Facebook Posts on election-2023

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
If you leave a phone or computer for repair, does the 2023-03-21 5 - election
House and Senate could both flip! 2023-11-05 3 - election
Not just harmless tilting at windmills! 2023-09-21 7 - election
The problem with third parties in 2024 - just as in 2023-07-20 8 - election
Third parties have their place in states and locales where 2023-06-23 8 - 1 election

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The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Sat Jan 27 06:29:26 PM PST 2024


If you leave a phone or computer for repair, does the
repairman have the right to copy and disseminate anything
he wants?


This is a very complicated mess and it seems that nobody
has an interest in objective facts that anybody could


Moral: learn to repair your own electronics, or learn to
back them up and restore them on new hardware yourself.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-03-21
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title If you leave a phone or computer for repair, does the
topic election
wordrate 0
words 64
epoch Lifetime
ID 1899260947085082
impress 6
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "03/21/2023 17:03"
reach 5
title "Hunter Biden Sues Repair Shop Owner Over Handling of Laptop"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1899260947085082


House and Senate could both flip!




impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-11-05
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title House and Senate could both flip!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 7
epoch Lifetime
ID 723117773196167
impress 4
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "11/05/2023 22:11"
reach 3
title "Analysis | House and Senate elections could provide historic reverse results"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/723117773196167


Not just harmless tilting at windmills!


ANY third-party presidential campaign is a boost to Trump,
because there's no ranked-choice voting for president.

No Labels should stick to campaigns for legislators in
places with ranked-choice voting - where they deserve
full support.    And they need to be forthright about
their funding.     How much is coming from MAGA megadonors
- and Putin - who all have an interest in a constitutional
crisis election.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-09-21
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Not just harmless tilting at windmills!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 72
epoch Lifetime
ID 697065442468067
impress 8
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "09/21/2023 17:09"
rcs 1
reach 7
reactions 1
title "A third party signed up 15,000 voters in Arizona. Democrats worry that's enough for a Biden spoiler"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/697065442468067


The problem with third parties in 2024 - just as in
2020 and 2016 - is that in aiming for perfect, they miss
the good.    In particular, in 2024, third parties will
not draw any votes from the Trump base, nor draw much dark
money from the Trumpist megadonors, making it more likely
that Trump will either win outright or push the election
into the House, where he might negotiate a corrupt bargain.


Let Trump threaten the GOP with a third-party candidacy.
No need for anybody else to help him.



impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-07-20
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The problem with third parties in 2024 - just as in
topic election
wordrate 0
words 91
epoch Lifetime
ID 662891159218829
impress 12
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "07/20/2023 07:07"
reach 8
title "Opinion | How No Labels is ruining the label of ‘independent’"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/662891159218829


Third parties have their place in states and locales where
ranked-choice voting is allowed.


But that's not the way the president is elected.  Trump won
by 78000 votes in 2016, Biden by 44000 in 2020.  The Greens
elected Trump and the Libertarians elected Biden - whether
they wanted to or not.


In 2024, every third-party vote increases the chances of
the election going to the House, where Trump would either
win or cut a deal with the winner.


If you don't want Trump to be president again, the only
rational thing is to vote for the Democrat, whoever it
might be.



impact 10
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2023-06-23
ratio 8
react 1
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
title Third parties have their place in states and locales where
topic election
wordrate 0
words 102
epoch Lifetime
ID 647538037420808
impress 10
pageid 534332363577954
pagename "Political scrapbook"
posted "06/23/2023 16:06"
rcs 1
reach 8
sharesimpress 1
title "Opinion | A No Labels candidate would likely throw the election to Trump"
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/647538037420808