Facebook Posts on ca-politics-2020

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Gut and amend! 2020-08-25 9 - ca-politics
How about a statue for Ishi? 2020-07-14 16 - ca-politics
Why California Republicans always come in third behind 2020-06-09 47 6 1 6 ca-politics
The three letter word for poison in California. 2020-06-09 18 - ca-politics
State actions during the virus and economic crises cost 2020-05-27 49 8 2 3 8 ca-politics
Who'd want to go to a nursing home now if they didn't 2020-05-26 59 9 1 4 ca-politics
40 million might be the limit 2020-05-22 72 13 1 25 ca-politics
The courts are getting tired of Nunes' frivolous lawsuits 2020-05-09 20 1 3 ca-politics
Newsom looking good so far. 2020-04-14 38 6 3 5 ca-politics
Why almost everything happens first in California 2020-03-12 13 - ca-politics
Taxed out? 2020-03-09 19 - 1 ca-politics
Taking steps on homelessness 2020-02-27 36 3 1 3 8 ca-politics
The lottery is not a game of chance for the people 2020-02-27 97 22 3 7 9 ca-politics
California is very liberal, except in the pocketbook. 2020-02-23 49 2 1 4 ca-politics
San Jose Mercury News endorses Klobuchar 2020-02-18 34 5 1 1 5 1 ca-politics
Vocational education making a comeback. 2020-02-14 73 8 1 4 ca-politics
Could California have a Republican governor? 2020-01-29 29 2 1 3 1 ca-politics
Who needs robots as long as contractors are cheaper? 2020-01-10 9 - ca-politics
Grand jury indicts low-density housing policies. 2020-01-10 11 - 1 ca-politics
Telecom companies find tradition of reliability too 2020-01-10 12 - ca-politics
Has the residential housing market topped out in most of 2020-01-05 14 - ca-politics
Sometimes you can squat your way into homeownership. 2020-01-03 11 - 1 ca-politics
Paying for new job costs. 2020-01-03 11 - ca-politics

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Mon Sep 7 07:44:21 PDT 2020


Gut and amend!

Some things never change.


It's how the sausage gets made - not a pretty sight.


topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-25
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Gut and amend!
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 21
ID 1222970621380788
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1222970621380788
impress 13
likeuimpress 8
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oimpress 13
oreach 9
posted "08/25/2020 06:51:36 PM"
reach 9
type Link


How about a statue for Ishi?



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-14
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title How about a statue for Ishi?
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 9
ID 1190508884626962
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1190508884626962
impress 20
likeuimpress 16
likeuusers 15
oimpress 20
oreach 16
posted "07/14/2020 06:54:31 PM"
reach 16
type Link


Why California Republicans always come in third behind
"No Party Preference."


Are they a template for the coming irrelevance of the
national GOP?


topic ca-politics


impact 34
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-06-09
ratio 3
react 13
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Why California Republicans always come in third behind
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 26
ID 1163513147326536
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1163513147326536
audclicks 6
audreach 6
engaged 10
impress 50
likeclickusers 10
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 45
likeusers 6
likeuusers 46
matchedotherclicks 6
oimpress 50
oreach 47
posted "06/09/2020 08:57:19 PM"
postotherclicks 6
reach 47
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


The three letter word for poison in California.

But all the actions taken by state and local government
in the crises have to be paid for when times get better.
Don't expect any help from the Trump administration -
California is not helping his re-election!



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-06-09
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The three letter word for poison in California.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 48
ID 1163511627326688
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1163511627326688
impress 22
likeuimpress 17
likeuusers 17
oimpress 22
oreach 18
posted "06/09/2020 08:54:37 PM"
reach 18
type Link


State actions during the virus and economic crises cost
money that must be repaid.

Unlike the Feds, the state can't print money.        At
some more opportune time, the taxpayers have to pay for
our current troubles.


It's not so different in other states.


topic ca-politics


comments 2
impact 97
impactrate 0
likeimpress 8
negative 0
posted 2020-05-27
ratio 2
react 21
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title State actions during the virus and economic crises cost
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 46
ID 1153104575034060
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1153104575034060
audclicks 8
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impress 56
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matchedlinkclicks 1
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oimpress 56
oreach 49
posted "05/27/2020 07:58:18 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 5
reach 49
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Who'd want to go to a nursing home now if they didn't
have to?


Trump also wants all nursing home residents and employees
tested.     States to figure out how to pay for it.


The states can't print money.      If Trump won't help
then they have to cut something.   The budget debates will
be bitter.

But Trump wants to help!     All the states have to do is
forswear vote by mail and grant unlimited covid immunity
to big businesses.   Until then, McConnell's Senate has
more important things to worry about.


topic ca-politics


impact 129
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
negative 0
posted 2020-05-26
ratio 4
react 14
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title Who'd want to go to a nursing home now if they didn't
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 92
ID 1152621045082413
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1152621045082413
audclicks 4
audreach 2
engaged 10
impress 63
likeclickusers 10
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likeusers 9
likeuusers 58
matchedotherclicks 4
oimpress 63
oreach 59
posted "05/26/2020 05:07:42 PM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 59
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


40 million might be the limit


That would be just as well - supplying enough water to
more people in a warming climate is a real challenge -
but the downside is it corresponds to an aging population,
as with all developed countries.


topic ca-politics


impact 179
impactrate 0
likeimpress 13
negative 0
posted 2020-05-22
ratio 1
react 39
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 25
title 40 million might be the limit
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 46
ID 1149478185396699
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1149478185396699
audclicks 25
audreach 17
engaged 22
impress 80
likeclickusers 20
likeimpress 13
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likeusers 13
likeuusers 63
matchedlinkclicks 8
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oimpress 80
oreach 72
posted "05/22/2020 10:09:57 AM"
postlinkclicks 8
postotherclicks 10
reach 72
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


The courts are getting tired of Nunes' frivolous lawsuits



topic ca-politics


impact 5
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-05-09
ratio 5
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title The courts are getting tired of Nunes' frivolous lawsuits
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 12
ID 1139894449688406
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1139894449688406
audclicks 3
audreach 2
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impress 26
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 19
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likeuusers 18
matchedlinkclicks 2
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oimpress 26
oreach 20
posted "05/09/2020 08:58:20 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 1
reach 20
type Link


Newsom looking good so far.

But his main trial is yet to come.   Recovery will be a
marathon, not a sprint.



topic ca-politics


impact 34
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-04-14
ratio 2
react 14
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Newsom looking good so far.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 24
ID 1120514188293099
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1120514188293099
audclicks 5
audreach 3
engaged 7
impress 45
likeclickusers 5
likeimpress 6
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likeusers 6
likeuusers 37
matchedotherclicks 5
oimpress 45
oreach 38
posted "04/14/2020 01:46:10 PM"
postotherclicks 3
reach 38
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Why almost everything happens first in California



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-03-12
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Why almost everything happens first in California
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 10
ID 1095151190829399
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1095151190829399
impress 17
likeuimpress 12
likeuusers 12
oimpress 17
oreach 13
posted "03/12/2020 01:43:15 PM"
reach 13
type Link


Taxed out?

California voters were not in a very approving frame of
mind this month.

But most of them support public education emotionally,
from the heart, rather than tangibly, from the pocketbook.



topic ca-politics


impact 4
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-03-09
ratio 19
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Taxed out?
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 35
ID 1092971107714074
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092971107714074
audclicks 1
audreach 1
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impress 24
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likeuimpress 19
likeuusers 18
matchedlinkclicks 1
oimpress 24
oreach 19
posted "03/09/2020 01:17:00 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
reach 19
type Link


Taking steps on homelessness


There are many segments of the homeless population.  For
some, safe parking and sanitation and storage are enough to
enable productive employment and eventual re-integration
into homefulness.      Others believe they should be able
to live out their lives in the place they were born,
even if they have been gentrified into homelessness.
But others are really not able to fend for themselves
without offending others.    They won't accept any solution
that involves voluntarily following rules set by others.
They'd rather sleep under the freeway or next to the creek,
and do what they want, when they want, where they want.
And some of the more philosophically inclined might argue
that they are sane to retain their freedom and society is
insane to give up its freedom.

This latter group would have been committed to state
hospitals or development centers involuntarily - in effect,
prisons and concentration camps - up until the Reagan
administration realized that the state could save money
by mainstreaming as many patients as possible - releasing
them and letting the counties figure out what to do.

The counties having failed - lacking the authority and
the resources and expertise - and now the ball is back in
the state's court and Newsom realizes the voters want some
visible action.


topic ca-politics


comments 1
impact 329
impactrate 1
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-02-27
ratio 2
react 15
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title Taking steps on homelessness
topic ca-politics
wordrate 1
words 219
ID 1084768311867687
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1084768311867687
audclicks 8
audreach 5
commentsimpress 1
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engaged 7
impress 40
likeclickusers 5
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likeusers 3
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matchedlinkclicks 1
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oimpress 40
oreach 36
posted "02/27/2020 10:33:03 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 5
reach 36
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 2
type Link


The lottery is not a game of chance for the people
running it!



topic ca-politics


comments 3
impact 66
impactrate 0
likeimpress 22
negative 0
posted 2020-02-27
ratio 2
react 41
reactrate 0
shares 7
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 9
title The lottery is not a game of chance for the people
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 16
ID 1084742621870256
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1084742621870256
audclicks 9
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commentsimpress 3
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engaged 26
impress 99
likeclickusers 18
likeimpress 22
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matchedlinkclicks 2
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oimpress 99
oreach 97
posted "02/27/2020 09:54:59 AM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 5
reach 97
sharesimpress 7
sharesusers 6
type Link


California is very liberal, except in the pocketbook.


Every major new government initiative requires new taxes.
For years, taxpayers saved state taxes as the state closed
its mental hospitals and mainstreamed the residents onto
main streets - and underpasses.         That money wasn't
the gift that it seemed, but only a loan, which has now
come due.     Counties can't keep up because they can't
raise taxes either.


topic ca-politics


impact 48
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-02-23
ratio 7
react 7
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title California is very liberal, except in the pocketbook.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 69
ID 1081703975507454
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1081703975507454
audclicks 4
audreach 2
engaged 3
impress 52
likeclickusers 3
likeimpress 2
likeuimpress 47
likeusers 2
likeuusers 48
matchedotherclicks 4
oimpress 52
oreach 49
posted "02/23/2020 07:27:32 AM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 49
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


San Jose Mercury News endorses Klobuchar


She has her issues too -


Other Mercury News endorsements -


Not everybody thinks primaries should be so far in advance
of the general election -


We'd be better off relying on ranked-choice voting instead
of primaries -



topic ca-politics


comments 1
hide 1
impact 61
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 1
posted 2020-02-18
ratio 2
react 13
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title San Jose Mercury News endorses Klobuchar
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 47
ID 1077984255879426
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1077984255879426
audclicks 5
audreach 4
commentsimpress 1
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likeclickusers 5
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likeuimpress 33
likeusers 5
likeuusers 32
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 4
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 38
oreach 34
posted "02/18/2020 11:08:03 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 3
reach 34
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Vocational education making a comeback.

We will need a lot of automotive technicians and dental
hygienists in the immediate future.        But not that
many philosophy and history majors.


But first, teaching vocations needs to be an attractive
career with a living wage.


topic ca-politics


impact 59
impactrate 0
likeimpress 8
negative 0
posted 2020-02-14
ratio 5
react 13
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title Vocational education making a comeback.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 45
ID 1075102229500962
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1075102229500962
audclicks 4
audreach 4
engaged 10
impress 76
likeclickusers 10
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likeusers 8
likeuusers 72
matchedlinkclicks 1
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oimpress 76
oreach 73
posted "02/14/2020 05:21:31 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 3
reach 73
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Could California have a Republican governor?

Not a chance - unless the Democrats nominated him.
The California GOP would never nominate a candidate who
never endorsed Trump.         The California GOP is happy
to rank third,  behind "declines to state".



topic ca-politics


comments 1
hide 1
impact 29
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 1
posted 2020-01-29
ratio 4
react 7
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Could California have a Republican governor?
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 42
ID 1062991297378722
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1062991297378722
audclicks 3
audreach 3
commentsimpress 1
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likeimpress 2
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likeusers 2
likeuusers 28
matchedotherclicks 3
negclicks 1
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oimpress 32
oreach 29
posted "01/29/2020 12:55:17 PM"
postotherclicks 3
reach 29
type Link


Who needs robots as long as contractors are cheaper?


California says enough!


Gig employers are fighting back to preserve your right to
be exploited!



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Who needs robots as long as contractors are cheaper?
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 27
ID 1047440208933831
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1047440208933831
impress 14
likeuimpress 7
likeuusers 7
oimpress 14
oreach 9
posted "01/10/2020 02:57:08 PM"
reach 9
type Link


Grand jury indicts low-density housing policies.

People used to go way out west to find wide open spaces.
Not any more.     Now they want to be close to the economic



topic ca-politics


impact 3
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-10
ratio 11
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Grand jury indicts low-density housing policies.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 34
ID 1047379378939914
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1047379378939914
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 1
impress 16
likeclickusers 1
likeuimpress 9
likeuusers 9
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 16
oreach 11
posted "01/10/2020 01:12:54 PM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 11
type Link


Telecom companies find tradition of reliability too

But perhaps the legislature will encourage them to rethink.



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Telecom companies find tradition of reliability too
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 20
ID 1047376622273523
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1047376622273523
impress 16
likeuimpress 10
likeuusers 10
oimpress 16
oreach 12
posted "01/10/2020 01:08:40 PM"
reach 12
type Link


Has the residential housing market topped out in most of
Silicon Valley?

There is no top in Palo Alto, Atherton, or Woodside!







Is there any chance that children will ever be able to
own a house like the one they grew up in?

It's hard to argue with supply and demand.     Increasing
supply by Manhattanization is not really what most people
came to California for.

The relative net outflow might cause some California
congressional representative to lose his/her job!



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-05
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Has the residential housing market topped out in most of
topic ca-politics
wordrate 1
words 83
ID 1042731732738012
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1042731732738012
impress 18
likeuimpress 13
likeuusers 13
oimpress 18
oreach 14
posted "01/05/2020 03:37:57 PM"
reach 14
type Link


Sometimes you can squat your way into homeownership.



topic ca-politics


impact 1
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-03
ratio 11
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Sometimes you can squat your way into homeownership.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 11
ID 1040964209581431
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1040964209581431
audclicks 1
audreach 1
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impress 16
likeclickusers 1
likeuimpress 10
likeuusers 10
matchedlinkclicks 1
oimpress 16
oreach 11
posted "01/03/2020 07:52:06 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
reach 11
type Link


Paying for new job costs.



topic ca-politics


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-03
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Paying for new job costs.
topic ca-politics
wordrate 0
words 8
ID 1040448862966299
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1040448862966299
impress 14
likeuimpress 10
likeuusers 10
oimpress 14
oreach 11
posted "01/03/2020 06:53:38 AM"
reach 11
type Link