Facebook Posts on firearms-2020

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Some people just can't protect themselves adequately with 2020-08-15 39 12 1 5 2 firearms
A preview of January 21, 2021 2020-08-06 24 1 2 firearms
Foreign terrorists need quality American silencers, and 2020-07-13 43 12 1 6 firearms
Supreme Court ducks cross-fire! 2020-07-09 55 6 1 1 8 firearms
Another benefit of pandemic - no mass shootings. 2020-05-28 17 1 1 firearms
What does an assault weapon have to do with public health? 2020-05-08 74 14 1 1 12 firearms
What do firearms have to do with shelter in place? 2020-04-19 76 12 5 3 26 1 firearms
Democrats want your guns! 2020-01-21 150 34 9 8 33 2 1 firearms
Just exercising his 2nd amendment rights! 2020-01-19 24 1 2 firearms
Inconvenienced by gun laws? Just roll your own! 2020-01-14 14 - firearms

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Sun Aug 23 08:09:36 PDT 2020


Some people just can't protect themselves adequately with
a 10 round magazine.

Not sure what the threat is that 10 rounds won't handle,
but Trump and his judges (actually Leonard Leo's and Mitch
McConnell's judges) agree.


Firearms manufacturers, drug kingpins, and terrorists know
to whose campaign funds to send their tangible thanks.


topic firearms


hide 2
impact 110
impactrate 4
likeimpress 12
negative 2
posted 2020-08-15
ratio 1
react 20
reactrate 1
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Some people just can't protect themselves adequately with
topic firearms
wordrate 2
words 55
ID 1214694288875088
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1214694288875088
audclicks 5
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engaged 16
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likeuimpress 38
likeusers 12
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matchedlinkclicks 2
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negclicks 2
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oimpress 42
oreach 39
posted "08/15/2020 12:55:19 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 3
reach 39
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


A preview of January 21, 2021


Presidential pardons do not apply to state laws or
to civil matters.      That's why Trump needs to be


Moving to Florida won't prevent extradition to New
York, but a nice dacha might be available in Norilsk.
Trump loves miners and he loves Russians!



Setting up a world-class golf resort there would be
a real triumph and fitting capstone to a long career.
They could build it around his presidential library, which
might be too small to be a tourist attraction on its own.
Even though it might have gems like a permanent exhibition
of all the presidential tweets that were withdrawn either
by Trump or by Twitter.


topic firearms


impact 35
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-08-06
ratio 8
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title A preview of January 21, 2021
topic firearms
wordrate 2
words 117
ID 1207513592926491
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1207513592926491
audclicks 2
audreach 2
engaged 3
impress 30
likeclickusers 3
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 25
likeusers 1
likeuusers 21
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 30
oreach 24
posted "08/06/2020 10:14:39 AM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 24
type Link


Foreign terrorists need quality American silencers, and
gun industry Trump donors need the revenue.

Another problem solved by Trump administration



topic firearms


impact 46
impactrate 0
likeimpress 12
negative 0
posted 2020-07-13
ratio 2
react 19
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Foreign terrorists need quality American silencers, and
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 24
ID 1189308611413656
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1189308611413656
audclicks 6
audreach 5
engaged 15
impress 50
likeclickusers 15
likeimpress 12
likeuimpress 47
likeusers 12
likeuusers 42
matchedlinkclicks 3
matchedotherclicks 3
oimpress 50
oreach 43
posted "07/13/2020 07:10:33 AM"
postlinkclicks 3
postotherclicks 2
reach 43
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Supreme Court ducks cross-fire!



topic firearms


comments 1
impact 11
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-07-09
ratio 3
react 16
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title Supreme Court ducks cross-fire!
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 7
ID 1186788878332296
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1186788878332296
audclicks 8
audreach 7
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 12
impress 61
likeclickusers 12
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 56
likeusers 6
likeuusers 53
matchedlinkclicks 5
matchedotherclicks 3
oimpress 61
oreach 55
posted "07/09/2020 10:30:55 PM"
postlinkclicks 5
postotherclicks 3
reach 55
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Another benefit of pandemic - no mass shootings.


Expect that to change.       Those with a pre-existing
condition of susceptibility to violent impulses have
had a couple of months to dwell on everything they don't
like.      But they have something to look forward to now
- "reopen the country" might mean "reopen
fire on the country."

Most of them don't care who - any crowd will do as long
as the shooter gets top ratings - but for those who need
help  finding a specific target, the president has already
attended to their needs -



topic firearms


impact 19
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-05-28
ratio 8
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Another benefit of pandemic - no mass shootings.
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 97
ID 1154117994932718
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1154117994932718
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 1
impress 22
likeclickusers 1
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 16
likeusers 1
likeuusers 16
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 22
oreach 17
posted "05/28/2020 04:03:05 PM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 17
type Link


What does an assault weapon have to do with public health?



topic firearms


comments 1
impact 39
impactrate 0
likeimpress 14
negative 0
posted 2020-05-08
ratio 2
react 28
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 12
title What does an assault weapon have to do with public health?
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 14
ID 1139001659777685
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1139001659777685
audclicks 12
audreach 8
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 20
impress 85
likeclickusers 20
likeimpress 14
likeuimpress 79
likeusers 14
likeuusers 73
matchedlinkclicks 4
matchedotherclicks 8
oimpress 85
oreach 74
posted "05/08/2020 07:50:28 PM"
postlinkclicks 4
postotherclicks 4
reach 74
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


What do firearms have to do with shelter in place?

When people progress from "keep and bear" to
pulling the trigger, shelter in place might be the only
option for everybody else.        However these guys look
more like opportunists hoping to make a career of being
more extreme than the NRA!     When they see how well the
NRA has done financially for its leaders, it's easy to
imagine their reasoning.

One does wonder whether there's any discreet foreign
financing involved.



topic firearms 1


comments 5
hide 1
impact 395
impactrate 1
likeimpress 12
negative 1
posted 2020-04-19
priority 1
ratio 1
react 47
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 26
title What do firearms have to do with shelter in place?
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 84
ID 1124659327878585
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1124659327878585
audclicks 26
audreach 15
commentsimpress 5
commentsusers 4
engaged 22
hideclicks 1
hideclicksusers 1
impress 82
likeclickusers 19
likeimpress 12
likeuimpress 75
likeusers 12
likeuusers 73
matchedotherclicks 26
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 82
oreach 76
posted "04/19/2020 05:58:23 PM"
postotherclicks 15
reach 76
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


Democrats want your guns!

They don't believe you need military assault weapons for
hunting or self-defense.


The militia (National Guard) might need them.    You don't,
any more than you need machine guns or grenade launchers.


topic firearms


comments 9
hide 2
hideall 1
impact 331
impactrate 1
likeimpress 34
negative 3
posted 2020-01-21
ratio 1
react 87
reactrate 0
shares 8
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 33
title Democrats want your guns!
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 38
ID 1057284034616115
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1057284034616115
audclicks 33
audreach 25
commentsimpress 9
commentsusers 9
engaged 48
hideallclicks 1
hideallclicksusers 1
hideclicks 1
hideclicksusers 2
impress 154
likeclickusers 36
likeimpress 34
likeuimpress 117
likeusers 30
likeuusers 117
matchedlinkclicks 5
matchedotherclicks 28
negclicks 3
negusers 2
oimpress 154
oreach 150
posted "01/21/2020 08:54:21 PM"
postlinkclicks 5
postotherclicks 22
reach 150
sharesimpress 8
sharesusers 7
type Link


Just exercising his 2nd amendment rights!


Nowadays he would have been better armed.


topic firearms


impact 5
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-01-19
ratio 8
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Just exercising his 2nd amendment rights!
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 16
ID 1055456691465516
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1055456691465516
audclicks 2
audreach 2
engaged 2
impress 27
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 22
likeusers 1
likeuusers 22
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 27
oreach 24
posted "01/19/2020 11:49:42 AM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 24
type Link


Inconvenienced by gun laws?     Just roll your own!



topic firearms


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-14
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Inconvenienced by gun laws? Just roll your own!
topic firearms
wordrate 0
words 11
ID 1051317805212738
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1051317805212738
impress 18
likeuimpress 13
likeuusers 13
oimpress 18
oreach 14
posted "01/14/2020 03:34:36 PM"
reach 14
type Link