Louis Lomax - The Negro Revolt Revisited

Louis Lomax was a civil rights activist who spoke on many college campuses in the mid-1960's. On October 22, 1965, he spoke at the Carleton College weekly convocation in the Skinner Memorial Chapel. It was the most memorable convocation address I heard in 1965-68. Two memorable phrases that I never forgot - not quite correctly - can be found in the audio and the text -

Listen or read to find out exactly what he did say! He was prescient about so many things - most of it could have been said today.

It sounds like he spent a lot of time in church, because he quotes scripture frequently and speaks in the cadences of great black preachers.

After he reviews the history of Negroes in America, he makes these main points:

Fortunately the speech was recorded on reel-to-reel magnetic audio tape. Available here:

The New York Times 1619 project inspired me to resurrect this speech:

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