Facebook Posts on china-2022

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In the 50's and 60's the Birchers were always whining 2022-11-02 15 - 1 china
party loyalty trumps everything else 2022-10-26 20 - china
China won't be a threat to Silicon Valley after all. 2022-01-18 5 - china

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UPDATED Thu Jul 6 06:43:21 AM PDT 2023


In the 50's and 60's the Birchers were always whining
Who lost China? as if the US State Department could have
stopped the Chinese Communist revolution.

Eventually some of those Chinese Communists might start
thinking Who lost America?  but once they figure out the
answer they will have to keep very quiet about it.

Zhu was opposed by China’s many inland provinces,
which were dominated by state-owned Chinese industries
that had no interest or ability to compete globally the
way China’s coastal provinces could.

Sound familiar? Flyover country resentful of coastal
elites?   Flyovers sure they represent the true values
and spirit of the revolution?

For China to turn the business community sour on China
took hard work




impact 12
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-11-02
ratio 15
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title In the 50's and 60's the Birchers were always whining
topic china
wordrate 0
words 118
audclicks 1
epoch Lifetime
ID 1794365447574633
impress 17
matchedlinkclicks 1
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/02/2022 15:11"
reach 15
title "Opinion | How China Lost America"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1794365447574633


party loyalty trumps everything else


Loyalty driving out competence is a hazard of cults of
personality, as Putin and Trump have so amply demonstrated.

America's China problem might resolve itself, at least
economically.      As the Chinese revolution evolved
from a peasant revolution to a bourgeois one, China has
received some of the same benefits as Western democracies -
declining birthrates and productivity and economic growth.
And Xi's focus on eliminating potential rival power centers
is encouraging many entrepreneurs to flee to the West -
their Musks and Thiels are probably welcome in Texas!



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-10-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title party loyalty trumps everything else
topic china
wordrate 0
words 94
epoch Lifetime
ID 1788564064821438
impress 21
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "10/26/2022 07:10"
reach 20
title "Xi Tightens His Grip on China at a Difficult Economic Moment"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1788564064821438


China won't be a threat to Silicon Valley after all.
They'll have to go back to industrial espionage.


That's what happens when the leader/party/government decide
to regulate technology for political ends.     Trumpist
fans of strong leaders take note!       Better to be
technically backward than up-to-date with threatening
external ideological trends.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2022-01-18
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title China won't be a threat to Silicon Valley after all.
topic china
wordrate 0
words 51
epoch Lifetime
ID 1583056932038820
impress 7
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "01/18/2022 10:01"
reach 5
title "As Beijing Takes Control, Chinese Tech Companies Lose Jobs and Hope"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1583056932038820