Facebook Posts on politicalscrapbooknet-2018

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Political Scrapbook Related Websites 2018-11-04
6 1 86
130 politicalscrapbooknet
Finding your way around politicalscrapbooknet 2018-10-04 28 - 1 5 politicalscrapbooknet
What are politicalscrapbooknet sources? 2018-08-23 17 - 1 politicalscrapbooknet
Political scrapbook updated their website address. 2018-08-11 16 - politicalscrapbooknet
politicalscrapbooknet greatest hits 2018-07-13 34 - 3 1 politicalscrapbooknet
political scrapbook and related websites 2018-05-21 93 - 2 politicalscrapbooknet
Political scrapbook added a button to help you learn more 2018-04-01 33 1 2 politicalscrapbooknet
politicalscrapbooknet back on facebook 2018-03-30 7 - politicalscrapbooknet

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Thu Mar 4 09:39:55 PST 2021


Political Scrapbook Related Websites

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net

== This Facebook page

* https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet

lists the websites derived from political-scrapbook dot
net and contains posts on some of the topics they address.
This page is advertised to people who Facebook thinks
are interested in the Democratic, Green, or Libertarian
Parties, or independent politics.  An article well worth


led to

* 5 Nov 2017 - 7 Jan 2018 - a two-month trial of Facebook

* 6 April - 3 June 2018 - and then a trial of boosting
(paid) posts

* 3-6 November 2018 - additional paid posts

Indices of boosted and unboosted posts on
politicalscrapbooknet are at

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/facebook.html


The domain political-scrapbook dot net started as a
morale-boosting exercise after the November 2016 election -
writing down opinions about what to do next, from a retired
Silicon Valley technologist with no particular political
credentials -

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net

discursive commentary on many topics

Although subdivided into various topics, the details got
too big for anybody to ever read them all, so eventually
some of the guiding principles were split off into the
shorter list -

* http://www.political-theses.net

abstract principles underlying many of the specific ideas
in the scrapbook

Scrapbook topics are -

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/trump.html

what should be done about Trump?

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/democracy.html

improving the quality of American democracy

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/controversial.html

controversial topics

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/theory.html

political theory topics

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/journalism.html


* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/non-political.html

nominally non-political topics


Over time various ideas seemed large enough to warrant
their own dedicated websites -

* http://www.get-to-sixty.net/

how should the Senate Democratic Caucus get the Republicans
interested in genuine bipartisan problem solving? Write
to your Federal Senators!

* http://www.approve-or-expel.net/

there's no recall process for elected Federal officials
- what could be done instead? Write to your state

* http://www.no-confidence-vote.net/

what else could be done now about Trump and his
Congressional enablers? Write to your state legislators!

* http://www.liberty-and-justice.net/

preserve the center of western democracy - reject domestic
and foreign extremism

* http://www.one-flat-tax.net/

true tax reform is one flat tax on disposable income


These websites are for readers.    There are no funny
movies and just a few illustrations and cartoons.

There is nothing to buy or sign up for on any of these
websites, but if you find them worth reading, then please
pass them on to others who might find them helpful.

Facebook collects billions of statistics, but doesn't,
and fortunately can't, track how many readers get inspired
to donate time or money to worthwhile causes, such as some
of those mentioned below.      Those are the statistics
that really count.


If you want to DO something, here are some suggestions for
places that you might consider to donate time or money -

If you prefer centrist, bipartisan, or nonpartisan
approaches, consider these:

* https://www.nolabels.org/

support centrist bipartisanship

* http://www.uniteamerica.org

support independent candidates

* http://lwv.org/

League of Women Voters protecting and educating voters

For specific issues -

* http://www.americanpromise.net/

retire "one-dollar-one-vote" and "human
rights for corporations" by constitutional amendment

* http://www.ctj.org/

Citizens for Tax Justice


If you prefer partisan Democratic Party campaigns -

* http://democraticredistricting.com/

National Democratic Redistricting Committee

* http://dccc.org/

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

* http://dscc.org/

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

* https://www.ca7project.com/

California 7 Project - retire seven worthy California
Congressional Representatives


Most political contributions are not tax deductible.
But several organizations have tax-deductible educational
affiliates that you might consider supporting if a tax
deduction is important to you -

* http://www.fairvote.org/

retire winner-take-all Congressional representation in
favor of multi-district ranked-choice balloting

* http://www.democracy21.org/

Democracy 21 Education Fund retire
"one-dollar-one-vote" by legislation and
judicial action

* https://itep.org/

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy - ensure that
policy makers, media, and advocates know the impact that
tax changes have on people of different income levels

* http://www.equalrightsnow.org/

We the People Project - voting rights for residents of
Federal territories


topic politicalscrapbooknet 2


impact 5518
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 1
posted 2018-11-04
priority 2
ratio 96
react 94
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
spam 1
sumclicks 86
title Political Scrapbook Related Websites
topic politicalscrapbooknet
wordrate 0
words 587
ID 744717709206084
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/744717709206084
audclicks 91
audreach 84
bimpress 9858
blikeimpress 4
blikeusers 4
breach 9019
engaged 90
impress 9949
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 6
likeuimpress 30
likeusers 6
likeuusers 25
matchedlinkclicks 74
matchedotherclicks 12
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 91
oreach 57
posted "11/04/2018 08:04:42 AM"
postlinkclicks 68
postotherclicks 11
reach 9061
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
spamclicks 1
spamclicksusers 1
type Link
budget 100
budgettype Lifetime
cadname "Post: ""Political Scrapbook Related Websites"""
ccleantitle Political Scrapbook Related Websites
cclicksall 131
cclickslink 77
ccpcall 0.76335878
ccpclink 1.2987013
cdelivery not_delivering
cend 2018-12-31
cimpressions 9858
clicksunique 76
conversionrank -
cost 1.2987012987013
cpm 10.14404545
creach 9118
cstart 2018-10-01
ctrall 1.32886995
ctrlink 0.78109149928992
ecpclink 1.2987013
ends 2018-11-06
engagedrank -
ereact 4
frequency 1.0811581487168
indicator actions:link_click
qualityrank -
results 77
spent 100


Finding your way around politicalscrapbooknet


There are currently 760 posts on politicalscrapbooknet.
There are some indices to help you find what you might
want to read -

Highest priority recent items of long-term significance,
at most one per day.

The most currently popular items.

Recent items with the most original content.

Items most often hidden by readers.

More indices and history.

Many of these posts link to external news and opinion and
don't make much sense out of context.  There's a reason
Trump reads the Washington Post and the New York Times
when he needs to know what's really going on.  Support a
free press by subscribing to their online editions if you
can afford to.    Some of the same material is nationally
syndicated and you might be able to find some of it in
your local print or online newspaper.


impact 85
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-10-04
ratio 4
react 6
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Finding your way around politicalscrapbooknet
topic politicalscrapbooknet
wordrate 0
words 141
ID 727963630881492
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/727963630881492
audclicks 5
audreach 2
engaged 2
impress 50
likeclickusers 2
likeuimpress 27
likeuusers 22
matchedotherclicks 5
oimpress 50
oreach 28
posted "10/04/2018 06:48:55 PM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 28
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


What are politicalscrapbooknet sources?

has seven affiliated websites.   Counting all the URL's in
those seven websites and in the 343 posts here, one finds

journalism sources:
   474 www.washingtonpost.com 471 www.nytimes.com 134
   www.mercurynews.com 127 en.wikipedia.org
    12 www.hbs.edu 11 www.vox.com 11 papers.ssrn.com 10
    www.washingtonexaminer.com 10 www.usatoday.com 10
     9 www.politico.com 8 www.latimes.com 8 thehill.com
     8 spectrum.ieee.org 8 democracyjournal.org 7

unaffiliated advocacy sources:
    30 www.fairvote.org 27 www.nolabels.org 22
    www.ca7project.com 21 www.uniteamerica.org 21
    www.americanpromise.net 18 bipartisanpolicy.org
    14 www.democracy21.org 12 www.equalrightsnow.org 12
    democraticredistricting.com 11 www.standuprepublic.com
    10 lwv.org 10 dccc.org 10 calmatters.org
     9 taxmarch.org 8 www.ctj.org 8 itep.org 8 dscc.org
     7 www.concordcoalition.org

affiliated websites:
   211 www.political-scrapbook.net
    43 www.one-flat-tax.net 36 www.liberty-and-justice.net
    22 www.no-confidence-vote.net 14
    www.political-theses.net 13 www.approve-or-expel.net
    11 www.get-to-sixty.net

All the politicalscrapbooknet Facebook posts are indexed
in various ways at

Anybody who followed all the links and all the links
they contain would be very broadly informed indeed.
While everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but
not entitled to have anybody else pay any attention,
nor is anybody entitled to masquerade their opinions
as facts.  Unsupported factual claims are apt to get the
same attention as opinions, which is what they deserve.

Journalism should not be confused with entertainment,
despite the best efforts of those who would blend them.
Journalism should tell you what you need to hear;
entertainment what you want to hear.  Journalism tries to
report facts; responsible opinion tries to interpret facts.
Facts just get in the way of entertainment.      You can
find entertainment in places like "reality"
TV and supermarket tabloids.


impact 25
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-08-23
ratio 17
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title What are politicalscrapbooknet sources?
topic politicalscrapbooknet
wordrate 0
words 250
ID 704487616562427
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/704487616562427
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 1
impress 18
likeclickusers 1
likeuimpress 18
likeuusers 17
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 18
oreach 17
posted "08/23/2018 04:51:05 PM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 17
type Link


Political scrapbook updated their website address.


negative 0
posted 2018-08-11
rate 2
title Political scrapbook updated their website address.
topic politicalscrapbooknet
words 6
title Political scrapbook updated their website address.
ID 690768987934290
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/690768987934290
type Link
posted "08/11/2018 06:40:30 AM"
reach 16
oreach 16
impress 17
oimpress 17
likeuimpress 17
likeuusers 16


politicalscrapbooknet greatest hits

If you want to look back to the most popular or
controversial or interesting posts here, you can find
them at


for posts that were not advertised, and


for those that were advertised ("boosted" in
Facebook parlance).

For a more comprehensive view,



hide 1
impact 18
impactrate 0
negative 1
posted 2018-07-13
ratio 8
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title politicalscrapbooknet greatest hits
topic politicalscrapbooknet
wordrate 0
words 45
ID 660806427597213
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/660806427597213
audclicks 3
audreach 2
engaged 2
hideclicks 1
hideclicksusers 1
impress 60
likeclickusers 2
likeuimpress 59
likeuusers 33
matchedotherclicks 3
negclicks 1
negusers 1
oimpress 60
oreach 34
posted "07/13/2018 10:22:27 PM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 34
type Link


political scrapbook and related websites



The domain political-scrapbook.net started as a
morale-boosting exercise after the November 2016 election -
writing down opinions about what to do next.

Although subdivided into various topics, the details got
too big for anybody to ever read them all, so eventually
some of the guiding principles were split off into the
shorter list:


abstract principles underlying many of the specific ideas
in the scrapbook


discursive commentary on many topics

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/trump.html

what should be done about Trump?

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/democracy.html

improving the quality of American democracy

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/controversial.html

controversial topics

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/theory.html

political theory topics

* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/journalism.html


* http://www.political-scrapbook.net/non-political.html

nominally non-political topics


Over time various ideas seemed large enough to warrant
their own dedicated websites:

* http://www.get-to-sixty.net/

how should the Senate Democratic Caucus get the Republicans
interested in genuine bipartisan problem solving? Write
to your Federal Senators!

* http://www.approve-or-repeal.net/

there's no recall process for elected Federal officials
- what could be done instead? Write to your state

* http://www.no-confidence-vote.net/

what else could be done now about Trump and his
Congressional enablers? Write to your state legislators!

* http://www.liberty-and-justice.net/

preserve the center of western democracy - reject domestic
and foreign extremism

* http://www.one-flat-tax.net/

true tax reform is one flat tax on discretionary income


These websites are for readers.    There are no funny
movies and just a few illustrations and cartoons.

There is nothing to buy or sign up for on any of these
websites, but if you find them worth reading, then please
pass them on to others who might find them helpful.

Facebook collects billions of statistics, but doesn't,
and fortunately can't, track how many readers get inspired
to donate time or money to worthwhile causes, such as some
of those mentioned below.      Those are the statistics
that really count.


If you want to DO something, here are some suggestions
for places that you might consider to donate time or money:

If you prefer centrist, bipartisan, or nonpartisan
approaches, consider these:

* https://www.nolabels.org/

restore centrist bipartisanship

* http://www.uniteamerica.org

practical effective government

* http://www.standuprepublic.com/

restore norms of democratic republican behavior
 http://lwv.org/ League of Women Voters protecting and
educating voters

For specific issues:

* http://www.americanpromise.net/

retire "one-dollar-one-vote" and "human
rights for corporations" by constitutional amendment

* http://www.ctj.org/

Citizens for Tax Justice

* https://taxmarch.org/

Fight for a Fair Economy

* https://notonepenny.org/

Not One Penny in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires,
and wealthy corporations

If you prefer partisan Democratic Party campaigns:

* http://democraticredistricting.com/

National Democratic Redistricting Committee

* http://dccc.org/

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

* http://dscc.org/

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

* https://www.ca7project.com/

California 7 Project - retire seven worthy California
Congressional Representatives

Most political contributions are not tax deductible.
But several organizations have tax-deductible educational
affiliates that you might consider supporting if a tax
deduction is important to you:

* http://www.fairvote.org/ retire winner-take-all
Congressional representation in favor of multi-district
preferential balloting

* http://www.democracy21.org/

Democracy 21 Education Fund retire
"one-dollar-one-vote" by legislation and
judicial action

* https://bipartisanpolicy.org/

Bipartisan Policy Center actively seeking bipartisan
solutions to problems

* https://www.concordcoalition.org/

Concord Coalition for control of Federal deficit

* https://itep.org/

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy - ensure that
policy makers, media, and advocates know the impact that
tax changes have on people of different income levels

* http://www.equalrightsnow.org/

We the People Project - voting rights for residents of
Federal territories


This Facebook page
lists the websites derived from political-scrapbook.net
and contains occasional posts on some of the topics
they address.  This page is advertised to people who
Facebook thinks are interested in the Democratic Party.
An article well worth reading,
led to a two-month trial of Facebook advertising, from 5
Nov 2017 to 7 Jan 2018, and then a trial of boosting posts
starting 6 April 2018.


impact 111
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2018-05-21
ratio 46
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title political scrapbook and related websites
topic politicalscrapbooknet
wordrate 0
words 555
ID 621621068182416
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/621621068182416
audclicks 2
audreach 1
engaged 1
impress 138
likeclickusers 1
likeuimpress 36
likeuusers 14
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 1
oimpress 138
oreach 93
posted "05/21/2018 10:03:52 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 1
reach 93
type Link


Political scrapbook added a button to help you learn more
about them.


impact 4
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2018-04-01
ratio 11
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Political scrapbook added a button to help you learn more
topic politicalscrapbooknet
wordrate 0
words 12
ID 599128327098357
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/599128327098357
audclicks 2
audreach 2
engaged 3
impress 111
likeclickusers 3
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 105
likeusers 1
likeuusers 28
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 111
oreach 33
posted "04/01/2018 08:52:29 AM"
postotherclicks 2
reach 33
type Link


politicalscrapbooknet back on facebook

This page has been blocked for login several times in its
brief existence, and eventually unblocked again without
any notice or explanation from facebook about why login
was blocked or unblocked.

This last time was worse, and the page was disabled
completely and nobody could even read it.     But again
without notice or explanation it was re-enabled.  There's a
backlog of ideas to write and post; hopefully those who
signed up to follow this page will find the postings
interesting when they appear.


negative 0
posted 2018-03-30
rate 0
title politicalscrapbooknet back on facebook
topic politicalscrapbooknet
words 87
ID 598362707174919
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/598362707174919
impress 62
likeuimpress 61
likeuusers 6
oimpress 62
oreach 7
posted "03/30/2018 03:46:12 PM"
reach 7
type Status