Facebook Posts on politics-2022

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“We set a goal to stop the Biden agenda, to win the 2022-11-20 1972 - 32 7 949 politics
Looks like the Republicans might have a slim majority in 2022-11-13 88 - 213 politics
If you make a political donation, you soon discover 2022-10-26 25 - politics
Can America be as smart as Israel? A broad-based 2022-01-14 6 - 1 politics

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The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Sat Jan 27 06:29:39 PM PST 2024


“We set a goal to stop the Biden agenda, to win the
majority and to fire Nancy Pelosi. We have just achieved
all three of those.”

What a lofty vision for America!    Putin must be thrilled!


But they can hardly talk about their REAL agenda for
minority rule -


Unless they're Rick Scott of course -


He's not afraid to talk about HIS (and their) actual
platform -

= Tax cuts for job creator billionaire GOP megadonors and
tax increases for poor people

= Entitlement reform meaning privatizing, cutting back,
or abolishing social security and medicare

= Downsizing the Federal government meaning less regulation
and tax compliance for GOP megadonors

And that's along with the rest of the GOP private agenda -


Well, you can't get elected without GOP megadonors!


But maybe getting elected is not the goal!    It's just a
means to a goal.     How many career politicians forget,
or lose sight, of their goal?   Or never had one to begin
with, except getting elected?    Thus they sell their
souls -



Compare - Know your Why!!!


Democrats know their Why - favoring

= raising taxes on millionaires

=  supporting labor unions

= raising the federal minimum wage

all popular with GOP voters - but not GOP megadonors.
So who wins?


More about political scrapbook -




comments 32
impact 21736
impactrate 2
negative 0
posted 2022-11-20
ratio 1
react 988
reactrate 0
shares 7
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 949
title “We set a goal to stop the Biden agenda, to win the
topic politics
wordrate 0
words 220
audclicks 949
commentsimpress 32
epoch Lifetime
ID 1808534319491079
impress 3962
matchedlinkclicks 230
matchedotherclicks 719
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/20/2022 13:11"
rcs 84
reach 1972
reactions 45
sharesimpress 7
title "Opinion | Why Kevin McCarthy should still watch Nancy Pelosi’s goodbye"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1808534319491079


Looks like the Republicans might have a slim majority in
the next Congress - if they are lucky, as large as the
Democrats' current 5 votes.

But what's going to be the largest voting bloc in the new
House? Certainly the conservative and moderate and mildly
progressive Democrats!  Under Nancy Pelosi's leadership,
they are more numerous and better disciplined than any of
the Republican factions.

McCarthy has been hoping to be Speaker the way Clay hoped
to be President, but instead -


Maybe the Democrats can influence the GOP choice.
How about Fitzpatrick and Gottheimer for Speaker?


They were able to co-chair the Problem Solvers effectively
- could they agree on a way to share responsibility if
Fitzpatrick were Speaker?

Don't like them?   How about Cheney, Kinzinger, Pence,
Ryan, Boehner, or McMullin?   Or any of the ten who voted
to impeach Trump and paid the price?    To avoid something
worse, some of these could get some Democratic support -
and that might be enough.

More at


More about political scrapbook at




impact 3664
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-11-13
ratio 0
react 213
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 213
title Looks like the Republicans might have a slim majority in
topic politics
wordrate 0
words 172
audclicks 213
epoch Lifetime
ID 1803106843367160
impress 117
matchedlinkclicks 199
matchedotherclicks 14
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/13/2022 21:11"
reach 88
title "Is there a Speaker in the House?"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1803106843367160


If you make a political donation, you soon discover
that fundraising mail IS spam with its constant deluge
of critical fundraising reporting dates and improbable
matching donations and personal messages from Biden or
Obama or Pelosi that they probably never wrote - and
that's just from the Democrats that I actually support!
Worse is from Trump and the Dixiecrat Trumpist GOP that
I haven't had a kind word for, or donated a penny, in 30
years! Nothing new - when I wrote a critical letter to
Nixon in the White House long ago, I promptly got a form
reply thanking me for my support.     The only (paper)
letter I ever got from a legislator that contained a
specific response to my specific issue was from Mark
Hatfield 45 years ago, a Republican of the kind now shunned
by the Trumpist GOP.


It's best to use a dedicated separate email address for
communications with political candidates and organizations,
and charitable organizations.       That way you can
ignore them when you don't have time, which is most of
the time.      If you can afford a separate cell phone,
so much the better.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-10-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title If you make a political donation, you soon discover
topic politics
wordrate 0
words 190
epoch Lifetime
ID 1788552138155964
impress 26
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/26/2022 07:10"
reach 25
title "Republican committee sues Google over email spam filters"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1788552138155964


Can America be as smart as Israel?    A broad-based
coalition around rule of law finally ousted the Netanyahu
cult of personality, who was just a smarter Trump.


Predictable responses from the usual suspects with a vested
interest in preserving Trumpism -


But there are precedents -


Think how much better off we'd be if we'd done that in
2016 -


Because it's no longer Republican vs Democratic or
conservative vs liberal, but cult-of-personality vs




impact 8
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-01-14
ratio 6
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Can America be as smart as Israel? A broad-based
topic politics
wordrate 0
words 76
audclicks 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1580299958981184
impress 7
matchedlinkclicks 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/14/2022 07:01"
reach 6
title "Opinion | Biden-Cheney 2024?"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1580299958981184