Facebook Posts on original

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
A message from fairvote about ranked-choice voting - 2023-04-06 23 - 1 democracy
Precepts of Rule of Law that you might hope that anybody 2022-03-07 6 - theory
Outcomes of the 2021 elections - 2021-11-02 7 - 1 election
What was the greatest achievement of Southern Culture? 2021-05-20 - minority
Tweets for 2021-01-04 - 17 more days of Trump 2021-01-04 7 - election
Why are these Republicans voting for Democrats? 2020-08-27 58 13 2 2 4 election
Who gets to be veep? A balancing act. 2020-03-04 81 6 3 11 election
Respond to Putinism! RETIRE THE 23! 2019-11-24 69 16 1 2 15 impeachment
Ranked-choice voting 2019-05-07 39 - 1 democracy
Rural Bias in American Federalism 2019-04-15 66 4 1 4 democracy
The Democrats can emulate the Republicans 2019-01-05 276 26 1 6 44 politics
What to do about the Electoral College? 2018-11-13 57 2 3 7 democracy
The case against Trump: character 2018-11-06 256 20 5 7 39 1 1 trump
Why are these Republicans voting for Democrats? 2018-11-02 82 12 3 5 18 election
Evolution of the Republican Party - 2018-10-30 53 - 1 2 20 other
The Eternal Business Cycle 2018-01-05 27 1 2 other

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Sat Jan 27 06:29:17 PM PST 2024