Facebook Posts on popular-boosted

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
If you're rich enough you don't have to pay much in taxes - 2022-12-30 11396 50 114 8 2552 tax
Dixiecrat Trumpists remind us of all the taxpayer money 2022-12-23 8260 96 201 13 3231 trumpism
Best Democratic attack ad against Walker - just quote 2022-11-24 5827 49 58 4 3848 election
Silicon Valley Layoffs 2022-11-18 8421 15 1 5 3025 economics
2022 midterm election results: 2022-11-09 6903 43 72 4 2398 1 trumpism
God gave men free will - a little lower than the angels - 2022-11-08 7243 116 49 36 2727 minority
There's nothing new about minority rule in America - 2022-10-28 9350 116 74 28 3170 minority
57 years ago, you could have learned about 1619 - the 2022-10-25 8834 158 37 74 2248 other
Want to know who's buying your next Congress? 2022-10-24 14532 143 148 96 3199 1 1 democracy
“I didn’t know it at the time, but I was writing a 2022-10-23 9208 56 38 16 3129 virus
Chosen by God - just like Hitler, Stalin, Putin,... 2022-10-20 10787 256 365 42 4226 1 trumpism
It's true! 2022-10-15 9536 222 289 19 3755 1 gop
How did rich Southern slaveowners get poor whites to fight 2022-10-07 13477 124 133 59 4715 theory
Voting in the Republican primary in June? 2022-05-27 16071 77 192 20 2934 1 1 gop
Voting in the Republican primary in May? What do the 2022-05-02 17719 41 90 9 2765 gop
Why are these Republicans voting for Democrats? 2018-11-02
537 269
1 4 31 election

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Thu Jun 29 05:27:58 PM PDT 2023