During the Depression, Lake Wobegon Herald Star editor Harold Starr scoured the countryside for potential subscribers, willing to deal. Starr saw an old Norwegian bachelor farmer and asked if he'd trade a load of cobs for a newspaper subscription. The bachelor replied that if he had a load of cobs, he wouldn't need his newspaper.
-- Garrison Keillor
In the 1930's, the terrorists of the left claimed that the terrorists of the right were doing a bunch of nasty things that were actually the things that the terrorists of the left were doing - and vice versa. Maybe that's not a rocket science observation since they were both using the same sorts of disinformation and character assassination tactics. As the leader of the right said, "Nobody will care whether the victor told the truth."
Though never exactly, history does repeat itself: the fake news industry calls responsible journalism "fake news".
How can one tell responsible journalism from agitprop?
Investors learn the hard way to be wary of fake news; voters should as well.
Bret Stephens identifies the role of journalism as "clarify the terms of debate by championing aggressive and objective news reporting, and improve the quality of debate with commentary that opens minds and challenges assumptions rather than merely confirming them" rather than "to be to push a party line, or be a slave to Google hits and Facebook ads, or provide a titillating kind of news entertainment, or help out a president or prime minister who they favor or who's in trouble." But America is sorting itself into those who believe in objective intellectual reality and those who believe in tribal emotional reality. Devin Nunes - meet Hannah Arendt - "dissolve every statement of fact into a declaration of purpose."
It's revealing that although Trump watches Fox and Friends to feel good, he reads the Washington Post and New York Times to find out what's really going on, just like everybody else. Jarred Prier wrote Commanding the Trend: Social Media as Information Warfare summarized by David van Drehle: journalists must curb their overreliance on social media for breaking news.
is anybody ever wrong any more?.
I learn a lot more from my mistakes, and their corrections, than from
being right.
I don't read blogs and especially their online commentaries.
To see why, take a quick look at the last one I tried:
One guy called Michael Cannon a liberal!
Another guy corrected him - Cannon is with the Cato Institute!
The first guy ignored the factual correction and stuck to his guns -
that guy truly belongs in the "basket of deplorables".
Who has time to wade through this sort of thing?
Marshall McLuhan said
the medium is the message.
The pernicious aspect of television was its evolution from an alternative
channel for print-style journalism to a new channel of direct mass
emotional manipulation. I wonder what McLuhan would have said about
Twitter. There aren't any important issues that can be compressed into
280 characters with intellectual honesty, and the president doesn't get to
decide any but the most important issues, so what happens when the president
receives and sends information in tweets?
Will the free press still be a check and balance in the future?
Nicholas Kristof argues that
the media preferred Trump,
especially TV, because reporting Trump's shenanigans gained higher ratings
than reporting substantive issues.
The National Enquirer probably has a higher circulation than the NY Times.
Thanks to automation technology, aggressive tweeters can act
even in their sleep.
Twitter's fading prospects
suggests a potential bargain,
and perhaps the DNC should buy it before the KGB does.
However Cicero says:
ignore tweets!.
When people researched the Federalist papers to justify the Hamilton
Electors, how did they know that the faded pdf's they found were genuine?
How did they know that they weren't cleverly revised to fit a particular
agenda? Revisionism used to be a major industry in the Soviet Union,
and probably never went completely out of style.
The answer is that in principle you could consult the primary sources -
travel to various libraries where
they have actual historical books and newspapers and check the original
documents... if you could get access to the rare book collections!
You'd probably have to blow the dust off and that would make you sneeze.
But be thankful for the sneeze - that dust is valuable evidence that
the historical record is intact. Even in its heyday the KGB would have
had trouble adulterating all the copies of any particular American historical
paper document.
But now it's all on the internet. Not necessarily in very many copies,
much more susceptible to remote revision, which the KGB has the means
and now the will to do.
One of the downsides of the electronic information age is that it's
technically indistinguishable from the electronic disinformation age.
What if somebody wants to
save taxpayer dollars by "driving out costs"
and getting rid of all those dusty stacks
and having all reference materials
only on the internet, where they won't age and get dusty?
If the ultimate truth about everything is somewhere in the cloudy heights,
it will be safe there -
numerous technology marketing executives will swear to that on their
MBA's. And once somebody owns this valuable asset, how shall it be
monetized? Is it really the plan that all information
should be free to everybody forever? How will anybody become a
billionaire that way?
If there are no immutable primary sources then it's that much harder to
establish absolute truth. This is uncomfortable to a technologist like
me - most kinds of engineers have studied physics and understand that there
is some absolute objective reality operating in the universe,
whether or not there are any pundits to blog about it or philosophers
to deconstruct it.
When dealing with human history, objective reality is a bit more slippery,
but that's no excuse to deliberately avoid seeking it.
At least among leaf-node engineers in Silicon Valley,
a person is judged by the power of his ideas.
In the nation's capital is located at the absolute opposite pole,
ideas are judged by the power of the person espousing them.
So no surprise if
there is an occasional disconnect
between poles with necessarily different views of reality.
Speaking of Russia,
this website
went live on December 15.
Before it had 50 individual visitors,
it was visited by a search engine on December 18: = spider-5-255-250-5.yandex.com
for the Russian
(Note that
getting noticed by Yandex might mean more than you think.)
Finally on December 28, Yandex was joined by Bing: = msnbot-157-55-39-144.search.msn.com .
No other search engines noticed it until January 23.
Consolidating paper libraries online is an example of "driving cost out
of the system."
"Driving out cost" is one of the mantras of modern technology marketing.
But often
it means "driving out cost from my organization and bottom line into your
organization and bottom line."
Phone trees leading to technical support in distant lands
are examples that everybody can understand. Somebody saved a lot of money
on his bottom line and achieved his quantitative goals. Everybody else
paid the price though. In California, we daily see the example
starting with the Reagan administration of
"mainstreaming" as many patients as possible from the state developmental
centers into the general population so that they become the homeless problem
of local government. The state only seemed to make progress because it
only considered its own cost.
It's not just fake news - now there are
fake scholarly journals.
It's easy to bypass the requests for paid subscriptions
requested by the online Washington Post and NY Times. I read all their
articles that I cited for free. Then my conscience was pricked:
so I bought a subscription to the online Washington Post. Then when I
went back to the Post, I couldn't find this conscience-pricking article -
I had forgotten that I read it in the NY Times.
So I subscribed to the online Times as well.
I do subscribe to the paper San Jose Mercury News since I live here.
I only use its online edition for URL's to send to people who are outside
its circulation area.
It's hanging in there as a good local newspaper,
but its national news and opinion is almost all syndicated -
often from those two institutions I just mentioned.
Somebody has to take some action to keep that flow going.
That action has to involve some money. The free press might survive
presidential assault but the outcome of assault by economics is very much
in doubt. America's free press has mostly depended on advertising revenue
for most of its history. That era is almost over, and its accidental
destruction by Craigslist, Ebay, Facebook, Google... seems destined to have
consequences far more profound than any intentional act of censorship.
Newspapers have petitioned Congress for an antitrust exemption to strengthen their
relative economic power against Google and Facebook.
Some years ago, before the internet, I remember the Mercury ran an article
critical of sales practices at a number of local car dealers. The dealers all
pulled their display ads for a couple of weeks. Now the Mercury prints
only bland syndicated editorial content in the car ad section.
Prescribed blandness is coming to YouTube, too.
So much for the internet as a galaxy of free printing presses.
What about Wikipedia? I link to many of their pages too, and they
are asking for money too. They don't sell subscriptions though, they
just ask for donations.
Their fundraising has been
questioned in the Washington Post but I donated anyway.
What about blogs?
What about tweets?
revised 4 August 2019
It is necessary that the war should continue everlastingly and without victory.
-- George Orwell
Being hitched to the twin necessities of constant warfare and the public’s limited attention span...
suggests that Mr. Trump’s eventual downfall may be less like Richard Nixon’s than Paris Hilton’s.
-- Tim Wu
What about primary sources and the internet and Putin?
But if an earth-like planet were revolving around a sun-like start, but
without Jupiter to advance Mercury's perihelion and without a Moon to
create total solar eclipses, would general relativity have ever been
conceived, much less demonstrated? In contrast, special relativity
is inescapable for any civilization advanced enough to accelerate
atomic particles.
What about the free press - can it ever be free?
revised 13 April 2018
There is nothing to buy or sign up for on this website.
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