard is it to get the President to break the law? 2020-01-01 64 10 3 1 10 2 impeachment
Who needs science? 2020-01-01 30 5 5 1 other
You'll never pay off your teeth! 2020-01-01 15 - health
Securing child porn with Cloudflare 2020-01-01 12 - technology

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Sun Mar 28 09:37:13 PDT 2021