Facebook Posts on economics-2018

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Ideas for spreading the wealth 2018-12-31 20 - economics
Rural vs Urban 2018-12-30 24 1 4 1 economics
Visit an anti-bubble while you can 2018-12-30 24 - economics
Legal theft - 2018-12-28 878 62 3 26 94 2 economics
A worldwide market crash seeming at first to be coming 2018-12-26 195 9 4 12 1 economics
How the Fed affects the rest of the world 2018-12-20 46 1 2 economics
Trumpist task force recommends punishing rural Trumpist 2018-12-18 199 12 9 43 economics
economics highlights 2018-12-10 59 4 65 1 economics
Establishing the American hereditary nobility 2018-12-06 138 6 3 4 45 economics
Dropping Obamacare to save money 2018-12-04 455 28 8 14 193 economics
Get a job - no cure for homelessness in California 2018-11-30 74 5 1 2 4 economics
Today's economics highlights 2018-11-29 54 1 2 8 economics
Joe Kennedy III outlines a moderate Democratic philosophy 2018-11-27 75 5 3 8 economics
Trump likes a strong dollar and trade surpluses 2018-11-27 67 6 3 6 economics
GM layoffs bode ill 2018-11-26 67 3 2 5 economics
exports. China, corporate debt - 2018-11-26 66 1 3 6 1 economics
Time to do something for the forgotten Americans 2018-11-25 67 2 3 6 1 economics
Everything else is monetized now - why not friendship? 2018-11-25 100 4 2 6 1 economics
Arithmetic is for small minds 2018-11-25 131 6 5 1 30 1 economics
A recession is coming in its own good time 2018-11-20 108 4 3 5 28 economics
Income inequality in Silicon Valley! 2018-11-19 43 1 1 1 economics
It's no longer the economy - until the next recession. 2018-11-13 41 1 1 10 economics
Remembering Theodore Roosevelt - concentration of economic 2018-11-12 84 4 3 10 economics
Actually addressing the forgotten Americans 2018-11-09 120 2 2 7 economics
The trouble in Venezuela - 2018-11-09 25 - 2 economics
Skipping elementary economics is no bar to high office in 2018-11-02 34 - economics
Demand-side economics 2018-11-02 96 11 1 2 16 economics
Minimum wage - a terrible idea - 2018-11-01 10722 403 88 173 1540 1 economics
Petrification of wealth inequality 2018-10-30 38 1 11 economics
Stock market drops are a bad thing - 2018-10-27 28 - 3 economics
Does gender affect economic outlook? 2018-10-27 49 1 2 1 economics
What happens when you keep building office space 2018-10-27 17 - economics
How to convert the global leader into just another 2018-10-21 58 1 3 3 economics
Full employment 2018-10-06 51 1 10 economics
It's not just a matter of having the right parents - 2018-10-05 35 2 2 economics
Supply and demand 2018-10-05 31 1 economics
Next time, Mr President, please streamline the process 2018-10-04 173 13 2 7 19 1 economics
Steel is surging 2018-10-03 70 - 2 35 economics
The bottom 90 percent are still poorer than they were 2018-10-02 225 13 2 11 9 economics
Bits and buds and bubbles 2018-09-30 19 - economics
Do you know the difference between mean and median? 2018-09-30 650 49 20 22 126 economics
Who decides who gets to pay lower rent and who gets to 2018-09-30 34 1 4 economics
The root cause of the housing crisis - it's not zoning or 2018-09-29 91 7 2 11 economics
Trump thinks lower oil prices are a good thing 2018-09-29 21 - 3 economics
New points to add to political-theses.net 2018-09-28 43 - 1 6 economics
Undermining the business model of social media 2018-09-28 31 2 3 economics
Thinking of trying multi-level marketing? 2018-09-28 25 - economics
When you are the leader, you owe something to your 2018-09-27 80 2 1 15 economics
Bad bets for real estate investment 2018-09-27 20 - economics
Actually doing something positive for former coal country 2018-09-21 62 1 2 15 economics
Did somebody forget that higher oil prices are good for 2018-09-20 34 - 2 economics
What's a recession without a clear dominant cause? 2018-09-19 14 - economics
"Really helping the people and places that have 2018-09-19 34 - 1 6 economics
Borrowed from a non-bank recently? 2018-09-18 34 1 1 7 1 economics
Signs of a market top 2018-09-17 133 8 5 2 25 1 economics
Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire - 2018-09-17 112 5 5 17 economics
Saving Wall Street looks and feels bad 2018-09-16 44 - 3 2 economics
Millenials and the economic collapse 2018-09-16 73 5 1 14 2 economics
A recovering American economy means higher interest rates 2018-09-14 49 2 1 3 1 economics
What's good for the billionaires is good for you. 2018-09-14 148 6 1 6 23 economics
If you don't have any retirement funds, why not sell your 2018-09-13 46 2 1 6 1 economics
After ten years, no lessons learned 2018-09-13 106 5 4 5 21 economics
All about the 2008 collapse - 2018-09-12 11 - economics
It couldn't happen again, could it? 2018-09-12 52 2 3 19 economics
Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates - 2018-09-11 24 - economics
The decline of organized labor and the plight of the 2018-09-11 96 9 3 3 28 economics
giveaways to the powerful, loss and risk for the powerless 2018-09-11 33 1 1 1 economics
Trumponomics - let no past mistake remain unrepeated 2018-09-10 52 2 1 13 1 economics
Why tariffs are usually a terrible idea 2018-08-29 61 1 4 5 economics
Ode to an institution 2018-08-23 124 6 2 2 14 economics
It’s usually something we don’t anticipate that ends 2018-08-22 35 - 1 1 economics
If it's good for the billionaires, it's good for the 2018-08-17 82 9 1 2 9 economics
Income inequality was getting worse BEFORE the tax cut 2018-08-16 56 5 1 2 7 economics
Why inflation so often fells Trumpian leaders 2018-08-14 73 6 2 9 economics
markets can ignore unsound conditions for a long time — 2018-08-14 115 4 1 6 11 economics
Why the Turkish economy matters 2018-08-13 83 5 3 10 economics
It's tough being the economic superpower 2018-08-12 40 - 2 5 economics
Populist economics 2018-08-11 87 - 2 2 11 economics
Signs of a market top? Drink craft beer, don't invest 2018-08-10 32 - economics
"When the economy is doing well and everybody seems 2018-08-09 69 3 2 1 economics
Right-wing economists encourage Trump to abolish tariffs 2018-07-31 28 1 3 economics
Tariffs are a tax on Americans 2018-07-30 63 3 1 2 1 economics
Trade wars are not only easy to win, they are easy to 2018-07-26 22 - 3 economics
This is what happens when benefits are defined but how to 2018-07-25 43 - 1 3 1 economics
When you are leveraged to the hilt, any increase in costs 2018-07-15 86 3 2 5 10 economics
This is why we have over-reaching Federal regulation 2018-07-14 134 9 7 21 1 economics
Tariffs don't work - yet nobody who could slow down Trump 2018-07-11 108 11 3 2 26 1 economics
What income inequality means... 2018-06-13 184 - 1 3 8 economics
Was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act really intended to cause 2018-06-11 86 - 4 13 economics
Labor is losing ground against capital... 2018-06-11 26 - 2 economics
How much medical care can you afford? 2018-06-06 31 - 5 1 economics
2026 for Medicare, 2034 for Social Security 2018-06-05 58 2 1 2 4 economics
Maybe foreign investors know something about the Silicon 2018-06-04 22 - economics
Don't list too many years of experience on your resume... 2018-05-31 35 - economics
Do corporate directors have any other obligation besides 2018-05-30 44 4 1 2 economics
Repo man sees a recession starting 2018-05-24 26 1 economics
When your strategy is losing, double down... as long as 2018-05-24 24 - economics
Maybe California housing prices won't keep rising 2018-05-23 65 4 1 6 economics
Bigger banks are better, right? 2018-05-22 54 4 6 economics
The Eternal Business Cycle 2018-05-21
67 economics
What are the modern monopolies and trusts? 2018-05-15
73 1
1 18 economics
Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley? 2018-05-15
11 26
58 economics
Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley 2018-05-10 331 2 7 economics
What's good about economic concentration? 2018-05-08 38 2 1 7 economics
Stock buybacks 2018-05-08 25 1 2 1 economics
Where can the homeless go? 2018-05-08 54 2 1 1 9 economics
State-sponsored IRA programs 2018-05-06 49 1 1 9 economics
What are the modern monopolies and trusts? 2018-05-01
2 3
30 economics
Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble 2018-05-01
6 5
9 economics
Signing bonus for blue-collar workers 2018-04-30 40 1 4 economics
Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will 2018-04-22
13 economics
Oregon was too optimistic about defined-benefit pensions 2018-04-16 48 - 6 economics
Trump Administration bravely defends your right to make 2018-04-09
128 11
23 economics
Are Economic Recoveries 100% cb1 csv eb1 nmd ntd rmd rtd 2018-04-05 42 1 5 economics

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Thu Mar 4 09:19:26 PST 2021


Ideas for spreading the wealth



topic economics


negative 0
posted 2018-12-31
rate 14
title Ideas for spreading the wealth
topic economics
words 8
ID 779638195714035
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/779638195714035
impress 34
likeuimpress 18
likeuusers 17
oimpress 34
oreach 20
posted "12/31/2018 05:22:35 AM"
reach 20
type Link


Rural vs Urban

The new fault line is Western democracies.


What's in it for the people left in the boonies?


topic economics


hide 1
impact 14
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 1
posted 2018-12-30
ratio 4
react 6
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title Rural vs Urban
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 23
ID 779301102414411
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/779301102414411
audclicks 4
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impress 38
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likeimpress 1
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oimpress 38
oreach 24
posted "12/30/2018 03:00:45 PM"
postotherclicks 3
reach 24
type Link


Visit an anti-bubble while you can



topic economics


negative 0
posted 2018-12-30
rate 16
title Visit an anti-bubble while you can
topic economics
words 9
ID 779120349099153
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/779120349099153
impress 43
likeuimpress 27
likeuusers 21
oimpress 43
oreach 24
posted "12/30/2018 07:34:30 AM"
reach 24
type Link


Legal theft -

another good reason not to put your faith in
defined-benefit pensions.


But they are almost extinct in private industry - and you
can see why.     But in government -



topic economics 1


comments 3
hide 2
impact 673
impactrate 0
likeimpress 62
negative 2
posted 2018-12-28
priority 1
ratio 4
react 187
reactrate 0
shares 26
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 94
title Legal theft -
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 36
ID 778257732518748
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/778257732518748
audclicks 94
audreach 68
commentsimpress 3
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hideclicks 1
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likeclickusers 61
likeimpress 62
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matchedlinkclicks 32
matchedotherclicks 62
negclicks 2
negusers 1
oimpress 1217
oreach 878
posted "12/28/2018 08:28:40 PM"
postlinkclicks 31
postotherclicks 44
reach 878
sharesimpress 26
sharesusers 26
type Link


A worldwide market crash seeming at first to be coming
out of nowhere...

but mostly coming out of the Trump administration.

Happy Boxing Day, Wall Street!





Meanwhile, Bannon is trying to found an educational
institution to export uneducated populist terrorist
economics  all around the world.       Maybe they'll be
able to get a donation from Putin by offering to rename
the main lecture hall for him.



topic economics


hide 1
impact 177
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
negative 1
posted 2018-12-26
priority 1
ratio 7
react 26
reactrate 0
shares 4
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 12
title A worldwide market crash seeming at first to be coming
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 68
ID 776723519338836
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/776723519338836
audclicks 12
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likeusers 9
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matchedlinkclicks 1
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negclicks 1
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oimpress 253
oreach 195
posted "12/26/2018 06:47:10 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 9
reach 195
sharesimpress 4
sharesusers 4
type Link


How the Fed affects the rest of the world



topic economics 1


impact 4
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-12-20
priority 1
ratio 15
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title How the Fed affects the rest of the world
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 13
ID 773113939699794
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/773113939699794
audclicks 2
audreach 1
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impress 70
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 1
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likeusers 1
likeuusers 42
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 70
oreach 46
posted "12/20/2018 06:26:17 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 1
reach 46
type Link


Trumpist task force recommends punishing rural Trumpist


Trump likes to brag about how many counties he won.
Republicans always win the county count, because most
counties are rural and most farmers and ranchers vote
Republican.       As vital as they were in 1787 or even
1865, rural voters are a pretty small slice of the total
electoral pie now.       But they all depend in various
ways on postal service subsidized by wealthier, more
densely-populated urban areas.       But if the postal
privatization advocates have their way...  to put it
succinctly, profitable private outfits like UPS and Fedex
will not deliver anything anywhere in the country for fifty
cents, nor will they subsidize staffing small low-volume
rural offices.    Privatizing the postal service would be
profitable for somebody though - another example of the
Trumpist philosophy "Billionaires First."


topic economics


impact 883
impactrate 0
likeimpress 12
negative 0
posted 2018-12-18
ratio 3
react 64
reactrate 0
shares 9
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 43
title Trumpist task force recommends punishing rural Trumpist
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 138
ID 772120686465786
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/772120686465786
audclicks 43
audreach 24
engaged 28
impress 295
likeclickusers 27
likeimpress 12
likeuimpress 147
likeusers 12
likeuusers 104
matchedlinkclicks 5
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oimpress 295
oreach 199
posted "12/18/2018 04:14:49 PM"
postlinkclicks 5
postotherclicks 19
reach 199
sharesimpress 9
sharesusers 9
type Link


economics highlights

Reinforcing income inequality by funding the students who
need it least


Retirement planning regrets


Post office privatization - you can reduce the deficit
by having the post office do less and charge more - what
an insight!



topic economics


hide 1
impact 294
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 1
posted 2018-12-10
ratio 0
react 70
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 65
title economics highlights
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 42
ID 766888050322383
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/766888050322383
audclicks 65
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negclicks 1
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oimpress 90
oreach 59
posted "12/10/2018 06:49:06 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 4
reach 59
type Link


Establishing the American hereditary nobility


and why it never stops



topic economics 1


comments 3
impact 81
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2018-12-06
priority 1
ratio 2
react 58
reactrate 0
shares 4
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 45
title Establishing the American hereditary nobility
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 14
ID 764161893928332
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/764161893928332
audclicks 45
audreach 13
commentsimpress 3
commentsusers 2
engaged 15
impress 194
likeclickusers 14
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 130
likeusers 6
likeuusers 98
matchedlinkclicks 5
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oimpress 194
oreach 138
posted "12/06/2018 08:00:32 AM"
postlinkclicks 5
postotherclicks 12
reach 138
sharesimpress 4
sharesusers 4
type Link


Dropping Obamacare to save money


It's good for you if nothing bad happens - but tough luck
if it does.       But it's also bad for everybody else
on Obamacare - if healthy people decline to participate,
costs go up for the remaining participants.

If health insurance is going to be affordable for people
with expensive pre-existing conditions - then it has to be
paid for somehow.      Requiring everybody to participate -
or pay a penalty - was one way.      Now another way will
have to be found.


topic economics


comments 8
impact 2187
impactrate 0
likeimpress 28
negative 0
posted 2018-12-04
ratio 1
react 243
reactrate 0
shares 14
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 193
title Dropping Obamacare to save money
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 90
ID 763178077360047
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/763178077360047
audclicks 193
audreach 36
commentsimpress 8
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engaged 58
impress 587
likeclickusers 43
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likeusers 25
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matchedlinkclicks 6
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oimpress 587
oreach 455
posted "12/04/2018 05:52:12 PM"
postlinkclicks 5
postotherclicks 33
reach 455
sharesimpress 14
sharesusers 14
type Link


Get a job - no cure for homelessness in California



topic economics 1


comments 1
impact 17
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 0
posted 2018-11-30
priority 1
ratio 6
react 12
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title Get a job - no cure for homelessness in California
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 14
ID 760559070955281
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/760559070955281
audclicks 4
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impress 108
likeclickusers 7
likeimpress 5
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likeusers 5
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matchedlinkclicks 2
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oimpress 108
oreach 74
posted "11/30/2018 06:59:01 AM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 2
reach 74
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Today's economics highlights

It's not just jobs, it's relationships


Manufacturing: trade deficits are not the problem trade
deficits are not caused by unfair trade practices


Oil prices going down is bad for some Trump voters.
Oil prices going up is bad for some Trump voters.


Oil prices going down is bad for some industries.
Oil prices going up is bad for some industries.


China is back to its old espionage tricks


But that might reflect weakness rather than strength



topic economics


impact 90
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-11-29
ratio 4
react 11
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title Today's economics highlights
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 82
ID 760311600980028
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/760311600980028
audclicks 8
audreach 5
engaged 5
impress 77
likeclickusers 5
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 52
likeusers 1
likeuusers 41
matchedlinkclicks 2
matchedotherclicks 6
oimpress 77
oreach 54
posted "11/29/2018 08:25:39 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 3
reach 54
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Joe Kennedy III outlines a moderate Democratic philosophy



topic economics


impact 18
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 0
posted 2018-11-27
ratio 4
react 16
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title Joe Kennedy III outlines a moderate Democratic philosophy
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 11
ID 758917834452738
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/758917834452738
audclicks 8
audreach 5
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impress 102
likeclickusers 6
likeimpress 5
likeuimpress 68
likeusers 5
likeuusers 53
matchedlinkclicks 1
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oimpress 102
oreach 75
posted "11/27/2018 01:43:02 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 4
reach 75
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Trump likes a strong dollar and trade surpluses

Unfortunately, nobody can have both.    Budget deficits
strengthen the dollar, which makes exports less
competitive, which increases trade deficits.



topic economics


impact 45
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2018-11-27
ratio 4
react 15
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Trump likes a strong dollar and trade surpluses
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 30
ID 758776414466880
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/758776414466880
audclicks 6
audreach 4
engaged 9
impress 91
likeclickusers 9
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 66
likeusers 6
likeuusers 52
matchedotherclicks 6
oimpress 91
oreach 67
posted "11/27/2018 09:06:05 AM"
postotherclicks 4
reach 67
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


GM layoffs bode ill




topic economics


impact 7
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2018-11-26
ratio 6
react 10
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title GM layoffs bode ill
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 7
ID 758385564505965
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/758385564505965
audclicks 5
audreach 3
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impress 86
likeclickusers 5
likeimpress 3
likeuimpress 67
likeusers 3
likeuusers 56
matchedlinkclicks 1
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oimpress 86
oreach 67
posted "11/26/2018 05:53:35 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 2
reach 67
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


exports. China, corporate debt -

three possible causes of the next recession.


More on debt -


But maybe there won't be a specific identifiable cause.
Investors might collectively run out of optimism, and the
markets will run out of buyers.



topic economics


hide 1
impact 47
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 1
posted 2018-11-26
ratio 6
react 11
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title exports. China, corporate debt -
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 43
ID 758021731209015
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/758021731209015
audclicks 6
audreach 5
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hideclicks 1
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likeusers 1
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matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 5
negclicks 1
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oimpress 79
oreach 66
posted "11/26/2018 06:13:59 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 4
reach 66
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Time to do something for the forgotten Americans

Let's remember the good things about Theodore Roosevelt.
Don't expect any help from the Trump administration.



topic economics


hide 1
impact 32
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 1
posted 2018-11-25
ratio 5
react 12
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Time to do something for the forgotten Americans
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 27
ID 757829241228264
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/757829241228264
audclicks 6
audreach 5
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hideclicks 1
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impress 87
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likeusers 2
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matchedlinkclicks 3
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negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 87
oreach 67
posted "11/25/2018 10:00:23 PM"
postlinkclicks 3
postotherclicks 3
reach 67
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Everything else is monetized now - why not friendship?

The real end state of the gig economy.



topic economics


hide 1
impact 26
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 1
posted 2018-11-25
ratio 7
react 13
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Everything else is monetized now - why not friendship?
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 20
ID 757556591255529
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/757556591255529
audclicks 6
audreach 5
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hideclicks 1
hideclicksusers 1
impress 132
likeclickusers 6
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likeusers 3
likeuusers 42
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 5
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 132
oreach 100
posted "11/25/2018 12:51:39 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 4
reach 100
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Arithmetic is for small minds

Breaking the norms of addition and subtraction!


Letting the printing presses run is a popular populist
prescription.   Look how well it worked in Venezuela!


topic economics 1


comments 5
hide 1
impact 142
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 1
posted 2018-11-25
priority 1
ratio 3
react 43
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 30
title Arithmetic is for small minds
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 33
ID 757446981266490
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/757446981266490
audclicks 30
audreach 15
commentsimpress 5
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engaged 19
hideclicks 1
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likeclickusers 15
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 109
likeusers 6
likeuusers 98
matchedlinkclicks 7
matchedotherclicks 23
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 157
oreach 131
posted "11/25/2018 08:40:57 AM"
postlinkclicks 6
postotherclicks 11
reach 131
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


A recession is coming in its own good time

While there are objective reasons to expect it sooner
rather than later -



Ultimately it's mass psychology



topic economics 1


comments 3
impact 120
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2018-11-20
priority 1
ratio 2
react 40
reactrate 0
shares 5
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 28
title A recession is coming in its own good time
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 30
ID 754408151570373
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/754408151570373
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posted "11/20/2018 06:03:57 PM"
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sharesimpress 5
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type Link


Income inequality in Silicon Valley!


Non-technology wages have not kept up with inflation.

There's another point of view, at least nationally -



impact 7
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-11-19
ratio 14
react 3
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Income inequality in Silicon Valley!
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 22
ID 753965738281281
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/753965738281281
audclicks 1
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oreach 43
posted "11/19/2018 08:36:38 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


It's no longer the economy - until the next recession.



topic economics


impact 16
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-11-13
ratio 3
react 12
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 10
title It's no longer the economy - until the next recession.
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 13
ID 750015848676270
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/750015848676270
audclicks 10
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posted "11/13/2018 11:57:05 AM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 41
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Remembering Theodore Roosevelt - concentration of economic
power is as bad as concentration of political power



topic economics


impact 32
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2018-11-12
ratio 4
react 17
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 10
title Remembering Theodore Roosevelt - concentration of economic
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 19
ID 749641642047024
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/749641642047024
audclicks 10
audreach 5
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impress 117
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oimpress 117
oreach 84
posted "11/12/2018 09:27:49 PM"
postotherclicks 5
reach 84
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Actually addressing the forgotten Americans

by changing the way we think about training and work



topic economics


impact 20
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2018-11-09
ratio 10
react 11
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 7
title Actually addressing the forgotten Americans
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 18
ID 747879798889875
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/747879798889875
audclicks 7
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oreach 120
posted "11/09/2018 04:26:27 PM"
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reach 120
sharesimpress 2
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type Link


The trouble in Venezuela -

Trump is right when he says that Venezuela's populist
socialist government has ruined the economy.      It's to
be expected -


But he's slightly wrong.       The problem is POPULIST
socialism, not populist SOCIALISM.   There are plenty
of well-managed stable socialist economies - places like
Norway that Trump likes.


But populism seems to inevitably lead to printing money
and economic collapse.       Now who was it thought the
Fed should not increase interest rates to keep inflation
under control?



topic economics


impact 17
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-11-09
priority 1
ratio 12
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title The trouble in Venezuela -
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 84
ID 747826662228522
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/747826662228522
audclicks 2
audreach 2
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impress 40
likeclickusers 2
likeuimpress 26
likeuusers 22
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 40
oreach 25
posted "11/09/2018 02:05:24 PM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 25
type Link


Skipping elementary economics is no bar to high office in
a democracy -


topic economics


negative 0
posted 2018-11-02
rate 12
title Skipping elementary economics is no bar to high office in
topic economics
words 15
ID 743778685966653
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/743778685966653
impress 65
likeuimpress 36
likeuusers 28
oimpress 65
oreach 34
posted "11/02/2018 06:43:16 PM"
reach 34
type Link


Demand-side economics

Or middle-out economics.     It's time for a theory
that works.     And a name that voters can relate to.


We know that "supply-side" means
"trickle-down" means billionaire tax cuts and
ACA repeal.      It was not a new idea to William Jennings
Bryan -

"There are two ideas of government.  There are those
who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the
well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through
on those below.  The Democratic idea, however, has  been
that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their
prosperity will find its way up through every class which
rests upon them.  ...  You shall not press down upon the
brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify
mankind upon a cross of gold."


So why DO some people still think that an anonymous Wall
Street bureaucrat will make more beneficial decisions for
them than an anonymous Washington DC bureaucrat?

topic economics


comments 1
impact 468
impactrate 0
likeimpress 11
negative 0
posted 2018-11-02
ratio 3
react 30
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 16
title Demand-side economics
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 156
ID 743617365982785
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/743617365982785
audclicks 16
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oimpress 138
oreach 96
posted "11/02/2018 12:45:40 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 7
reach 96
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Minimum wage - a terrible idea -

when we could be passing more billionaire tax cuts instead


Fun fact: this is the most popular unboosted post ever
on politicalscrapbooknet

topic economics 1


comments 88
hide 1
impact 7056
impactrate 0
likeimpress 403
negative 1
posted 2018-11-01
priority 1
ratio 4
react 2205
reactrate 0
shares 173
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1540
title Minimum wage - a terrible idea -
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 32
ID 742969176047604
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/742969176047604
audclicks 1547
audreach 717
commentsimpress 88
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matchedlinkclicks 236
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oimpress 15932
oreach 10722
posted "11/01/2018 10:38:28 AM"
postlinkclicks 226
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postphotoclicks 7
reach 10722
sharesimpress 173
sharesusers 171
type Link


Petrification of wealth inequality


Since social economic stratification tends to be feed
on itself, one of government's ongoing tasks is to
restore more equal opportunity by undoing extreme wealth



impact 36
impactrate 0
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negative 0
posted 2018-10-30
ratio 3
react 12
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 11
title Petrification of wealth inequality
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 30
ID 741884629489392
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/741884629489392
audclicks 11
audreach 4
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impress 75
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likeuusers 36
matchedotherclicks 11
oimpress 75
oreach 38
posted "10/30/2018 09:12:12 AM"
postotherclicks 4
reach 38
type Link


Stock market drops are a bad thing -

if you are president or running for president or a
short-term trader.

But stock market drops are a good thing - "STOCKS ON
SALE!" - if you are investing for a specific target
date in the future.       Then you can hardly do better
than dollar-cost averaging buy and hold of target-date
no-load mutual funds.      Hold through thick and thin
until your target date.      You'll outperform almost all
professional active-portfolio money managers.


There is a problem with stock market drops that last
years rather than weeks.       Bear markets are usually
associated with a general economic recession that might
result in your unemployment and inability to continue your
dollar-cost averaging buying - even though stocks are very
cheap compared to what they will be after the next bull
market starts.

But after any given day, you do not know AT THAT TIME -
and neither does anybody else - whether stocks might be
halfway down to the next bear market, or halfway up to the
next bull market.      So quit worrying about market timing
and stick to your plan.      Follow Warren Buffett's advice
and don't even open your monthly statements.   You don't
need to read a newsletter or a book, but if you want
one, read anything by John Bogle, founder of Vanguard.
You don't need a broker either.


impact 68
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-10-27
ratio 9
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Stock market drops are a bad thing -
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 225
ID 740509416293580
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/740509416293580
audclicks 3
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impress 63
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likeuusers 25
matchedlinkclicks 1
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oimpress 63
oreach 28
posted "10/27/2018 11:41:51 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 2
reach 28
type Link


Does gender affect economic outlook?

Is the recovery evenly beneficial to men and women?


Or does gender effect political outlook which effects
economic outlook?


comments 2
impact 10
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-10-27
priority 1
ratio 12
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Does gender affect economic outlook?
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 24
ID 740109886333533
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/740109886333533
audclicks 1
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impress 85
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oreach 49
posted "10/27/2018 06:57:22 AM"
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type Link


What happens when you keep building office space


faster than you keep building housing space?



negative 0
posted 2018-10-27
rate 7
title What happens when you keep building office space
topic economics
words 15
title What happens when you keep building office space
ID 740091323002056
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/740091323002056
type Link
posted "10/27/2018 06:15:32 AM"
reach 17
oreach 17
impress 36
oimpress 36
likeuimpress 20
likeuusers 15


How to convert the global leader into just another
third-world economy -

Accentuate income inequality and inopportunity - at every




impact 15
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-10-21
ratio 8
react 7
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title How to convert the global leader into just another
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 21
ID 737136473297541
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/737136473297541
audclicks 3
audreach 3
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oreach 58
posted "10/21/2018 07:24:06 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 58
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Full employment


Trump will take credit.     Will he also take credit for
the erosion of what's left of organized labor's power now
that he has a reactionary Supreme Court?     That erosion
is one reason why economic recovery has taken so long to
trickle down to the bottom.


impact 52
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-10-06
ratio 4
react 11
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 10
title Full employment
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 47
ID 728761637468358
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/728761637468358
audclicks 10
audreach 10
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oimpress 74
oreach 51
posted "10/06/2018 08:21:33 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 9
reach 51
type Link


It's not just a matter of having the right parents -


It's a matter of having the right parents in the right
neighborhood too!


impact 10
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2018-10-05
ratio 8
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title It's not just a matter of having the right parents -
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 24
ID 728400107504511
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/728400107504511
audclicks 2
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oimpress 57
oreach 35
posted "10/05/2018 05:02:19 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 35
type Link


Supply and demand

It looks like demand will keep Silicon Valley housing
expensive for the foreseeable future.     But it's going
to be hard to hire people to do the dirty work if they
aren't paid enough to make it worthwhile to commute from
wherever they can afford to live.



likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-10-05
rate 0
ratio 31
react 1
title Supply and demand
topic economics
words 49
ID 728215800856275
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/728215800856275
engaged 1
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posted "10/05/2018 07:50:12 AM"
reach 31
type Link


Next time, Mr President, please streamline the process

by imposing tariffs only on goods imported into blue



comments 2
hide 1
impact 76
impactrate 0
likeimpress 13
negative 1
posted 2018-10-04
ratio 4
react 42
reactrate 0
shares 7
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 19
title Next time, Mr President, please streamline the process
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 18
ID 727836357560886
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/727836357560886
audclicks 19
audreach 14
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engaged 25
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matchedlinkclicks 5
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oimpress 232
oreach 173
posted "10/04/2018 01:23:58 PM"
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reach 173
sharesimpress 7
sharesusers 7
type Link


Steel is surging



impact 11
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-10-03
ratio 1
react 37
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 35
title Steel is surging
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 727380990939756
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/727380990939756
audclicks 35
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oimpress 92
oreach 70
posted "10/03/2018 07:05:52 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
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reach 70
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


The bottom 90 percent are still poorer than they were
in 2007


You can always spin the statistics differently -


Understand the difference between mean and median?
What's good for the billionaires is good for you, if the
statistics are rigged that way.


The right-wing revival from Trump to Orban got much of
its energy from the correct observation that the people
at the top (like Trump!) were experiencing an economic
recovery quite different from the people at the bottom (his
supporters!).      Lots of folks who were just starting
to get their feet back on the ground were knocked down
against just before the election -


So they voted for a change, for Trump.       Will they
again?  He's sure they're too dumb to care -



comments 2
impact 438
impactrate 0
likeimpress 13
negative 0
posted 2018-10-02
ratio 6
react 35
reactrate 0
shares 11
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 9
title The bottom 90 percent are still poorer than they were
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 125
ID 726697401008115
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/726697401008115
audclicks 9
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oimpress 318
oreach 225
posted "10/02/2018 03:39:22 PM"
postotherclicks 7
reach 225
sharesimpress 11
sharesusers 10
type Link


Bits and buds and bubbles


Most people will better enjoy the quiet ride of passive,
no-load, index funds.


negative 0
posted 2018-09-30
rate 4
title Bits and buds and bubbles
topic economics
words 18
title Bits and buds and bubbles
ID 725795574431631
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/725795574431631
type Link
posted "09/30/2018 09:29:52 PM"
reach 19
oreach 19
impress 48
oimpress 48
likeuimpress 19
likeuusers 17


Do you know the difference between mean and median?

And does inflation count?


In case you're uncertain about the first question, if Jeff
Bezos (used to be Bill Gates) walks into a crowded bar,
the mean net worth of patrons goes way up, but the median
net worth won't move by much.


comments 20
impact 1128
impactrate 0
likeimpress 49
negative 0
posted 2018-09-30
ratio 2
react 217
reactrate 0
shares 22
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 126
title Do you know the difference between mean and median?
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 52
ID 725728177771704
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/725728177771704
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oimpress 993
oreach 650
posted "09/30/2018 05:13:32 PM"
postlinkclicks 22
postotherclicks 53
reach 650
sharesimpress 22
sharesusers 22
type Link


Who decides who gets to pay lower rent and who gets to
pay more?

Perhaps it's no different than different property taxes
on identical houses.


In one form or another, subsidized rents mean that somebody
is paying the subsidy.


impact 20
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-09-30
ratio 6
react 5
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title Who decides who gets to pay lower rent and who gets to
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 725545994456589
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/725545994456589
audclicks 4
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oimpress 60
oreach 34
posted "09/30/2018 08:25:49 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 2
reach 34
type Link


The root cause of the housing crisis - it's not zoning or
materials or labor costs


The root cause is income inequality - the gap between the
people who can afford expensive houses - and thus push
demand up - and the people who can't - who are however
necessary for a functioning community.


impact 108
impactrate 0
likeimpress 7
negative 0
posted 2018-09-29
ratio 4
react 20
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 11
title The root cause of the housing crisis - it's not zoning or
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 54
ID 725124267832095
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/725124267832095
audclicks 11
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oimpress 131
oreach 91
posted "09/29/2018 09:16:46 AM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 7
reach 91
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Trump thinks lower oil prices are a good thing

The 2016 oil price collapse might well have elected Trump.


STABLE prices are a good thing, when you can get them.
But the global economy is always in motion, with all kinds
of consequences.    Who knows where the fickle finger of
fate points next?


impact 16
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-09-29
priority 1
ratio 7
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Trump thinks lower oil prices are a good thing
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 725092061168649
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/725092061168649
audclicks 3
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oimpress 42
oreach 21
posted "09/29/2018 08:02:06 AM"
postotherclicks 3
reach 21
type Link


New points to add to political-theses.net



impact 4
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-09-28
ratio 6
react 7
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shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title New points to add to political-theses.net
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 6
ID 724863511191504
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/724863511191504
audclicks 6
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oimpress 70
oreach 43
posted "09/28/2018 07:06:36 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 43
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Undermining the business model of social media


The cost side of the business model of social media
is based on automatic artificial intelligence-derived
algorithmic methods to keep things running with as little
expensive human labor as possible, and on leaving the
responsibility for end-user contributions to end-user

Having to hire hordes of human moderators to suppress
inappropriate contributions increases labor costs and
reduces ad sales, and leads to legal entanglements around
censorship and bias.

So one way for the government (or society in general)
to hinder the social media companies is to demand that
they control contributions and then sue them for bias when
they do.

This is not necessarily a bad thing!


impact 57
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2018-09-28
ratio 6
react 5
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Undermining the business model of social media
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 114
ID 724839127860609
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/724839127860609
audclicks 3
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oimpress 49
oreach 31
posted "09/28/2018 05:48:50 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 1
reach 31
type Link


Thinking of trying multi-level marketing?



negative 0
posted 2018-09-28
rate 5
title Thinking of trying multi-level marketing?
topic economics
words 5
title Thinking of trying multi-level marketing?
ID 724838357860686
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/724838357860686
type Link
posted "09/28/2018 05:45:47 PM"
reach 25
oreach 25
impress 46
oimpress 46
likeuimpress 29
likeuusers 22


When you are the leader, you owe something to your


When you are the leader, it matters what you say


It's not all about the leader.     Except in a


Musk doesn't seem old enough to have been raised by Roy
Cohn, the way Trump was.       But he hits back the same
way -



impact 99
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2018-09-27
ratio 4
react 18
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title When you are the leader, you owe something to your
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posted "09/27/2018 03:33:07 PM"
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Bad bets for real estate investment



negative 0
posted 2018-09-27
rate 4
title Bad bets for real estate investment
topic economics
words 6
title Bad bets for real estate investment
ID 724331101244745
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/724331101244745
type Link
posted "09/27/2018 12:31:14 PM"
reach 20
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oimpress 39
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Actually doing something positive for former coal country


It's amazing how many people are against the idea.


impact 31
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-09-21
ratio 3
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title Actually doing something positive for former coal country
topic economics
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ID 721074158237106
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posted "09/21/2018 05:56:59 AM"
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type Link


Did somebody forget that higher oil prices are good for
those Trump supporters fracking up the Great Plains and



impact 4
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-09-20
ratio 17
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sumclicks 2
title Did somebody forget that higher oil prices are good for
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 720624414948747
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/720624414948747
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posted "09/20/2018 08:08:00 AM"
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What's a recession without a clear dominant cause?
A smorgasbord.



negative 0
posted 2018-09-19
rate 2
title What's a recession without a clear dominant cause?
topic economics
words 10
title What's a recession without a clear dominant cause?
ID 720339031643952
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/720339031643952
type Link
posted "09/19/2018 05:53:05 PM"
reach 14
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oimpress 34
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"Really helping the people and places that have
been hurt by trade would mean making sure they can get
good jobs, increasing the minimum wage and overtime
pay, strengthening unions, directly helping our small
manufacturers access global supply chains, investing
in future technologies, supporting apprenticeships
for displaced workers, and pushing back on currency


The institutional damage is the worst part -



impact 43
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-09-19
ratio 4
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title "Really helping the people and places that have
topic economics
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ID 720330644978124
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/720330644978124
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posted "09/19/2018 05:25:39 PM"
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Borrowed from a non-bank recently?



hide 1
impact 5
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 1
posted 2018-09-18
ratio 3
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title Borrowed from a non-bank recently?
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 719629768381545
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/719629768381545
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posted "09/18/2018 06:55:36 PM"
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Signs of a market top


Good while it lasted, but nothing is forever.

Labor getting scarce and expensive threatens marginal
employers -


Yet somehow the housing market is cooling off, locally
at least.      Nobody wants to buy a house at the top of
the market and then lose his job -


High prices yet an uncertain future means.... declining
birth rate.



comments 5
hide 1
impact 250
impactrate 0
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negative 1
posted 2018-09-17
ratio 3
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title Signs of a market top
topic economics
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ID 718794385131750
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posted "09/17/2018 07:51:48 AM"
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Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire -


The national debt clock keeps ticking -


In introductory economics they point out that if the
national debt were equally held by all American households,
and they all suddenly lost all the t-bills...  nobody would
be better or worse off.     That's true.      But the
national debt is not just held by American households,
and it's not equally distributed among them.   But many
American households have other kinds of debt whose interest
rate is tied to T-bills.   That interest rate matters
to them.

Nowadays the tourists who find the national debt clock
are Chinese - and China is the largest foreign holder
of our debt.  At some time, in some way, the Chinese are
going to want the debt repaid in real American assets.

We know what to do about the national debt - but elected
politicians consider it toxic.




impact 402
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posted 2018-09-17
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title Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire -
topic economics
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posted "09/17/2018 07:41:47 AM"
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type Link


Saving Wall Street looks and feels bad

but the alternative would look and feel much worse.


It's not easy to stop a panicked mob.

Lehman had plenty of warning.



hide 2
impact 15
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posted 2018-09-16
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title Saving Wall Street looks and feels bad
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posted "09/16/2018 07:12:09 PM"
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type Link


Millenials and the economic collapse



hide 2
impact 11
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posted 2018-09-16
ratio 3
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title Millenials and the economic collapse
topic economics
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posted "09/16/2018 11:34:39 AM"
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type Link


A recovering American economy means higher interest rates
on dollar debt.    That's bad news for the much of the
third world.


Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire of
every crisis.



hide 1
impact 23
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posted 2018-09-14
ratio 7
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title A recovering American economy means higher interest rates
topic economics
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posted "09/14/2018 08:23:09 PM"
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What's good for the billionaires is good for you.

The statistics are rigged that way.


The right-wing revival from Trump to Orban got much of
its energy from the correct observation that the people
at the top (like Trump!) were experiencing an economic
recovery quite different from the people at the bottom
(his supporters!).     He's sure they're too dumb to care -


That's why Trump administration policies don't concern
themselves with preventing another crash - it won't be
HIS problem!






comments 1
impact 288
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posted 2018-09-14
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title What's good for the billionaires is good for you.
topic economics
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posted "09/14/2018 07:00:03 AM"
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If you don't have any retirement funds, why not sell your
house and invest the proceeds in the lottery?     You might
win big.

Some people are dumb enough to consider that idea -


How far did that idea get?


comments 1
hide 1
impact 39
impactrate 0
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negative 1
posted 2018-09-13
ratio 4
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title If you don't have any retirement funds, why not sell your
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posted "09/13/2018 04:25:37 PM"
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After ten years, no lessons learned





comments 4
impact 21
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posted 2018-09-13
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title After ten years, no lessons learned
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posted "09/13/2018 01:15:13 PM"
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All about the 2008 collapse -

lessons learned and forgotten, and what's similar and
different today.



negative 0
posted 2018-09-12
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title All about the 2008 collapse -
topic economics
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title All about the 2008 collapse -
ID 716556592022196
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/716556592022196
type Link
posted "09/12/2018 08:50:30 PM"
reach 11
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It couldn't happen again, could it?




One or two more housing crises and the transformation
of America into a third-world income distribution will
be complete.



impact 60
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posted 2018-09-12
priority 1
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title It couldn't happen again, could it?
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posted "09/12/2018 05:55:52 AM"
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Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates -

You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide
goes out


"Too big to fail" used to refer to banks; now
to cities, states, nations.

Unmanageable debt is the match that lights the fire of
every crisis.

Maybe we are all simply incapable of learning




negative 0
posted 2018-09-11
rate 4
title Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates -
topic economics
words 54
title Financial crises tend to radicalize electorates -
ID 715937485417440
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/715937485417440
type Link
posted "09/11/2018 07:27:57 PM"
reach 24
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oimpress 47
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The decline of organized labor and the plight of the
working poor



comments 3
impact 52
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-09-11
ratio 2
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title The decline of organized labor and the plight of the
topic economics
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ID 715930985418090
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/715930985418090
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posted "09/11/2018 07:17:14 PM"
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giveaways to the powerful, loss and risk for the powerless


Maybe we are all simply incapable of learning




comments 1
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posted 2018-09-11
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title giveaways to the powerful, loss and risk for the powerless
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/715868942090961
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posted "09/11/2018 05:26:47 PM"
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Trumponomics - let no past mistake remain unrepeated


Remove what little burdensome Federal regulation  is left!

Maybe some lessons are just incapable of being learned




hide 1
impact 43
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posted 2018-09-10
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title Trumponomics - let no past mistake remain unrepeated
topic economics
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ID 715020322175823
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/715020322175823
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posted "09/10/2018 06:35:52 AM"
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type Link


Why tariffs are usually a terrible idea


and why they get imposed anyway.


impact 13
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
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posted 2018-08-29
ratio 6
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title Why tariffs are usually a terrible idea
topic economics
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ID 708363142841541
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/708363142841541
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posted "08/29/2018 07:35:15 AM"
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type Link


Ode to an institution

Orchard Supply was the one place you could go where
everybody knew the answer to whatever you hardware problem
might be.

It will be replaced by big box stores where nobody knows






comments 2
impact 89
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-08-23
ratio 5
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title Ode to an institution
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 704091306602058
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/704091306602058
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posted "08/23/2018 08:31:35 AM"
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It’s usually something we don’t anticipate that ends
a bull market



impact 2
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-08-22
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title It’s usually something we don’t anticipate that ends
topic economics
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ID 702936503384205
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/702936503384205
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posted "08/22/2018 07:22:46 AM"
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If it's good for the billionaires, it's good for the


Who says Trump has forgotten who put him in office?


comments 1
impact 44
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
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posted 2018-08-17
ratio 3
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title If it's good for the billionaires, it's good for the
topic economics
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ID 697333400611182
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697333400611182
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posted "08/17/2018 06:40:04 AM"
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reach 82
sharesimpress 2
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type Link


Income inequality was getting worse BEFORE the tax cut


How much worse will it be in another year?


comments 1
impact 27
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posted 2018-08-16
ratio 3
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sumclicks 7
title Income inequality was getting worse BEFORE the tax cut
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 696187854059070
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/696187854059070
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posted "08/16/2018 06:40:14 AM"
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sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Why inflation so often fells Trumpian leaders


But globally China is much more important than Turkey -


So miscalculating on trade is risky too


Even standing too close to a target


But the closer a government gets to one-man rule, the less
chance that correct data will get to decision makers,
and the less chance that decision makers will decide on
the basis of data.


impact 111
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-08-14
ratio 4
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title Why inflation so often fells Trumpian leaders
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 694477450896777
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/694477450896777
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posted "08/14/2018 04:50:15 PM"
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type Link


markets can ignore unsound conditions for a long time —
until they don’t


People ski across steep slopes for months without concern
and then on one day that seems much like the others,
the avalanche starts.

If the ski patrol were like Congress, the Democrats
wouldn't close the trail because they want the Republicans
to take the blame for ending the party, and vice versa.


comments 1
impact 141
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posted 2018-08-14
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title markets can ignore unsound conditions for a long time —
topic economics
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ID 693974054280450
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posted "08/14/2018 07:39:23 AM"
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Why the Turkish economy matters


When a pebble starts an avalanche, do you blame the pebble
or the months of buildup of instability in the snow?


The US can survive a trade war more easily than its trading
partners.     That doesn't mean that the US will be better
off afterward, even if they are much worse off.


impact 103
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-08-13
ratio 4
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title Why the Turkish economy matters
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 693431757668013
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/693431757668013
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posted "08/13/2018 05:51:53 PM"
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It's tough being the economic superpower

When dollars are in demand for settling accounts globally,
that tends to strengthen the dollar and make imports less
expensive and exports less competitive.     So there's
a trade deficit.     The rest of the world is willing
to give us more value than they take.     That's what a
trade deficit is.      Sounds like a good thing overall,
but as always in economics, there are winners and losers.
How should the winners compensate the losers?



impact 55
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-08-12
ratio 5
react 7
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shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title It's tough being the economic superpower
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 692343631110159
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/692343631110159
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posted "08/12/2018 06:26:01 PM"
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type Link


Populist economics



comments 2
impact 3
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-08-11
ratio 5
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sumclicks 11
title Populist economics
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 690800504597805
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/690800504597805
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posted "08/11/2018 07:21:51 AM"
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reach 87
sharesimpress 2
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type Link


Signs of a market top?    Drink craft beer, don't invest
in it




negative 0
posted 2018-08-10
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title Signs of a market top? Drink craft beer, don't invest
topic economics
words 12
title Signs of a market top? Drink craft beer, don't invest
ID 689692688041920
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/689692688041920
type Link
posted "08/10/2018 06:15:24 AM"
reach 32
oreach 32
impress 43
oimpress 43
likeuimpress 42
likeuusers 31


"When the economy is doing well and everybody seems
to be making money, some investors assume that the good
times will never end."



impact 14
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2018-08-09
ratio 11
react 6
reactrate 0
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sharesrate 0
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title "When the economy is doing well and everybody seems
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 688977661446756
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/688977661446756
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posted "08/09/2018 03:33:02 PM"
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sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Right-wing economists encourage Trump to abolish tariffs


But if Trump were to succeed at that, then he'd have one
less issue to SHOUT about and his ratings might decline.
So don't hold your breath.

And there's a further problem - Trump justified his tariffs
on the basis that there was a national security threat
from foreign steel, aluminum, cars, etc.       So if it
were OK to just eliminate tariffs, then it must be that
there never was such a security threat.

Congress should revoke its authorization of the President
to set tariffs.     But that would require Congress to DO
something before the election.     Don't hold your breath
on that, either.

Economists don't agree on much, but for generations most
have agreed that tariffs hurt the country imposing them
even more than the target countries.        Tariffs might
export some unemployment but they invariably import more



impact 58
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-07-31
ratio 7
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title Right-wing economists encourage Trump to abolish tariffs
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 679334262411096
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/679334262411096
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posted "07/31/2018 06:05:44 PM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 28
type Link


Tariffs are a tax on Americans


You'll pay them in your home loan or your rent check -



hideall 1
impact 13
impactrate 0
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negative 1
posted 2018-07-30
ratio 9
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title Tariffs are a tax on Americans
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 678292759181913
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/678292759181913
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oreach 63
posted "07/30/2018 07:17:18 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link


Trade wars are not only easy to win, they are easy to
laugh about



impact 4
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-07-26
ratio 7
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sumclicks 3
title Trade wars are not only easy to win, they are easy to
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 673483706329485
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/673483706329485
audclicks 3
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posted "07/26/2018 07:06:30 AM"
postlinkclicks 3
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type Link


This is what happens when benefits are defined but how to
pay for them is not





comments 1
hide 1
impact 8
impactrate 0
negative 1
posted 2018-07-25
ratio 8
react 5
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title This is what happens when benefits are defined but how to
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 672803406397515
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/672803406397515
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posted "07/25/2018 02:09:07 PM"
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When you are leveraged to the hilt, any increase in costs
can bring down the whole house of cards.

For instance, an increase in material costs due to import


That's already starting -



comments 2
impact 68
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2018-07-15
ratio 4
react 20
reactrate 0
shares 5
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 10
title When you are leveraged to the hilt, any increase in costs
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 662690080742181
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/662690080742181
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oimpress 121
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posted "07/15/2018 08:36:04 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
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reach 86
sharesimpress 5
sharesusers 5
type Link


This is why we have over-reaching Federal regulation

Because a limited-liability company can create a bigger
mess than it can pay for, it's cheaper for the government
to prevent the mess in the first place than clean it
up later.



hide 1
impact 152
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
negative 1
posted 2018-07-14
ratio 3
react 38
reactrate 0
shares 7
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 21
title This is why we have over-reaching Federal regulation
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 661130154231507
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/661130154231507
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oreach 134
posted "07/14/2018 07:03:07 AM"
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sharesimpress 7
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type Link


Tariffs don't work - yet nobody who could slow down Trump
seems to be willing to do anything.


Even in 1930, almost all economists agreed that tariffs
didn't work.    Hoover signed Smoot-Hawley anyway.
The subsequent "sick of winning" homeless
encampments were called Hoovervilles.


Are there Trumpvilles in the future of our
soybean-exporting states?    Maybe, but maybe the farmers
don't mind.

Maybe some of them are hoping for more reactionary Supreme
Court nominees.


Maybe some of them don't mind losing their farms as long
as they can speak their minds about how they feel about
the future.


Tariffs are not a tax on foreigners.      They are a
domestic welfare mechanism, that taxes one group and
benefits another.      Republicans used to be against
welfare, saying it discourages initiative and encourages

If the economy needed stimulation - and it might whenever
the current recovery ends - the best thing to do would
be to eliminate tariffs - to make American exports more
competitive and create jobs.



comments 3
hide 1
impact 705
impactrate 0
likeimpress 11
negative 1
posted 2018-07-11
ratio 2
react 43
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 26
title Tariffs don't work - yet nobody who could slow down Trump
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 658707897807066
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/658707897807066
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oreach 108
posted "07/11/2018 06:06:37 PM"
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reach 108
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


What income inequality means...


But housing prices are very sensitive to supply and demand
- and when the economy is booming, there's a lot of demand
for housing where the jobs are, which is where the housing
is expensive.

And speaking of supply and demand...



comments 1
impact 54
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-06-13
ratio 15
react 12
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title What income inequality means...
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 45
ID 632740530403803
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/632740530403803
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posted "06/13/2018 12:32:43 PM"
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sharesimpress 3
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type Link


Was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act really intended to cause
the next recession?


Even if it weren't, how would it have been different it
it were?     Anyway, the Republican Congress continues to
do its part to speed things up:


What people always forget during the manic phase is that
leverage works both ways, up AND down.   There WILL be
another recession, just as there WILL be another avalanche
on a steep snow slope.     Nobody can predict exactly when
or exactly what will cause the avalanche, but that doesn't
mean it won't happen.


Ben Bernanke is betting on 2020, just in time for the
next election:



impact 180
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-06-11
ratio 5
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shares 4
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 13
title Was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act really intended to cause
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 631468780530978
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/631468780530978
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oreach 86
posted "06/11/2018 11:22:02 AM"
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reach 86
sharesimpress 4
sharesusers 4
type Link


Labor is losing ground against capital...


and the biggest losers are the Trump base, but they don't
seem to care as long as their side is "winning."


The American Enterprise Institute cheerfully reports that
income inequality is not getting worse


but doesn't claim that it's getting better.      They
presumably understand that concentration of political
power is a bad thing, but seem to be blind to the same
effects of concentration of economic power.     They seem
to think  that a Wall Street bureaucrat protects the
public's interests better than a Washington bureaucrat.
That's true, for the "public" of billionaires.



impact 20
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-06-11
ratio 13
react 2
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Labor is losing ground against capital...
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 98
ID 631447963866393
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/631447963866393
audclicks 2
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oreach 26
posted "06/11/2018 10:19:41 AM"
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reach 26
type Link


How much medical care can you afford?

How much can you afford to pay for other people?

As the population ages, medical care could become the
biggest part of the government budget:



hide 1
impact 19
impactrate 0
negative 1
posted 2018-06-06
ratio 5
react 6
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title How much medical care can you afford?
topic economics
wordrate 0
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ID 628751850802671
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/628751850802671
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oimpress 57
oreach 31
posted "06/06/2018 06:10:31 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 3
reach 31
type Link


2026 for Medicare, 2034 for Social Security

The annual checkup is done:


But Trump won't be in office in 2026, so he doesn't
seem interested.       And indeed there's a bipartisan
disinclination to address the issues until the crisis is at
hand.      Previous good-faith efforts have been ignored:


There isn't some magic button that will painlessly fix
this.  Either taxes go up or benefits go down, because
the population (of all the prosperous Western democracies)
is getting older.


The ultimate choice is lower standard of living in
old age or more immigration of energetic young people.
If people vote for candidates who say what they want to
hear instead of what they need to hear, they have only
themselves to blame.



comments 1
impact 108
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2018-06-05
ratio 6
react 9
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shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title 2026 for Medicare, 2034 for Social Security
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 120
ID 628509324160257
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/628509324160257
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oreach 58
posted "06/05/2018 04:23:29 PM"
postotherclicks 4
reach 58
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Maybe foreign investors know something about the Silicon
Valley residential real estate market....



negative 0
posted 2018-06-04
rate 1
title Maybe foreign investors know something about the Silicon
topic economics
words 13
ID 627874244223765
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/627874244223765
impress 44
likeuimpress 41
likeuusers 20
oimpress 44
oreach 22
posted "06/04/2018 09:05:45 AM"
reach 22
type Link


Don't list too many years of experience on your resume...

it might be held against you:


Sometimes CEO's accidentally tell the truth:



negative 0
posted 2018-05-31
rate 2
title Don't list too many years of experience on your resume...
topic economics
words 22
ID 626151524396037
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/626151524396037
impress 60
likeuimpress 50
likeuusers 28
oimpress 60
oreach 35
posted "05/31/2018 07:09:57 PM"
reach 35
type Link


Do corporate directors have any other obligation besides

It depends on the state, but most states expect less than
most other countries:




impact 16
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2018-05-30
ratio 6
react 7
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Do corporate directors have any other obligation besides
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 23
ID 625602527784270
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/625602527784270
audclicks 2
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oreach 44
posted "05/30/2018 01:20:41 PM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 44
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Repo man sees a recession starting


and bond traders expect 2.5% growth at best


but leave your long-term money in the stock market, lest
you miss the recovery.


likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-05-24
rate 1
ratio 26
react 1
title Repo man sees a recession starting
topic economics
words 28
ID 622805478063975
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/622805478063975
engaged 1
impress 57
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likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 38
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likeuusers 13
oimpress 57
oreach 26
posted "05/24/2018 12:03:13 PM"
reach 26
type Link


When your strategy is losing, double down...  as long as
it's other people's money.


Sounds like Calpers thinks it can do better than most money
managers... this time for sure!      Investment returns
need to be adjusted for risk to compare various types.
A safer plan for other people's money would be to invest
like target-date mutual funds do, allocating amounts to
target dates according to when the money will be needed.
Then employer and employee contributions and benefits need
to be put in balance with realistic return expectations.
Vanguard's target date fund 10-year returns - which
encompass  no bear markets - vary from 5.85% for 2020
to 6.97% for 2050.  Those are realistic optimistic upper



negative 0
posted 2018-05-24
rate 1
title When your strategy is losing, double down... as long as
topic economics
words 116
ID 622687971409059
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/622687971409059
impress 47
likeuimpress 31
likeuusers 13
oimpress 47
oreach 24
posted "05/24/2018 06:42:48 AM"
reach 24
type Link


Maybe California housing prices won't keep rising


But the wine country fires caused housing to become more
expensive, not less.


impact 23
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2018-05-23
ratio 5
react 11
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Maybe California housing prices won't keep rising
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 21
ID 622494584761731
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/622494584761731
audclicks 6
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oimpress 93
oreach 65
posted "05/23/2018 09:10:07 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 4
reach 65
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Bigger banks are better, right?

Medium-size banks just got a free pass to get bigger:



The good news is that the final bill was really bipartisan.
Even if it's not a very good bill, it could have been
worse.  And Congress does need to work on bipartisanship
when it's productive to do so.


impact 53
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2018-05-22
ratio 5
react 10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Bigger banks are better, right?
topic economics
wordrate 0
words 53
ID 621973934813796
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/621973934813796
audclicks 6
audreach 6
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likeusers 4
likeuusers 47
matchedotherclicks 6
oimpress 97
oreach 54
posted "05/22/2018 05:05:22 PM"
postotherclicks 6
reach 54
type Link


The Eternal Business Cycle

Our hope and despair is that no matter who's running the
government and no matter what they do, the economy will
wax, peak, wane, bottom, and repeat.  Whoever is in charge
will take the credit or get the blame for whatever was
bound to happen sooner or later anyway.  Government action
or inaction can affect the timing and severity to only a
limited extent.

The current economic recovery is about 8 years old and will
expire sometime in the next 8 years, no matter who is in
the White House; the longest postwar recovery was 10 years.
The current recovery has an expiration date on or before
June, 2019.  As always, the party in power will be blamed,
even though nobody has been able to figure out how to
defeat the business cycle.   That's because it's ultimately
a phenomenon of mass psychology rather than economics.

The next two years might seem to coast along well enough
economically.  There's some truth in the old joke that
economists have successfully predicted nine of the last
five recessions.  But

* The self-referential and self-leveraging peaks of the
internet bubble of 2000 and the subprime mortgage bubble
of 2008 remind us that leverage works going down as well
as going up.

* Overstimulation has always led to recession.

* Stock market p/e ratios are about as high as they ever
sustainably get,
Bilello and Yardeni cite signs that investors are getting
giddy and careless.

* The economy is already at maximum capacity.

* The next recession might be triggered by a financial
bubble that pops after inflating from predictably low
inflation rates over many years.

* Army recruiters are reducing standards and accepting
more recruits with marijuana histories.  Recruiting is
harder when unemployment is so low.

* Target and other retailers are paying $15/hour starting

* Tax cuts do not pay for themselves by economic
stimulation, especially when the economy is already maxed
out by any historical standard.

* In Silicon Valley, loan qualification is based on
unvested restricted stock.

* Utah is running out of workers - and it's even worse in
Ames, IA and Boulder, CO.

* Unemployment is about as low as it ever sustainably gets.

* Car sales are stagnant.

* There are fundamental reasons to doubt that the economy
can grow any faster:
depopulation, deleveraging, and deglobalization.  Unlike
the post-war baby boom years, there is no wave of new
labor coming on stream in the US, except immigration.

* Seth Klarman is concerned about deficit spending and
interest rates.

* It can take a month to find a restaurant server in
Silicon Valley.

* Around Silicon Valley, restaurants are closing due to
high rents and lack of labor.

* Significantly higher economic growth rates are
not possible - it's all about population growth and
productivity growth.

* Even the local Postal Service can't retain employees,
and they pay somewhat higher than minimum wage, with
some benefits.

So another recession is coming, more likely sooner than
later.  The Republicans are doing their best to make it
the worst.

On 25 January 2017, the DJIA, S&P, and NASDAQ all set
new records, and they were still doing it a year later.
That's not good news for Mr. Trump at the beginning of
his term - it would have been a lot more helpful to him
in 2020.    Nobody rings a bell at the top, or the bottom -
some minor news blip, much like numerous inconsequential
minor news blips in the weeks and months before, will seem
to trigger a stock market crash.    But the news blip is
innocent - a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong
time - because the cause of the crash is that the market
has temporarily run out of buyers at a time when somebody
needs to sell for his own specific reasons.      Which blip
- nobody can say in advance.    What is certain is that
the following problem is what is called overconstrained
and infeasible:

* Massive tax cuts.

* Massive military buildup; worse yet massive military
deployment and engagement.

* Massive infrastructure spending.

* Massive deportation of the people willing to do the work
too hard for Americans, for wages too low for Americans.

* Massive trade war.

* Low interest rates and low inflation.

* A trillion dollars in deficit spending over the next
ten years, thanks to the new tax law.

* Stock market and real estate valuations based on
extrapolating corporate earnings and personal income
despite no more affordable labor available to produce the
goods and services that create the earnings.

And this infeasibility will dawn on a critical mass of
institutional investors on some random blipful day and they
will start to take their profits, and highly leveraged
investors will start to cover their positions, and the
daily trading limit crash barrier will be hit before most
individual investors even know something's up.  Too bad
for them.    Trump will blame it on a media conspiracy.
To the extent the Trump Organization is still invested in
real estate rather than brand licensing, he might not even
be a billionaire any more.  Big investors will move from
stocks to bonds, and that part will moderate the rise in
interest rates.

People over-exposed to stocks too close to retirement will
blame it on Trump, as will younger people who haven't
learned yet that even though stocks, especially in
technology, go up slowly and down quickly, common stock
funds are still the best individual investment FOR THE

More links at


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What are the modern monopolies and trusts?

Trusts and monopolies can't work the way they did in
1900; Teddy Roosevelt and a Progressive Congress made
that illegal.  What about now?

Mergers and acquisitions might account for some of the...


controversial wage stagnation in a booming economy:


An interesting article raises many other questions:


In particular, it points out that lots of internet titans
have NO real competition:


Institutional investors can end up owning all the major
companies in a market and encourage them to maximize profit
over other possible goals.    At least passive index funds
just hold in proportion to the index and don't attempt to
manage companies.

But what if killing pension-fund investment activism


is the main reason that wealthy investors want to eliminate
public employee and other large pension funds in favor of
individual 401k's?



comments 1
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impact 2630
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posted 2018-05-15
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title What are the modern monopolies and trusts?
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ccleantitle What are the modern monopolies and trusts?
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Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley?






But relief is on the way:



impact 63
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posted 2018-05-15
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title Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley?
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cadname "Post: ""Would you really want your town to be like..."""
ccleantitle Would you really want your town to be like
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Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley








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posted 2018-05-10
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title Would you really want your town to be like Silicon Valley
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posted "05/10/2018 12:51:34 PM"
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What's good about economic concentration?

Amazon is using book sales to subsidize other business
lines.  What this does to stores that sell mostly books
is not good:


It's another manifestation of the new monopoly power of
internet giants:


110 years ago, the original trustbusters realized that
concentration of economic power was bad, in the same
way that concentration of political power was bad, (or
religious power or ... power).    It doesn't matter how
benignly that power is exercised today; in the ordinary
course of human nature it will be exercised less benignly
in the future.  For instance, it might have something to
do with the US economy apparently reaching a market top
without much increase in wages:


though there are other factors at work.   In general, it's
a manifestation of the general principle that a government
that would foster equality of opportunity must eventually
take active steps when an organization has taken such
good advantage of its opportunities that it can suffocate
everybody else's and inhibit competition.



impact 167
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posted 2018-05-08
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title What's good about economic concentration?
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posted "05/08/2018 05:11:20 PM"
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Stock buybacks

Corporate stock buybacks were another gift of the Reagan
administration to the capitalist class (which, to be fair,
includes most people with qualified retirement accounts -
which, to be fair, does not include most people who would
really need a qualified retirement account the most).
Such buybacks had been illegal since the Depression.
They were a major feature of the Bush tax cut, and they
are a major feature of the Trump tax cut.



Somebody wants to do something about it.    Hint: it's
not anybody in the Trump administration:



impact 36
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posted 2018-05-08
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title Stock buybacks
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posted "05/08/2018 04:49:52 PM"
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Where can the homeless go?

Abandoned lots?


Tuff sheds?

The California homeless population is enormous for
a variety of reasons, not least that the weather is
mostly survivable.    There are many subpopulations of
homeless and there isn't any one solution that works for
all of them.     Many have (minimum wage) jobs - they are
usually the ones living in cars - because they can't afford
unsubsidized housing.  But there are others with chemical
or psychological issues for which no humane solution has
been devised.   And a spectrum of everybody in between.

Unfortunately it's hard to exempt housing from the laws
of supply and demand:

An equable climate and thriving economy generate the
demand.  Limited buildable land and a desire to maintain
some kind of California lifestyle limit the supply - people
who'd rather live in Manhattan are probably already there.
Rising costs of labor and materials will continue until
the next recession.

A really big earthquake, tsunami, or fire could change
things, at least for a while.     But the Wine Country
fires in October reduced the supply but not the demand,
so housing prices went up and anti-gouging laws were
enacted for rentals.


comments 1
impact 251
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posted 2018-05-08
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title Where can the homeless go?
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posted "05/08/2018 04:12:41 PM"
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State-sponsored IRA programs

Knowing that social security benefits by themselves will
not provide a secure retirement, a number of states are
instituting state-sponsored IRA programs (usually small)
employers that don't offer a retirement program.


In California, it will be called CalSavers, and is expected
to be generally available in 2019.  The employer will sign
up with the state and the employee with the employer.



comments 1
impact 70
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posted 2018-05-06
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title State-sponsored IRA programs
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ID 614841068860416
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/614841068860416
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posted "05/06/2018 08:12:30 PM"
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What are the modern monopolies and trusts?

Trusts and monopolies can't work the way they did in
1900; Teddy Roosevelt and a Progressive Congress made
that illegal.  What about now?

An interesting article raises many questions:


In particular, it points out that lots of internet titans
have NO real competition:


Institutional investors can end up owning all the major
companies in a market and encourage them to maximize profit
over other possible goals.    At least passive index funds
just hold in proportion to the index and don't attempt to
manage companies.

But what if killing pension-fund investment activism


is the main reason that wealthy investors want to eliminate
public employee and other large pension funds in favor of
individual 401k's?



impact 828
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posted 2018-05-01
ratio 9
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sumclicks 64
title What are the modern monopolies and trusts?
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posted "05/01/2018 09:05:16 PM"
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cadname "Post: ""What are the modern monopolies and trusts?"""
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Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble





The mayor offers to cut permit fees, but all that does
is move the cost of supporting new development elsewhere
than the developer.     The fundamental problems of 1)
rising material costs, 2) rising labor costs, 3) rising
land costs, are all due to supply and demand and everything
points to a market top soon.     All three of the latter
will be remediated whenever the next recession takes hold,
but then nobody will want to buy.    You can't escape the
business cycle, because it's ultimately a phenomenon of
mass psychology:



comments 5
impact 4694
impactrate 0
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posted 2018-05-01
ratio 8
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title Silicon Valley's housing crisis is becoming insoluble
topic economics
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posted "05/01/2018 08:47:49 PM"
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ends 2018-06-03
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Signing bonus for blue-collar workers


Can anybody not believe we are near the end of the


The Fed is getting anxious:

Because nobody can defeat the business cycle:


impact 15
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
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posted 2018-04-30
ratio 8
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title Signing bonus for blue-collar workers
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ID 612052059139317
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posted "04/30/2018 04:15:21 PM"
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Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will
be funded



California, like several other states and many local
governments and Federal territories, has painted itself
into an uncomfortable corner over defined benefit pensions
for public employees.

It's not the case that public employees are making out
like gangbusters everywhere:


There's nothing inherently wrong with defined benefit
pensions - many people expect benefits from one called
Social Security.  The problem is making sure that the money
is there when the benefits are due.    It's going to be a
problem for Social Security - when it was set up, nobody
expected pensioners to live for 30 years of benefits -
but at least the Federal government could print money if
it came to that.      State and local governments can't
do that.

The typical underlying problem is that pension funds
project unrealistic investment results, and so the money
they do collect along the way doesn't grow fast enough.
Who knows where the projections come from, but just

If you put 1000 monkeys at computer terminals to manage
money at random, in any given year a few of them will do
really well.    Of course, none of them will do really well
year after year in up markets and down.  Threatening the
other monkeys that their bananas will be taken away if
they don't match the best results every year won't help -
the winners were just lucky.

Professional active money managers shouldn't be compared to
monkeys typing at random - that's unfair to the monkeys.
A number of factors conspire to insure that, over
long periods of up and down markets, on average active
investment managers underperform passive index funds.
But the lucky winners in any particular year drive
unrealistic expectations.  But who cares?     That's the
next generation's problem.



comments 26
impact 19246
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posted 2018-04-22
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title Don't Define Benefits without defining how they will
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Oregon was too optimistic about defined-benefit pensions

If you've ever been through Klamath Falls, you know that
town does not need additional pension debt burden:


but it's got it, needed or not.    Promising generous
pensions based on a generous stock market is asking for
trouble, and trouble has responded.

Defined-benefit pensions should only be offered by the
Federal government, since only they can print money to pay
for them.    Social Security is our premier defined-benefit
pension, and it's available to many people, but not
everybody: it would be better if everybody were required
to pay in and everybody were entitled to the benefit.



impact 62
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posted 2018-04-16
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title Oregon was too optimistic about defined-benefit pensions
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posted "04/16/2018 11:31:50 AM"
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Trump Administration bravely defends your right to make
bad choices about your retirement!

Remember, the important question is: how can the masses
best serve the billionaires.    Clearly, "fiduciary
responsibility" now means faithfulness to
the interests of the Wall Street billionaire class.
In today's San Jose Mercury New, Steve Butler explained
how all that works:


Obama was for the old definition of "fiduciary
responsibility" - faithfulness to the worker hoping
to save enough to retire on.  And anything Obama was
for, Trump is against.  So he's all for getting rid of
these burdensome Federal regulations that just level the
playing field.

One of the arguments against relying on 401k's and IRA's is
that individual retirees make poor choices of investments.
That's nonsense - they make great choices as far as Wall
Street and the salesman are concerned.  As the old joke

The firm made money, the broker made money, and two out
of three ain't bad.

As a lifetime salesman, Trump is on board with that


comments 11
impact 9168
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posted 2018-04-09
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title Trump Administration bravely defends your right to make
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Are Economic Recoveries 100% ???

Two IMF economists dispute the common view that economic
recoveries recover 100% of what was lost in the previous


Scars of the previous recession are not so easily healed,
which is why governments often are overly optimistic about
recoveries.  That's important because the boom and bust
cycle is endemic to liberal and conservative governments
alike; nobody has figured out how to beat the underlying
mass psychology phenomenon:



impact 44
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posted 2018-04-05
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