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The purpose of executive privilege, the justices have said, 2022-10-07 42 - 1 3 justice
Our Supreme Court has five reactionary Catholic justices 2022-08-11 9975 - 13 10 1365 justice
The essence of traditional GOP is that you say one thing in 2022-05-06 13 - justice
Trumpism and Trumpists are not conservative - instead they 2022-05-03 7 - justice

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UPDATED Sat Jan 27 06:29:35 PM PST 2024


The purpose of executive privilege, the justices have said,
is to benefit the country as a whole — not to benefit
presidents as individuals.

Many connected to the conservative legal movement embrace
an ideology, known as the unitary executive theory, that
the Constitution vests all federal executive power in a
single person: the president. Allowing a private citizen
who used to be in the White House to successfully invoke
executive privilege against the president would fracture
that control.




impact 32
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-10-07
ratio 10
react 4
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title The purpose of executive privilege, the justices have said,
topic justice
wordrate 0
words 79
audclicks 3
epoch Lifetime
ID 1772648463079665
impress 45
matchedlinkclicks 3
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/07/2022 08:10"
rcs 1
reach 42
sharesimpress 1
title "Jan. 6 and Mar-a-Lago Inquiries Converge in Fights Over Executive Privilege"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1772648463079665


Our Supreme Court has five reactionary Catholic justices
and one apostate reactionary Catholic turned Episcopal -
though there's not much political difference between the
reactionary wings of Catholicism and Episcopalianism.

They are reactionary within American Catholicism; more
in line with Pius IX or Opus Dei than John XXIII or Pope
Francis or mainstream American Catholicism.


An established religion and the government supporting
each other.      Thought America left that behind in 1787?


Now we have a Supreme Court majority whose devotion to
the Enlightenment ideals of America's founders seems
less intense than devotion to the medieval ideals the
Enlightenment rejected.

Maybe they even embrace the Divine Right of Kings.
Certainly plenty of reactionary Protestants, Catholics,
and Jews - and QAnons and others - have suggested that
God chose Donald Trump to advance God's goals for God's
people.    -


The reality, of course, is that like most kings and
presidents, Donald Trump chose Donald Trump to advance
Donald Trump's goals for Donald Trump.

But Trumpists will say anything that polls well with
their base.

And the Supreme Court majority understands that they were
groomed by the Federalist Society to protect minority
rule -


That's rule by the GOP megadonors, who God clearly loves
the most - how else could they be so rich?


More about politicalscrapbook -




comments 13
impact 29981
impactrate 2
negative 0
posted 2022-08-11
ratio 7
react 1388
reactrate 0
shares 10
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1365
title Our Supreme Court has five reactionary Catholic justices
topic justice
wordrate 0
words 216
audclicks 1365
commentsimpress 13
epoch Lifetime
ID 1728678387476673
impress 16450
matchedlinkclicks 832
matchedotherclicks 533
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "08/11/2022 11:08"
rcs 55
reach 9975
reactions 32
sharesimpress 10
title "Opinion | Alito’s Call to Arms to Secure Religious Liberty"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1728678387476673


The essence of traditional GOP is that you say one thing in
public to the voters and another in private to the donors.


Now the project that Leonard Leo and Mitch McConnell
have been setting up for decades is ready to bear fruit
- demolishing any judicial precedents their donors find
inconvenient.     What's next, redefining due process and
equal protection?      They've successfully maneuvered
to put a reactionary judiciary in place opposed to the
will of the majority of voters.     That's a pillar of
minority rule.


So the scandal here is bigger than the leak, or even the
plans for Roe v Wade.




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-05-06
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The essence of traditional GOP is that you say one thing in
topic justice
wordrate 0
words 103
epoch Lifetime
ID 1658370787840767
impress 13
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/06/2022 14:05"
reach 13
title "Opinion | Why Republicans Are So Angry About the Supreme Court Leak"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1658370787840767


Trumpism and Trumpists are not conservative - instead they
are a reactionary merger of cult of personality -


and traditional Dixiecrat GOP values -


The traditional conservative viewpoint is irrelevant:
that Roe v Wade was bad, but repealing it after 50 years
is just as bad.


Almost nobody cares about traditional conservative
viewpoints now.     Trump proved they were never a mass



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-05-03
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Trumpism and Trumpists are not conservative - instead they
topic justice
wordrate 0
words 63
epoch Lifetime
ID 1656268181384361
impress 9
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/03/2022 19:05"
reach 7
title "Opinion | Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1656268181384361