Facebook Posts on inflation-2021

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Voters well versed in the facts and theories of politics 2021-11-25 10 - inflation
What kind of inflation do you prefer? 2021-11-22 6 - inflation
Unclear on the concept! 2021-11-21 9 - inflation
Inflation due to supply-chain issues will resolve itself 2021-11-18 7 - inflation
The free market at work - slowly! 2021-11-14 8 - inflation
There isn't any fast easy solution to externally-caused 2021-11-14 6 - inflation

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UPDATED Thu 23 Jun 2022 06:27:24 AM PDT


Voters well versed in the facts and theories of politics
and economics have mostly made up their minds and aren't
persuadable any more - the problem for politicians is
to get those voters to turn out even if they think the
problems have no quick easy solution.

Persuadable voters are persuaded more by simple theories
than complicated facts.      So most politicians pander
to them.      That much is bipartisan.


The three root causes behind the most visible inflation
are 1) offshoring and just-in-time logistics colliding
with covid, 2) the decisions by Russia and Saudi Arabia to
limit oil and gas production to keep prices high, and 3)
the Great Resignation of workers who can't (because of
lack of childcare) or won't (because of covid fears or
lousy pay and benefits and working conditions).

No doubt some businesses are taking advantage of the
opportunity to raise prices beyond their increased costs,
but that's secondary.

Just-in-time logistics was invented 70 years ago by Toyota
and has dominated the thinking of plenty of MBA's advancing
their careers by driving cost out of the system - in its
steady state.       Unfortunately all that cost drives
right back into the system when an external disruption
undermines the steady state.     It's worse when the
covid disruption occurs far away in low-cost countries
where critical production was offshored - again to drive
cost out of the system.    The low cost highly available
imported goods you have enjoyed for decades were not as
low cost as you thought - you signed up to pay over time,
without knowing it.

The oil producing countries take seriously global warming,
to the extent of wanting to maximize profits now while
oil and gas are still valuable.     There is no reason to
expect that to change.   Wouldn't you do the same?

The Great Resignation reduces labor participation and
increases the value of labor, driving costs up, which might
be imposed on consumers or on capitalists.  The most direct
way to deal with that would be to make sure that free
child care were available for mothers who want to work, but
GOP donors and Manchin think that would be too expensive.
They'd rather pay higher prices than higher taxes.

And - surprise - these same factors are at work in pretty
much all the developed world, under a variety of different
political and economic regimes.     So there is no reason
to suppose that different policies in the US will have an
easy quick effect.

If you've read this far, you've gotten further than most
persuadable voters would ever go.      They'll just vote
the incumbents out, just as the GOP hoped they would.
GOP politicians will then enact billionaire tax cuts,
deregulation, and union busting, as usual.    If inflation
persists, they'll blame it on Biden.     If instead a
recession ensues, they'll blame it on Biden.     Their
major donors won't blame them though - "Well done,
good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of
thy lord".



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-25
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Voters well versed in the facts and theories of politics
topic inflation
wordrate 0
words 494
ID 1547209872290193
impress 10
likeuimpress 9
likeuusers 9
oimpress 10
oreach 10
posted "11/25/2021 01:16:47 PM"
reach 10
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/pfbid0W54dbyto6bH3xU6EJJAn5CsFwJPFiNDkuuAsriBXi1zetzsEZSnVu4QcgCTvVDiHl


What kind of inflation do you prefer?

From product shortages due to lack of transport - or From
rising transport costs?


Truckers have been giving up on lousy pay and benefits
and worse working conditions since before the pandemic.

GOP solution - blame Biden.    Avoids the need to propose
a specific solution that won't work anyway.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-22
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title What kind of inflation do you prefer?
topic inflation
wordrate 0
words 57
ID 1545407039137143
impress 7
likeuimpress 5
likeuusers 5
oimpress 7
oreach 6
posted "11/22/2021 07:01:30 PM"
reach 6
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/pfbid03zPnwbRLQmCEKra4sdG2BTBNYnoQQbXHH4UHmerLxPs8FUWcmp3iiueBdx3NApktl


Unclear on the concept!

Lansner sounds as if he thinks DeSantis and Abbott actually
want to SOLVE supply chain problems and the inflation they
induce.      That's the last thing on their minds - how
could they blame Biden if they solved his problems for him?

Not that DeSantis or Abbott or Biden have any quick way
of solving any of the issues.

None of them have the slightest influence on Vietnamese
factory workers


And moving more ships to Florida ports will just move the
truck driver shortage there.

Those governors are not in the business of solving
supply-chain problems 70 years in the making -


They are in the business of running for president, trying
to find a way, while maintaining plausible deniability
of their intent,  to capture Trump's base of voters and
donors while blaming their competitors for trying to do
the same thing.     Tricky stuff!




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-21
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Unclear on the concept!
topic inflation
wordrate 0
words 148
ID 1544575362553644
impress 10
likeuimpress 8
likeuusers 8
oimpress 10
oreach 9
posted "11/21/2021 12:44:28 PM"
reach 9
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/pfbid02Xm2LWYzUQyViWiBzRaNZV15mzmT315AaebcXEyQpd9gvg3Z2PAqhRua6yZjbZJQul


Inflation due to supply-chain issues will resolve itself
eventually.     There is little way to speed that up.
Improving working conditions and compensation might help
with maritime and trucking labor shortages, but might
exacerbate wage inflation and shipping costs -


There's not much to be done about oil production cutbacks
by Russia and Saudi Arabia.     Pumping from the strategic
oil reserve won't make a difference and increasing domestic
drilling won't pay off for years - besides making global
warming worse.   Making sure that there's no domestic
price collusion going on might help -


But traditional demand-side inflation might be addressed
by traditional means - higher taxes and higher interest
rates -


Higher interest rates will certainly cool economic growth,
and there aren't 50 votes in the Senate for higher taxes
even on the rich.    Every GOP senator expresses alarms
about inflation, but not one is willing to undo any of
the 2017 billionaire tax cut.     And most wouldn't touch
the Trump tariffs, increase immigration to deal with labor
shortages, or do anything about drug prices.

Because generally, the GOP doesn't want to fix inflation.
The worse it is, the better their prospects in 2022.
Never mind that the rest of the world is also suffering
from supply chain issues and oil and gas prices - they'll
blame it all on Biden anyway.      And most voters are
very low information on economic issues -


which politicians and media are quick to exacerbate.




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-18
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Inflation due to supply-chain issues will resolve itself
topic inflation
wordrate 0
words 241
ID 1542269916117522
impress 7
likeuimpress 6
likeuusers 6
oimpress 7
oreach 7
posted "11/18/2021 06:12:15 AM"
reach 7
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/pfbid02wpjEkeWCyZCYc4gt9H6Yvb6gDD5459SnCzzEd58MW7HQL9A2ZewcxEFUjWEicKn4l


The free market at work - slowly!


The market for commodity microcontrollers has passed
from a buyer's market to a seller's.    That encourages
manufacturers to invest in capital equipment and staff
to run it, which will EVENTUALLY reduce the cost of many
things - including new cars,  used cars, and car rentals.
But in the meantime increasing demand and low supply
raises prices.

It won't help on gasoline or natural gas prices.  Those
mostly reflect production decisions by Russia and Saudi
Arabia which are beyond our control.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-14
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The free market at work - slowly!
topic inflation
wordrate 0
words 88
ID 1539882853022895
impress 9
likeuimpress 7
likeuusers 7
oimpress 9
oreach 8
posted "11/14/2021 04:24:54 PM"
reach 8
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/pfbid0xchzPC9VFYhYPCQL5ES6fc6gCymRYbggh7xypNUbeuEPJZDvxS1wQjV6uoJ5yfi8l


There isn't any fast easy solution to externally-caused


So the GOP is free to use that as a cudgel to win control
of Congress and the White House - while making sure that
Biden enacts as few fixes as possible.


When they get a chance, GOP will "fight"
inflation with more "job creator" billionaire
tax cuts and deregulation and union-busting and
"entitlements reform" and eventually cause a big
enough recession that inflation will stop.      They'll
blame Biden for the recession and take credit for the stop.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2021-11-14
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title There isn't any fast easy solution to externally-caused
topic inflation
wordrate 0
words 88
ID 1539760736368440
impress 7
likeuimpress 5
likeuusers 5
oimpress 7
oreach 6
posted "11/14/2021 11:19:35 AM"
reach 6
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/pfbid02cDdgzUCnnrYKh1fE7SZRQf3oQzcMWyF2kJwDAtLQ56LXgJrtMAWHvSp91SvhQRjdl