Facebook Posts on media-2021

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Don't gloat over the deaths of ordinary people. Save 2021-11-28 9 - media
What Facebook really doesn't want to recognize is that 2021-10-25 10 - 1 media
Who pays for the internet, and how? 2021-09-17 11 - media
Tucker Carlson is right! Elitists are using race as a 2021-07-17 13 - 1 media
It's not GOP vs Democrats any more - it's fantasy vs facts. 2021-05-14 1 2 media
Boehner tried to talk sense and responsibility into 2021-04-11 2 media

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Mon Jul 10 03:26:43 PM PDT 2023


Don't gloat over the deaths of ordinary people.      Save
your scorn for the politicians and media personalities
who know better but disseminate lies for personal gain.
They're the ones responsible for the deaths of ordinary




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-28
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Don't gloat over the deaths of ordinary people. Save
topic media
wordrate 0
words 37
epoch Lifetime
ID 1549382178739629
impress 10
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/28/2021 18:11"
reach 9
title "They Died From Covid. Then the Online Attacks Started."
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1549382178739629


What Facebook really doesn't want to recognize is that
negative content pays the bills and provides the profits
for social media.

Remember it started out as a platform for males to compare
female classmates on looks.     Comparisons on intellectual
acuity or ethical behavior wouldn't have been as popular
with the intended audience.




impact 5
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-10-25
ratio 10
react 1
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
title What Facebook really doesn't want to recognize is that
topic media
wordrate 0
words 53
engaged 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1525982281079619
impress 11
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/25/2021 16:10"
reach 10
sharesimpress 1
title "People or profit? Facebook papers show deep conflict within"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1525982281079619


Who pays for the internet, and how?


Free internet is like free TV - you pay for it by enduring
the commercials.     But traditional TV was one way -
no surveillance.

So what business model is going to work now without causing
privacy and security and anti-trust issues?



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-09-17
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Who pays for the internet, and how?
topic media
wordrate 0
words 49
epoch Lifetime
ID 1499895963688251
impress 11
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/17/2021 14:09"
reach 11
title "The Battle for Digital Privacy Is Reshaping the Internet"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1499895963688251


Tucker Carlson is right!  Elitists are using race as a
cover to exploit the masses!


He's only slightly wrong - the elitists in question are
the major donors of the GOP and corporate executives of
Carlson's advertisers - as he will discover if he ever
tries to raise funds to run for president.   Using race
as a cover is a technique that they've perfected over
400 years.


He's right about social media and broadcast media bias too
- what could be more biased than giving equal time to fact
and fantasy?   Or even more time to fantasy because it's
under-reported by responsible journalists.   The social
media business model is hopelessly biased in favor of
outrageous simple-minded agitprop fantasies - like his -
rather than more complicated factual reality, which is
less entertaining and so commands smaller audiences and
smaller ad revenues.    Nobody knows this better than his
masters at Fox - if they are still calling the shots for
him rather than vice versa.

And despite relentless criticism of covid vaccination,
he still won't say whether he is vaccinated.





impact 18
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-07-17
ratio 13
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Tucker Carlson is right! Elitists are using race as a
topic media
wordrate 0
words 180
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 1
ID 1457102151300966
impress 16
likeclickusers 1
likeuimpress 12
likeuusers 11
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 16
oreach 13
posted "07/17/2021 06:32:03 AM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 13
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1457102151300966


It's not GOP vs Democrats any more - it's fantasy vs facts.

Always healthy to have debate, McCarthy said - unless it's
about the election.


There's so much more money to be made in exciting fantasy
than in dull facts, because there are so many more gullible




And it's a global phenomenon metastasizing from
one-dimensional social and broadcast media.





impact 18
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2021-05-14
ratio 0
react 3
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
title It's not GOP vs Democrats any more - it's fantasy vs facts.
topic media
wordrate 0
words 61
engaged 3
epoch Lifetime
ID 1414238215587360
likeimpress 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "05/14/2021 06:05"
sharesimpress 2
title "What insurrection? Growing number in GOP downplay Jan. 6"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1414238215587360


Boehner tried to talk sense and responsibility into
Roger Ailes and the Murdochs.       If they had written
a response, it would probably have been like this -


Dear John,

Thanks for sharing your views of the future of conservative
media.    However, we have made careers and fortunes
in commercial entertainment journalism and have found
that compared to fact and principle, fantasy and outrage
generate much higher ratings, audience loyalty, advertising
rates, and corporate profitability.    As a Republican you
must understand that anything that increases the wealth
of the capitalists eventually trickles down to the masses.

The audience and market for fact and principle is pretty
much dominated by PBS.     There is no chance of attracting
that audience to Fox, even if there were a profitable
incentive to do so.

So good luck in your future endeavors.

Your friends,

Roger Ailes and the Murdochs


Boehner reports that by this point Ailes was chief lunatic,
but the Murdochs didn't mind as long as Fox was a money
machine - a television tabloid.     He was a businessman,
pure and simple. He cared about ratings and the bottom
line.   No wonder the Murdochs and Trump get along so well.


What the Murdochs certainly realized was that changing
demographics meant that the ruling class could not hope to
retain its power with sweet reason, and sterner measures
would be required.     If the masses ever understood the
Reaganite Republican welfare transfers from the working
and middle classes to the major political donor classes,
they might rebel against those donors.       So it was
essential to keep their focus elsewhere.


It's amazing how the fantasy-outrage media machine has
normalized the Capitol riot in less than three months.
They're just waiting to spin up the next one.      What a
ratings bonanza!

Unless, of course, the advertisers decide to get off
the bus.

Voters who are sick of fantasy-outrage politics need to ask
themselves why they subsidize it by patronizing advertisers
on Fox, Infowars, etc.



impact 66
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2021-04-11
ratio 0
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Boehner tried to talk sense and responsibility into
topic media
wordrate 0
words 328
engaged 2
epoch Lifetime
ID 1392919547719227
likeimpress 2
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "04/11/2021 20:04"
title "Panic Rooms, Birth Certificates and the Birth of GOP Paranoia"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1392919547719227