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Who decides who is elected to Congress in 2018? 2017-12-28
17 5
2 288
25 election

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Who decides who is elected to Congress in 2018?

In the aftermath of the special elections in Virginia and
Alabama, people have begun to realize that it's mostly a
waste of time to worry about unemployed rural white male
high school grads - the ones that still support Trump
always will, because they like his style, not because he's
going to do anything to objectively improve their lot.

Instead, many voters that can be turned are suburban middle
class educated women.   Some of those that supported
Trump because they agreed with him on some ideological
issues have changed their minds, primarily because they
can't stand his droit-du-seigneur style and alliance with
Roy Moore and his ilk.  Every woman has had unpleasant
experiences with men like these and for many, far worse
than unpleasant.

In a roundabout way, Democrats can thank Harvey Weinstein
for being the straw that broke the camel's back/last brick
in the load.  We may never know why Weinstein was the
predator that broke the dam - as opposed to the predator
before or the predator after.    But the dam has broken
and any male candidate that equivocates on these issues
is going to be in trouble in a swing district.

Jennifer Rubin wrote this the day after the Alabama


and Martin and Burns followed a few days later:



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posted 2017-12-28
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shares 2
sumclicks 288
title Who decides who is elected to Congress in 2018?
topic election
words 222
ID 556514674693056
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/556514674693056
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matchedlinkclicks 86
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posted "12/28/2017 09:02:07 PM"
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cadname "Post: ""Who decides who is elected to Congress in 2018?"""
ccleantitle Who decides who is elected to Congress in 2018?
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