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Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that begat us 2017-12-28
1 53 other
The evolutionary competition that was often helpful when 2017-11-14 5 - 1 1 other

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Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that begat us

"Let us now praise famous men" is a verse from
the Wisdom of Sirach, recognized as canonical scripture
by some and not others.  The phrase has been associated
with a choral work by Ralph Vaughan Williams and a book
by Agee and Evans.  I first heard the phrase in a church
service about 1970 when the congregation was supposed to
sing a hymn by that name - with music by Vaughan Williams.
It was chromatic and challenging and by the end of the
second line the congregation has given up and the choir
had to carry on to the end with faint praise.

Famous men have not been doing so well lately, even to the
extent of faint praise, as the shortcomings of living men,
particularly in relationship to women, have become much
more common knowledge, and the shortcomings of those long
gone have become more widely examined, particularly in
relationship to slavery.  How should we evaluate them?

The Army can revoke your medals if it wouldn't have awarded
them knowing what it now knows.  But it seems to me that
just as somebody's good accomplishments do not negate bad
ones, it follows that bad accomplishments do not negate
good ones.

Thus LBJ had lots of faults, but he was the southerner who
finally broke the back of segregation by getting the Civil
Rights and Voting Rights Acts passed.  His political muscle
nicely complemented Martin Luther King's moral muscle to
accomplish what neither could do alone - and television
journalism came along at just the right time to provide
an essential technological boost.

Thus Theodore Roosevelt was a racist imperialist, but he
was also the first president to understand that monopoly
power was anti-democratic, and that natural and historic
resources should be preserved even when Congress won't act,
and more than that, he took action to both those ends.

And so on - with Martin Luther, George Washington,
Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Roosevelt,
John Kennedy, even Warren Harding - even Garrison Keillor
- great and good things accomplished by people who also
believed and did other things that embarrass us today.

It seems that good and bad have to be borne in mind
together.  Mindless beatification and mindless demonization
are both destructive.  In particular, idolatry of great
people, to the extent of denying their flaws, sets them
apart from ordinary people, and gives ordinary people
an excuse:   "I'll never be as good as them so why

But every good accomplishment was accomplished by a sinner.
For some the sins were commensurate with the good, and
for others not, but all are under the same sentences of
original sin/evolutionary competition, and eventually
death, so there is always a fearful and greedy motivation
to accomplish whatever one intends, for good or ill,
while one still can.

Christians at least are called to forgiveness, particularly
if the offender repents.  Thus a crippled George Wallace
repented near the end of his life, sought forgiveness
from black Alabamans, and received it: "joy shall
be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more
than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no

That does not mean that sex offenders get access to
children at church, nor embezzlers to money at church.
But maybe one can relax a bit about embezzlers coaching
sports and sex offenders keeping the books.    Trust,
and verify.

In a way, it's not unlike other kinds of discrimination:
reducing the applicant pool for a particular job, for
reasons that have no bearing on the job, is just putting
the employer at a disadvantage relative to his competitors.
Including applicants in the pool for a particular job,
for reasons that have no bearing on the job - and ignoring
reasons that do have bearing on the job - is even worse.

So in the end, maybe the name of the hymn needs to be
"Let us now praise famous good deeds."  Hate
the bad deed, but still love the sinner and the good deed.


comments 1
dwordrate 0
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posted 2017-12-28
rate 0
ratio 6
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sumclicks 13
title Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that begat us
topic other
words 676
ID 556364348041422
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/556364348041422
audclicks 13
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posted "12/28/2017 12:05:42 PM"
postotherclicks 11
reach 362
type Status
budget 20
budgettype Lifetime
cadname "Post: ""Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that..."""
ccleantitle Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that
cclicksall 48
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cend 2018-06-30
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cstart 2018-04-01
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The evolutionary competition that was often helpful when
it was man against predatory animal, became less often
helpful when it became man against man of another tribe,
and has become completely unhelpful - in fact insanely
disastrous - when one man can wipe out his whole species.

That's one of the points made in the book The Chalice and
the Blade.

And it's part of the thesis of the liberty-and-justice.net
site: some degree of cooperation had better supplant
competition before everybody has the means and motivation
to blow everybody else up.


comments 1
dwordrate 3
negative 0
posted 2017-11-14
rate 0
ratio 2
react 2
rwordrate 0
sumclicks 1
title The evolutionary competition that was often helpful when
topic other
words 91
ID 537231469954710
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/537231469954710
audclicks 1
audreach 1
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 2
impress 23
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likeuusers 3
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 23
oreach 5
posted "11/14/2017 08:38:47 PM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 5
type Status