Facebook Posts on other-2020

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Just revealed by Q - alternate facts about the war! 2020-11-20 53 4 2 1 other
Unclear on the concept of feudalism! 2020-08-28 32 5 5 other
No more spring forward/fall back! 2020-08-28 8 - other
Moral persons of any religion might understand that 2020-08-26 6 - other
All about vice presidents 2020-08-26 5 - other
One person's disaster is another's opportunity! 2020-08-26 7 - other
Mike Pence - patiently waiting for... what? 2020-08-24 42 2 3 11 other
Who knew evangelicals led such interesting lives? 2020-08-24 39 3 1 3 other
Undoing 150 years of bad choices 2020-08-24 35 5 2 2 5 other
Another job #1 for Biden 2020-08-23 30 3 2 other
Re-remembering Hubert Humphrey 2020-08-21 58 5 4 3 10 1 other
No surprises here - Trumpists through and through 2020-08-20 41 6 1 3 other
Misplaced outrage 2020-08-20 14 - other
Just as Obama's rise had worldwide repercussions, so 2020-08-19 25 1 other
There won't be a teacher shortage at private schools for 2020-08-17 12 - other
One of the hardest parts of being the supreme political 2020-08-10 21 3 other
No man can serve two masters. Ye cannot serve God and 2020-08-10 22 1 3 other
If facts are no help and reality is too difficult to bear, 2020-08-06 23 1 1 2 other
In the Middle East, what would an itinerant preacher 2020-08-04 8 - other
What shall we do about Fort Bragg? 2020-08-03 14 - 1 other
Would you rather be living through 1942? 2020-07-24 27 2 1 other
Congress passes a bipartisan bill right before an election 2020-07-23 26 2 2 other
Just in time = just out of luck in emergencies 2020-07-22 - other
Do we really need the Star Spangled Banner before every 2020-07-22 13 - other
Faith or fraud? 2020-07-20 16 - 2 1 other
All human progress comes from the works of fallible 2020-07-18 10 - other
There were giants in the earth in those days 2020-07-18 67 10 2 2 5 other
How you get ahead in the Trump administration 2020-07-16 46 8 1 1 1 other
Trumpism vs public schools 2020-07-15 19 - 1 other
How is Trump stealing English IP different from China 2020-07-10 71 48 8 4 10 other
What do Indian treaties mean? 2020-07-09 48 10 1 16 1 other
Enlarge Americorps to cultivate a sense of common purpose 2020-07-08 33 5 1 1 other
Silence means consent 2020-06-24 13 - 1 other
Warren Harding and Ulysses Grant were thought by many 2020-06-22 43 9 1 2 9 other
How terrorism starts in the age of social media 2020-06-17 38 5 1 2 10 other
Real honor, real glory 2020-06-13 21 - 1 other
Is Pompeo the worst? 2020-05-26 83 21 3 4 15 other
A real hero 2020-05-26 18 - 1 1 other
Memorial Day 2020-05-25 57 8 1 3 12 1 other
CEO words matter! 2020-05-22 28 - 4 1 other
What you didn't know about Jane Roe 2020-05-20 16 - 2 other
Trump administration likes land mines. 2020-05-18 127 39 5 13 18 other
Last of the Beats 2020-05-10 16 1 4 other
Updating an ancient parable. 2020-05-09 59 6 3 6 other
Rewriting history for political correctness. 2020-04-29 25 4 5 other
Do we have free will or not? 2020-04-25 15 - other
You just have to hope that the armed forces could still 2020-04-16 21 3 4 other
Theodicy and epidemics. 2020-04-11 11 - other
Maybe politics is the wrong path. 2020-04-11 18 - 2 other
A music drama for this day and our time. 2020-04-10 22 2 other
Rewriting history - it's not supposed to be what happened, 2020-04-06 13 - 1 2 other
Seder while sheltering 2020-04-06 9 - other
The usual suspects and the usual scapegoats. 2020-04-06 35 5 6 other
In the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt - 2020-04-04 38 8 1 2 8 other
Follow the leader! 2020-04-02 24 1 other
Training the next generation to obey Dear Leader! 2020-03-31 22 4 2 1 1 other
Do conservative intellectuals have anything to say to 2020-03-31 18 1 3 1 other
The world ends today! 2020-03-28 15 - 1 other
A triumph for Management by Objectives! 2020-03-25 16 2 2 1 11 other
A different international dispute - dealing with leap 2020-03-24 12 - other
Camus on the random plagues of life. 2020-03-19 11 - other
Feminism then and now - 2020-03-18 13 - 3 other
Living with uncertainty. 2020-03-18 11 - other
The life of a salesman. 2020-03-14 25 - 1 other
Never buy a gift card for the government. Or any 2020-03-14 12 - 1 other
Living in the moment tends to bring out the best in people. 2020-03-12 14 - 1 other
"If we lose the war we will be tried as war 2020-03-09 35 4 other
The only reality is what you feel! 2020-03-09 37 5 5 other
A temporary setback in the Trumpist/Putinist war against 2020-03-09 31 5 3 other
Prostitution degrades both participants. 2020-03-08 26 1 1 other
Trump administration help rural schools learn to stand 2020-03-02 73 21 2 4 6 other
If they collect your data, they will sell it. 2020-03-01 36 11 2 2 other
It's passed the House. 2020-02-28 98 26 4 4 13 other
Where your pork and poultry come from 2020-02-25 49 5 1 4 other
So where does radioactive nuclear waste go? 2020-02-23 56 6 1 10 other
This belonged on the Science Channel? Is that on Fox? 2020-02-23 116 12 3 2 17 other
Blago auditions for a job in Trump administration! 2020-02-22 35 - 1 other
gimme that old-time religion - and that old-time standard 2020-02-19 20 - other
Such a natural for the Trump administration. Maybe he 2020-02-19 27 1 1 other
Those self-sufficient rural Republicans are tired of being 2020-02-18 174 30 4 4 39 other
Roots of the infrastructure crisis - 2020-02-18 33 3 1 other
Presidential aspirations on hold... 2020-02-14 62 8 1 1 4 other
Now Trump is specifying architecture 2020-02-11 67 10 2 1 5 other
Just what we needed - more kinds of nukes. 2020-02-09 43 3 2 6 other
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his 2020-02-09 32 1 other
Trump delegates pardon processing to Kardashian and Kushner 2020-02-04 69 18 2 7 24 other
Saved by impeachment! 2020-02-03 12 - other
Death threats against a novelist? 2020-01-30 18 - other
Putting an end to satanic pregnancies 2020-01-29 74 14 2 1 14 1 other
What will the other politicians be doing when they are 95? 2020-01-27 76 17 10 other
VFW doesn't think much of presidential medical 2020-01-25 255 30 2 4 31 2 other
Something else to worry about. 2020-01-22 77 12 1 2 5 other
Does frequent turnover make the National Security Council 2020-01-21 17 - other
Putin exercises strong leadership in Potemkin academics - 2020-01-17 11 - 1 other
What's the allure of hell? 2020-01-10 9 - other
How to apologize. 2020-01-03 7 - 3 other
Who needs science? 2020-01-01 30 5 5 1 other

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Sun Feb 14 07:48:57 PST 2021


Just revealed by Q - alternate facts about the war!

In 1941, FDR, not wanting to cause alarm or upset the stock
market, responded to a reporter's question by observing
that a tiny raid on Hawaii - which is not part of the
United States - might have left 5-10 with minor injuries
from which they will soon recover..

He called on the governors of every state to take such
steps as they saw fit to raise, train, and equip the
National Guard - or not.  When asked what the national plan
was, he said THAT was the national plan - the National
Guard of course!  Members of his government that disagreed
were dismissed for not being good team players, so all the
senators from his party hastened to agree with the

But involuntary military service was viewed as an
infringement of freedom and led to demonstrations by
civilians, armed for combat against politicians, AGAINST
arming civilians for combat against an exaggerated, if not
fake news, threat.    FDR applauded their stand for their
rights against overbearing state governors of the other
party, since the raids would disappear overnight in warmer
weather, or after the election.   So states that had not
actually been raided or invaded turned on the bright lights
and went back to the beaches and bars to celebrate.

After the Germans conquered New York and the Japanese
California, FDR sent Roy Cohn to court in both states to
argue that the invasion was fake news based on a stack of
affidavits from unimpeachable sources like William Joyce
and Mildred Gillars.     On his way to the golf course, FDR
mentioned to reporters that the nation had "turned a
corner" by mobilizing Cohn, and that his political
opponents were trying to create panic and upset the stock
market and should be tried for treason - with their heads
on poles.

FDR added that any states that did suffer damages should
blame their governors, all from the other party,  for
letting tiny raids dominate them, since he HAD suggested
they take steps.

FDR received affectionate letters of congratulations on his
re-election from the strong leaders of several important
countries, including Vidkun Quisling and Ion Antonescu,
before the election campaign had even begun.


topic other 1


hide 1
impact 263
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 1
posted 2020-11-20
priority 1
ratio 7
react 7
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Just revealed by Q - alternate facts about the war!
topic other
wordrate 0
words 376
ID 1296229830721533
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1296229830721533
audclicks 2
audreach 1
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impress 60
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matchedotherclicks 2
negclicks 1
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oimpress 60
oreach 53
posted "11/20/2020 09:49:32 AM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 53
type Status


Unclear on the concept of feudalism!

The laws apply to the serfs, not the nobility.




topic other


impact 18
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 0
posted 2020-08-28
ratio 3
react 10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Unclear on the concept of feudalism!
topic other
wordrate 0
words 18
ID 1225555221122328
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1225555221122328
audclicks 5
audreach 4
engaged 8
impress 40
likeclickusers 7
likeimpress 5
likeuimpress 28
likeusers 5
likeuusers 28
matchedlinkclicks 4
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 40
oreach 32
posted "08/28/2020 09:24:30 PM"
postlinkclicks 4
postotherclicks 1
reach 32
type Link


No more spring forward/fall back!


Pick a time zone and stick with it!     Actually the
best from many points of view would be to just adopt UT
everywhere all the time, but that would be inconvenient
in the US in that the date would change in late afternoon
or early evening.   But anything that requires a global
point of view - astronomy, aviation, meteorology, GPS, the
internet - runs on UT underneath whatever facade it might
have.     Standard time was invented by the railroads,
the first industry that moved fast enough that it made
a difference.

You can tell that changing back and forth is just a
temperate-zone hack.     They don't bother in the tropics,
because the length of the day doesn't change much, and
they don't bother in far-northern regions, where one hour
wouldn't be nearly enough adjustment.


topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-28
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title No more spring forward/fall back!
topic other
wordrate 0
words 142
ID 1225536914457492
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1225536914457492
impress 18
likeuimpress 6
likeuusers 5
oimpress 18
oreach 8
posted "08/28/2020 08:49:18 PM"
reach 8
type Link


Moral persons of any religion might understand that
prostitution diminishes both parties.     How much more
so when the parties are Church and State.     No man can
serve two masters.



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Moral persons of any religion might understand that
topic other
wordrate 0
words 32
ID 1223833601294490
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1223833601294490
impress 12
likeuimpress 5
likeuusers 5
oimpress 12
oreach 6
posted "08/26/2020 08:21:54 PM"
reach 6
type Link


All about vice presidents


We can only hope that Kamala Harris will break the mold!



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title All about vice presidents
topic other
wordrate 0
words 18
ID 1223827947961722
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1223827947961722
impress 11
likeuimpress 4
likeuusers 4
oimpress 11
oreach 5
posted "08/26/2020 08:11:22 PM"
reach 5
type Link


One person's disaster is another's opportunity!



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title One person's disaster is another's opportunity!
topic other
wordrate 0
words 9
ID 1223520414659142
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1223520414659142
impress 13
likeuimpress 6
likeuusers 6
oimpress 13
oreach 7
posted "08/26/2020 10:57:33 AM"
reach 7
type Link


Mike Pence - patiently waiting for... what?

They also serve who only stand and wait.


He no shoo-in for 2024 if Trump decides against a third
term - he'll have to beat off Don Jr, Tucker Carlson,
Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, Tim Scott,  and maybe Q.



topic other 1


comments 3
impact 80
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-08-24
priority 1
ratio 2
react 16
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 11
title Mike Pence - patiently waiting for... what?
topic other
wordrate 0
words 50
ID 1222191954791988
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1222191954791988
audclicks 11
audreach 6
commentsimpress 3
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engaged 8
impress 49
likeclickusers 7
likeimpress 2
likeuimpress 40
likeusers 2
likeuusers 37
matchedlinkclicks 2
matchedotherclicks 9
oimpress 49
oreach 42
posted "08/24/2020 08:04:05 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 5
reach 42
type Link


Who knew evangelicals led such interesting lives?

But if they are also Trumpists - that explains everything.
Say no more, squire, say no more!


At first it seemed that maybe he didn't really resign
after all - nudge nudge wink wink!   Maybe he was just
negotiating a better exit deal - that would be the Trumpist
thing to do.     Actually  he got a deal that any major
Trump donor would understand -


It doesn't matter to Trump.     Trumpist evangelical voters
will still support him no matter what.


topic other


comments 1
impact 63
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-08-24
ratio 5
react 7
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Who knew evangelicals led such interesting lives?
topic other
wordrate 0
words 90
ID 1222044064806777
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1222044064806777
audclicks 3
audreach 3
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 5
impress 47
likeclickusers 5
likeimpress 3
likeuimpress 43
likeusers 3
likeuusers 38
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 47
oreach 39
posted "08/24/2020 03:20:20 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 2
reach 39
type Link


Undoing 150 years of bad choices



topic other


comments 2
impact 13
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 0
posted 2020-08-24
ratio 2
react 14
reactrate 0
shares 2
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Undoing 150 years of bad choices
topic other
wordrate 0
words 9
ID 1221750558169461
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1221750558169461
audclicks 5
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commentsimpress 2
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likeclickusers 4
likeimpress 5
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likeusers 5
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matchedlinkclicks 2
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oimpress 38
oreach 35
posted "08/24/2020 07:00:10 AM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 2
reach 35
sharesimpress 2
sharesusers 2
type Link


Another job #1 for Biden

Restoring the norm of telling the truth, all up and down



topic other


impact 10
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-08-23
ratio 6
react 5
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Another job #1 for Biden
topic other
wordrate 0
words 20
ID 1221139231563927
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1221139231563927
audclicks 2
audreach 2
engaged 4
impress 34
likeclickusers 4
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likeusers 3
likeuusers 29
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 34
oreach 30
posted "08/23/2020 11:43:06 AM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 1
reach 30
type Link


Re-remembering Hubert Humphrey

During the height of the Vietnam war, college students
thought of LBJ as the devil incarnate and Hubert Humphrey
as his second in command.

But LBJ's biggest impact was the Civil Rights and Voting
Righs Acts - you can tell their significance by the
tireless efforts of Republicans ever since to undo them
in order to preserve minority rule.

As for HHH, this article begins with a telling story of
a type that you'd never hear about Trump -



topic other 1


comments 4
hide 1
impact 198
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 1
posted 2020-08-21
priority 1
ratio 2
react 23
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 10
title Re-remembering Hubert Humphrey
topic other
wordrate 0
words 86
ID 1219594948385022
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1219594948385022
audclicks 10
audreach 9
commentsimpress 4
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engaged 12
hideclicks 1
hideclicksusers 1
impress 59
likeclickusers 11
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likeusers 5
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matchedlinkclicks 3
matchedotherclicks 7
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 59
oreach 58
posted "08/21/2020 05:21:46 PM"
postlinkclicks 3
postotherclicks 7
reach 58
sharesimpress 3
sharesusers 3
type Link


No surprises here - Trumpists through and through



These guys have a history


Maybe this is the end of it


Bannon shouldn't necessarily expect a pardon from Trump.
He was fired for the cardinal sin - trying to take the
spotlight away from Trump.



topic other 1


comments 1
impact 48
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-08-20
priority 1
ratio 4
react 10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title No surprises here - Trumpists through and through
topic other
wordrate 0
words 48
ID 1218563025154881
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1218563025154881
audclicks 3
audreach 3
commentsimpress 1
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engaged 8
impress 46
likeclickusers 6
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 40
likeusers 6
likeuusers 38
matchedlinkclicks 2
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 46
oreach 41
posted "08/20/2020 09:39:27 AM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 1
reach 41
type Link


Misplaced outrage

Evidently there is a AUTOMATIC twitter feed announcing
all the documents that FBI makes public under FOIA.
That's a good thing.     Who thinks it would be better if
all such actions were delayed by a further manual review
and evaluation process by a Trump administration appointee?


The FBI gathers lots of repulsive information about many
repulsive organizations, without endorsing any of it.  FOIA
guarantees that anybody can see that information.  It's
hard to believe that anybody tending toward anti-semitism
has not heard of the Protocols and doesn't already know
where to find them.      The interesting information in
this FOIA disclosure, that might not be so easy to find
otherwise,  is the FBI's evaluation - "reports from
the FBI classifying the book as false. Included is a 1964
report from the Senate Judiciary Committee, in which they
call the text “fabricated” and “crude and vicious
nonsense.” There are also several letters to former FBI
director J. Edgar Hoover noting a troubling resurgence of
the text."

Shouldn't we be glad of proof that over many years, the
FBI has been doing its job tracking anti-semitism along
with other threats?

What is amazing is that so many people seem to be
subscribed to what must be usually a very boring automated
twitter feed.


topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-20
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Misplaced outrage
topic other
wordrate 0
words 215
ID 1218507721827078
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1218507721827078
impress 16
likeuimpress 13
likeuusers 13
oimpress 16
oreach 14
posted "08/20/2020 08:11:49 AM"
reach 14
type Link


Just as Obama's rise had worldwide repercussions, so
too Harris's.


Anything is possible for minorities in America, so why not
the rest of the world?  The slanders from Trump will pale
compared to those from insecure Indian men.  But maybe not
from Tamil men.       They might be justifiably proud of
her too.


In India, all language issues are cultural issues are
political issues.      Tamil speakers are a small minority.



topic other


impact 7
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-08-19
ratio 25
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Just as Obama's rise had worldwide repercussions, so
topic other
wordrate 0
words 72
ID 1218078175203366
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1218078175203366
engaged 1
impress 27
likeclickusers 1
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 21
likeusers 1
likeuusers 21
oimpress 27
oreach 25
posted "08/19/2020 07:10:53 PM"
reach 25
type Link


There won't be a teacher shortage at private schools for
the 1%.

Everybody else can just make do with whoever they can get.


Why not just have an academic holiday for the 2020-2021
academic year?     Don't try to do traditional teaching,
especially at a distance, which is just going to exacerbate
the inequality between the children of haves and the
children of have-nots.        Encourage (financially)
every family that can, to keep kids at home with a
non-working parent or a grandparent;  for the rest, let
them come to school for a less structured enrichment that
is less labor-intensive.    Kids like to watch TV - do it
at school where the content can be kept age-appropriate
and constructive.

The goal is to minimize the number of students attending
physical school so that group sizes can be as small as
possible, while allowing parents who need to work to do so,
and while minimizing the stress on teachers.

It's educational daycare on a vast scale, and while it's
a year lost in traditional educational calculation, it
need not be completely lost, and it keeps everybody in
the same boat until we know for sure what we should be
doing instead.


topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-17
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title There won't be a teacher shortage at private schools for
topic other
wordrate 0
words 201
ID 1216491335362050
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1216491335362050
impress 15
likeuimpress 11
likeuusers 11
oimpress 15
oreach 12
posted "08/17/2020 08:37:45 PM"
reach 12
type Link


One of the hardest parts of being the supreme political
leader is finding out the truth.


You have to actively bypass the people who are actively
trying to tell you what they think you want to hear.
For instance, ambitious governors -


who will tell him that he deserves to be on Mt Rushmore.

The boss has to WANT to find out the truth by means such
as skip-level meetings.




topic other


impact 22
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-08-10
ratio 7
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title One of the hardest parts of being the supreme political
topic other
wordrate 0
words 73
ID 1210574135953770
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1210574135953770
engaged 3
impress 27
likeclickusers 3
likeimpress 3
likeuimpress 21
likeusers 3
likeuusers 20
oimpress 27
oreach 21
posted "08/10/2020 08:58:48 AM"
reach 21
type Link


No man can serve two masters.  Ye cannot serve God and

You'd think evangelicals would know that.     But faith,
not logic, is their strong suit.


After all, when Constantine dreamed "in hoc signo
vinces" he had in mind a military victory, not a
moral one.     And when he established Christianity as the
Roman religion, his intent was to promote Constantine,
not Christianity.     that's the way emperors think.
To reign and even survive, they must think constantly
about power and influence.

Oddly enough, though evangelicals consider Trump to be
eminently morally fit to lead the whole country, they
considered, on much narrower grounds, that Falwell was
not morally fit to lead their university.


All things are lawful for me, but all things are not
expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things
edify not.


topic other


impact 56
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-08-10
ratio 5
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title No man can serve two masters. Ye cannot serve God and
topic other
wordrate 0
words 139
ID 1210560095955174
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1210560095955174
audclicks 3
audreach 3
engaged 3
impress 30
likeclickusers 3
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 24
likeusers 1
likeuusers 20
matchedlinkclicks 2
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 30
oreach 22
posted "08/10/2020 08:35:21 AM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 1
reach 22
type Link


If facts are no help and reality is too difficult to bear,
turn to myth

It was the same just before the end of the Confederacy,
and just before the end of the Japanese Empire.       Those
inclined toward fanaticism became completely delusional.

It's worst when the fanatics turn on their own people who
are grounded in reality.


Der Untergang - when even myth fails, will Trump blame his
own supporters for his loss, as unworthy of his leadership?



topic other


impact 32
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-08-06
ratio 5
react 4
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title If facts are no help and reality is too difficult to bear,
topic other
wordrate 0
words 81
ID 1207637252914125
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1207637252914125
audclicks 2
audreach 2
engaged 3
impress 26
likeclickusers 3
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 21
likeusers 1
likeuusers 20
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 26
oreach 23
posted "08/06/2020 01:47:39 PM"
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In the Middle East, what would an itinerant preacher
look like?


Did God make make Man in His image or vice versa, modified
to fit any situation?

Thus on a lower level of the heavenly hierarchy, St James,
Saint Jacques, Sankt Jakob, ... is known in Spanish as
Santiago Peregrino - and also as Santiago Matamoros,
Santiago Mataindios, Santiago Mataespanoles, Santiago
Matajudios... depending on who is talking and which
ideological axes they wish to sharpen.


topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-08-04
reactrate 0
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title In the Middle East, what would an itinerant preacher
topic other
wordrate 1
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ID 1205994316411752
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1205994316411752
impress 10
likeuimpress 7
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posted "08/04/2020 10:53:21 AM"
reach 8
type Link


What shall we do about Fort Bragg?


There is Fort Bragg, CA, founded in 1857, with no military
presence since 1864.


And there is Fort Bragg, NC, founded in 1918, that is ALL
military presence.


Braxton Bragg had a satisfactory career as a junior
artillery officer during the Mexican War.     His actual
exploits might have been magnified by favorable media
coverage, to the extent that Fort Bragg, CA was named for
him, by one of his former junior officers.

His career in the Civil War was much less distinguished.
Poor health and a difficult personality led to lots of
enemies who blamed him for various defeats, and again his
actual shortcomings may have been magnified by unfavorable
media coverage influenced by his enemies.   But it's hard
to see why even Confederate enthusiasts would argue for
naming an important Army base for him.    He accomplished
nothing significant after the war.

What about Fort Bragg, CA?     It was named after him for
his real or reported exploits in the Mexican War.  One of
the impetuses for the Mexican War was the desire in the
South to create more slave states to prevent a free-state
majority in the Senate.      How did Bragg feel about that?
Apparently he was opposed to secession, but once it
happened, was willing to serve in the Confederate Army.


topic other


impact 22
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posted 2020-08-03
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title What shall we do about Fort Bragg?
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ID 1205449366466247
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1205449366466247
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posted "08/03/2020 05:55:17 PM"
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Would you rather be living through 1942?


It was also the year of the Doolittle Raid, battle of
Midway, and the bulk of the battles of Guadalcanal and
Stalingrad.     Will history remember 2020 for definitive
victories against ANYTHING?        Voting Trump out
would count.


topic other


impact 14
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-24
ratio 9
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sharesrate 0
title Would you rather be living through 1942?
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1197807693897081
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1197807693897081
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posted "07/24/2020 12:45:42 PM"
reach 27
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type Link


Congress passes a bipartisan bill right before an election

Despite sniping from the extreme left and extreme right,
the bill got large majorities and Trump has said he will
sign it.    Unless he hears something on Fox the morning



topic other


impact 17
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posted 2020-07-23
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title Congress passes a bipartisan bill right before an election
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ID 1196878300656687
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1196878300656687
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posted "07/23/2020 07:25:53 AM"
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type Link


Just in time = just out of luck in emergencies

Driving cost out of the system sounds good, until
you are desperate and willing to pay almost anything.
Basically providing extra capacity for emergencies is not
an economic imperative - it's a moral imperative.


Mathematical programming provides algorithmic methods to
find solutions to minimize cost.       But if the cost
function excludes considerations of emergencies, so will
the solution.


topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-22
reactrate 0
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title Just in time = just out of luck in emergencies
topic other
wordrate 1
words 71
ID 1196543540690163
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1196543540690163
posted "07/22/2020 08:29:33 PM"
type Link


Do we really need the Star Spangled Banner before every

Does Congress sing it at the start of every day?


Trump is still bent out of shape by Kaepernick.  Evidently
he doesn't think a fatal knee on the neck should be
remembered with a knee on the ground.


Is he going to send his secret goon squads to enforce?


So what do all the states-rights reactionaries in Trump's
base have to say about that?     Federal troops in
Charleston triggered the Civil War.


In any event, the Star Spangled Banner should be reserved
for times of war.   Even though the USA last declared war
in 1941, nobody can say whether the last 70 years have
been years of war or years of not-war.   Fortunately we
don't usually have to sing ALL the verses

And no refuge could save The hireling and slave From the
terror of flight And the gloom of the grave

Much more fitting to the America most of us want to
continue to become is America the Beautiful, a national
anthem for peacetime.

America, America, God mend thine every flaw Confirm thy
soul in self-control Thy liberty in law!


But you can see that's completely unsuitable for


topic other 1


impact 0
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posted 2020-07-22
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title Do we really need the Star Spangled Banner before every
topic other
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ID 1196425910701926
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1196425910701926
impress 17
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posted "07/22/2020 04:42:19 PM"
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Faith or fraud?


His spiritual descendants are still trying.


topic other


hide 1
impact 4
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-20
ratio 5
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title Faith or fraud?
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1195045460839971
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1195045460839971
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posted "07/20/2020 08:54:04 PM"
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All human progress comes from the works of fallible

They aren't completely different from the fallible sinners
that block and undo human progress.         But they
are different, and it's the difference that we should
celebrate, not the sameness.


Still the sameness should not be forgotten.



topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-07-18
reactrate 0
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title All human progress comes from the works of fallible
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1193124837698700
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1193124837698700
impress 12
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posted "07/18/2020 06:51:47 AM"
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There were giants in the earth in those days

How many people now remember what SNCC and SCLC were
all about?



topic other 1


comments 2
impact 48
impactrate 0
likeimpress 10
negative 0
posted 2020-07-18
priority 1
ratio 3
react 19
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sharesrate 0
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title There were giants in the earth in those days
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ID 1193105231033994
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1193105231033994
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posted "07/18/2020 06:20:36 AM"
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How you get ahead in the Trump administration



topic other


comments 1
impact 12
impactrate 0
likeimpress 8
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posted 2020-07-16
ratio 4
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title How you get ahead in the Trump administration
topic other
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ID 1192092177801966
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1192092177801966
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posted "07/16/2020 09:13:05 PM"
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Trumpism vs public schools



topic other


impact 1
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-15
ratio 19
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title Trumpism vs public schools
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ID 1191181554559695
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posted "07/15/2020 04:17:29 PM"
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type Link


How is Trump stealing English IP different from China
stealing American IP?



topic other


comments 8
impact 105
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-10
ratio 1
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title How is Trump stealing English IP different from China
topic other
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ID 1187348221609695
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1187348221609695
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posted "07/10/2020 03:42:34 PM"
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What do Indian treaties mean?

The Supreme Court says they mean SOMEthing -


Gorsuch might have sided with the Indians -


There's a lot of history here.


An ancestor of mine was involved in putting down the Smoked
Meat Rebellion - and later elected judge  -


110 years later it appears he was on the wrong side of
history -


In my day, Henryetta was known as the home of Jim
Shoulders -


More recently, as the home of Troy Aikman


The local paper was the Henryetta Daily Free Lance, whose
masthead used to read

"ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free"


topic other 1


hide 1
impact 311
impactrate 0
likeimpress 10
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posted 2020-07-09
priority 1
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title What do Indian treaties mean?
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ID 1186688388342345
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1186688388342345
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posted "07/09/2020 07:18:47 PM"
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Enlarge Americorps to cultivate a sense of common purpose
among all young Americans?



topic other


hide 1
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posted 2020-07-08
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title Enlarge Americorps to cultivate a sense of common purpose
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ID 1186034028407781
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1186034028407781
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posted "07/08/2020 10:53:54 PM"
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Silence means consent


Just as the Republicans lost to the Trumpists.

And the "pragmatic" German politicians to
the Nazis.

Just about everything good that has ever been accomplished
has been accomplished by people with shortcomings just like
the rest of us, but who overcame their shortcomings anyway
and went on to accomplish some great things.  It's just as
big a mistake to focus on the bad and ignore the good as
it is to focus on the good and ignore the bad.  Life is
about making judgments about what is more important and
what is less important, as well as what is good and what
is not good.



topic other


impact 11
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posted 2020-06-24
ratio 13
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title Silence means consent
topic other
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ID 1174737389537445
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1174737389537445
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posted "06/24/2020 10:23:20 AM"
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Warren Harding and Ulysses Grant were thought by many
historians to be the worst presidents



Now they are taking another look -




Rioters in SF seem to have overlooked the big picture,
by accident or intent -


But if there are any "worst president" statues
in existence, they need to be toppled to make room for
the new undisputed title holder.


topic other


comments 1
impact 134
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
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posted 2020-06-22
ratio 2
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title Warren Harding and Ulysses Grant were thought by many
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ID 1173051269706057
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posted "06/22/2020 07:42:27 AM"
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type Link


How terrorism starts in the age of social media

No leader, no organization, no headquarters, no money,
no definite fixed ideology.

That all comes later...



Are the boogaloo bois preparing for a new civil war over
race or over class?  That remains to be resolved by a Night
of Long Knives if they finally become an organization with
a leader.


In the meantime, fake news about non-existent threats is
a good way to gain support -



topic other


comments 1
impact 142
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
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posted 2020-06-17
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title How terrorism starts in the age of social media
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ID 1169747933369724
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1169747933369724
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posted "06/17/2020 10:43:15 PM"
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Real honor, real glory


If you want to know more about the 54th, there's a good
movie -



topic other 1


impact 2
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posted 2020-06-13
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title Real honor, real glory
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ID 1166418530369331
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1166418530369331
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posted "06/13/2020 12:59:43 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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type Link


Is Pompeo the worst?


But let's not blame him for everything -


But let's not encourage his presidential ambitions.
His talents are better suited to representing rural Kansas
in the House -


He's good enough for Koch!


topic other


comments 3
impact 172
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-26
ratio 1
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title Is Pompeo the worst?
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1152705048407346
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1152705048407346
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posted "05/26/2020 07:36:25 PM"
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type Link


A real hero


If you don't know about the secret Kommandobefehl -



topic other


hide 1
impact 3
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-26
ratio 9
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title A real hero
topic other
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ID 1152624598415391
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1152624598415391
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posted "05/26/2020 05:13:30 PM"
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type Link


Memorial Day


What do we owe our veterans?



topic other


comments 1
hide 1
impact 28
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posted 2020-05-25
ratio 2
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title Memorial Day
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ID 1151609928516858
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1151609928516858
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posted "05/25/2020 07:18:05 AM"
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type Link


CEO words matter!

As Elon Musk is going to find out eventually, especially
if he runs for political office.       Currently, former
political candidate Meg Whitman probably still regrets
some things she was a little too candid about -


In case you need to refresh your memory -


But maybe it doesn't matter -



topic other


hide 1
impact 28
impactrate 0
negative 1
posted 2020-05-22
ratio 5
react 5
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title CEO words matter!
topic other
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ID 1149466795397838
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1149466795397838
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posted "05/22/2020 09:50:20 AM"
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What you didn't know about Jane Roe



topic other


impact 2
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posted 2020-05-20
ratio 8
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title What you didn't know about Jane Roe
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ID 1148233525521165
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1148233525521165
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posted "05/20/2020 04:12:42 PM"
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type Link


Trump administration likes land mines.

Amnesty International pointed out this little-publicized
decision -


If you're wondering what the big deal is, there's a nice
Oscar-winning dramatization -


Then even after the military action is over and the
politics are settled, the invisible mines keep making war
on whoever wanders by -




topic other


comments 5
impact 405
impactrate 0
likeimpress 39
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posted 2020-05-18
ratio 1
react 75
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shares 13
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 18
title Trump administration likes land mines.
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1146617692349415
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1146617692349415
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posted "05/18/2020 03:46:39 PM"
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type Link


Last of the Beats



topic other


impact 4
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-10
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title Last of the Beats
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ID 1140406386303879
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posted "05/10/2020 12:53:31 PM"
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type Link


Updating an ancient parable.

The same parable is told in Spanish and French, for sure,
and probably in many other languages as well.


“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on
earth but yours." - Santa Teresa


topic other


impact 66
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
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posted 2020-05-09
ratio 3
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title Updating an ancient parable.
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1139840729693778
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1139840729693778
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posted "05/09/2020 07:36:15 PM"
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type Link


Rewriting history for political correctness.


It's always been a Russian art form.

Now being studied by the Trump administration -



topic other


impact 21
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2020-04-29
ratio 2
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title Rewriting history for political correctness.
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ID 1131762137168304
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1131762137168304
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posted "04/29/2020 07:27:21 AM"
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Do we have free will or not?

If the entire destiny of the universe is pre-determined
at the moment of creation, then who could have free will?
You might think you were deciding, but you were only
following the automatic universal program.

But if the future can't be determined entirely from the
past at the quantum scale, how could it be determined at
the human scale?


Thoughts on the occasion of the loss of John Conway to
the virus.


The relation to politics?       Is "We have no
choice" just a euphemism for "I freely choose
to consider only my preferred choice and no others"?


topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-04-25
reactrate 0
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title Do we have free will or not?
topic other
wordrate 1
words 107
ID 1128885127456005
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1128885127456005
impress 23
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posted "04/25/2020 10:00:26 AM"
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You just have to hope that the armed forces could still
manage to fight a real war.


In WWII, Allied intelligence was always overjoyed to learn
when Hitler had decided to take personal command of a
situation, as that usually turned out well for the Allies.


topic other


impact 34
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
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posted 2020-04-16
ratio 3
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title You just have to hope that the armed forces could still
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1122135611464290
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1122135611464290
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posted "04/16/2020 02:15:14 PM"
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Theodicy and epidemics.

Most people, most of the time, do not tempt the laws of
physics in predictable everyday situations, and if they do,
they don't call the unpleasant consequences acts of God.
They are the consequences of our own free will.


What about less frequent events that we can't predict?
Lawyers call these "acts of God" as a way of
avoiding liability for their corporate clients, but they
are still consequences of physics - coupled with our acts
of free will to prepare for them or not, based on our
limited understanding.      We can't exactly predict new
epidemics or earthquakes or wildfires or hurricanes or
tornadoes, but we know they are coming sooner or later,
and when they come, and we are not prepared, what are we
to learn from them?



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-11
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Theodicy and epidemics.
topic other
wordrate 1
words 135
ID 1118390421838809
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1118390421838809
impress 15
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posted "04/11/2020 11:15:09 PM"
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type Link


Maybe politics is the wrong path.



topic other


impact 2
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-11
ratio 9
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sumclicks 2
title Maybe politics is the wrong path.
topic other
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ID 1118377308506787
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1118377308506787
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posted "04/11/2020 10:50:37 PM"
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A music drama for this day and our time.


If you are new to opera, you don't start with Wagner.
If you are new to Wagner, you don't start with Parsifal.


But it continues to resonate with pilgrims who can bear
the journey.


It concludes on Good Friday, in the opera and at the Met
free rebroadcast, through this afternoon - barely enough
time for the committed to see the whole show.  For the
curious but noncommital, skip ahead all the way to the
final curtain and watch the interviews with the principals
to get a notion of what's in it for them.

This production dates from 2013, but the conductor mentions
how much we need a time to stop our busy lives and think
about what they mean and what our purpose is.  And now we
have shelter in place to do that.     The stage director
mentions how the sorcerer Klingsor harnesses all our base
instincts, as he perverts all we hold sacred, in his drive
for power.       And now he's in the White House.  Is Joe
Biden the perfect fool to set things straight?  As long
as he avoids the flowermaidens surrounding Klingsor!


topic other


impact 40
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
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posted 2020-04-10
ratio 11
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title A music drama for this day and our time.
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ID 1117240268620491
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1117240268620491
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posted "04/10/2020 09:49:08 AM"
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Rewriting history - it's not supposed to be what happened,
but what you feel about  what happened.


Putin could give lessons.       There was a whole industry
devoted to rewriting the Soviet Encyclopedia whenever
official doctrine changed.

The Democrats are trying to keep the history historical -



topic other


impact 15
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-04-06
ratio 4
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Rewriting history - it's not supposed to be what happened,
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1114534755557709
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1114534755557709
audclicks 2
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posted "04/06/2020 10:33:08 PM"
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type Link


Seder while sheltering



topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-04-06
reactrate 0
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title Seder while sheltering
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1114528812224970
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1114528812224970
impress 14
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posted "04/06/2020 10:18:45 PM"
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The usual suspects and the usual scapegoats.


None of this bothers Trump nearly as much as disloyalty
in the Federal government.       Not that anybody swore
loyalty to Trump, but he expects it anyway.

Most of the prominent Republicans who haven't joined in
have kept silent, so it must not bother them either.


topic other


impact 61
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
negative 0
posted 2020-04-06
ratio 3
react 11
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title The usual suspects and the usual scapegoats.
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1114526272225224
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1114526272225224
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posted "04/06/2020 10:14:01 PM"
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In the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt -


In the spirit of Donald Trump -



But if you work for Trump, you know you'll get purged
eventually, either for competence or incompetence.


Perhaps CAPT Crozier didn't realize he was working for
Trump.      The rest of the armed forces will get the
point though.


topic other


comments 1
impact 105
impactrate 0
likeimpress 8
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posted 2020-04-04
ratio 2
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title In the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt -
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1112845995726585
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1112845995726585
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posted "04/04/2020 03:06:15 PM"
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Follow the leader!

It's your feelings that count!


Feelings, and getting your 15 minutes of fame!


No need to follow rules if you feel they are wrong.


It's the image not the substance!



topic other


impact 4
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-04-02
ratio 24
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title Follow the leader!
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1111232709221247
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1111232709221247
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posted "04/02/2020 09:45:57 AM"
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type Link


Training the next generation to obey Dear Leader!



topic other


hide 1
impact 9
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-31
ratio 2
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title Training the next generation to obey Dear Leader!
topic other
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ID 1109750942702757
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posted "03/31/2020 09:23:50 AM"
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Do conservative intellectuals have anything to say to
anybody except the Trump base?

The intellectual heirs of William F Buckley, Jr, are
nowhere to be found.      But others were found to feed
at the funding trough.



topic other


hide 1
impact 20
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posted 2020-03-31
ratio 3
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title Do conservative intellectuals have anything to say to
topic other
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ID 1109748189369699
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1109748189369699
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posted "03/31/2020 09:18:51 AM"
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The world ends today!

Still time to catch the Wagner virus for free at


What makes the Ring a monument of Western civilization?
Like the Iliad, people in all times and places find these
old stories still resonate.

It's just a story of a strong young guy who wanted to
conquer the world and didn't think twice about the
consequences of killing the World Ash Tree to make
his spear of power, nor of the transactional deals he
engraved on his spear one after another, until at last
he's caught in his web of overpromises.     Meanwhile his
mirror-opposite twin has unlocked the power of gold to rule
men's and women's lives and encapsulated it in a ring.
Who gets the ring rules the world, unless it is returned
to its natural place.       But the ring has become viral,
fatal to all who desire or possess it.

After fifteen hours of some of the most difficult singing
in opera, the world of corrupt gods, simple-minded giants,
and scheming dwarves finally comes to a fiery end today.
What will the surviving humans learn from all of that?

Let's see if we can identify the characters - Gunther,
the weak-willed easily manipulated ratings-obsessed
nominal leader - who might that be?  The Siegfried hero
is Fauci, the only one who can accomplish certain tasks,
who however will just be in the way when those tasks
are done.    Certainly Alberich is Putin, manipulating the
action indirectly through Hagen to get the power back for
himself, though Hagen might have other ideas - but who
is Hagen?       Bannon, Miller, Tucker Carlson, Don Jr?
Loge isn't personified in this opera, but dirty trickster
Roger Stone might fill the bill.   The also absent,
ancient, all-wise Erda who refuses to get involved -
might be Hillary Clinton.



For comic relief, it's followed tonight by Wagner's only
comedy -


You can tell it's a comedy because nobody dies.


topic other


impact 32
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-28
ratio 15
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title The world ends today!
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ID 1107353549609163
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1107353549609163
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posted "03/28/2020 06:32:09 AM"
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type Link


A triumph for Management by Objectives!

objective.        That's why we have just-in-time supply
chains everywhere.


In contrast, preventing something improbable from happening
is an ACTIVITY which is not quantifiable and most likely
nobody will ever know whether you actually prevented
anything or were just lucky.    All we'll know is you spent
money with nothing to show for it.   Supply chains might
be just-too-late in a crisis but you'll probably be in a
different job by then.

Ol' Hank even sang about it -



topic other 1


comments 2
impact 150
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-25
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title A triumph for Management by Objectives!
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ID 1105222209822297
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posted "03/25/2020 02:48:59 PM"
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A different international dispute - dealing with leap

The Gregorian calendar was introduced so calendar dates
of the spring equinox and Easter would be close to their
traditional range.

Standard time was introduced so railroads would know when
to depart and arrive.

Now GPS measures time very accurately for everybody  -
and the issues with the earth's slowing affect everybody.
How can we keep mean noon in the center of the day and
still have uniform time?


GPS has already made general relatively relevant to daily
life -



topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-03-24
reactrate 0
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title A different international dispute - dealing with leap
topic other
wordrate 1
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ID 1104143329930185
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1104143329930185
impress 20
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posted "03/24/2020 06:41:29 AM"
reach 12
type Link


Camus on the random plagues of life.



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-19
reactrate 0
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title Camus on the random plagues of life.
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1100289153648936
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1100289153648936
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posted "03/19/2020 10:20:51 AM"
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type Link


Feminism then and now -




And now


Somehow this echos of the past - of the Playboy Clubs of
the 1960's.    Speaking of that - Playboy has printed its
last centerfold.



topic other


impact 11
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posted 2020-03-18
ratio 4
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title Feminism then and now -
topic other
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ID 1099781737033011
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1099781737033011
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posted "03/18/2020 06:56:32 PM"
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Living with uncertainty.

It's not just built into the human condition, but into
mathematical truth as well.



topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-03-18
reactrate 0
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title Living with uncertainty.
topic other
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ID 1099779663699885
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1099779663699885
impress 18
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posted "03/18/2020 06:52:30 PM"
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type Link


The life of a salesman.

Is there any more to it than lying?



Certainly in technology marketing, even if they're not
lying outright, marketing executives often have difficulty
distinguishing present from future tense, and indicative
from subjunctive mood.

Sometimes they think of it as leadership - leading to a
future clearly seen, at least by them.



topic other


impact 6
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-14
ratio 25
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title The life of a salesman.
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1096784747332710
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1096784747332710
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posted "03/14/2020 07:57:28 PM"
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Never buy a gift card for the government.    Or any



topic other


impact 1
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posted 2020-03-14
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title Never buy a gift card for the government. Or any
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ID 1096676637343521
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1096676637343521
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posted "03/14/2020 04:03:06 PM"
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Living in the moment tends to bring out the best in people.


It's when you don't have time to regret the past or fear
the future.


topic other


impact 3
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posted 2020-03-12
ratio 14
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title Living in the moment tends to bring out the best in people.
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ID 1095367624141089
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1095367624141089
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posted "03/12/2020 08:30:33 PM"
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"If we lose the war we will be tried as war

That was Curtis LeMay's comment on the success of the
firebombing of Tokyo.



It was a desperate move that was hoped to encourage the
Japanese to surrender.      But the Japanese propaganda and
combat resistance had convinced many Americans that the
Japanese would fight to the last man, woman, and child.
Firebombing didn't work - it took the atom bombs and
the fall of Manchuria in a week to convince the Japanese
government that the war was over.


And still some resisted.



topic other


impact 38
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-09
ratio 8
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title "If we lose the war we will be tried as war
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ID 1093119871032531
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1093119871032531
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posted "03/09/2020 06:47:08 PM"
reach 35
type Link


The only reality is what you feel!

The people who are saying that now - were saying the same
thing in 2008.


Trump makes it worse, but he couldn't do it without all
his experienced enablers.


topic other


impact 39
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-09
ratio 3
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title The only reality is what you feel!
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ID 1093107921033726
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1093107921033726
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posted "03/09/2020 06:20:36 PM"
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A temporary setback in the Trumpist/Putinist war against
the Enlightenment.


Even Trumpists will eventually notice that ignorant
superstition is not as effective as actual subject

At least Trump hopes the setback is temporary -



topic other


impact 30
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
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posted 2020-03-09
ratio 3
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sumclicks 3
title A temporary setback in the Trumpist/Putinist war against
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ID 1093027014375150
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posted "03/09/2020 03:11:45 PM"
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Prostitution degrades both participants.

But that doesn't seem to bother Trumpists or Christian
Nationalists, (to the extent that they are different).



topic other


impact 5
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-08
ratio 13
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title Prostitution degrades both participants.
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ID 1092282214449630
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092282214449630
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posted "03/08/2020 02:29:06 PM"
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Trump administration help rural schools learn to stand



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posted 2020-03-02
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title Trump administration help rural schools learn to stand
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ID 1087712951573223
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posted "03/02/2020 10:48:26 AM"
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If they collect your data, they will sell it.



topic other


impact 18
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posted 2020-03-01
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title If they collect your data, they will sell it.
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ID 1086901461654372
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1086901461654372
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posted "03/01/2020 07:44:24 AM"
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It's passed the House.

Will McConnell let it come up in the Senate?      Will
Trump sign it?    It wouldn't poll well with a significant
fraction of Trump's base.



topic other


comments 4
impact 146
impactrate 1
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posted 2020-02-28
ratio 2
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sumclicks 13
title It's passed the House.
topic other
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ID 1085483121796206
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1085483121796206
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posted "02/28/2020 09:41:15 AM"
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Where your pork and poultry come from

You really would rather fly over these farms than slog
through them.



topic other


impact 22
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-25
ratio 4
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title Where your pork and poultry come from
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posted "02/25/2020 05:34:31 PM"
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So where does radioactive nuclear waste go?

No decision is also a decision.     No on Yucca
Mountain means waste will continue to be stored in
"temporary" facilities where it is generated.


Nuclear waste is like the budget deficit.      Everybody
wants the other guy to be the responsible one, so they
can criticize him for it, without offering a specific
constructive solution that they can be criticized for.



topic other 1


impact 121
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-23
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title So where does radioactive nuclear waste go?
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posted "02/23/2020 08:03:26 PM"
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This belonged on the Science Channel?     Is that on Fox?


It might have been a safer experiment to just fly or sail
around the world.

But in Trump Science, it's what you feel that defines
what's true.

However, whether the real world be round or flat, rocket
science is still science and rocket engineering is still
engineering, no matter what you might feel in your heart.


topic other


comments 3
impact 235
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posted 2020-02-23
ratio 3
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title This belonged on the Science Channel? Is that on Fox?
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posted "02/23/2020 08:21:36 AM"
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Blago auditions for a job in Trump administration!


Just like Nelson Mandela!


topic other


impact 2
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posted 2020-02-22
ratio 35
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title Blago auditions for a job in Trump administration!
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posted "02/22/2020 05:03:33 PM"
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gimme that old-time religion - and that old-time standard
of living - and that old-time health care



topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-02-19
reactrate 0
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title gimme that old-time religion - and that old-time standard
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ID 1079030115774840
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1079030115774840
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posted "02/19/2020 08:40:58 PM"
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Such a natural for the Trump administration.    Maybe he
can get a pardon too.



topic other


impact 3
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posted 2020-02-19
ratio 13
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title Such a natural for the Trump administration. Maybe he
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ID 1078951835782668
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posted "02/19/2020 05:52:23 PM"
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Those self-sufficient rural Republicans are tired of being
subsidized by wealthy urban elites!

They'll go it alone... just like West Virginia, and will be
just as poor when they've used up their natural resources.
But for the time being, the resource exploiters will
subsidize their fantasy.


And of course there will be other subsidies as well.



Indeed, if they do go through with this, they should move
the capitol from Boise to Moscow.


But it might be the only path to statehood and full
citizenship for Puerto Rico, DC, and the other Federal
territories - create one Republican state for each new
Democratic state.    There's a long history of that -



But the last time they tried to create a new state, it
didn't go so well.   Bad timing.



topic other 1


comments 4
impact 1032
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posted 2020-02-18
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title Those self-sufficient rural Republicans are tired of being
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ID 1078159862528532
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posted "02/18/2020 05:03:11 PM"
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Roots of the infrastructure crisis -

Republican farmers need better roads but keep electing
Republican legislators who promise not to raise taxes.


Trump has no better luck trying to get the Republican
senate to act.


topic other


impact 15
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posted 2020-02-18
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title Roots of the infrastructure crisis -
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posted "02/18/2020 07:51:35 AM"
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Presidential aspirations on hold...

Maybe Trump will give him a job if he asks nicely.
He seems qualified to serve in the Trump administration.



topic other


comments 1
impact 38
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likeimpress 8
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posted 2020-02-14
ratio 4
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title Presidential aspirations on hold...
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ID 1074925289518656
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1074925289518656
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posted "02/14/2020 11:54:22 AM"
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Now Trump is specifying architecture




topic other


comments 2
impact 14
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posted 2020-02-11
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title Now Trump is specifying architecture
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posted "02/11/2020 09:45:58 PM"
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Just what we needed - more kinds of nukes.



topic other


impact 13
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posted 2020-02-09
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title Just what we needed - more kinds of nukes.
topic other
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ID 1071312483213270
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posted "02/09/2020 08:41:44 PM"
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Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his
savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth
good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden
under foot of men.

Today's sermon was about salt and recalled Niemoller -


In our own time again, we see what happens when the
church loses its saltiness in order to curry favor with
the world -




That tends to end with the world taking over the church -



topic other


impact 9
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-09
ratio 32
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title Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his
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ID 1071077246570127
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1071077246570127
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posted "02/09/2020 12:35:11 PM"
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Trump delegates pardon processing to Kardashian and Kushner

Too bad if you don't know either of them!



topic other


comments 2
impact 102
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posted 2020-02-04
ratio 1
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title Trump delegates pardon processing to Kardashian and Kushner
topic other
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ID 1067208723623646
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1067208723623646
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posted "02/04/2020 07:29:47 AM"
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type Link


Saved by impeachment!


And then forced to earn a living!


That's punishment enough for an unrepentant Southern


topic other


impact 0
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posted 2020-02-03
reactrate 0
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title Saved by impeachment!
topic other
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ID 1066447233699795
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1066447233699795
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posted "02/03/2020 07:59:40 AM"
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Death threats against a novelist?

Cultural appropriation has been going on since the second
culture encountered the first.        This sounds more like
political appropriation by the usual suspects who have an
interest in fanning both sides of any divisive controversy.



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-30
reactrate 0
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title Death threats against a novelist?
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1063721627305689
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1063721627305689
impress 22
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posted "01/30/2020 12:39:19 PM"
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Putting an end to satanic pregnancies

If they're that bad, why are they opposed to abortion?


And how can you tell if a pregnancy is satanic?


topic other


comments 2
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impact 93
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posted 2020-01-29
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title Putting an end to satanic pregnancies
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1062985160712669
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1062985160712669
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posted "01/29/2020 12:47:27 PM"
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What will the other politicians be doing when they are 95?



topic other


impact 38
impactrate 0
likeimpress 17
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posted 2020-01-27
ratio 2
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sumclicks 10
title What will the other politicians be doing when they are 95?
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1061458687531983
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1061458687531983
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posted "01/27/2020 09:23:06 AM"
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VFW doesn't think much of presidential medical

Maybe they'll extrapolate to other presidential



topic other 1


comments 2
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impact 131
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posted 2020-01-25
priority 1
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title VFW doesn't think much of presidential medical
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1060320600979125
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1060320600979125
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posted "01/25/2020 08:12:33 PM"
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Something else to worry about.

Just a few now, but in the future?



topic other


comments 1
impact 32
impactrate 0
likeimpress 12
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posted 2020-01-22
ratio 3
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sumclicks 5
title Something else to worry about.
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1057882534556265
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1057882534556265
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posted "01/22/2020 04:07:15 PM"
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sharesimpress 2
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type Link


Does frequent turnover make the National Security Council
more secure?

Get them out before they learn any secrets?



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-01-21
reactrate 0
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title Does frequent turnover make the National Security Council
topic other
wordrate 0
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ID 1057288527948999
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1057288527948999
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posted "01/21/2020 09:03:47 PM"
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Putin exercises strong leadership in Potemkin academics -
publish or perish!



topic other


impact 1
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posted 2020-01-17
ratio 11
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title Putin exercises strong leadership in Potemkin academics -
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ID 1054220934922425
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1054220934922425
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posted "01/17/2020 08:51:47 PM"
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What's the allure of hell?


A more plausible view of hell dramatized by Shaw -


starting at line 148.

Some say that Christ stands at the gates of hell until the
last sinners repent and gives up their worldly illusions.
At the end, it's not so different from Buddhism after all.

But even Buddhism gets corrupted when it becomes the
state religion.     The merging of politics and religion
is the original and cardinal sin.      That's how you get
hell on earth.



topic other


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-10
reactrate 0
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title What's the allure of hell?
topic other
wordrate 1
words 84
ID 1047456342265551
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1047456342265551
impress 14
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posted "01/10/2020 03:21:43 PM"
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How to apologize.


Sincere repentance merits sincere forgiveness.


topic other


impact 3
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-03
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title How to apologize.
topic other
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posted "01/03/2020 01:11:46 PM"
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Who needs science?



If you have the right ideology!


Imported by Trump directly from Russia - no tariffs needed!

Who needs the Enlightenment if you can have Putinism?


topic other


hideall 1
impact 34
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posted 2020-01-01
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title Who needs science?
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