Facebook Posts on theory-2021

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Regional federalism is an alternative to secession or 2021-12-31 8 - 1 theory
Regional federalism is a way to try the rural dream, 2021-12-30 4 - theory
A traditional conservative laments the end of traditional 2021-12-23 1 - theory
Why does GOP support right-to-life, universal unpermitted 2021-12-08 1 - 1 theory
What happens after the revolution? It's the same 2021-10-17 13 - theory
Do you still want to be a Libertarian? 2021-10-16 3 - 1 theory
The oldest excuse in politics - everybody's doing it! 2021-06-04 - theory
Why does populism always go bad? 2021-06-04 - theory
The hardest sales pitch! 2021-04-26 - theory
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts 2021-03-18 15 1 3 theory
200 years ago the immigrant demons were whisky-soaked 2021-02-13 11 - theory
Concentrations of Power and Liberty and Equality in 2021-01-18 18 - theory

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The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Tue Dec 12 12:02:37 PM PST 2023


Regional federalism is an alternative to secession or
division into two or more parts.


Secession would be better than civil war, but the practical
difficulties are enormous - which is why Quebec and
Scotland are not independent countries.      Read about
what's required to be accepted as an independent nation -


Regional federalism is more like a trial separation
that, after a generation, might well be undone by mutual
agreement - red states agree to majority rule in exchange
for resumption of economic subsidies from blue states.
Or maybe just some of the red states - the old slave
states might never return, preferring to preserve their
peculiar institutions.

Separation might end sooner in response to a severe enough
external threat.      The foreign powers that would succeed
a fractured USA have an intense interest in provoking
and maintaining that fracture; how long before the people
recognize that and respond?



hide 1
impact 15
impactrate 0
negative 1
posted 2021-12-31
ratio 8
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Regional federalism is an alternative to secession or
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 149
epoch Lifetime
hideclicksusers 1
ID 1571487853195728
impress 9
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "12/31/2021 20:12"
reach 8
title "Perspective | Secession might seem like the lesser of two evils. It’s also the less likely."
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1571487853195728


Regional federalism is a way to try the rural dream,
with a return to rationality when it wears thin.


The eternal rural dream of being free from government
means, instead, being subject to whichever gang has the
most guns.     That's anarchy, just like in Portland.
Which is just what they want to escape.   They forgot, or
don't know, what life was like in the rural South when the
KKK ruled by terror against white people as well as black.


Perhaps it's just a harmless fantasy that will fade away on
its own - a harmless outlet for Emotions which could lead
to war Or social agitation..      The State of Jefferson
had the bad luck to schedule its first press conference
for December 7, 1941.      Life is what happens while
you're making other plans.

Purely libertarian societies have existed - with private
cops, jails, courts, and judges - consisting of the local
feudal lord/gang leader.     The ruling class was indeed
free to do whatever it wanted.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-12-30
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Regional federalism is a way to try the rural dream,
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 166
epoch Lifetime
ID 1570533009957879
impress 4
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "12/30/2021 14:12"
reach 4
title "Modern America’s Most Successful Secessionist Movement"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1570533009957879


A traditional conservative laments the end of traditional
conservatism vs traditional liberalism.


Now it's populist cult of personality, fueled by social
media and cable TV and foreign interference, vs rule of
law.    Traditional conservatives have trouble digesting
the concept that the rule of law is on the left now and
that's where they belong too.

Ultimately their indigestion is due to the painful
realization that traditional conservatism was never a real
mass movement after all.      They are no longer able to
co-opt the populist audience.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-12-23
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title A traditional conservative laments the end of traditional
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 86
epoch Lifetime
ID 1565764360434744
impress 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "12/23/2021 10:12"
reach 1
title "Opinion | The center right is collapsing globally. It has only two options for survival."
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1565764360434744


Why does GOP support right-to-life, universal unpermitted
concealed carry, anti-vax, anti-immigrant?      There's no
moral logical consistency in that.


Why does Trump support strong rulers usually, but not
in Cuba or Venezuela?     There's no ideological logical
consistency in that.

The answer is that there is POLITICAL logical consistency -
essential to GOP protection of minority rule.     All these
issues have strong single-issue voter consistencies,
who will vote a straight ticket for GOP to carry out
its real minority rule protection agenda - billionaire
tax relief, deregulation, union-busting, etc - as long
as their single issues are advocated, which aren't that
important to minority rule.

Why do the nations so furiously rage together, And why do
the people imagine a vain thing?

It's essential to keep these constituencies worked up and
excited to vote GOP, that's why!     Keep them furious
and vainly imagining!

While the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds, Their large
professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish
strife, Lo!   Freedom weeps, Wrong rules the land, and
waiting Justice sleeps!

Why little deeds?     What would happen to GOP if it
achieved the goals of all these groups?     You can tell
by immigration - decades of bipartisan proposals for
comprehensive immigration reform have gone nowhere.  Why?
If immigration were solved, where would those single-issue
voters go next?      And worse, major GOP donors depend
on having cheap exploitable illegal immigrant labor.
Even Trump did until he was caught.

So the GOP keeps talking too much and not doing too much
about its hot-button issues.     Madison Cawthorn was proud
to announce that his staff was heavy on media and light
on policy.      Anything to get on Fox!     The very model
of a modern Trumpist Dixiecrat defender of minority rule.
Keep the voters in line and the donors happy!     Make sure
the voters don't have to decide what to do after all their
goals were won, by keeping their goals just in sight and
just out of reach.

It's reminiscent of the novel 1984, where the world was
divided into three empires constantly at war - the two
weakest allied against the strongest.      But whenever
victory came too close, the weaker of the allies would
switch sides to put the other on the defensive again.
Just like Afghanistan or the Balkans on a global scale.

The ruling classes of all three empires understood that
their survival depended on keeping the masses under severe
control until victory was ours while making sure that
never happened.  Just like North Korea today.

The imagination and strength of the masses must be
channeled to a more productive purpose than they could
imagine for themselves - namely protecting the minority
rule of the ruling class.    Otherwise the masses would
just selfishly pursue their own interests.



impact 46
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-12-08
ratio 1
react 1
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
title Why does GOP support right-to-life, universal unpermitted
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 457
engaged 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1555545634789950
impress 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "12/08/2021 06:12"
reach 1
sharesimpress 1
title "Opinion | How is the GOP’s coronavirus recklessness compatible with being pro-life?"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1555545634789950


What happens after the revolution?     It's the same
for communists and Trumpists - political power attracts
ideologically flexible people interested foremost in power
and the trappings of power.    Eventually they take over
behind the scenes, for their own benefit, even if they
continue to mouth the state ideology in public.


That's how dissimilar ideologies always seem to devolve
into similar corrupt regimes, that in turn tend toward
hereditary nobilities.

Continuous revolution is no prevention - the masses
become tired of continuous turmoil and gravitate toward
authoritarians promising stability.


So what usually becomes of the revolutionary cannon fodder?
Their purpose is to sacrifice - to take the risks and
absorb the damage for the benefit of the leaders that
they want to put in power.        The leaders destined to
survive and lead the new revolutionary government know
better than to be on the front lines - they inspire and
lead from a safe distance.


The soldiers that survive and remain revolutionary
eventually have to be liquidated by the people they put in
power, who are now the new establishment.       Nobody has
any use for perpetual revolutionaries at loose ends.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-10-17
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title What happens after the revolution? It's the same
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 190
epoch Lifetime
ID 1520574338287080
impress 14
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/17/2021 14:10"
reach 13
title "Review | An insider’s view of China’s Communist Party: Corruption and capitalist excess"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1520574338287080


Do you still want to be a Libertarian?


There's a name for systems in which your rights supersede
the rights of others.   Anarchy, if superior rights are
decided by superior might.    Feudalism, if superior rights
are decided by superior caste.   Modern minority rule is an
offshoot of feudalism.      Except maybe in New Hampshire,
where it seems equally close to anarchy.




impact 6
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-10-16
ratio 3
react 1
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
title Do you still want to be a Libertarian?
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 61
engaged 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1520078328336681
impress 4
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/16/2021 23:10"
reach 3
sharesimpress 1
title "In New Hampshire, vaccine fights and misinformation roil GOP"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1520078328336681


The oldest excuse in politics - everybody's doing it!

1873 - Politicians of the time largely catered to
business interests in exchange for political support and
wealth. Many participated in graft and bribery, often
justifying their actions with the excuse that corruption
was too widespread for a successful politician to resist.


2018 - Americans Think Corruption Is Everywhere. Is That
Why We Vote for It?


Corruption is what many politicians see when they look in
the mirror in the morning, so they see it everywhere they
look all day.

Russians knew that story line all along - Nothing Is True
and Everything Is Possible - which culminated in Putin
but was deep in the soul of almost all his predecessors -

And Trump signed up 100%, believing probably sincerely that
he is no more corrupt or deceitful than anybody else in
politics and it's not fair for anybody to be criticizing
or prosecuting him in particular.




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-06-04
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The oldest excuse in politics - everybody's doing it!
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 157
epoch Lifetime
ID 1428710620806786
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "06/04/2021 21:06"
title "For President Trump, Life Is Just Not Fair — And What That Means For The Rest Of Us"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1428710620806786


Why does populism always go bad?


Populist politicians start out by mobilizing the people
against the elites and their evil allies.      Their appeal
is emotional rather than rational, so the only truth
that matters is how people feel, rather than objective
truth about reality.      This flexibility about objective
reality inevitably attracts the wrong sort of leaders whose
main interest is making it into the elite and thus can be
easily co-opted by the previous elite.

Thus populism fits in very well with cult of personality
- a legendary hero fighting valiantly for the people -
and minority rule.


The actual ruling elite usually end up combining with the
populist leaders to their mutual benefit, and so populist
leaders usually end up kleptocrats too.        The populist
leaders never deliver on their promises - and always blame
a scapegoat that the people must struggle and sacrifice to
overcome, but which they never do.   Note that this works
just as well with a nominal far-left ideology as with a
nominal far-right one.




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-06-04
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Why does populism always go bad?
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 170
epoch Lifetime
ID 1428583017486213
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "06/04/2021 17:06"
title "Opinion | The populist right is still robust. The left should not be complacent."
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1428583017486213


The hardest sales pitch!


The most pressing need in the country is a return to the
Enlightenment ideals of the founders - not their practices
which often fell far short of their ideals - slavery,
segregation, suppression.

But distinguishing that need, in a way that most voters
can understand,  from the GOP alternative - explicitly
embracing the practices and implicitly rejecting the ideals
- is a monumental challenge, certainly the greatest in
Biden's career.       Most voters eventually just vote
their pocketbooks - and Biden understands that and is
doing all he can to address those voters.     But that's
not enough.





impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-04-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The hardest sales pitch!
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 101
epoch Lifetime
ID 1402681670076348
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "04/26/2021 15:04"
title "Opinion | In his address to Congress, Biden will advance his agenda. He’ll also have to defend democracy."
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1402681670076348


"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

It's true of leaders, legislatures, corporations, and
labor unions.  A pluralistic society is best served by a
variety of competing interests small and numerous enough
to create a free market.

But with groups as with individuals, liberty tends over
time to spur inequality, since people are born with unequal
advantages in genetics and parenting and luck.     So a
vital function of government is to re-level the playing
field as needed so that inherit merit and effort receive
the fruits of labor rather than inherited advantage.

Libertarians like to dream that the free market left
alone will produce the best results for the most people,
as if anonymous Wall Street bureaucrats have the best
interests of the masses closer to their hearts than
anonymous DC bureaucrats.      Instead the free market
tends to consolidate advantages of skill or luck until it
becomes very difficult to do anything revolutionary that
would threaten the status quo.

Successful startup capitalists are always stunned to
discover that the tactics that made them successful become
illegal once they reach the size to dominate a market,
and they always try to explain that they are different.
Maybe some of the founders are personally different,  but
economic power attracts the same old kinds of flexible
executives hoping to exploit the startup to advance their
careers and fortunes - just as a successful ideological
political movement attracts the same old kinds of flexible
politicians hoping to exploit the movement to advance
their careers and power.

So it was just a matter of time before Facebook, Amazon,
Apple, Netflix, Google, Twitter, et al - who've come
to dominate their markets - would be scrutinized for
concentration of power inimical to a free market economy,
just as ATT, GM, and IBM were in a previous generation,
and Standard Oil before them.    GM self destructed in
collaboration with its unions, but IBM and ATT needed
encouragement, or a consent decree, from the Federal


Consolidation of markets tends to be a feature of GOP
rule.     It's more efficient!    Fewer big players means
that it's more efficient for politicians to implicitly
threaten regulation or offer deregulations.      It also
means that it's more efficient for the big players to
implicity threaten or offer dark money campaign finance.
Nothing explicit of course - it's always implicit - the
way the Godfather would do it!

And so all the GOP programs to help "small
business" actually seem to end up mostly benefiting
"big donors" -


Democrats are little better, because big donors tend to
purchase access in a bipartisan way to insure that their
calls are returned no matter how the election comes out.

The tension between liberty and equality of opportunity
is not new nor is it a bug - it's a permanent feature of
a competitive marketplace.      We have Federal, state,
and local governments, and  three branches of Federal
government with two houses of Congress - because we know
that in the long run, though it's less efficient, each
player regulates the others.





impact 206
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2021-03-18
ratio 3
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 515
audclicks 3
audreach 2
engaged 2
ID 1376818629329319
impress 20
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 15
likeusers 1
likeuusers 13
matchedlinkclicks 1
matchedotherclicks 2
oimpress 20
oreach 15
posted "03/18/2021 03:50:12 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
postotherclicks 1
reach 15
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1376818629329319


200 years ago the immigrant demons were whisky-soaked


150 years ago Republicans described Democrats as the party
of "rum, romanism, and rebellion".


60 years ago American-born Catholics started leaving the
Democratic Party.

Now American-born Latinos and Asians are starting to see
themselves as Republicans.


"a Republican coalition of secure minorities and
anxious whites may be a match for the emerging Democratic
majority of anxious minorities and secure whites"



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-02-13
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title 200 years ago the immigrant demons were whisky-soaked
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 70
ID 1355052401505942
impress 11
likeuimpress 9
likeuusers 9
oimpress 11
oreach 11
posted "02/13/2021 09:55:48 AM"
reach 11
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1355052401505942


Concentrations of Power and Liberty and Equality in

What do the separation of powers in the Constitution and
antitrust legislation have in common?    They are designed
to limit concentration of power.

Why limit concentration of power? Because power corrupts,
and concentrated power concentrates corruption.

1) America's founders observed that governments tended to
accumulate power, at first by popular support, but later
for their own sake, and lose the ability or motivation to
obtain popular support and instead maintain and protect
their political power by whatever means are necessary.

2) Individuals are born with different capabilities
and raised in different environments and so eventually,
depending also on chance, they achieve different degrees of
material success.    The most successful leave financial
and other legacies to their children, who start off
with an advantage that they might magnify or squander.
But without external interventions, financial power
tends to accumulate, originally based to some degree on
merit, but later due to accumulating advantages across
generations.    Later generations that do not have the
ability or motivation to create new wealth focus instead
of maintaining and protecting their inherited advantages.
Eventually they convince themselves that they are entitled
to their wealth as others are entitled to their poverty.

3) In business, startups usually fail but some become
successfully, some spectacularly so, and accumulate
advantages over competition, and in extreme cases, dominate
their industries and obliterate old competitors and stifle
new ones.    They may lose the ability or motivation to
create new wealth and instead maintain and protect their
dominant economic positions.

4) Labor unions sometimes concentrate power, though not
much in recent American history.    One of the accusations
against Jimmy Hoffa was that he was striving for a common
contract expiration date for all transportation workers.
His original successes in trucking did benefit truckers
but those aspirations became fused with his personal goals
toward power and wealth.

So at some point, to prevent economic and political
fossilization, explicit actions are required to preserve
economic and political mobility.  That's because economic
and political power attract the ambitious and unscrupulous.
Regardless of the magnanimous intentions of the founders,
their successors may be motivated only by greed and lust
for power.

1) The Federal Constitution provides three branches of
government, two legislative houses, with specified powers,
and reserves all other powers to the states and the people.
The hope was that "ambition would check ambition"
to prevent concentration of power.    But legislative power
has tended to atrophy, resulting in executive overreach
and judicial activism to address problems that Congress
can't bring itself to face.


2) Income, wealth, and estate taxes are one way to leaven
inherited wealth inequality.   Proceeds should go to
improve the economic competitiveness of talented persons
not born to wealth - such as public schools, universities,
and libraries.    So is universal basic income.    A flat
tax on discretionary income is one simple mechanism toward
reducing wealth inequality.

3) Antitrust legislation is a way of reducing excessive
concentration of corporate economic power.   It's not
merely specific anti-competitive practices but the very
fact of market-dominant size that must be addressed.

In some industries, such as municipal utilities, it may be
desirable to have a limited number of large participants -
but then their behavior must be closely regulated to remain
in the public interest.

What about social media?    Is it best to have a few large
social media platforms that connect everybody?     If so
who decides what is proper and improper content?


Economic Liberty and Equality

Because of differing natural advantages, unlimited liberty
eventually reduces equality.    Forced equality along
communist lines reduces liberty.    In a society that
intends to foster both liberty and equality, active steps
must be taken to re-level extremes of economic power over
generations without removing the incentives to strive for
material success in each individual's life.

Economic passiveness starting with the Reagan
administration has resulted in increasing economic
and social inequality and finally the Trump presidency,
obtained on promises of reducing inequality but maintained
by preserving the reactionary Reagan ideology of low
taxes on wealth and income, low regulation of industrial
aggregation, judiciary opposed to active measures toward
reducing inequality, and little role of government




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-01-18
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Concentrations of Power and Liberty and Equality in
topic theory
wordrate 0
words 694
ID 1338108893200293
impress 19
likeuimpress 17
likeuusers 17
oimpress 19
oreach 18
posted "01/18/2021 02:44:59 PM"
reach 18
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1338108893200293