Facebook Posts on election-2020

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Justices defy Trump! 2020-12-11 70 11 1 1 3 election
You just can't get good help any more. 2020-11-28 27 2 1 1 election
Effect of third parties on presidential vote. 2020-11-27 43 1 1 1 election
Impact of third parties on House of Representatives 2020-11-23 21 - election
The differences between conservatives, Republicans, and 2020-11-21 25 3 1 election
How many votes to make a difference in the Electoral 2020-11-21 19 - election
Effect of third parties on 2020 Senate races 2020-11-20 21 - 2 election
Effect of third parties on 2020 presidential vote 2020-11-20 19 - election
How to steal an election with "Stop the Steal" 2020-11-15 26 1 1 election
High cost of misleading polling. 2020-11-08 48 1 1 4 election
How did a projection based on 2018 House elections 2020-11-06 23 - election
Two million Americans voted for somebody else! 2020-11-06 22 - 1 election
Thank you Libertarians for making Georgia the center of 2020-11-05 28 1 4 election
An excellent plan - no joke! 2020-10-18 150 18 17 5 15 1 1 election
Political wisdom from Washington to McCain 2020-10-14 31 3 election
Who are the real deplorables? 2020-10-14 67 6 2 1 8 election
No more debates! 2020-10-01 43 2 2 3 election
Voter suppression is an essential part of minority rule, 2020-09-30 9 - 1 election
Weird Al explains the debate 2020-09-30 32 2 5 election
First presidential debate - unconditional victory for 2020-09-29 55 4 1 1 election
Silence of the lambs! 2020-09-28 19 2 1 1 election
Don't donate to Biden/Harris if you don't trust Trump! 2020-09-25 17 - election
The essence of minority rule - say one thing, do another. 2020-09-23 12 - election
There's only one acceptable outcome of the election, 2020-09-23 37 4 1 1 2 election
What about rural states where Trumpists swarm state 2020-09-21 69 19 3 1 3 election
Tangible tribute to Ginsburg's legacy 2020-09-20 33 4 election
Offenses of the Republican Party against American Democracy 2020-09-18 10 - election
Offenses of Trump against the Republican Party 2020-09-18 14 - 3 election
Offenses of Trump against American Democracy 2020-09-18 10 - 1 election
Questions that nobody's had to ask for 150 years 2020-08-28 19 - 1 5 election
Where We Go One We Go All 2020-08-28 11 - election
Who doesn't believe in resurrection? 2020-08-28 27 3 3 election
Why the Republicans don't need an agenda 2020-08-28 5 - election
Why are these Republicans voting for Democrats? 2020-08-27 58 13 2 2 4 election
Who's it going to be in 2024? 2020-08-26 12 - 1 election
It's lose-lose for Republican senators in swing states! 2020-08-26 9 - election
Were these the best the Republicans could come up with? 2020-08-25 12 - 2 1 election
Add Pompeo to the list for 2024. 2020-08-25 19 - 2 election
Helping white people feel better about voting for a 2020-08-25 42 7 1 6 1 election
Hard to believe she was married to Gavin Newsom! 2020-08-25 35 6 5 1 10 1 election
Did you know there is another convention this week? 2020-08-24 5 - 1 election
Michael Steele has had it! 2020-08-24 26 5 2 4 election
Who doesn't want to go down with the ship? 2020-08-24 12 - 1 election
A compromise to save the children 2020-08-23 74 6 12 3 23 1 election
To eke out a victory, you need a landslide 2020-08-23 4 - election
Mission accomplished 2020-08-21 26 5 election
A Trump October Surprise game plan - 2020-08-21 10 - 1 1 election
Voter intimidation - a vital component of voter suppression 2020-08-21 22 2 2 3 election
Another letter from the former establishment 2020-08-21 40 9 3 election
The election has never been decided on election day night. 2020-08-19 16 - 1 election
How Biden can duplicate Sanders' success 2020-08-19 5 - election
Another reason to just vote Democratic. 2020-08-19 15 - 1 2 election
What happens in Minsk matters in Minneapolis 2020-08-18 10 - 1 election
Flooding the zone - another name for Nothing Is True and 2020-08-17 11 1 election
Don't sweat the presidential election! 2020-08-17 11 - election
Curb your enthusiasm - in order to be a Biden conservative 2020-08-17 12 - election
The right one in the right place at the right time 2020-08-17 7 - election
Some big donors may have figured that investing for access 2020-08-16 14 1 1 3 election
What is he thinking? 2020-08-16 31 4 1 2 5 election
Future of vote by mail? 2020-08-16 28 2 1 1 election
Time for a new minority leader? 2020-08-14 35 5 1 3 election
Bay Area for Bernie voting for Trump? 2020-08-13 13 - 2 election
The president tells the truth! 2020-08-13 53 14 1 3 7 election
They haven't learned a thing. 2020-08-12 24 2 election
Not a good year for third parties 2020-08-11 9 - election
Primary results look good for extreme views. 2020-08-11 16 - election
The INTERESTING debates that they won't have 2020-08-11 20 - 1 election
Still running full-page ads in the San Jose Mercury! 2020-08-11 15 1 1 1 election
Strategies for swing-state voters 2020-08-11 14 - election
Kentucky persuadables are thinking about a change in 2020-08-11 48 8 2 1 4 election
Republicans helping Kanye West to get on the ballot in as 2020-08-08 47 2 5 election
Dangerous days ahead? 2020-08-08 35 2 2 election
How the Republicans are avoiding doing anything about the 2020-08-05 71 19 6 5 21 election
Why the Trumpists are obsessed by vote-by-mail 2020-08-05 8 - election
Planning for a future as a minority 2020-08-04 13 - 1 election
November election - chaos for some, profit opportunity 2020-08-04 11 - election
Why Democrats raise money for candidates like Kris Kobach 2020-08-03 6 - election
Lincoln Project strategy 2020-08-03 44 12 2 7 election
Privatizing the post office and crippling the November 2020-08-03 17 2 1 1 3 election
Wouldn't it be nice? And patriotic? AND 2020-08-03 26 3 1 election
Another Trump supporter has been pushed too far 2020-07-30 31 3 2 3 election
Why Biden appeals to the persuadables in the middle 2020-07-30 15 1 election
They didn't get the memo? 2020-07-27 18 - 2 1 election
Hoist with his own petard 2020-07-27 3 - election
Why debate a pathological liar? 2020-07-26 12 - election
Setting the stage for President Biden 2020-07-24 19 - 2 election
Silicon Valley wisdom - the six phases of any big project 2020-07-22 11 - 1 2 election
The only way Trump can win is to get lucky. 2020-07-21 11 - 1 election
Advice to Trump about seniors 2020-07-21 44 7 3 1 7 election
The master salesman and dealmaker seems to be losing 2020-07-21 18 1 3 election
What can Republican senators and governors do now? 2020-07-20 12 - election
Republicans plan a last stand for the Senate! 2020-07-20 23 1 1 election
The heat is on Republican governors and senators 2020-07-19 44 11 3 3 8 election
Nobody's trying to defend Trump any more. 2020-07-19 24 - 2 2 1 election
Trump plans to keep us in suspense again. 2020-07-19 56 4 4 3 1 election
Bipolar and off his meds! 2020-07-19 33 3 2 1 election
“democratic systems don’t work well when political 2020-07-17 28 2 2 election
Biden starting to out-raise Trump? 2020-07-17 10 - election
How boring! 2020-07-17 43 1 1 4 election
Trump's great gift to the future - "calloused 2020-07-16 15 - election
Not quite as big a deal this time 2020-07-16 22 - 1 3 election
Polls show Trump losing - whose fault is that??? 2020-07-15 55 14 4 6 1 election
National decline - embracing ignorance, incompetence, 2020-07-15 67 14 3 3 17 1 election
Ways to reduce election chaos 2020-07-15 16 1 1 election
What's more pathetic than Trump's cruelty to Sessions? 2020-07-14 19 1 1 2 election
Trump makes a distinction without a difference 2020-07-14 5 - election
Third parties losing their appeal in presidential election 2020-07-14 22 3 2 election
The wages of sin is... defeat. 2020-07-12 72 11 2 7 election
What's in it for the Never Trumpers? 2020-07-11 22 - 2 election
Four challenges to the November election 2020-07-10 10 - election
Beacons of hope 2020-07-10 42 9 1 5 election
Who knew that political scrapbook was one of Trump's 2020-07-09 25 1 3 2 election
One reason the Trump administration is against Federal 2020-07-08 24 1 1 2 election
Going down with the ship or not? 2020-07-08 89 25 7 1 21 1 election
Another brilliant tactic for Trump's re-election! 2020-07-08 71 10 3 1 18 2 election
Tax returns and fact checkers - otherwise the debates are 2020-07-07 27 2 3 election
How Trump will be re-elected! 2020-07-07 41 4 1 3 1 election
Sorry, not interested! 2020-06-30 46 6 2 2 election
The Wall Street Journal has given up. 2020-06-26 16 - 2 1 election
What can we learn from the Kentucky Democratic primary? 2020-06-25 11 - election
The debates are a waste of time. 2020-06-25 47 9 1 1 9 election
What happened to the senior vote? 2020-06-25 33 4 1 1 4 election
Why can't Devin Nunes sue a fake cow? 2020-06-24 48 14 2 8 1 election
The wicked witch is dead? 2020-06-24 36 3 1 2 1 election
Biden's vice president - what's the key characteristic? 2020-06-24 16 - election
Election night won't be particularly interesting 2020-06-22 15 - election
Trump needs to attract more women! 2020-06-22 52 11 4 17 1 election
When asked about Trump - Republican senators like to change 2020-06-21 54 15 1 2 5 election
Iowa in play again! 2020-06-20 52 8 1 11 1 election
Who can best help Mitch retire? 2020-06-18 56 8 1 3 election
What a puzzle - how to not be Trump and not be Democrat? 2020-06-18 69 10 2 2 10 election
The Trump campaign loves Nazi symbols? 2020-06-18 22 - 1 2 1 election
The gang that couldn't think straight 2020-06-18 31 2 2 election
Facing Der Untergang - he will always be Trump! 2020-06-18 37 5 4 election
Unclear on the concept - it's the party of Trump, not the 2020-06-17 39 6 1 2 election
Senate Republicans can do more than one thing at a time! 2020-06-12 65 11 2 1 8 1 election
Election blues 2020-06-11 31 2 election
faith without works is dead 2020-06-10 35 4 2 election
Trump refuses to expand his base so Republican senators 2020-06-10 80 11 1 12 1 election
October is the cruelest month - for incumbent presidents. 2020-06-07 22 - election
Mobilizing for election success 2020-06-07 29 - 1 1 2 1 election
No quick fix! 2020-06-07 30 2 1 election
Look at all the things President Trump has accomplished 2020-06-04 25 - 2 election
What will dominate thinking of swing-state voters in 2020-06-03 16 - election
Will Trump's vote-by-mail propaganda work against 2020-06-03 30 2 1 2 election
Another test for Republican senators 2020-06-03 63 7 1 3 11 election
"Voters must dispatch his congressional enablers, 2020-06-01 69 14 2 2 12 election
Even Karl Rove has his limits. 2020-06-01 22 3 1 2 election
If you don't really want the government to do anything - 2020-05-28 16 - 1 1 2 election
Cognitive dissonance in Iowa. 2020-05-28 30 2 3 election
A difficult message - vote against Trump but remain 2020-05-28 54 4 2 1 10 1 election
It's all about the donors! 2020-05-27 43 11 1 5 9 election
2021 will be great! 2020-05-26 106 18 6 3 18 election
It's amazing what Republican senators will put up with! 2020-05-26 24 3 6 1 election
Hanging on to the senior vote? 2020-05-25 66 12 2 10 election
It's the same question one wonders about ALL politicians 2020-05-22 89 39 10 12 35 election
Never read too much into a special election. 2020-05-21 28 - 2 election
Will Republican politicians switch to blaming Trump for 2020-05-19 23 3 1 election
What's Trump's beef with Obama? 2020-05-18 54 7 1 1 7 election
Vote by mail does not necessarily favor Democrats! 2020-05-17 26 - 1 election
Coronavirus a Democratic hoax after all! 2020-05-17 129 66 64 10 34 2 election
Making up a story out of whole cloth! 2020-05-15 23 - 2 election
An intentional trial balloon or an accidental stupid 2020-05-13 62 12 3 1 18 election
It's not easy being red! 2020-05-10 100 14 3 1 19 election
The denial lobby 2020-05-09 34 4 5 election
Can Republican senators break the chains that condemn them 2020-05-01 36 4 1 1 7 election
Trump will probably lose no matter what. 2020-04-29 63 14 11 election
They knew who he was in 2015. 2020-04-25 31 1 1 13 election
Republicans and voter fraud. 2020-04-25 75 10 3 5 9 election
No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in 2020-04-25 34 2 1 4 4 election
How can you protest the government when you ARE the 2020-04-24 14 - 2 election
Campaign like it's 2016 again! 2020-04-22 20 2 2 2 election
Planning ahead for President Biden. 2020-04-21 34 3 1 1 8 election
There are lots of reasons why you might not want to vote 2020-04-19 30 3 3 election
Trumpists scramble for a winning strategy. 2020-04-18 42 5 4 9 election
Some people still believe there is a difference between 2020-04-16 37 9 2 3 10 election
Democrats in array! 2020-04-15 21 - 1 3 election
Now Trump claims Biden is too cozy with China. 2020-04-11 33 4 1 election
All about building the brand - all the time! 2020-04-11 49 4 3 1 8 election
Let Trump be Trump! 2020-04-09 31 3 2 election
A national unity government? 2020-04-07 30 4 2 election
Of course it's all about Trump 2020-04-06 52 11 7 election
Nobody could have foreseen! 2020-03-31 53 10 2 16 election
And why wouldn't CEO's praise Trump? 2020-03-31 61 8 2 3 9 1 election
Recalculating the Trump re-election campaign. 2020-03-30 42 2 2 1 6 election
He'd like a favor... 2020-03-30 67 7 2 2 5 election
Creating a rationale why Democratic deficit spending is 2020-03-30 22 1 election
More VP speculation 2020-03-18 7 - election
Two old white men competing to run against another old 2020-03-15 14 - 1 election
The pride of Fresno! 2020-03-14 22 3 1 2 election
Three diverse possibilities for VP. 2020-03-12 25 - 1 1 election
Worst nightmare coming true! 2020-03-12 74 22 4 1 22 election
Biden is increasing turnout too. 2020-03-09 43 4 1 2 1 election
Are Trump's greatest hits good enough to keep his base 2020-03-09 33 1 1 2 election
How to take over a political party for fun and profit. 2020-03-09 18 - 1 1 election
What happens if nobody wins a majority of Democratic 2020-03-08 28 1 1 1 election
Sanderistas 2020-03-08 29 3 1 2 election
Bullock to run for Senate. 2020-03-08 30 3 1 election
How Sanders already won. 2020-03-08 40 6 1 8 election
You can't keep doubling down - you run into the house 2020-03-08 70 14 3 15 election
A conservative looks forward to the end of Trumpism. 2020-03-06 28 1 3 election
Imagining a Sanders route to victory. 2020-03-05 32 3 1 1 1 election
Last chance for the establishment? 2020-03-05 23 3 1 3 election
Bloomberg putting his money to good use. 2020-03-05 43 6 1 1 3 election
What was wrong with Warren? 2020-03-05 76 9 4 1 13 election
A week ago nobody cared about Hunter Biden any more. 2020-03-05 53 7 1 1 10 election
Biden is the candidate who can change things. 2020-03-04 51 8 1 12 1 election
Projecting from 1968 to 2020. 2020-03-04 80 8 4 1 26 election
Who gets to be veep? A balancing act. 2020-03-04 81 6 3 11 election
The presidential election is not decided by rallying more 2020-03-02 55 4 1 12 election
Six pundits praise six Democratic candidates. 2020-02-27 30 7 1 6 election
It might not matter much who the Democrats nominate for 2020-02-27 31 4 3 1 election
537 votes in Florida made the difference between Gore and 2020-02-26 19 2 election
It doesn't have to be true or real, if it polls well. 2020-02-26 106 12 4 3 20 1 election
A circular firing squad is not a more perfect union 2020-02-25 40 4 9 election
When is a census not a Census? 2020-02-25 75 14 3 4 14 election
What if Bernie is the nominee? 2020-02-22 129 17 3 2 20 election
The audacity of hype 2020-02-22 64 4 1 1 13 election
The questions for Republican senators - 2020-02-21 67 4 4 18 election
They only have to convince the right 78,000 voters! 2020-02-18 54 8 1 1 7 1 election
The argument for Klobuchar. 2020-02-14 52 6 1 10 election
The argument for Bloomberg. 2020-02-14 43 5 5 election
A billionaire making himself useful. 2020-02-13 44 6 1 2 election
Nothing happens without the Senate, so who has the longest 2020-02-12 30 1 1 election
Attacking truth and attacking reality 2020-02-12 18 - 1 election
The Electoral College will strike again. 2020-02-12 63 12 2 13 election
Trump and Putin are counting on the Democrats. 2020-02-11 37 7 2 1 2 1 election
The essential Trump promise that he always keeps! 2020-02-08 54 9 2 6 election
No more problematic FBI investigations of Republicans! 2020-02-08 206 31 8 3 38 election
What a surprise! The Republicans were helping out during 2020-02-06 101 28 3 5 21 election
Paving the way for Potemkin democracy! 2020-02-04 71 16 1 2 16 election
Undermining confidence in elections - there's an app 2020-02-04 20 1 2 election
Trumpists rev up their election machine! 2020-02-03 106 21 5 4 32 election
A teaching moment on Wednesday! 2020-01-31 46 7 1 2 1 election
How to keep your head off a pike - 2020-01-28 43 2 4 election
Putting billions to good use! 2020-01-27 49 10 6 election
Wouldn't it be a shame if Trump were brought down by 2020-01-27 46 7 1 3 election
Investors flock to Trump - more tax cuts, more 2020-01-23 55 17 1 4 7 1 election
Why the 2020 elections have to be about the Senate, not 2020-01-23 42 10 1 16 1 election
Koch plans 2020 election strategy. 2020-01-21 143 27 2 11 22 election
William Weld's motivation. 2020-01-17 40 8 3 2 11 election
Ignore the dog whistles to the Klan! Trump really wants 2020-01-17 65 14 2 12 election
The health care election 2020-01-17 39 3 1 election
Republican SAY is the opposite of Republican DO. 2020-01-14 30 11 26 3 4 1 election
Buttigieg works on his shortcomings. 2020-01-09 18 3 1 election
Nothing new under the sun. 2020-01-09 13 - 1 3 election
We finally got rid of President Cheney. Now we have to 2020-01-08 16 2 2 1 election
Why Mitch has to go! 2020-01-08 37 9 1 1 6 2 election
Will Bloomberg choose his message wisely? 2020-01-07 22 2 1 election
All in with Trumpism/Putinism! 2020-01-07 24 3 4 election
It's all about bread and butter! 2020-01-06 13 1 2 election
Is Klobuchar a better bet than Biden? 2020-01-05 18 - 1 election
"The quickest way to get a President Stacey Abrams 2020-01-03 16 1 election
Fighting it out in a battleground state. 2020-01-03 39 8 1 3 7 election
Would Trump even talk about running with a Democrat? 2020-01-03 23 1 election

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Wed Jul 13 08:43:43 PDT 2022


Justices defy Trump!


Next time maybe he can appoint reliable family members
instead of relying on the Federalist Society.



While it's hard to fire justices with lifetime
appointments, Trump's appoiintment was only for four years.


topic election 1


comments 1
impact 62
impactrate 0
likeimpress 11
negative 0
posted 2020-12-11
priority 1
ratio 4
react 16
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Justices defy Trump!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 39
audclicks 3
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ID 1312226355788547
impress 83
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posted "12/11/2020 05:56:51 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 70
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1312226355788547


You just can't get good help any more.


You get this instead!


But it's good enough for the Trumpists.     At least some
of them.


topic election 1


comments 1
impact 11
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-11-28
priority 1
ratio 6
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title You just can't get good help any more.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 28
audclicks 1
audreach 1
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ID 1302668916744291
impress 30
likeclickusers 3
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posted "11/28/2020 10:23:26 PM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 27
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1302668916744291


Effect of third parties on presidential vote.

If you assume the Libertarian voters' second choice
would have been Trump, then the Libertarian candidate Jo
Jorgensen cost Trump the election by allowing Biden to win
in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and (with a very little
extra help) Pennsylvania. That's payback for the Greens
who cost Gore the election in 2000 and Clinton in 2016.



topic election 1


impact 20
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-11-27
priority 1
ratio 14
react 3
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Effect of third parties on presidential vote.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 66
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 2
ID 1301827280161788
impress 48
likeclickusers 2
likeimpress 1
likeuimpress 39
likeusers 1
likeuusers 38
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oimpress 48
oreach 43
posted "11/27/2020 06:33:54 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
reach 43
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1301827280161788


Impact of third parties on House of Representatives

Many of the 435 House seats were unopposed or had only
unfunded nominal opposition.       But third parties  were
significant in 6 districts and very close in another.

Libertarian and independent candidates might have affected
the outcome  in UT-4, IA-3, MN-1, MN-2, and NV-3.  If those
voters aren't happy with that outcome, they should work
for ranked-choice-voting so they can express their opinion
without wasting their vote, or worst, electing their
absolute last choice.



Until then -


Utah Owens Rep. 177170 Utah McAdams Dem. 175031 Utah Molnar
Lib. 12851 Utah Broderick Other 7932 Utah Write-ins Other
650 Utah Total reported 373634 1002 CLOSE Utah diff 2139
other 21433 House-4

Two thousand votes separate the frontrunners.     Two minor
candidates could have made that difference, but the
Libertarian voters would not likely have chosen the
Democrat for second choice.

Texas VanDuyne Rep. 167910 Texas Valenzuela Dem. 163326
Texas Hamilton Lib. 5647 Texas Kuzmich Ind. 4229 Texas
Bauer Ind. 2909 Texas Total reported 344021 279 CLOSE Texas
diff 4584 other 12785 House-24 The Libertarian votes could
close the gap but probably would go for the Republican.

Minnesota Craig Dem. 203980 Minnesota Kistner Rep. 194414
Minnesota Weeks Ind. 24676 Minnesota Total reported 423070
258 CLOSE Minnesota diff 9566 other 24676 House-2 The
Independent voters might have elected the Democrat if
their second choice would have been the Republican.

Iowa Axne Dem. 219205 Iowa Young Rep. 212997 Iowa Holder
Lib. 15361 Iowa Total reported 447563 247 CLOSE Iowa diff
6208 other 15361 House-3 The Libertarian probably elected
the Democrat.

Minnesota Hagedorn Rep. 179150 Minnesota Feehan Dem. 167877
Minnesota Rood Other 21441 Minnesota Total reported 368468
190 CLOSE Minnesota diff 11273 other 21441 House-1 The
other candidate elected the Republican if the other's
second choices would have been the Democrat.

Nevada Lee Dem. 203421 Nevada Rodimer Rep. 190975 Nevada
Brown Lib. 12315 Nevada Bridges Ind. Am. 10541 Nevada
Total reported 417252 184 CLOSE Nevada diff 12446 other
22856 House-3 The other candidates elected the Democrat.
The LIbertarian almost did it alone.

Indiana Spartz Rep. 208212 Indiana Hale Dem. 191226 Indiana
Tucker Lib. 16788 Indiana Total reported 416226 99 FAR
Indiana diff 16986 other 16788 House-5 The Libertarian
could almost have closed the gap but those votes would
probably have gone to the Republican instead.


topic election 1


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-11-23
priority 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Impact of third parties on House of Representatives
topic election
wordrate 0
words 390
ID 1298536613824188
impress 25
likeuimpress 20
likeuusers 20
oimpress 25
oreach 21
posted "11/23/2020 09:48:16 AM"
reach 21
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1298536613824188


The differences between conservatives, Republicans, and
Trumpist personality cultists?


"I have learned a lot about the character of people
in this community regarding this matter.   I've been
disheartened by individuals using this time to find
relevancy or fundraise off this issue." -Clint
Hickman, Republican, Arizona voting official

Maybe he should learn about the difference between a
Republican and a Trumpist personality cultist.


"I've got many more so-called conservatives saying
bad things about me." - Norman Shinkle, Republican,
Pennsylvania voting official

Maybe he should say what he thinks the difference is
between a conservative and a Trumpist personality cultist.


"It's making future stars of the Republican Party look
tiny and small." - Douglas Brinkley, Rice University

Trump is good at cutting his supporters down to his size.


At least one person is satisfied with this process -
Vladimir Putin.     And it's not costing him a dime.



topic election 1


comments 1
impact 60
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-11-21
priority 1
ratio 6
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The differences between conservatives, Republicans, and
topic election
wordrate 0
words 150
commentsimpress 1
commentsusers 1
engaged 4
ID 1297382910606225
impress 30
likeclickusers 4
likeimpress 3
likeuimpress 24
likeusers 3
likeuusers 23
oimpress 30
oreach 25
posted "11/21/2020 10:32:26 PM"
reach 25
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1297382910606225


How many votes to make a difference in the Electoral

Bush won in 2000 based on 537 votes in Florida.

Trump won in 2016 based on 78,000 votes in Michigan,
Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The change those election results would have required
getting 537 or 78,000 voters to stay home or vote third
party, or 269 or 39,000 votes to switch from Republican
to Democrat.

What are the corresponding numbers for 2020?    The final
Electoral count is 306-232, essentially identical to 2016.

It looks like 43,700 more votes, or 21900 switched,
in these three states would have gotten Trump to an
Electoral tie 269-269, and a vote by states in the House,
which Trump probably would have won -

2057 Wisconsin diff 20565 10 951  Arizona   diff 10457 11
792  Georgia   diff 12670 16

(votes per electoral vote - difference between Biden and
Trump - number of electoral votes)

To get an outright win would require Pennsylvania, but then
Wisconsin would not be necessary.  An Electoral College
vote of 299-257 would have required 104,800 new votes or
52,400 switched votes.

4081 Pennsylvania diff 81622 20 951  Arizona      diff
10457 11 792  Georgia      diff 12670 16

Maine and Nebraska are special cases - not winner-take-all
- but if Trump had gained one more vote in one of them,
and that vote along with Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia
would have been an outright Electoral win.

One lesson here is that something should be done instead
of the Electoral College -


so that campaigns target the entire country more evenly
and the results reflect the entire country more accurately.


topic election 1


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-11-21
priority 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title How many votes to make a difference in the Electoral
topic election
wordrate 0
words 270
ID 1296895810654935
impress 24
likeuimpress 17
likeuusers 15
oimpress 24
oreach 19
posted "11/21/2020 07:03:38 AM"
reach 19
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1296895810654935


Effect of third parties on 2020 Senate races

Unlike the presidential races, the Senate races mostly
were not close enough that third-party or independent
candidates made a difference.

The regular Georgia Senate race could be said to be forced
to a runoff by the Libertarian.

The special Georgia Senate race seemed destined for a
runoff no matter what (there was no primary).

In the other close races, the second choice of the major
third party candidates would probably have been the
winner anyway.

Overall, ranked-choice voting wouldn't have mattered,
except the Georgia races would not have had to have a
separate runoff at vast expense ($100 million?), delaying
resolution of control of the Senate by two months, since
ranked-choice voting provides an instant runoff.


U.S. Senate Georgia Perdue Rep. 2462617 U.S. Senate Georgia
Ossoff Dem. 2374519 U.S. Senate Georgia Hazel Lib. 115039
U.S. Senate Georgia Write-ins Lib. 265 U.S. Senate Georgia
Total reported Total 4952440 U.S. Senate 131% Georgia diff
88098 other 115304 To avoid a runoff, the winner needed
2476220 The Libertarian candidate forced a runoff

U.S. Senate Michigan Peters Dem. 2735204 U.S. Senate
Michigan James Rep. 2638465 U.S. Senate Michigan Willis
Other 51447 U.S. Senate Michigan Squier Green 39226
U.S. Senate Michigan Dern Other 13087 U.S. Senate Michigan
Total reported Total 5477429 U.S. Senate 107% Michigan diff
96739 other 103760 None of the third party candidates would
have made a difference on their own, and the Green voters
would not likely have the Republican as second choice

U.S. Senate Minnesota Smith Dem. 1568876 U.S. Senate
Minnesota Lewis Rep. 1399834 U.S. Senate Minnesota
OConnor Ind. 190375 U.S. Senate Minnesota Steinberg Other
57256 U.S. Senate Minnesota Total reported Total 3216341
U.S. Senate 146% Minnesota diff 169042 other 247631 The
Legal Marijuana candidate OConnor voters would not likely
have the Republican as second choice

U.S. Senate North_Carolina Tillis Rep. 2665604 U.S. Senate
North_Carolina Cunningham Dem. 2569971 U.S. Senate
North_Carolina Bray Lib. 171569 U.S. Senate North_Carolina
Hayes Const. 67817 U.S. Senate North_Carolina Total
reported Total 5474961 U.S. Senate 250% North_Carolina
diff 95633 other 239386 The Libertarian could have made
a difference and the Constitution candidate came close,
but neither's voters would likely have the Democrat as
second choice

U.S. Senate Maine Collins Rep. 385881 U.S. Senate Maine
Gideon Dem. 325422 U.S. Senate Maine Savage Ind. 32839
U.S. Senate Maine Linn Ind. 12814 U.S. Senate Maine
Write-ins Ind. 5496 U.S. Senate Maine Total reported Total
762452 U.S. Senate 85 Maine 60459 51149 325422 385881
762452 This was the nearest miss.   The combined third
party candidates would not quite have made a difference.

U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Warnock Dem. 1617046
U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Loeffler Rep. 1273215
U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Collins Rep. 980459
U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Jackson Dem. 324133
U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Lieberman Dem. 136023
U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Johnson-Shealey
Dem. 106769 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia James
Dem. 94412 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Grayson
Rep. 51597 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Slade
Dem. 44948 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Jackson
Rep. 44332 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Taylor
Rep. 40347 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Johnson
Rep. 36171 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Slowinski
Lib. 35429 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Winfield
Dem. 28688 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Tarver
Dem. 26334 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Buckley
Ind. 17956 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Fortuin
Green 15294 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Bartell
Ind. 14641 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Stovall
Ind. 13317 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Greene
Ind. 13291 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Write-ins
Ind. 132 U.S. Senate Special Election Georgia Total
reported Total 4914534 U.S. Senate Special Election 589
Georgia diff 343831 other 2024273 The Georgia special
election was in a class by itself.    To avoid a runoff
would have required 2457167 votes.    All the Democrats
and Greens together would fall just short.   But all the
Republicans plus the Libertarian together would have just
made it.


topic election 1


impact 132
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posted 2020-11-20
priority 1
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title Effect of third parties on 2020 Senate races
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posted "11/20/2020 11:10:10 PM"
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1296628697348313


Effect of third parties on 2020 presidential vote

Third parties and independents didn't matter on the
national popular vote.     Biden got 6 million more votes
than Trump, and all the other votes only added up to 2.86
million - only 48% of the gap.

But some states were more interesting -

Arizona Biden Dem. 1672143 Arizona Trump Rep. 1661686
Arizona Jorgensen Lib. 51465 Arizona Write-ins 551 Arizona
Total reported 3385845 Arizona CLOSE diff 10457 other
52016 Biden won by 10457 - the Libertarian vote cost Trump
the state.

Georgia Biden Dem. 2474507 Georgia Trump Rep. 2461837
Georgia Jorgensen Lib. 62138 Georgia Write-ins 84 Georgia
Total reported 4998566 Georgia CLOSE diff 12670 other
62222 Biden won by 12670 - the Libertarian vote cost Trump
the state.

North_Carolina Trump Rep. 2758775 North_Carolina
Biden Dem. 2684302 North_Carolina Jorgensen Lib. 48678
North_Carolina Write-ins 13315 North_Carolina Hawkins Green
12194 North_Carolina Blankenship Const. 7549 North_Carolina
Total reported 5524813 North_Carolina CLOSE diff 74473
other 81736 Trump won by 74473, and no single third party
got that much, but all of them together could have swung
the state to Biden.

Pennsylvania Biden Dem. 3455131 Pennsylvania Trump
Rep. 3373306 Pennsylvania Jorgensen Lib. 79303 Pennsylvania
Write-ins 6521 Pennsylvania Total reported 6914261
Pennsylvania CLOSE diff 81825 other 85824 Biden won by
81825, and the Libertarian vote could not quite close that
gap, but all third parties together could have swung the
state for Trump.

Wisconsin Biden Dem. 1630716 Wisconsin Trump Rep. 1610151
Wisconsin Jorgensen Lib. 38333 Wisconsin Write-ins
7825 Wisconsin Carroll Other 5266 Wisconsin Blankenship
Const. 5143 Wisconsin Total reported 3297434 Wisconsin
CLOSE diff 20565 other 56567 Biden won by 20565 - the
Libertarian vote cost Trump the state.

Thank you Libertarians for sticking to your principles
and taking the heat off the Greens for losing the 2000 and
2016 elections!     Like those Greens, your actions didn't
advance your principles at al,l but mightily advanced some
principles you might not like as well.


Instead of encouraging Greens before the election,
and filing lawsuits everywhere after the election, the
Trumpists should be fighting for ranked-choice-voting
everywhere.      Then they might have benefited from being
second  choice of some Libertarians.



These states were close -

Nevada Biden Dem. 703486 Nevada Trump Rep. 669890 Nevada
Jorgensen Lib. 14783 Nevada None of these candidates
14079 Nevada Blankenship Const. 3138 Nevada Total reported
1405376 95% Nevada 33596 32000

Michigan Biden Dem. 2804039 Michigan Trump Rep. 2649852
Michigan Jorgensen Lib. 60380 Michigan Hawkins Green 13718
Michigan Blankenship Const. 7235 Michigan Write-ins 5890
Michigan De La Fuente Other 2988 Michigan Total reported
5544102 59%  Michigan  154187 90211

%of gap, gap, third parties total

These states were safest for third partiy votes - no chance
of affecting anything!

6% Maryland  983371 54334 5% Alabama 590686 32268 4%
West_Virginia  309204 13306 3% District_of_Columbia
289093 8245


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-11-20
reactrate 0
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title Effect of third parties on 2020 presidential vote
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1296435404034309
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posted "11/20/2020 04:40:34 PM"
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1296435404034309


How to steal an election with "Stop the Steal"

Stop the Steal was planned way before the 2020 election.


It had already been set up in 2016, but wasn't needed,
but they continued after the election anyway with the
silly election fraud commission.


The 2016 effort was planned by - who else?    Roger Stone
and the experienced election-stealers from the Brooks
Brothers Riot of 2000.


But now on a much grander scale, with amplification by
the usual foreign sources.   What was the point of all
this meticulous planning if not to steal the election?


Now it's clear why the Republicans so strenuously resisted
efforts to improve election security - insecurity was
essential to their future narrative.      Fortunately
dedicated employees at all levels of government worked
very hard to make this election the most secure in history.
And what was their reward?




topic election 1


impact 29
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
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posted 2020-11-15
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
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title How to steal an election with "Stop the Steal"
topic election
wordrate 0
words 146
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ID 1292482454429604
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posted "11/15/2020 08:57:28 PM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1292482454429604


High cost of misleading polling.

It's going to be interesting to see if pollsters can figure
out a way to get Trumpists to admit their true voting
intentions.    Pollsters have got to do better in 2022.

This time, it's a defeat for Trump and a victory for
Trumpism.  Trumpists will be back with a vengeance in 2022,
blaming Biden for the virus and the economy.

Here's how some recent donations advocated on
politicalscrapbooknet played out so far:

Georgia Senate Runoff Jan 5:

Ossoff ? vs Perdue Warnock ? vs Loeffler


CO Hickenlooper 53.4% vs Gardner AZ Kelly 51.3% vs McSally

GA Ossoff         47.9% vs Perdue - runoff

NC Cunningham 47.0% vs Tillis IA Greenfield 45.2% vs Ernst
MT Bullock 45.0% vs Daines SC Harrison 44.2% vs Graham
TX Hegar 43.8% vs Cornyn ME Gideon 42.2% vs Collins KY
McGrath 38.2% vs McConnell


Biden/Harris 50.6% vs Trump/Pence

CA House:

Porter 53.5% vs Raths

Arballo 45.8% vs Nunes Mangone  41.8% vs McCarthy


DSCC              missed gaining Senate majority DCCC
missed increasing House majority DLCC missed increasing
state legislature majorities NDRC missed increasing
state legislature majorities DGA ActBlue set records
for fundraising

Presidential Primary:

Bennet continues in Senate until 2022 Booker 58.4%
re-elected to Senate in 2020 Buttigieg Harris 50.6%
elected VP Klobuchar continues in Senate until 2024 Warren
continues in Senate until 2022


topic election 1


impact 136
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-11-08
priority 1
ratio 8
react 6
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title High cost of misleading polling.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 227
audclicks 4
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ID 1286035798407603
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posted "11/08/2020 10:03:27 AM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Status
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1286035798407603


How did a projection based on 2018 House elections
work out?

That projection was that the Democratic candidate would
win with 289 to 324 votes, depending on the assumptions
made about projecting special-case districts.


At the moment, it looks like the most likely actual outcome
is 306 Democratic to 232 Republican.

The projection correctly projected that MI and WI would
flip from 2016, and incorrectly projected that IA and
FL would flip.  AZ, PA, and NC were projected to flip,
but so far they are undecided, with AZ and PA leaning to
Biden and NC to Trump.

The discussion of the unknowns at the time included
the probability of a recession and the possibility of
another endless war, but failed to project the effect
of a pandemic!       Still the pandemic as mismanaged by
Trump is starting to feel like another endless war.


topic election 1


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-11-06
priority 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title How did a projection based on 2018 House elections
topic election
wordrate 0
words 146
ID 1284334795244370
impress 34
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oreach 23
posted "11/06/2020 11:01:39 AM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1284334795244370


Two million Americans voted for somebody else!

Joe Biden Democratic Party 50.5% 73,708,891 Donald Trump
Republican Party 47.8% 69,772,217 Jo Jorgensen Libertarian
Party 1.2% 1,690,269 Howie Hawkins Green Party 0.2%
338,572 Other candidates 0.3% 370,401

Are they going to be happy with the results?      The
Libertarians definitely made a difference in Georgia,
forcing a recount and probably another Senate runoff.

But third-party ideological parties can't expect much heft
in an election based on tribalism rather than ideology.



topic election


impact 8
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-11-06
ratio 22
react 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Two million Americans voted for somebody else!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 80
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ID 1284325555245294
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posted "11/06/2020 10:46:22 AM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1284325555245294


Thank you Libertarians for making Georgia the center of
the universe on January 5!      And thank you Georgia
Republicans for not understanding ranked choice voting
in time.



The Georgia runoffs will probably be the most expensive
Senate elections in US history as both parties fight
for control of the Senate - and determine whether Mitch
McConnell gets to obstruct as majority leader or as
minority leader.


One of the Georgia Senate seats was known from the outset
to require a runoff on January 5 - thanks to redundant
pointless Democratic and Republican grandstanders -

Raphael Warnock DEM 1,602,858 32.9% Kelly Loeffler *GOP
1,266,966 26.0 Doug Collins GOP 975,564 20.0 Deborah
Jackson DEM 320,105 6.6 Matt Lieberman DEM 134,956 2.8 An
estimated 97% of votes have been counted.

Support Warnock here -


The other Senate seat also has a good chance of going to a
runoff - thanks to Libertarian Shane Hazel who took 2.3%
of the votes from David Perdue, depriving him of a clear

David Perdue *GOP 2,449,501 49.8% Jon Ossoff DEM 2,351,090
47.8 Shane Hazel LIB 113,768 2.3 Write-ins WRI 957 0.0 An
estimated 97% of votes have been counted.

If a runoff is confirmed, support Ossoff here -


Both parties are gearing up for a battle royale -


But it might just be a matter of whoever can get a bigger
turnout from their base.



If Democrats win both those seats and Biden/Harris win,
they will have control of the Senate after all.  So what
about Georgia's electoral votes?    Thanks to Libertarian
Jo Jorgensen who took 1.2% of the votes from Trump,
Georgia may yet go to Biden, giving him an Electoral
College victory if he also takes one more state among AZ,
NV, NC, PA -

Joe Biden DEM 2,449,588 49.4% Donald Trump *GOP 2,448,491
49.4 Jo Jorgensen LIB 61,383 1.2 Write-ins WRI 827 0.0 An
estimated 98% of votes have been counted.

Georgia Republicans could have avoided all this heartburn
if they had adopted Ranked Choice Voting for this election.
Then the third party candidates votes would go to their
second choices, presumably Republican for Libertarian


Note that no Greens were running in these races against the
Democrats.     Presumably they learned their lesson in 2016
when they gave the election to Trump in three key states.



topic election 1


impact 194
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-11-05
priority 1
ratio 5
react 5
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 4
title Thank you Libertarians for making Georgia the center of
topic election
wordrate 0
words 388
audclicks 4
audreach 4
engaged 5
ID 1283846965293153
impress 35
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posted "11/05/2020 10:03:42 PM"
postlinkclicks 3
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reach 28
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1283846965293153


An excellent plan - no joke!

On January 19, while he's still president, he pardons all
his criminal associates, including himself, and hops on
Air Force 1 for a nonstop one-way trip to Moscow.

No unpleasant encounters  with New York State extradition
orders!  The Great Awakening will be January 21 when we
wake up and he's gone for good!


His rallies now seem to be projecting pathetic fear and
weakness, not strength.

Of course, if he really wanted a Federal pardon that he
could rely on, he'd have to resign first so Pence could
be president for a day or two, enough time to give Trump a
Federal pardon and arrange for Trump to fly away to exile -
once resigned and pardoned, Trump would no longer be able
to use Air Force 1 or 2.


topic election 1


comments 17
hide 1
hideall 1
impact 798
impactrate 0
likeimpress 18
negative 2
posted 2020-10-18
priority 1
ratio 2
react 57
reactrate 0
shares 5
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 15
title An excellent plan - no joke!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 140
audclicks 15
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ID 1267615383582978
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posted "10/18/2020 06:10:07 AM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1267615383582978


Political wisdom from  Washington to McCain

Haven't voted yet? The whole world is watching.


John McCain


We are citizens of the world's greatest republic, a nation
of ideals, not blood and soil. We are blessed and are
a blessing to humanity when we uphold and advance those
ideals at home and in the world.


Katharine Lee Bates


O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!
America! America!  God shed His grace on thee And crown
thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned
stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the
wilderness!  America! America!  God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved And mercy more
than life!  America! America!  May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!  God shed His grace on thee And crown
thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!


William Jennings Bryan -


There are two ideas of government.  There are those who
believe that, if you will only legislate to make the
well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through
on those below.  The Democratic idea, however, has been
that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous,
their prosperity will find its way up through every class
which rests upon them...  You shall not press down upon
the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not
crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.


Josiah Gilbert Holland


GOD, give us men!  A time like this demands Strong minds,
great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the
lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office
can not buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who
have honor; men who will not lie; Men who can stand before
a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries without
winking!  Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In
public duty, and in private thinking; For while the rabble,
with their thumb-worn creeds, Their large professions and
their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom
weeps, Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps.


George Washington


It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in
a free country should inspire caution, in those intrusted
with its administration, to confine themselves within
their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the
exercise of the powers of one department to encroach
upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to
consolidate the powers of all the departments in one,
and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a
real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power,
and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the
human heart, is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of
this position. The necessity of reciprocal checks in the
exercise of political power, by dividing and distributing
it into different depositories, and constituting each
the Guardian of the Public Weal against invasions by
the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and
modern; some of them in our country and under our own
eyes. To preserve them must be as necessary as to institute
them. If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution
or modification of the constitutional powers be in any
particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment
in the way, which the constitution designates. But let
there be no change by usurpation; for, though this,
in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it
is the customary weapon by which free governments are
destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance
in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit, which
the use can at any time yield.


So how are you going to vote?


topic election 1


impact 201
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-10-14
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title Political wisdom from Washington to McCain
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ID 1264419550569228
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posted "10/14/2020 02:44:33 PM"
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1264419550569228


Who are the real deplorables?


There were many people just looking for some glimmer of
hope and so voted for Obama and then Trump, and have been
eroding away from Trump ever since.


But the hardcore Trump base also includes some people
who are simply misinformed, some people who are simply
ignorant or stupid or both, some people who are demented
and delusional, and some people who are just wicked and
just love the freedom they feel from having a fellow wicked
person in charge.


These are the somewhat deplorables, and they can't be
blamed for being who they are any more than Trump can be
blamed for being Trump.      You knew who he was when you
invited him in.   You don't need to embrace him or them -
pitch defileth the hand that toucheth it.

But the really despicable deplorables are the ones that
have known better all along and still support Trump and
silently accept the worst of the somewhat deplorables, or
worse yet, loudly embrace them, in order to preserve their
own chances for re-election.       In this  category would
be many Republican senators, as well as many Republican
governors, and quite a few Republican congressmen and
state legislators.      But if your goal is to preserve
minority rule, you have to take the supporters you can get.
Equally despicable are those that make their living
exploiting the prejudices of the deplorables -



By now just about everybody knows who they are.      The
voters who knowlngly continue to vote for them are just
as despicably deplorable as they.

For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds, Their
large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish
strife, lo! Freedom weeps, Wrong rules the land and waiting
Justice sleeps.

One can only hope that waiting Justice awakens in time
for the 2020 election to reject the rabble as profoundly
as in the 1964 election.




topic election 1


comments 2
impact 541
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
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posted 2020-10-14
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sharesrate 0
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title Who are the real deplorables?
topic election
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1264388180572365


No more debates!




topic election


comments 2
impact 4
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-10-01
ratio 6
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sumclicks 3
title No more debates!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1253849384959578
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posted "10/01/2020 07:10:15 AM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1253849384959578


Voter suppression is an essential part of minority rule,
perfected during Reconstruction.  The Republican Party
inherited it when the Dixiecrats took over the Republicans
in the 1960's, and fully embraced it by the 2000 election.
The evidence shows that the full power of the Federal
government and the Republican donor-funded legal
establishment is being mobilized in every way necessary
to maintain minority rule in 2020.




Putin must be proud that his methods have become a new
international standard!  So he discreetly encourages his
witting and unwitting collaborators through social media.


Most of the social media and old media platforms
desperately want to avoid taking sides and losing half
their revenues.       That's all well and good when both
sides are arguing from shared facts and shared values.
But when one side is devoted to lies and disinformation -
you can't escape.     Not taking sides is taking the side
of the liars and disinformers.        No affordable neutral
mechanical algorithm can keep up with their human ingenuity
to bypass it.


topic election 1


impact 17
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-09-30
priority 1
ratio 9
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reactrate 0
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sumclicks 1
title Voter suppression is an essential part of minority rule,
topic election
wordrate 0
words 172
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posted "09/30/2020 09:35:50 PM"
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1253516971659486


Weird Al explains the debate





topic election


impact 6
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
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posted 2020-09-30
ratio 4
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sumclicks 5
title Weird Al explains the debate
topic election
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ID 1253371938340656
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posted "09/30/2020 04:46:59 PM"
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1253371938340656


First presidential debate - unconditional victory for
President Vladimir Putin!


Nothing is true and everything is possible!


Trump's only goal was to arouse his base.     He still
has no interest in or ability to increase his base.


He was strong in dominating the debate by ignoring the
questions, changing the topic,and throwing in all his
standard mythology about his opponents.   His base loved
his insults of Biden and the moderator - that's Trump
being Trump!    How many Moms for Trump still want their
sons to grow up to act like him?  Rural Trump fan Gary
Abernathy concluded that Trump had not converted anybody
new and Biden had survived.


Biden's only goal was not to self-destruct, and he
succeeded.      He wasn't consistently strong like Trump
nor polite and sharp like Buttigieg.       The bottom line,
as it's been for months, is that both Trump and Biden are
too old to be president now, and it will only be worse in
four years.

Speaking of Mayor Pete, he has a new book out next week -


The pros weigh in on the debate -


There truly is no point to further debates between Trump
and Biden.      The problems won't be solved with a
different moderator, but only with a moderator empowered
to turn off each candidate's mike when it's not his turn.
But that wouldn't stop Trump from shouting, from Biden's
podium if necessary.      And neither candidate is willing
to allow the moderator to control the mike.

Possibly the Harris-Pence debate will be more illuminating
than the Kaine-Pence in 2016.    More likely they will
just talk past each other, as in 2016.

But the really interesting debates, matching style with
style, would be

Harris-Trump       prosecutor vs accused


Biden-Pence        contrast and compare two vice presidents


A couple of relevant quotations you can look up

A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until
he begins to blame somebody else.

The things that will destroy America are
prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first
instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the
get-rich-quick theory of life.


One thing Trump made clear - the Republicans are getting
Barrett on the Supreme Court ASAP because they can, and
because they need to, to take care of the election and
Obamacare.      No further justification needed or offered.
They can because they control the Senate.       There is
nothing you can do to stop them now.        They didn't
even interview Garland because they controlled the Senate.
They offered a justification that proved to be a fig leaf
in 2020.

But there is something you can do to keep it from happening
again.     Retire the Senate Republicans!



topic election 1


impact 266
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2020-09-29
priority 1
ratio 9
react 6
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title First presidential debate - unconditional victory for
topic election
wordrate 0
words 444
audclicks 1
audreach 1
engaged 5
ID 1252703098407540
impress 73
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oimpress 73
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posted "09/29/2020 10:22:42 PM"
postotherclicks 1
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1252703098407540


Silence of the lambs!




Is there a new mutation of the virus that causes Republican
senators to be deaf or dumb about Trump's

- tax and business fraud

- threats to retain power despite election results

- repeal of Obamacare without a replacement

- repeal of Roe v Wade

The last three all depend on his new Supreme Court.
Maybe the first as well.

Maybe these senators are too tired to read the newpaper
or watch TV news.  It's so much work to bite your tongue
all day long!  They deserve a rest!    Respond to their
silent pleas with an infusion of fresh blood!

Arizona https://markkelly.com Colorado
 https://hickenlooper.com Georgia https://electjon.com
Iowa https://greenfieldforiowa.com Kentucky
 https://amymcgrath.com Maine https://saragideon.com
Montana https://stevebullock.com North Carolina
 https://www.calfornc.com South Carolina
 https://jaimeharrison.com Texas https://mjfortexas.com




topic election 1


impact 44
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-09-28
priority 1
ratio 4
react 4
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Silence of the lambs!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 109
audclicks 1
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ID 1251568611854322
impress 28
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posted "09/28/2020 12:49:02 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
reach 19
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1251568611854322


Don't donate to Biden/Harris if you don't trust Trump!

There are all sorts of shenanigans that Republicans
might indulge to protect their minority rule.     The
Constitution gives state legislatures the right to
determine electors for president and vice-president.
Would they indulge that right?


It might be illegal to discard the popular vote, but they
might declare an emergency.

So donating to the presidential ticket might not make
much sense if the outcome is preordained.      Certainly
the current class of Republican senators won't make any
real trouble for Trump - they are stuck too close to the
tar baby.

But that highlights the logical solution - just get rid of
those enablers.      Even if Trump steals the election he
will have to cope with a Democratic Senate that no longer
has to take no for an answer to subpoenas.     And the
legislatures don't have any constitutional grounds for
overriding the will of the voters.  And if the Republican
senators take an early thumping in the election -
it might discourage funny business on Trump's part.
If the Republicans lose control of the Senate, it will be
interesting to hear who the survivors blame.

In the time between the start of the new Congress on
January 3 and the inauguration on January 20, there's
plenty of time to impeach the president - about the same
amount of time they needed to confirm a new Supreme Court
nominee.       That would be worthwhile even he were sworn
in again on Jan 20 - so he could be impeached again.

Of course you will vote for Democratic legislators in
your state and district and maybe donate if their races
are close.           If you have any donation money left
over, consider adopting one of the challengers in a tossup
with the enablers -

Arizona https://markkelly.com Colorado
 https://hickenlooper.com Georgia https://electjon.com Iowa
 https://greenfieldforiowa.com Maine https://saragideon.com
Montana https://stevebullock.com North Carolina

And if you still have money to spend, there are some close
races that still might go to the challenger if Trump is
outrageous enough next month - even a really narrow win
for the incumbent might be a useful warning to him that
"the times they are a-changin'" and they better
get on the correct side of history.

Kentucky https://amymcgrath.com South Carolina
 https://jaimeharrison.com Texas https://mjfortexas.com

Or if you would rather that somebody else figured out the
triage for you and put the money where it would do the
most good -



Or if you would rather do something directly about
Republican minority rule voter suppression -



No donation is too small.    All of these candidates would
rather have $10 donations from ten different voters  than
a $100 donation from one voter.


topic election 1


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-09-25
priority 1
reactrate 0
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title Don't donate to Biden/Harris if you don't trust Trump!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1249020885442428
impress 29
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oimpress 29
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posted "09/25/2020 01:13:50 PM"
reach 17
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1249020885442428


The essence of minority rule - say one thing, do another.

"Conservatives use Roe v. Wade as a decoy to
distract attention from the core of their activist
agenda. It involves dismantling regulation, gutting civil
rights laws, narrowing voting rights enforcement giving
moneyed interests free rein in our politics, strengthening
corporate power, weakening unions, undercutting antitrust
laws — and, now, tearing apart the Affordable Care


Nobody would vote for a politician who offered to entrench
a hereditary nobility and keep the serfs permanently in
bondage.  So if that's the program you're getting paid to
maintain, you have to talk about something else.



topic election 1


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-09-23
priority 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title The essence of minority rule - say one thing, do another.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 106
ID 1247324692278714
impress 23
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oimpress 23
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posted "09/23/2020 08:33:24 PM"
reach 12
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1247324692278714


There's only one acceptable outcome of the election,
and Trump won't accept anything else.


McConnell and the rest of the  Senate enablers are right
behind Trump.      So are Putin and Q!       Romney

“Fundamental to democracy is the peaceful transition of
power; without that, there is Belarus.  Any suggestion
that a president might not respect this Constitutional
guarantee is both unthinkable and unacceptable.”

but he'll go along too, as he did with the Supreme Court.
Trump views a speedy confirmation as essential to get
another of his supporters on the court in time to handle
election challenges.

“I think this will end up in the Supreme Court. And I
think it’s very important that we have nine justices,”

You can't maintain feudal minority rule unless you are
all in.    Too late to turn back now.


When you get right down to it, there's no point holding an
election that Trump could only lose by fraud.     Why can't
the rest of the country see that and get over it?


His base already knows he will win.



topic election 1


comments 1
impact 143
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
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posted 2020-09-23
priority 1
ratio 4
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title There's only one acceptable outcome of the election,
topic election
wordrate 0
words 179
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ID 1247296485614868
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posted "09/23/2020 07:45:11 PM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1247296485614868


What about rural states where Trumpists swarm state
capitols with assault weapons?

Sorry, this is not about anarchy; this is about Trump and
Barr declaring war on blue cities, to rouse up the Trump
base behind their Supreme Court nominee, and change the
topic from the virus and Obamacare repeal.

Trump and Barr know they will lose in the courts, but not
until after the election.        And if they can get a
compliant reactionary woman installed in time, they can
win in the Supreme Court too.


If they can get away with this, whole blue states will
be next.     Then martial law.   Putin must be crying
tears of joy.       He no longer needs to interfere.
America will destroy itself.      But he'll just help it
along to end the pain sooner.


topic election 1


comments 3
impact 348
impactrate 0
likeimpress 19
negative 0
posted 2020-09-21
priority 1
ratio 2
react 26
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title What about rural states where Trumpists swarm state
topic election
wordrate 0
words 134
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ID 1245144062496777
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posted "09/21/2020 09:00:37 AM"
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reach 69
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1245144062496777


Tangible tribute to Ginsburg's legacy






topic election


impact 3
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2020-09-20
ratio 8
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Tangible tribute to Ginsburg's legacy
topic election
wordrate 0
words 8
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ID 1244530075891509
impress 44
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oimpress 44
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posted "09/20/2020 01:26:24 PM"
reach 33
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1244530075891509


Offenses of the Republican Party against American Democracy



topic election 1


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-09-18
priority 1
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Offenses of the Republican Party against American Democracy
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1243068389371011
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posted "09/18/2020 06:25:24 PM"
reach 10
type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1243068389371011


Offenses of Trump against the Republican Party



topic election 1


impact 3
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-09-18
priority 1
ratio 4
react 3
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Offenses of Trump against the Republican Party
topic election
wordrate 0
words 11
audclicks 3
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ID 1243067842704399
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oimpress 22
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posted "09/18/2020 06:24:16 PM"
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1243067842704399


Offenses of Trump against American Democracy



topic election 1


impact 1
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-09-18
priority 1
ratio 10
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reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Offenses of Trump against American Democracy
topic election
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ID 1243067116037805
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posted "09/18/2020 06:23:05 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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type Link
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1243067116037805


Questions that nobody's had to ask for 150 years



topic election


comments 1
impact 7
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-28
ratio 3
react 6
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Questions that nobody's had to ask for 150 years
topic election
wordrate 0
words 12
ID 1225557047788812
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1225557047788812
audclicks 5
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matchedlinkclicks 2
matchedotherclicks 3
oimpress 27
oreach 19
posted "08/28/2020 09:27:35 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 2
reach 19
type Link


Where We Go One We Go All

None of the vulnerable Republican senators has expressed an
affinity for QAnon, but they might as well.       At this
point they sink or swim with Trump.       The ones who
would rather be right than senator retired a while ago.
Then came the virus and recession, and it's too late for
the survivors to be either right OR senator.


Poor Tillis - no safe place -


You can help their retirement planning -



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-28
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Where We Go One We Go All
topic election
wordrate 0
words 82
ID 1225347581143092
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1225347581143092
impress 20
likeuimpress 9
likeuusers 9
oimpress 20
oreach 11
posted "08/28/2020 03:11:48 PM"
reach 11
type Link


Who doesn't believe in resurrection?



topic election


impact 5
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-08-28
ratio 4
react 6
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Who doesn't believe in resurrection?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1225144321163418
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1225144321163418
audclicks 3
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oimpress 36
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posted "08/28/2020 09:42:44 AM"
postlinkclicks 3
reach 27
type Link


Why the Republicans don't need an agenda

It'll be four more years of the same.    The rich get
richer and the poor get poorer.



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-28
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Why the Republicans don't need an agenda
topic election
wordrate 0
words 27
ID 1225060534505130
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1225060534505130
impress 12
likeuimpress 4
likeuusers 3
oimpress 12
oreach 5
posted "08/28/2020 07:33:46 AM"
reach 5
type Link


Why are these Republicans voting for Democrats?

They hold many traditional conservative Republican points
of view, and they aren't going to become Democrats, but
they are voting Democratic this time.




What happens to them after the election?  They'll have
to decide based on the results of the election and
how the remaining Republicans react to those results.
If the GOP loses control of Congress and decides that it
lost because it wasn't Trumpist enough, then it will be
truly a lost cause.  Democrats will continue to figure
out how to attract back those who voted for Obama and
then Trump.     The Democrats will be glad to leave
the racists, anti-semites, fascists, and QAnons to the
Trumpists, so they can follow the path of the American
Independent Party to oblivion -


So how are you going to vote?


The Obama voters that voted for Trump are voting Democratic
again -


This constituency is desperate - for something to be
hopeful about.  But it sounds like the change that they
are hoping for can't come from Trumpists.

Another faithful Republican constituency was driven away
last time -


This constituency is disgusted.

What about that other Trump constituency that came to his
campaign rallies?  They're with Trump forever, because
nobody else will will admit to wanting them -


Trump accepted the second constituency's unconditional
love at his campaign rallies, which Trump craves like a
junkie his junk.  In return he offers them all the words
and chants they want.   And not much else.  In fact,
probably less...

Consider the history of the social safety net.

Social security - Republicans mostly voted in favor -


Medicare -  Republicans opposed in the Senate, split in
the House -


Obamacare - No Republican votes


even though it was based on Mitt Romney's popular
Masscare -


Seeing how it adds up, McConnell's regretfully come to a
sad conclusion - to pay for billionaire tax cuts, we'll
have to reduce the social safety net and avoid any more
recovery support to low-income people who might not be
willing to work in unsafe jobs unless they're in danger
of eviction.

But he wants the Democrats to take the lead on fiscal
responsibility because the Trumpists reject the notion
out of hand.

However, more tax cuts are still being planned in the
White House.


Especially long-term capital gains tax cuts.


So how did we get here?   Consider the evolution of the
Republican Party - from liberation to identity politics.

The Republican Party defeated the Confederacy, freed
the slaves, and then got stuck in the House trying
to decide the Hayes-Tilden election of 1876.  So the
Corrupt Bargain was struck - the Republican Hayes became
President, and withdrew Federal troops from the South,
ending Reconstruction and giving the unrepentant southern
Democrats a free hand for 80 years -


until the Supreme Court finally struck down
"separate but equal" and the Republican
President Eisenhower enforced it with Federal troops -


leading to founding of the John Birch Society with their
"Impeach Earl Warren" campaign and claims
that Eisenhower was a Communist traitor -


Goldwater and William Buckley and many other Republican
leaders kept their distance from the Birchers, and in 1964
Goldwater lost by a landslide to LBJ.  Goldwater was too
far right, but of course the lunatic fringe thought he was
not far right ENOUGH.   But Goldwater opposed the Civil
Rights Act of 1964


and the Voting Rights Act of 1965


and that encouraged many Dixiecrats to abandon the
Democratic Party, led by Strom Thurmond


and Albert Watson


Their racism made many traditional Republicans nervous,
but Richard Nixon had been rebuilding a political
organization for another run for President.  Nixon realized
that, properly handled, the former Dixiecrats were an
asset rather than a liability.  According to Haldeman,
"Nixon emphasized that you have to face the fact
that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to
devise a system that recognized this while not appearing


Although the RNC chair apologized for the Southern Strategy
in 2005, he was speaking too soon.

In 2009, Obama was elected President, and the Tea Party
was born


Since Obama's politics were not much different from Bill
Clinton's, it's hard to escape the conclusion that racism
was an important factor in the rise of the Tea Party.
It was not explicitly racist, but it was part of the
oppose-Obama-on-everything movement within the Republican


which certainly appealed to all the racists.

Trump's great insight was that by signaling (subtly at
first, blatantly later) to the racists and and anti-semites
and fascists, they'd stick with him forever, and by other
means he could also attract the Obama voters who were
hoping for a change for the better.  Of course, the reason
there hadn't been as much change for the better as hoped,
is that the Republicans were blocking Obama on everything.
Even so, Obamacare passed and the economy as a whole has
been recovering since 2009.

But the Republicans cleverly convinced enough voters
that they were against Obamacare, even though polls
asking about any specific aspect of Obamacare, but
without mentioning "Obamacare", such
as affordable coverage for pre-existing conditions, found
quite widespread support.  Trump could easily promise to
repeal Obamacare and come up with better coverage for more
people at lower cost.

And while the economy as a whole has been recovering,
the recovery has been uneven, especially in industries
undone by technological advance or their environmental
costs.     Trump could easily promise to turn back the
tide of technology and and the tide of rising oceans and
environmental degradation.

And that's how Trump barely won.      Since then he has
done a great job of keeping the racists, anti-semites,
fascists, anti-intellectuals, and QAnons in his camp, but
those who had voted for Obama and then Trump have noticed
that he hasn't really done anything for them after all.


So now he has to create distractions of foreign menace,
yet somehow avoid the distractions of domestic menace by
his hard-core followers who took him too literally and
too seriously.

But sticking too close to his white-identity-politics
hard-core base may be his undoing.    Cults of personality
have not lasted long in American politics.


The Trumpist Party has no fixed ideology beyond the whims
and prejudices of the leader, who owes nothing to the past
or to the future, but mutually supports and abets other
personality cults all over the world.

Don't like it?     The 2020 election is a national
referendum on ideas vs personality cults.       For this
one specific moment in history, voters interested in
ideas need to vote for ideas and against personality
cults.  That means in almost every instance, a vote for
Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, independents, or staying
home because it doesn't matter - is a vote for personality
cults.     An astonishing number of House and even Senate
seats and Governorships are too close too call this year -
meaning individual votes count as never before.  In almost
every instance, at this specific moment, the only effective
vote against personality cults is to vote Democratic.


A president who wants to build a legacy needs a tent
large enough to weather various kinds of crises among
sub-constituencies.  Trump seems uninterested and unable
to do so.  He's indeed a great disrupter, as claimed,
but not a great builder, which also was claimed.

The nation will recover eventually, as it has from other
fundamental crises.  The outlook for the Republican Party
is not so certain, and recalls the fate of the Whigs -


The Republicans might split into a hard-core identitarian
Trumpist party and one espousing more traditional
Republican values.    Hard to guess which one will retain
the Republican name!  Trump certainly likes to see his
name in gold on everything he touches.    It would be
good for the Republicans to finally excise their cancer
of racism, anti-semitism, and fascism.  After years of
berating the Democrats for identity politics, it's time
for the Republicans to take the same medicine.

The Democrats could go the same factional route if success
went to their heads and they got too far ahead of the
middle of the electorate.  That might eventually lead to
a new majority coalition in the middle for a while.

If the Democrats are smart, they will become the new
majority coalition somewhat left of the middle, far
enough left to have ideals and goals, yet close enough
to the middle and the left to keep both in the tent.
No small task.



So how are you going to vote?

There's more at





topic election 1


comments 2
impact 2988
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posted 2020-08-27
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sumclicks 4
title Why are these Republicans voting for Democrats?
topic election
wordrate 0
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1224255287918988
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posted "08/27/2020 08:15:59 AM"
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type Link


Who's it going to be in 2024?

Ambitious Republicans had a difficult choice to make about
the Republican convention - show up and kiss up, or stay
home and shut up.       Which choice will prove prescient?
Pence and Haley and Pompeo and Scott made their choice
clear -



topic election


impact 5
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-26
ratio 12
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reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Who's it going to be in 2024?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 51
ID 1223877651290085
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1223877651290085
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It's lose-lose for Republican senators in swing states!


They didn't show any leadership when it counted, so now
they can lead the way to the exit.   Help them find it!


Minority rule is hard to maintain in a pandemic and


topic election 1


impact 0
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posted 2020-08-26
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title It's lose-lose for Republican senators in swing states!
topic election
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ID 1223353704675813
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1223353704675813
impress 15
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posted "08/26/2020 06:54:45 AM"
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Were these the best the Republicans could come up with?


It doesn't really matter as long as loyalty to Trump is
the only non-negotiable.


topic election


hide 1
impact 8
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posted 2020-08-25
ratio 4
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title Were these the best the Republicans could come up with?
topic election
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ID 1223081614703022
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posted "08/25/2020 10:20:06 PM"
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Add Pompeo to the list for 2024.


He won't be expecting any favors from State Department
traditionalists -



topic election


impact 4
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posted 2020-08-25
ratio 9
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title Add Pompeo to the list for 2024.
topic election
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1223041701373680
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posted "08/25/2020 09:04:07 PM"
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Helping white people feel better about voting for a
racist -



topic election


comments 1
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posted 2020-08-25
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title Helping white people feel better about voting for a
topic election
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posted "08/25/2020 07:03:07 PM"
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Hard to believe she was married to Gavin Newsom!


Maybe she's just exuberant about recovering from the virus.


topic election


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posted 2020-08-25
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title Hard to believe she was married to Gavin Newsom!
topic election
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posted "08/25/2020 06:34:51 AM"
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Did you know there is another convention this week?


A Convention on Founding Principles featuring conservative
anti-Trumpists -



topic election


hide 1
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posted 2020-08-24
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title Did you know there is another convention this week?
topic election
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posted "08/24/2020 05:56:49 PM"
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Michael Steele has had it!

He's not apologizing for any of his past, but he's joining
the Lincoln Project.

Can you think of any former DNC chairs that have endorsed
a Republican presidential candidate?


But the Republicans have decided not to bother with a
platform that reflects anything that happened in the last
four years - instead, they're pledging loyalty to Trump.
Just like in countries with Strong Leaders that Trump


It's called Cult of Personality


and that means President for Life -




topic election 1


impact 97
impactrate 0
likeimpress 5
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posted 2020-08-24
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title Michael Steele has had it!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1222104841467366
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1222104841467366
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posted "08/24/2020 05:44:37 PM"
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Who doesn't want to go down with the ship?



topic election


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posted 2020-08-24
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title Who doesn't want to go down with the ship?
topic election
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posted "08/24/2020 03:16:41 PM"
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A compromise to save the children



topic election


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posted 2020-08-23
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title A compromise to save the children
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posted "08/23/2020 07:47:59 PM"
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To eke out a victory, you need a landslide


And don't think you've done your duty just by voting for
Biden.  There won't be any change for the better until as
many Trumpists as possible are voted out.      Anybody who
voted for Obama, and nothing changed, and then for Trump,
and nothing changed, need to understand why.


The big issues are not sexy - they are structural - the
pillars of minority rule - unlimited dark money, rural
bias, voter suppression, gerrymandering.      It's going
to take a generation to undo some of that - but Trump has
shown what happens if we don't get started - and next time
it will be somebody worse, whether Don Jr, Tucker Carlson,
or Steve Bannon.




topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-08-23
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title To eke out a victory, you need a landslide
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1221133954897788
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1221133954897788
impress 6
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posted "08/23/2020 11:33:56 AM"
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Mission accomplished

Faith in reliability of post office is being eroded.


Will farmers and ranchers still vote for Trump?



topic election


impact 11
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-21
ratio 5
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title Mission accomplished
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1219832685027915
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1219832685027915
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posted "08/21/2020 10:32:05 PM"
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A Trump October Surprise game plan -

Announce a cure for the virus just before the election!


Just in time to influence the election but not so
early that there's time for the truth to sink in to the

Of course, it all depends on  when the persuadables decide
to vote.       If many of them vote early - an October
Surprise might be too late.


Another avenue - find Trump's own Lee Atwater and Willie
Horton that resonate with persuadables -


That plan starts at the convention and  replays the same
note all the way to the election.     But can Trump stay
on message that long?      He never has before.  Except on
billionaire tax relief.


topic election


comments 1
impact 24
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-21
ratio 5
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title A Trump October Surprise game plan -
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1219588718385645
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posted "08/21/2020 05:11:32 PM"
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Voter intimidation - a vital component of voter suppression


They got a green light from McConnell's Supreme Court.



topic election


impact 15
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posted 2020-08-21
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title Voter intimidation - a vital component of voter suppression
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1219546861723164
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1219546861723164
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posted "08/21/2020 03:47:07 PM"
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type Link


Another letter from the former establishment

The Trump administration IS the establishment now.
QAnon agrees.     But Trump will campaign against the
establishment anyway, as if he were still apart from it,
and his faithful supporters will cheer.


How can you drain the swamp if you ARE the swamp?


The problem is that Trump needs new supporters to win,
and he has no interest or ability to get any.


topic election 1


impact 86
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
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posted 2020-08-21
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title Another letter from the former establishment
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1219403301737520
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1219403301737520
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posted "08/21/2020 11:22:11 AM"
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type Link


The election has never been decided on election day night.

It just has seemed that way recently.



topic election


impact 2
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-19
ratio 16
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title The election has never been decided on election day night.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1218073788537138
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1218073788537138
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posted "08/19/2020 07:05:30 PM"
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type Link


How Biden can duplicate Sanders' success



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-19
reactrate 0
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title How Biden can duplicate Sanders' success
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1217913005219883
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1217913005219883
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posted "08/19/2020 01:46:55 PM"
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Another reason to just vote Democratic.

Republicans need time in the woodshed to think about
what, if anything, they collectively stand for besides
billionaire tax relief.



topic election


impact 9
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-19
ratio 5
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Another reason to just vote Democratic.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1217893861888464
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1217893861888464
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posted "08/19/2020 01:15:40 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


What happens in Minsk matters in Minneapolis


Women are leading the way



topic election


impact 2
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-18
ratio 10
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title What happens in Minsk matters in Minneapolis
topic election
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ID 1216814838663033
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1216814838663033
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posted "08/18/2020 06:51:11 AM"
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Flooding the zone - another name for Nothing Is True and
Everything Is Possible


Reality-TV applied to politics!


topic election


impact 2
impactrate 0
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negative 0
posted 2020-08-17
ratio 11
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title Flooding the zone - another name for Nothing Is True and
topic election
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ID 1216484488696068
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1216484488696068
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posted "08/17/2020 08:23:22 PM"
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type Link


Don't sweat the presidential election!


It's the Senate that's important - and making sure that
all the Senate races are fair and square.

Here's why - the Republican senators, who have given up on
keeping the White House, are doing their best to make the
recession as deep and long as possible, so Biden will get
the blame when it's still not over in 2022.  They'll be
doing the McConnell Just Say No until then.

But what if Trump is president?      Then all the
Republican senators who are up for re-election in 2022 are
toast if the recession is still going on.      They'll have
a powerful incentive to come to terms with Schumer and
Pelosi and make some progress that they can credit to
Trump, and themselves.      Otherwise the Democrats might
have enough Senate votes to impeach and convict Trump
in 2023.       That will not help the Republican senators
up for re-election in 2024.

The average voter with only average interest in politics
likes to think that by voting for the right presidential
candidate - the incumbent if the economy is expanding,
the challenger if not - then things will get better.
Obama's second term disproves that.     To make progress,
it's essential to retire the Party of No in the Senate,
House, and as many state legislatures and governor's
mansions as possible.






topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-17
reactrate 0
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title Don't sweat the presidential election!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 225
ID 1216481165363067
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1216481165363067
impress 14
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posted "08/17/2020 08:16:58 PM"
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type Link


Curb your enthusiasm - in order to be a Biden conservative


It seems likely that the losing party in November will go
off the deep end, perhaps never to return as a mainstream
political force.      It will be time for something new.



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-17
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Curb your enthusiasm - in order to be a Biden conservative
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1216343228710194
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1216343228710194
impress 22
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oreach 12
posted "08/17/2020 04:09:40 PM"
reach 12
type Link


The right one in the right place at the right time


And perhaps with the right credentials.       Eight years
with Obama was the foundation for Biden's endorsement by
James Clyburn and that led to the nomination.


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-17
reactrate 0
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title The right one in the right place at the right time
topic election
wordrate 0
words 39
ID 1216268292051021
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1216268292051021
impress 10
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posted "08/17/2020 01:40:36 PM"
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type Link


Some big donors may have figured that investing for access
to Democrats will be a better bet this time.

Others seem to have decided that investing in Republican
senators has a better return potential.


It's all about making sure the leaders return your calls.


topic election


impact 24
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
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posted 2020-08-16
ratio 2
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title Some big donors may have figured that investing for access
topic election
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ID 1215698532107997
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1215698532107997
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posted "08/16/2020 08:19:15 PM"
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type Link


What is he thinking?

Sure his base doesn't care if he torpedoes the post office,
but this election is about the persuadable swing voters
in swing states.      How many of them want to shut down
the post office?      Probably not many.


And even his base in rural areas gets anxious about
shutting down the post office.

Maybe it's all just a setup for declaring the election
invalid, no matter how it's conducted.


topic election


comments 1
impact 90
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
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posted 2020-08-16
ratio 2
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sumclicks 5
title What is he thinking?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1215615352116315
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1215615352116315
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posted "08/16/2020 05:46:44 PM"
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Future of vote by mail?

Maybe Trump won't object so much if his donors get part
of the action.



topic election


impact 9
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posted 2020-08-16
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title Future of vote by mail?
topic election
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ID 1215219228822594
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1215219228822594
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posted "08/16/2020 05:57:54 AM"
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type Link


Time for a new minority leader?

Some people think so!


Do your part to help Trump's Kevin to a well-deserved


Kevin needs some time out to think about what QAnon
candidates mean for the Republican Party.

And while you're at it


Devin Nunes has also earned a long vacation.


topic election


comments 1
impact 48
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-14
ratio 3
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title Time for a new minority leader?
topic election
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ID 1213705328973984
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1213705328973984
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posted "08/14/2020 08:05:23 AM"
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type Link


Bay Area for Bernie voting for Trump?

They're threatening to stay home, which is the same as
voting for Trump, if Harris isn't progressive enough
for them.

“We at Bay Area for Bernie sincerely hope Harris
remembers her commitments to her progressive constituents.
If she does not, this ticket will turn away independents
and progressives in droves.”

These particular Bernie Bros wouldn't happen to be mostly
white, would they?

Their staying home won't make any difference in most of
California, but it might make a difference in the swing
states that matter if the Bernie Bros there take the
same line.


Progressives should be glad to have a pretty good
Democratic proposition for the swing voters in the
swing states.     They're certainly welcome to contribute
their energy to defeating the Republican Trump enablers
in Congress.   In California, for instance,




topic election


impact 28
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posted 2020-08-13
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title Bay Area for Bernie voting for Trump?
topic election
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ID 1213129582364892
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1213129582364892
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posted "08/13/2020 03:27:31 PM"
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The president tells the truth!

He's crippling the post office in hopes of getting
re-elected.      We all knew that, but we didn't expect
him to come right out and say it.




The fewer mailboxes the fewer fraudulent ballots?


Does this really fly with remote rural Republican ranchers
and farmers?  If there were any doubt, Kudlow confirmed
it -

“So much of the Democratic asks are really liberal
left wishlists we don’t want to have -- voting rights,
That’s not our game.”

For sure, voting rights is not the Republicans' game.
Better to go back to limiting voting to old white men that
own land.


Of course, there's also the goal of punishing Bezos for
the Washington Post.

Journalists have to stay on this story!



topic election 1


comments 1
impact 320
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-13
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title The president tells the truth!
topic election
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ID 1212928289051688
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1212928289051688
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posted "08/13/2020 09:20:16 AM"
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They haven't learned a thing.

Still trying to rev up the Trump base instead of expanding



topic election


impact 4
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posted 2020-08-12
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title They haven't learned a thing.
topic election
wordrate 0
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posted "08/12/2020 07:42:26 PM"
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Not a good year for third parties


The choice is too dramatic and consequential to waste.

Jared and Ivanka keep up the encouragement, presumably by
flattery - it works so well on their dad!



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-08-11
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title Not a good year for third parties
topic election
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ID 1211744195836764
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1211744195836764
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posted "08/11/2020 09:16:19 PM"
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Primary results look good for extreme views.

QAnon gains ground in Georgia - the new face of the
Republican Party?    Trump tweeted congratulations and
called her a rising star.


The Squad holds its own in Minnesota - the new face of
the Democratic Party?


They both have veered toward anti-Semitism at times.


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-11
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Primary results look good for extreme views.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1211711959173321
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1211711959173321
impress 21
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posted "08/11/2020 08:13:00 PM"
reach 16
type Link


The INTERESTING debates that they won't have

Harris vs Trump - "The People vs Donald J Trump"
Biden vs Pence

That's a better match of personalities.

And it's fair enough - both Harris and Pence are second
in command to old men and could become president in
a heartbeat.

But not both at once.



topic election


impact 6
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-11
ratio 20
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title The INTERESTING debates that they won't have
topic election
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ID 1211631209181396
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1211631209181396
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posted "08/11/2020 05:31:49 PM"
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Still running full-page ads in the San Jose Mercury!


or sometimes


or sometimes


Who wouldn't want a "free" copy for only $5 and a
trial subscription?     But it might still be overpriced -


But it's endorsed by Don Jr, Huckabee, Mark Levin, Sean
Spicer, and Rush!      Though quite possibly none of them
bothered to read it cover to cover.


topic election


hide 1
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posted 2020-08-11
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title Still running full-page ads in the San Jose Mercury!
topic election
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posted "08/11/2020 11:46:24 AM"
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Strategies for swing-state voters

Applicable for other voters, too, especially if you have
a senator up for re-election.

While it might be dangerous for you, your vote might be
safest if cast in person on election day.     Otherwise
vote as early as possible, if early voting in person
is allowed, or drop off or mail in your ballot as early
as possible.



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-08-11
reactrate 0
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title Strategies for swing-state voters
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1211423295868854
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1211423295868854
impress 18
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posted "08/11/2020 10:47:33 AM"
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type Link


Kentucky persuadables are thinking about a change in
the Senate

But Mitch still has strong support among the hard core
Trump base and major donors, who like his efforts to shield
them from virus liability.


There is another option!


Not a Kentucky voter?   You can still help!     And you
don't need to be a major donor like Mitch's.



topic election


comments 2
impact 92
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posted 2020-08-11
ratio 3
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sharesrate 0
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title Kentucky persuadables are thinking about a change in
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1211282915882892
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posted "08/11/2020 07:17:03 AM"
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Republicans helping Kanye West to get on the ballot in as
many states as possible

It took less than a thousand votes to decide the 2000
election.  78,000 votes decided in 2016.     West is not
taking any votes away from Trump.



topic election


impact 31
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
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posted 2020-08-08
ratio 6
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sumclicks 5
title Republicans helping Kanye West to get on the ballot in as
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1209027906108393
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posted "08/08/2020 09:03:33 AM"
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Dangerous days ahead?



topic election


impact 2
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posted 2020-08-08
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title Dangerous days ahead?
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posted "08/08/2020 09:00:17 AM"
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How the Republicans are avoiding doing anything about the
virus or the recession or racial unrest


Their actions certainly support the thesis that they are
TRYING to make things bad enough that the recession will
persist until the 2022 and 2024 elections, when they'll
hope to rebuild their fortunes by blaming Biden - for
their recession.


Some Republican senators have figured out that what might
be good for the party and for somebody else in 2022 is
fatal for them right now.


Mitch will explain that they need to take the long view.
Although he might be taking the long view from retirement
next year.


Mitch is adept at pulling a rabbit out of a hat, they say,
but he doesn't feel any fuzzy ears yet.


He has to wait for Meadows and Mnuchin to come to some
compromise with Schumer and Pelosi, and then he has to
try to sell it to his caucus, half of which just say
NO, and to the president, who might decide to say NO -
depending on what Fox said that morning - if it doesn't
have the payroll tax cut and the three-martini deduction
and the new FBI building and the other things that Trump
finds critical to economic recovery.



topic election 1


comments 6
impact 1081
impactrate 0
likeimpress 19
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posted 2020-08-05
priority 1
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title How the Republicans are avoiding doing anything about the
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1207064842971366
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posted "08/05/2020 08:08:24 PM"
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type Link


Why the Trumpists are obsessed by vote-by-mail

To make minority rule work, you have to get all the rules
aligned in your favor, which means aligned one way in some
places and the opposite way elsewhere.



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-05
reactrate 0
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title Why the Trumpists are obsessed by vote-by-mail
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1206992526311931
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1206992526311931
impress 10
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posted "08/05/2020 05:48:56 PM"
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Planning for a future as a minority


For some, "this never happened"



topic election


impact 2
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-08-04
ratio 13
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sumclicks 1
title Planning for a future as a minority
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1206144806396703
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1206144806396703
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posted "08/04/2020 03:31:18 PM"
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November election - chaos for some, profit opportunity
for others



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-08-04
reactrate 0
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title November election - chaos for some, profit opportunity
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1205846356426548
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1205846356426548
impress 13
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posted "08/04/2020 06:44:30 AM"
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type Link


Why Democrats raise money for candidates like Kris Kobach



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-03
reactrate 0
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title Why Democrats raise money for candidates like Kris Kobach
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1205554843122366
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1205554843122366
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posted "08/03/2020 09:03:31 PM"
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type Link


Lincoln Project strategy

Get Trump to defeat himself!



topic election


impact 23
impactrate 0
likeimpress 12
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posted 2020-08-03
ratio 2
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title Lincoln Project strategy
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1205550499789467
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1205550499789467
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posted "08/03/2020 08:55:10 PM"
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Privatizing the post office and crippling the November
election and getting back at Bezos and the Washington Post

Such a convergence of ends and means!


The rural Republican farmers and ranchers most likely to
be hurt by privatization.... don't know or don't care.

Of course, if that doesn't work - there's an alternate
strategy to protect a Republican future  - mess with
the census!



topic election


comments 1
impact 48
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-03
ratio 2
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title Privatizing the post office and crippling the November
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1205543373123513
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posted "08/03/2020 08:40:02 PM"
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Wouldn't it be nice?     And patriotic?    AND


If Trump were to resign before the election - even better
before the convention to avoid a constitutional crisis - he
could cut a deal with Pence to pardon his Federal crimes.

No doubt Trump thinks he can pardon himself on his last
day in office, but he would be hoping for a lot, even
from a judiciary he has loaded in his favor, because
they and their reactionary supporters who put them on the
bench would be loathe to grant such a precedent to future
Democratic presidents.       Such a pardon would simply
be ignored, and wouldn't apply to state crimes and civil
actions in any case.

Such a resignation and pardon would certainly be welcome
by all the Republican senators that are in danger of losing
their seats this year.



topic election 1


impact 57
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-08-03
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title Wouldn't it be nice? And patriotic? AND
topic election
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ID 1205531886457995
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posted "08/03/2020 08:20:46 PM"
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Another Trump supporter has been pushed too far


Trump will keep pushing until Republican senators push
back in a public and unmistakable way.


topic election


impact 21
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
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posted 2020-07-30
ratio 3
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title Another Trump supporter has been pushed too far
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1202567860087731
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1202567860087731
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posted "07/30/2020 09:55:23 PM"
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type Link


Why Biden appeals to the persuadables in the middle



Trump does his part to drive the persuadables toward
Biden -



topic election


impact 2
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posted 2020-07-30
ratio 15
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title Why Biden appeals to the persuadables in the middle
topic election
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ID 1202558313422019
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1202558313422019
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posted "07/30/2020 09:33:53 PM"
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They didn't get the memo?

The times they are a-changin'




topic election


hide 1
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posted 2020-07-27
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title They didn't get the memo?
topic election
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ID 1200255180318999
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1200255180318999
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posted "07/27/2020 09:22:42 PM"
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Hoist with his own petard


The Power of Positive Thinking only gets you so far with
a virus.


Roy Cohn learned the hard way - you don't deny and hit back
twice as hard with a virus.        The virus always wins -
see Angels in America.


The remaining question for friend and foe - why can't Trump
learn and adapt?       Is it because he - like Biden -
is just too old to be president?


topic election


impact 0
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negative 0
posted 2020-07-27
reactrate 0
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title Hoist with his own petard
topic election
wordrate 0
words 78
ID 1200142080330309
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1200142080330309
impress 6
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posted "07/27/2020 05:53:03 PM"
reach 3
type Link


Why debate a pathological liar?

And why generate free publicity for somebody who enables
a pathological liar?

Some Republican senators are unhappy that the free
publicity they get from the news media is mostly negative -
they were expecting thanks for the inept handling of virus
and recession?      And unhappy that Democratic donors
are much more generous than Republican donors right now.
But you can't expect Republican donors to invest much in
lost causes.



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-07-26
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Why debate a pathological liar?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 77
ID 1199312287079955
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1199312287079955
impress 16
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posted "07/26/2020 01:52:00 PM"
reach 12
type Link


Setting the stage for President Biden

Some Republican senators, and perhaps Trump himself, have
given up the fight against the virus and the long-overdue
recession and concede that the Democrats will probably
be in control next year.         Given that conclusion,
what can they do to improve their chances in 2022 and 2024?

Make the virus crisis and economic crisis as bad as
possible, break as many other things as possible, appoint
as many corrupt incompetents as possible, leave as many
unresolved crises as possible...  and then vote NO on any
Democratic proposals, as they did with Obama.  In other
words, let Trump be Trump for his last six months.



topic election 1


impact 23
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-24
priority 1
ratio 9
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title Setting the stage for President Biden
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1197651137246070
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1197651137246070
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posted "07/24/2020 08:12:11 AM"
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Silicon Valley wisdom - the six phases of any big project


Right  now the Republican Party is in these stages of
Trumpism -

3 Panic, hysteria and overtime 4 Search for the guilty

Still to come

5 Punishment of the innocent 6 Distinction for the

Eventually we'll all be amazed at the number of Republican
leaders that announce they were never REALLY Trump
supporters, but managed to put their light under a bushel
basket all this time.


Meanwhile there's little agreement on virus relief between
imperiled and secure Republican senators.



But the Lincoln Project is going after them all for
collaborating -


However, according to the received wisdom, the future
distinction will go to the uninvolved who managed to avoid
identification either with Trump or with Never-Trump.
Unleadership can be its own reward during a disaster.


topic election


impact 42
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-22
ratio 3
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title Silicon Valley wisdom - the six phases of any big project
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1196404140704103
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1196404140704103
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posted "07/22/2020 03:54:09 PM"
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type Link


The only way Trump can win is to get lucky.

His history running casinos is not encouraging.


But if the virus gets better on its own somehow, and the
rioters get worse on their own somehow, Trump might have
a chance.      But there isn't much time for these miracles
to happen.


topic election


impact 5
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-21
ratio 11
react 1
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
title The only way Trump can win is to get lucky.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 54
ID 1195841447427039
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1195841447427039
engaged 1
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posted "07/21/2020 10:50:42 PM"
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sharesusers 1
type Link


Advice to Trump about seniors

Reliable Trump cheerleader Thiessen cautions Trump against
making fun of Biden's senior moments.       A lot of
seniors voted for Trump and don't like those kinds of


And what's worse, forgetting what you meant to say,
or intentionally lying constantly?      The right words
sometimes evade Biden, but Trump actively seeks out the
wrong words to broadcast.    Does anybody trust Trump with
the nuclear codes?


topic election 1


comments 3
impact 131
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-21
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 7
title Advice to Trump about seniors
topic election
wordrate 0
words 73
ID 1195812930763224
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1195812930763224
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posted "07/21/2020 09:55:07 PM"
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type Link


The master salesman and dealmaker seems to be losing
his mojo.

Bad luck right before an election.



What happens as senators really grasp the trends of
the polling?     It won't matter if they win their next
primary if they lose the general election in November.


topic election


impact 19
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-07-21
ratio 4
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reactrate 0
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sumclicks 3
title The master salesman and dealmaker seems to be losing
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1195353727475811
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1195353727475811
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posted "07/21/2020 07:09:54 AM"
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type Link


What can Republican senators and governors do now?

It's tough to choose between bad and worse, but maybe it's
time to think outside the box.

The president wears many hats - head of state, chief
politician, party leader, commander in chief.     The only
hat that fits Trump is his MAGA hat for addressing campaign
rallies of his faithful.       But  he's worse at some
things than others.

Maybe a critical mass of Republican leaders should announce
together something like the following

"We support the nomination and re-election of Donald
Trump as president, to serve in the role of head of state,
provided that he accepts that the vice-presidential
nominee shall act in the role of chief politician,
head of government, and negotiator with Congress, with
sufficient character and experience to be qualified to
serve as a future president.     We call on the Republican
convention to nominate such a candidate and we call on
the president to express his sincere full support for such
a candidate."


Pipe dream?   Probably - they've missed all their chances
so far, and time is running out.         Although they
could do better than letting Pence run the country, they
could do a lot worse - Trump proved that.


Maybe such an approach would reclaim some supporters of
the Lincoln Project who are attempting to rebuild the
pre-Southern Strategy Republican Party.



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-07-20
reactrate 0
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title What can Republican senators and governors do now?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 226
ID 1194705387540645
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1194705387540645
impress 16
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posted "07/20/2020 09:41:04 AM"
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Republicans plan a last stand for the Senate!

Sounds like they concede that the House and White House
are out of reach.


If you'd like to help some senators to a well-deserved
retirement -


and most particularly



And if you'd like to serve some just desserts in the House,
too, retire a couple of Trump's key enablers -



Besides their Supreme Court nominees anxiety, Republicans
are also especially worried the Puerto Rico and DC will
become states, adding four more permanent Democratic votes
to the Senate and about ten more electoral votes,


and that the filibuster will finally be retired too


The country can thank President Trump for making all these
improvements possible - a real infrastructure program
delivered at last - to improve the infrastructure of the
Senate!      With special supporting role honors for all
those Republican senators who could have done something
about Trump but lacked the courage or conviction until it
was too late.

Trump will continue to be Trump right up until his last
day in office because he doesn't know any other roles and
doesn't care to learn any.     He can't and won't broaden
his appeal beyond his hard-core base and so will continue
to drive away everybody else.

The increase in Democratic campaign funds owes a lot to
small donors but perhaps some major Republican donors,
seeing the writing on the wall, are hedging their bets to
preserve access to likely Democratic winners.

Speaking of writing on the wall, the story comes from


and was made into a poem by Heine and an exciting song
by Schumann


with a number of performances online


It's in German, but so was Drumpf.


topic election


impact 56
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-20
ratio 11
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reactrate 0
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sumclicks 1
title Republicans plan a last stand for the Senate!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1194625630881954
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1194625630881954
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posted "07/20/2020 07:29:15 AM"
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reach 23
type Link


The heat is on Republican governors and senators


They think they have to find out a way to lead in a
positive direction without directly contradicting Trump.

"This is not going away until we get a vaccine"
says McConnell.      He didn't preface it with
"Despite what the president says" because
everybody understood that implicitly.


One thing Trump has accomplished is making Pence look like
a statesman in comparison.         So what are Republican
office holders going to do to save their country, their
states,  their party, their Senate majority, or at least
their own careers?       No more reactionaries to the
Supreme Court if they lose the Senate.   They have a
month until the convention and three more months until
the election.        If they turn publicly, it will all
be at  once.




topic election 1


comments 3
impact 335
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-19
priority 1
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title The heat is on Republican governors and senators
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1194128840931633
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1194128840931633
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posted "07/19/2020 02:32:40 PM"
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sharesimpress 3
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type Link


Nobody's trying to defend Trump any more.

The best argument for Trump that Republicans can think of
now is that Trump is not Biden.

Oddly, the best argument for Biden is that he is not Trump.
The Democrats thought of that a long time ago and it's
been gaining traction ever since.


Apparently Stephen Miller has taken over Bannon's old
role  as main Trump vitriol brewer.      He seems to concur
with Trump's reasoning that all they have to do is fire up
the remaining base and they don't have to try to persuade
anybody else.


topic election


comments 2
hide 1
impact 49
impactrate 0
negative 1
posted 2020-07-19
ratio 4
react 5
reactrate 0
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sumclicks 2
title Nobody's trying to defend Trump any more.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1194121147599069
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1194121147599069
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posted "07/19/2020 02:17:13 PM"
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Trump plans to keep us in suspense again.


What a great argument for a more robust way to choose
a president!



topic election


comments 4
hide 1
impact 29
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 1
posted 2020-07-19
ratio 4
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reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Trump plans to keep us in suspense again.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1194107910933726
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1194107910933726
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posted "07/19/2020 01:49:27 PM"
postotherclicks 2
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type Link


Bipolar and off his meds!

No chance of getting elected president, but a good chance
of helping Trump getting re-elected.


If you would like to be able to vote for third parties
and independents and write-ins without unintentional side
effects, learn about and advocate ranked-choice-voting -



topic election


hide 1
impact 29
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 1
posted 2020-07-19
ratio 5
react 6
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Bipolar and off his meds!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1193910394286811
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1193910394286811
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posted "07/19/2020 08:04:10 AM"
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type Link


“democratic systems don’t work well when political
elites don’t deal in factual information”

"you never hear an American say, ‘I know my
responsibilities and obligations’ ”   - especially



topic election


impact 12
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-07-17
ratio 7
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reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title “democratic systems don’t work well when political
topic election
wordrate 0
words 31
ID 1192773127733871
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1192773127733871
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posted "07/17/2020 06:45:21 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 28
type Link


Biden starting to out-raise Trump?

Although campaign finance is intentionally murky, it
appears that in several respects Biden is catching up
to Trump.

Is that because Democratic donors are stepping up more,
or because major Republican and apolitical donors just
want to make sure that their phone calls will still be
returned after January?


In many places it's common for certain interests like
real estate developers to contribute to both sides of
local elections, in order to maintain access no matter
what the outcome.


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-17
reactrate 0
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title Biden starting to out-raise Trump?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 87
ID 1192525777758606
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1192525777758606
impress 13
likeuimpress 8
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oreach 10
posted "07/17/2020 10:38:08 AM"
reach 10
type Link


How boring!

But after every major trauma, the electorate turns to
boring for a while to find its moorings again.

Actually governing IS boring - a lot of tedious detail
work, complicated negotiations, difficult personalities to
deal with, compromised principles  - way too boring for a
reality-TV showman like Trump who much prefers campaign
rallies where the only result you have to deliver is a
good time for one night.


The key is how the Republican minorities in Congress will
react - will they try to find ways forward or will they
revert to Just Say NO?


topic election 1


comments 1
impact 61
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-07-17
priority 1
ratio 7
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reactrate 0
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sumclicks 4
title How boring!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 101
ID 1192355381108979
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1192355381108979
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posted "07/17/2020 06:14:54 AM"
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Trump's great gift to the future - "calloused
hope" inspired to persevere.


Like Herbert Hoover, Trump has made it possible for better
things to come in the future.     Trump has shown us the
end result of Trumpism - ignorance, incompetence, and
corruption - and while his hard core supporters cheered,
the rest of the 2016 Trump voters have snapped back to
reality and gotten off his train.


But unlike Hoover, it's unlikely that ex-president Trump
will be asked to chair any important commissions.



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-16
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Trump's great gift to the future - "calloused
topic election
wordrate 0
words 86
ID 1191848957826288
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1191848957826288
impress 17
likeuimpress 13
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oreach 15
posted "07/16/2020 01:03:16 PM"
reach 15
type Link


Not quite as big a deal this time



topic election


comments 1
impact 4
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-16
ratio 5
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reactrate 0
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sumclicks 3
title Not quite as big a deal this time
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1191610804516770
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1191610804516770
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posted "07/16/2020 06:05:48 AM"
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Polls show Trump losing - whose fault is that???



topic election


comments 4
hide 1
impact 30
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-07-15
ratio 2
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sumclicks 6
title Polls show Trump losing - whose fault is that???
topic election
wordrate 0
words 12
ID 1191250181219499
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1191250181219499
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posted "07/15/2020 06:18:46 PM"
postotherclicks 6
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type Link


National decline - embracing ignorance, incompetence,
and corruption


With America leading the way, can global decline be
far behind?


topic election 1


comments 3
hide 1
impact 87
impactrate 0
likeimpress 14
negative 1
posted 2020-07-15
priority 1
ratio 1
react 38
reactrate 0
shares 3
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 17
title National decline - embracing ignorance, incompetence,
topic election
wordrate 0
words 23
ID 1190877121256805
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1190877121256805
audclicks 17
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oimpress 72
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posted "07/15/2020 07:01:13 AM"
postlinkclicks 4
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sharesimpress 3
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type Link


Ways to reduce election chaos


The key is these steps must be taken in advance.


topic election


impact 4
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-07-15
ratio 8
react 2
reactrate 0
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sumclicks 1
title Ways to reduce election chaos
topic election
wordrate 0
words 18
ID 1190835457927638
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1190835457927638
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posted "07/15/2020 05:58:32 AM"
postotherclicks 1
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type Link


What's more pathetic than Trump's cruelty to Sessions?

Sessions' obsequious attempts to regain Trump's favor!


Looks like Alabamians will get their dream candidate,
a football coach that Trump endorsed to punish Sessions.


topic election


comments 1
impact 14
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-07-14
ratio 4
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title What's more pathetic than Trump's cruelty to Sessions?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 35
ID 1190588647952319
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1190588647952319
audclicks 2
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oimpress 23
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posted "07/14/2020 09:25:49 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 19
type Link


Trump makes a distinction without a difference


He FEELS that there's a difference - that's the main thing.
Republicans cast absentee ballots, Democrats cast mail-in


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-14
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Trump makes a distinction without a difference
topic election
wordrate 0
words 29
ID 1190501844627666
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1190501844627666
impress 9
likeuimpress 4
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oimpress 9
oreach 5
posted "07/14/2020 06:42:05 PM"
reach 5
type Link


Third parties losing their appeal in presidential election

Everybody understands now that third-party votes provided
the margin for Trump in 2016.


Many of those voters have repented, in some cases because
they find Biden more acceptable than Hillary Clinton.


If you like to vote for third party candidates, support
ranked-choice-voting, which allows you to express your
preference in a constructive way.



topic election


impact 32
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-07-14
ratio 4
react 5
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title Third parties losing their appeal in presidential election
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1190455441298973
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1190455441298973
audclicks 2
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posted "07/14/2020 05:06:01 PM"
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type Link


The wages of sin is... defeat.

Being a rabid Trump enabler still works - in places with
no viable opposition.       Everywhere else, even quiet
Trump enablers are starting to feel the heat.


There is no magic bullet to cure a recession in four




topic election


comments 2
impact 94
impactrate 0
likeimpress 11
negative 0
posted 2020-07-12
ratio 3
react 20
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 7
title The wages of sin is... defeat.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 47
ID 1188738631470654
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1188738631470654
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posted "07/12/2020 12:37:34 PM"
postotherclicks 7
reach 72
type Link


What's in it for the Never Trumpers?

They know the Republican Party is a lost cause, determined
to follow the Whigs and the American Independent Party into
irrelevance.      Just look at the California Republican
Party, or Lyndon LaRouche,  to see where that leads.



They still feel bound to make witness to the current
crisis and do what they can to avert its worsening.
Maybe they are hoping a genuine conservative party can
emerge over time.


It may be that they see that defeating Trump and his Senate
enablers now is the surest route to a responsible genuine
conservative Congress in 2022 and White House in 2024.
After all, the economic contraction may well continue to
2022 and then Biden and the Democrats will be blamed.


The economy has begun permanent structural changes and
will never go back to 2019.



topic election 1


impact 29
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-11
priority 1
ratio 11
react 2
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title What's in it for the Never Trumpers?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 143
ID 1188284501516067
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1188284501516067
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oimpress 28
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posted "07/11/2020 10:24:40 PM"
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type Link


Four challenges to the November election


Those logistical challenges are bad enough.      But
Congress doesn't seem to be concerned about many other
challenges of a political nature.          The Voting
Rights Act of 1965 was the legislation that finally broke
the back of segregation, but it in turn was broken by the
Supreme Court in 2013 and Republicans have made the most
of the opportunity ever since.



topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-07-10
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
title Four challenges to the November election
topic election
wordrate 0
words 69
ID 1187340414943809
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1187340414943809
impress 12
likeuimpress 9
likeuusers 9
oimpress 12
oreach 10
posted "07/10/2020 03:25:58 PM"
reach 10
type Link


Beacons of hope


Those hopeful persuadables who hopefully voted for Obama
and then hopefully voted for Trump and soon will hopefully
vote for Biden are in for a disappointment unless they
grasp the importance of hopefully voting for Democratic


Mitch has already promised that if he becomes minority
leader he'll resume his Obama strategy of just voting NO
on every proposal from a Democratic administration.


And even if it's not Mitch, then all his likely successors
as minority leader will adopt the same strategy, and will
make it stick as long as they have at least 41 votes.
That's what their donors want.      That's what the
Trumpist base wants.

That's why retiring as many Republican senators as possible
should be the first and foremost point of every speech
by Biden and his team and every Democratic leader -
understanding that the job might not be finished until
the 2022 election.


topic election 1


impact 233
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
negative 0
posted 2020-07-10
priority 1
ratio 2
react 15
reactrate 0
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 5
title Beacons of hope
topic election
wordrate 0
words 155
ID 1187230744954776
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1187230744954776
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posted "07/10/2020 11:37:07 AM"
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sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Who knew that political scrapbook was one of Trump's
strongest supporters and a grassroots leader of the
movement to Keep America Great?

It says so right here


signed right on page 2 here


Well why not - I once got a letter from Nixon thanking me
for my support.

I have heard the president's call and accepted the
challenge to donate to the 2020 election -





I'm sure the president is glad that his call was heard and
acted on!  Can you send $5 to each of these candidates to
prove that Donald Trump is the greatest fundraiser EVER?

Of course, all you'll get for your $20 is better
government.    If you want something more tangible, and can
pay for it, hightail it down to Hillsboro Beach tomorrow -


but better make sure your special request can be
accommodated before the election.


topic election


hide 2
impact 87
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 2
posted 2020-07-09
ratio 4
react 6
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Who knew that political scrapbook was one of Trump's
topic election
wordrate 0
words 145
ID 1186722791672238
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1186722791672238
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posted "07/09/2020 08:16:10 PM"
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reach 25
type Link


One reason the Trump administration is against Federal
aid to state and local governments during the pandemic -
they might use it to make voting easier.



topic election


comments 1
impact 12
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-07-08
ratio 6
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 2
title One reason the Trump administration is against Federal
topic election
wordrate 0
words 29
ID 1186016415076209
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1186016415076209
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oimpress 27
oreach 24
posted "07/08/2020 10:14:57 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 24
type Link


Going down with the ship or not?


What future for the survivors, if any?



topic election


comments 7
hide 1
impact 94
impactrate 0
likeimpress 25
negative 1
posted 2020-07-08
ratio 1
react 55
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 21
title Going down with the ship or not?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 17
ID 1185979011746616
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1185979011746616
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oimpress 106
oreach 89
posted "07/08/2020 08:57:54 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
postotherclicks 9
reach 89
sharesimpress 1
sharesusers 1
type Link


Another brilliant tactic for Trump's re-election!


In 2020, all third-party votes are votes for Trump.
Remember the 2000 election was decided by less than 1000
votes.    The 2016, by 78,000.  Every third party candidate
that takes a vote from Biden - becomes a vote for Trump.


But Trump shouldn't get his hopes up too high -



topic election 1


comments 3
hide 2
impact 204
impactrate 0
likeimpress 10
negative 2
posted 2020-07-08
priority 1
ratio 2
react 34
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 18
title Another brilliant tactic for Trump's re-election!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 60
ID 1185493841795133
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1185493841795133
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oimpress 76
oreach 71
posted "07/08/2020 06:38:42 AM"
postlinkclicks 4
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reach 71
sharesimpress 1
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type Link


Tax returns and fact checkers - otherwise the debates are
a waste of time.


What's the point anyway?    Trump's only goal will be to
rally his base to turn out and vote - he has no interest
in influencing undecideds or persuadables.      Trump is
unlikely to have a reasoned discussion of the issues,
because that would not excite his base.     His base would
rather he just took a cane to Biden on national TV -


That would get them excited -  go, and do thou likewise!
After breaking his cane on Sumner, Brooks received
replacement canes from throughout the South.

But Trump would never be that brave, so he'd get a
surrogate to do it; that way he could tepidly denounce
the violence, with a nudge-nudge-wink-wink to reassure
his base about his real feelings.


topic election


impact 69
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-07-07
ratio 5
react 5
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
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title Tax returns and fact checkers - otherwise the debates are
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How Trump will be re-elected!




topic election


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posted 2020-07-07
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title How Trump will be re-elected!
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posted "07/07/2020 03:53:54 PM"
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Sorry, not interested!

Even Trump cheerleaders have begun to realize that he WILL
NOT and CAN NOT expand his base - he just doesn't WANT to
and is sure that he doesn't NEED to.     He'd rather keep
the noisy and enthusiastic support of his base than reach
out to quieter persuadables in the center who would not
in any case go to one of his rallies.


“What he’s doing is shrinking his vote to excite
his base.”



topic election 1


hide 2
impact 81
impactrate 0
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negative 2
posted 2020-06-30
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title Sorry, not interested!
topic election
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ID 1180038862340631
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posted "06/30/2020 10:52:28 PM"
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The Wall Street Journal has given up.

Can Republican senators be far behind?



topic election


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posted 2020-06-26
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title The Wall Street Journal has given up.
topic election
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posted "06/26/2020 05:42:15 AM"
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What can we learn from the Kentucky Democratic primary?

We might not know the final result for a while!


It's the same old question - are Democratic voters in
conservative areas better off trying to get new voters
from the left or old voters from the center?


topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-06-25
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title What can we learn from the Kentucky Democratic primary?
topic election
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posted "06/25/2020 09:50:25 PM"
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The debates are a waste of time.

Two guys shouting past each other to address their bases -
who's going to learn anything from that?

It would be more interesting if both candidates were given
a surprise question and thirty minutes to write a cogent
response, which they could then present.



topic election


comments 1
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posted 2020-06-25
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title The debates are a waste of time.
topic election
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posted "06/25/2020 09:45:25 PM"
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What happened to the senior vote?

The suggestion that they were appropriate sacrificial
lambs to the virus probably didn't go over well.



topic election


comments 1
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posted 2020-06-25
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title What happened to the senior vote?
topic election
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posted "06/25/2020 07:40:30 PM"
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type Link


Why can't Devin Nunes sue a fake cow?

He sues everybody else, just like his hero in the White


If you are moved by compassion for Nunes' stress, please
contribute to his retirement fund -



topic election


comments 2
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posted 2020-06-24
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title Why can't Devin Nunes sue a fake cow?
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posted "06/24/2020 09:14:01 PM"
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The wicked witch is dead?

If Graham has really decided Trump is a bigger liability
than asset, can the rest of the Republican senators be
far behind?


But those senators don't get any credit for discovering
conservative principles lately, when Trumpism is a
liability.       That credit was used up by Republicans
who remembered their principles early, even when Trumpism
was ascendant.  They aren't in the Senate any more.


topic election 1


comments 1
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impact 50
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posted 2020-06-24
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title The wicked witch is dead?
topic election
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posted "06/24/2020 12:20:19 PM"
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Biden's vice president - what's the key characteristic?

Whether they can work together synergistically!     Let the
whole be greater than the sum of its parts.



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-06-24
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title Biden's vice president - what's the key characteristic?
topic election
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posted "06/24/2020 10:12:26 AM"
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Election night won't be particularly interesting

Let's just hope it's not election month!


It'll be interesting to see where and how the members of
the Trump administration vote -



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-06-22
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title Election night won't be particularly interesting
topic election
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1173484192996098
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posted "06/22/2020 08:22:37 PM"
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Trump needs to attract more women!

He had no trouble when he was a young rich man.  How much
harder can it be now?

Unfortunately the messages that appeal to his older white
male non-college base aren't that seductive to women any
more - women of any age, any color, any education.



topic election


comments 4
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posted 2020-06-22
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title Trump needs to attract more women!
topic election
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ID 1173322399678944
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posted "06/22/2020 03:49:15 PM"
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When asked about Trump - Republican senators like to change
the subject



topic election


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posted 2020-06-21
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title When asked about Trump - Republican senators like to change
topic election
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ID 1172754779735706
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posted "06/21/2020 09:32:03 PM"
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Iowa in play again!


Somehow, farming isn't doing any better under Trump!


topic election


hide 1
impact 32
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posted 2020-06-20
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title Iowa in play again!
topic election
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posted "06/20/2020 06:45:07 AM"
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Who can best help Mitch retire?




topic election


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posted 2020-06-18
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title Who can best help Mitch retire?
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posted "06/18/2020 10:34:36 PM"
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What a puzzle - how to not be Trump and not be Democrat?

Nobody said it would be easy to be a Republican senator
at the height of a pandemic, the depth of a depression,
and the worst racial unrest in two generations.



topic election


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posted 2020-06-18
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title What a puzzle - how to not be Trump and not be Democrat?
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posted "06/18/2020 05:00:34 PM"
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The Trump campaign loves Nazi symbols?


Then they'll love Der Untergang!



topic election


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posted 2020-06-18
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title The Trump campaign loves Nazi symbols?
topic election
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posted "06/18/2020 04:54:05 PM"
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The gang that couldn't think straight


So what?     Trump's campaign rallies are always a big
hit with his base, and who else matters?


topic election


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posted 2020-06-18
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title The gang that couldn't think straight
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posted "06/18/2020 04:50:11 PM"
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Facing Der Untergang - he will always be Trump!


Presumably he always knew the economy was going to turn
eventually, and not necessarily at his convenience.

He always preferred campaign rallies to actually governing.
Campaign rallies are like reality-TV, something he knows


topic election 1


impact 42
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posted 2020-06-18
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title Facing Der Untergang - he will always be Trump!
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posted "06/18/2020 06:01:32 AM"
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Unclear on the concept - it's the party of Trump, not the
party of Lincoln!

You can't get rid of Trumpism by wishing it away or calling
it Lincolnism.      Lincoln had no supporters in the KKK
or the KGB.

The solution to Trumpism is voting it away.      And
Trumpism includes all his enablers in the Senate.
Trumpism has NOTHING to do with Lincoln and his wishy-washy
"with malice toward none, with charity for all."



topic election


comments 1
impact 70
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posted 2020-06-17
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title Unclear on the concept - it's the party of Trump, not the
topic election
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posted "06/17/2020 08:46:01 PM"
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Senate Republicans can do more than one thing at a time!

They can plan additional billionaire tax cuts AND
investigate Hillary Clinton's emails again!


All thanks to the multi-talented Lindsey Graham, who
evidently wants to finish his political career with a
flourish big enough to impress Trump.    Help him toward
his retirement!



topic election


comments 2
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posted 2020-06-12
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title Senate Republicans can do more than one thing at a time!
topic election
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ID 1165881347089716
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posted "06/12/2020 10:41:04 PM"
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Election blues



topic election


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posted 2020-06-11
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title Election blues
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posted "06/11/2020 07:46:39 PM"
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faith without works is dead


Put up or shut up.


topic election


impact 8
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posted 2020-06-10
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title faith without works is dead
topic election
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posted "06/10/2020 07:41:06 PM"
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Trump refuses to expand his base so Republican senators
try to do it without him

Good luck with that!



topic election


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posted 2020-06-10
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title Trump refuses to expand his base so Republican senators
topic election
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posted "06/10/2020 05:14:08 PM"
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October is the cruelest month - for incumbent presidents.



topic election


impact 0
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posted 2020-06-07
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title October is the cruelest month - for incumbent presidents.
topic election
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posted "06/07/2020 07:51:45 PM"
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type Link


Mobilizing for election success

There are so many things that can go wrong, and so much
motivation in some quarters to make them go wrong or help
them go wrong.      But states are hard pressed with virus
right now, and don't have any money left to expand mail
and in-person voting.



topic election


comments 1
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impact 27
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posted 2020-06-07
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title Mobilizing for election success
topic election
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posted "06/07/2020 07:48:49 PM"
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No quick fix!

You have to work up from the bottom as well as down
from the top.      Vote for credible candidates who are
dedicated to making American work for everybody.


Even Republicans, if the Republican party can get back on
track to working for all Americans.       But it's got a
long way to go to purge its Trumpist enablers -



topic election


impact 19
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-06-07
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title No quick fix!
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1161667294177788
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posted "06/07/2020 11:39:31 AM"
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Look at all the things President Trump has accomplished
in just four years!

He's made George W Bush look like a statesman!


He's made Richard Nixon look better than we ever
remembered!   (In 1972, Berkeley was shocked by a Daily
Cal poll that showed undergraduate males preferred Nixon
over McGovern.      Maybe they were just being prescient
about Trump.)


He's even made Warren Harding look like a prince of peace!


But one thing he has not been able to do is make Republican
senators look like anything more than toads - no profiles
in courage there.




topic election


impact 20
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posted 2020-06-04
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title Look at all the things President Trump has accomplished
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posted "06/04/2020 08:57:20 PM"
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What will dominate thinking of swing-state voters in
five months?

Police brutality?    Lawless looting?      Health care?
Or economic disaster, unemployment, and evictions?
It's hard to be concerned about other people's problems
if your own are overwhelming.


Five months ago there were just beginning to be hints of
trouble in China.      The economy was surging to record
heights.       Was it all just a mirage?


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-06-03
reactrate 0
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title What will dominate thinking of swing-state voters in
topic election
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ID 1158740697803781
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posted "06/03/2020 05:13:54 PM"
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Will Trump's vote-by-mail propaganda work against



topic election


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posted 2020-06-03
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title Will Trump's vote-by-mail propaganda work against
topic election
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posted "06/03/2020 04:16:18 PM"
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Another test for Republican senators

Will they actually try to help, or will they just try
to hold their breath until this issue is superseded
by another?      That's the way they've handled mass
shootings.       What if this issue dominates the streets
until election day?


They could take a lesson from Mattis -


among others -


Tiny cracks are showing here and there - will they last?



topic election 1


comments 1
impact 154
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-06-03
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title Another test for Republican senators
topic election
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ID 1158702914474226
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posted "06/03/2020 04:01:43 PM"
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"Voters must dispatch his congressional enablers,
especially the senators"



topic election 1


comments 2
impact 39
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posted 2020-06-01
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title "Voters must dispatch his congressional enablers,
topic election
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ID 1157242981286886
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posted "06/01/2020 08:02:01 PM"
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Even Karl Rove has his limits.


King still appeals to the worst part of the Trump base.

Republicans can rediscover their principles when they think
they are going to lose a seat to Democrats.  They can,
but so far in the Senate, they haven't.


topic election


comments 1
impact 28
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-06-01
ratio 3
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title Even Karl Rove has his limits.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1157152441295940
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1157152441295940
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posted "06/01/2020 05:58:34 PM"
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If you don't really want the government to do anything -
put performance artists in charge!


Though if Trump alone can fix it, and four years weren't
enough, is there any reason to think he can fix it in
eight years?


topic election


comments 1
impact 18
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-28
ratio 4
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title If you don't really want the government to do anything -
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1154043308273520
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1154043308273520
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posted "05/28/2020 01:24:37 PM"
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Cognitive dissonance in Iowa.

How will these conflicting feelings play out for or
against Joni Ernst's re-election effort?         Is she
safer being ultra-Trump or never-Trump?


If the existential angst is too much for her, somebody
else is willing to take on the task!



topic election


impact 23
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-05-28
ratio 6
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title Cognitive dissonance in Iowa.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1154040618273789
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posted "05/28/2020 01:19:03 PM"
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A difficult message - vote against Trump but remain


This is based on the debatable proposition that there
is still a difference between "Republican"
and "Trumpist."


topic election


comments 2
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impact 54
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posted 2020-05-28
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title A difficult message - vote against Trump but remain
topic election
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ID 1154034144941103
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posted "05/28/2020 01:06:04 PM"
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It's all about the donors!

Give them what they want and they'll give you the dark
money to drown the opposition messages and maintain
minority rule.


There's never been a bill on any subject that hasn't looked
like a good vehicle to add a billionaire tax cut provision.


topic election 1


comments 1
impact 135
impactrate 0
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negative 0
posted 2020-05-27
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
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title It's all about the donors!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1153394041671780
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1153394041671780
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posted "05/27/2020 05:06:20 PM"
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sharesimpress 5
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type Link


2021 will be great!

Tax cuts, medical care, tax cuts, trade deals, tax cuts  -
he's been saving them up to make a beautiful surprise for
his loyal voters and donors next year!


What have you got to lose!


topic election


comments 6
impact 189
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posted 2020-05-26
ratio 2
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title 2021 will be great!
topic election
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ID 1152637248414126
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posted "05/26/2020 05:41:44 PM"
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It's amazing what Republican senators will put up with!


But if they ever decide that Trump is a bigger liability
than an asset - because he refuses to expand his base -
they will turn on him en masse overnight.

In the meantime though, Trump keeps testing to find out
just how much his senators and voters alike will put up
with -


If the victims respond, he hits back twice as hard, just
as Roy Cohn taught -


And why not  - it's the truth about how Trump's base feels.
And as with two-year-olds, the only truth that matters is
how you feel.

Only one Republican had anything to say about this attack.

Also, Trump has finally found Jack Dorsey's limit -



topic election


hide 1
impact 126
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-26
ratio 2
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title It's amazing what Republican senators will put up with!
topic election
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ID 1152618311749353
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posted "05/26/2020 05:02:18 PM"
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Hanging on to the senior vote?

Maybe saying Biden is too old is the wrong approach with
senior audiences.       Trump's election in 2016 was
decided by only 78,000 votes.


It's hard to see how Trump could win without Florida.



topic election


impact 101
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-25
ratio 2
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title Hanging on to the senior vote?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1152055658472285
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posted "05/25/2020 10:03:16 PM"
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It's the same question one wonders about ALL politicians
supporting Trump.

Did they EVER have ANY moral or ideological principles at
all, except self-serving opportunism?

The burden of proof is on the defendant, because pitch
defileth the hand that toucheth it.


The same kind of ad could be made for most of the
Republican senators.        When available, what they
say behind closed doors to donors is the best material to
compare to what they say publicly to voters.   If actual
legislative initiatives are described in a non-partisan
way, surprising numbers of Republican voters support
Democratic initiatives and oppose Republican ones.
But then if they're told who's behind them, they revert
to tribalism.


topic election 1


comments 10
impact 1114
impactrate 0
likeimpress 39
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posted 2020-05-22
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
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title It's the same question one wonders about ALL politicians
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1149606132050571
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1149606132050571
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posted "05/22/2020 02:18:58 PM"
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type Link


Never read too much into a special election.



topic election


impact 2
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-21
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title Never read too much into a special election.
topic election
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posted "05/21/2020 08:15:38 PM"
postlinkclicks 2
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Will Republican politicians switch to blaming Trump for
the economic crisis?

If the economy doesn't turn around well before the election
- say by the time of the Republican convention - are they
going to start blaming Trump in order to try to save their
own careers?

So far they are talking about blaming China -


(so far it's having the desired effect -
Maybe they'll all leave - that would make Stephen Miller

or they're talking about the Green New Deal that they
think Democrats might enact -


but the Democrats are banking on enough voters being
smarter enough not to be distracted by flak -


Voters know that for Republican senators, the truthful
answer  to the question - "How did you lead to
contain the damage from the virus and the economic
contraction"  - has to be "I followed the
leadership of President Trump".    Voters can see
where that led.       For four years, Trump's motto
was "vote your pocketbook - what do you have to
lose?"      Now voters can see what they had to lose,
and lost.

Last time the Republicans did this in 1932, they got 20
years of Democratic rule.        Some of them are getting
nervous, but most won't admit it.           They want to
talk about deficit spending, in a depression when deficit
spending makes sense.        They should have been talking
about it in 2017 when they were planning their billionaire
tax cut, when deficit spending made no sense.


But Republican senators don't have to make sense.  As long
as they do what their donors want, they'll get the money
they need to buy re-election.      Thus the question is not
really "will Republican senators abandon Trump"
but "will major Republican donors abandon Trump".
Will they decide that a different Republican, or even
Biden, is a small price to pay for four years in order to
keep a Republican senate majority?  They don't have much
time to contemplate that question before it will be too
late to make a difference.


topic election


impact 135
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-19
ratio 5
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title Will Republican politicians switch to blaming Trump for
topic election
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ID 1147453612265823
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1147453612265823
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posted "05/19/2020 04:11:31 PM"
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What's Trump's beef with Obama?

What greater injustice than a BLACK MAN should be widely
respected around the world while world leaders snicker at
Trump - some to his face, all behind his back?



But the only way Trump knows how to compete is the way he
learned from Roy Cohn - pull your opponent down to your
level -


Good luck trying that with Obama -


and Trump hasn't even had much luck with Biden, who should
be an easier target but just stays in his basement as
Trump makes the case for Biden to the world.

But Trump's tactics resonate with his base, so he will
continue.    When all is said and done, the day after the
election, all the Republicans turned out of office will
blame Trump for not expanding his base and for dragging
them down with him.      But they will be a day too late
to complain.


topic election 1


comments 1
impact 250
impactrate 0
likeimpress 7
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posted 2020-05-18
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title What's Trump's beef with Obama?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1146672745677243
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1146672745677243
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posted "05/18/2020 05:44:32 PM"
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type Link


Vote by mail does not necessarily favor Democrats!



topic election


impact 1
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-05-17
ratio 26
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title Vote by mail does not necessarily favor Democrats!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1145865665757951
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1145865665757951
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posted "05/17/2020 04:56:33 PM"
postotherclicks 1
reach 26
type Link


Coronavirus a Democratic hoax after all!


It's just a trick to get states to encourage vote by mail
to enable more Democrats to vote!

Son has learned from father - base doesn't care if it's
true or not - rough and tumble, no holds barred!



topic election 1


comments 64
hide 2
impact 862
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posted 2020-05-17
priority 1
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title Coronavirus a Democratic hoax after all!
topic election
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ID 1145829509094900
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1145829509094900
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posted "05/17/2020 03:45:30 PM"
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Making up a story out of whole cloth!


It's hard to see how this is going to convince anybody
who is undecided.      The most likely explanation seems
to be that while the Republicans know that Trump is going
to lose, it's important to pretend otherwise so that his
base will not get discouraged and will still show up for
the election and thus save other Republican candidates.


topic election 1


impact 14
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-05-15
priority 1
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reactrate 0
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sumclicks 2
title Making up a story out of whole cloth!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1143969992614185
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1143969992614185
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posted "05/15/2020 07:39:23 AM"
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type Link


An intentional trial balloon or an accidental stupid



topic election 1


comments 3
impact 44
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-13
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sumclicks 18
title An intentional trial balloon or an accidental stupid
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1142575376086980
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1142575376086980
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posted "05/13/2020 10:45:54 AM"
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type Link


It's not easy being red!

What a dilemma - how to appeal both to the Trump base AND
all the swing voters in swing states?

Republican senators have a tough row to hoe.      Will
their rich donors come up with enough cash for enough
advertising to convince ordinary voters that what's good
for rich donors - reactionary judges, deregulation, and
tax cuts - trickles down to be good for ordinary voters
too, and that the Republicans didn't mess up the virus
and the economy?


The final nail in the coffin will be if the Republican
effort to repeal Obamacare in the courts is successful
before the election.       Trump always likes to deliver
on his promises!


Most Republicans facing re-election would really rather
wait until after the election to do anything about medical
care.        But Trump can't wait to seize victory over
Obamacare -


And a second wave of virus and a second wave of economic
contraction would be two more nails for good measure.

And Trump, instead of expanding his base, insists on
contracting it -


So some Republicans seem to have given up on winning in
2020 and are switching to the block-anything-Democratic
strategy that worked so well against Obama -



And there's a light at the end of this tunnel - a red stop
light - Trump wants to hold a real big rowdy in-person
convention, but the host city of Charlotte doesn't quite
see how that can happen.


Maybe Las Vegas is a better choice after all - they have
the hotel space now and they love a good crap-shoot.


The Republican convention could nominate somebody else for
president in order to save its Senate majority.      If
that happens it will be because one day all the Republican
senators will change their minds about Trump overnight.






topic election 1


comments 3
impact 1125
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-10
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title It's not easy being red!
topic election
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ID 1140151639662687
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posted "05/10/2020 06:11:55 AM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link


The denial lobby

Those who contributed most to Trump's rule have the most
to gain by denying reality.



topic election


impact 19
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
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posted 2020-05-09
ratio 3
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sumclicks 5
title The denial lobby
topic election
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ID 1139858076358710
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1139858076358710
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posted "05/09/2020 08:08:43 PM"
postotherclicks 1
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type Link


Can Republican senators break the chains that condemn them
to go down with Trump's sinking ship?

Not if the Trumpists can help it!


It will take many lucky breaks to stay afloat -



topic election 1


comments 1
impact 48
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-05-01
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sumclicks 7
title Can Republican senators break the chains that condemn them
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1133526603658524
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1133526603658524
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posted "05/01/2020 03:13:00 PM"
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type Link


Trump will probably lose no matter what.

The RNC is terrified that he will take down the Senate
majority with him.       But he can't see anything beyond
his base which is delighted with his antics.



He is pretending that China is against him, but he knows
that Putin, Xi, Kim, MBS and all the rest know he is golden
- they know exactly how to get what they want out of him.
Nothing would please them more than a second Trump term.



topic election 1


impact 215
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-29
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title Trump will probably lose no matter what.
topic election
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ID 1132132667131251
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1132132667131251
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posted "04/29/2020 06:33:39 PM"
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They knew who he was in 2015.

He hasn't changed a bit.

Republicans gambled that Trump would never face a real
crisis.      And now the result they foresaw is unfolding
before them.



Reality-TV really isn't a good preparation for


Will it get bad enough that the Republican convention
will nominate somebody else?          Not likely, but
if the Republican senators do decide he is a liability
on their re-election, they will turn on him all together
and overnight.




topic election 1


impact 123
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-25
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title They knew who he was in 2015.
topic election
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posted "04/25/2020 03:13:34 PM"
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Republicans and voter fraud.

They wrote the book!


And then said the Democrats did it.


topic election


comments 3
impact 49
impactrate 0
likeimpress 10
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posted 2020-04-25
ratio 2
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title Republicans and voter fraud.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1128908620786989
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posted "04/25/2020 10:40:49 AM"
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No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in
consequence of appropriations made by law

What doesn't Trump get about that?        What he gets
instead is that No consequences shall arise from executive
violation of the Constitution, as long as his enablers
control the Senate.


That's why Job #1 for the Democratic party and American
democracy is gaining control of the Senate in the 2020


topic election


comments 1
impact 77
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-25
ratio 3
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title No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in
topic election
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ID 1128900097454508
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posted "04/25/2020 10:25:16 AM"
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How can you protest the government when you ARE the




topic election


impact 3
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posted 2020-04-24
ratio 7
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title How can you protest the government when you ARE the
topic election
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posted "04/24/2020 07:32:28 AM"
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Campaign like it's 2016 again!



topic election


impact 5
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
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posted 2020-04-22
ratio 3
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title Campaign like it's 2016 again!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1126590357685482
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1126590357685482
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posted "04/22/2020 09:15:01 AM"
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Planning ahead for President Biden.


McConnell is a master saboteur.      That's why a
Democratic Senate is more important than a Democratic
White house.

But evidently not all Republicans believe Trump's approval



topic election


comments 1
impact 46
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-21
ratio 2
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title Planning ahead for President Biden.
topic election
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ID 1125971024414082
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posted "04/21/2020 12:20:20 PM"
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There are lots of reasons why you might not want to vote
for Biden.

But there's one overwhelming reason why you should vote
for Biden anyway.



As for Republicans, consider what would have happened if
they had nominated any of several other candidates in 2016.
With McConnell running the Senate, Republicans still would
have gotten tax cuts for the rich, deregulation for the
rich, and reactionary judges for the rich.  The difference
would have been keeping control of the House in 2018.

The double whammy of epidemic and depression would have
the same outcome for any Republican administration.
They can't blame Trump for that.     But everybody can
blame him for making it much worse than it had to be, and
consequently leading toward a likely loss of the Senate
and a generational change in political ideology.


topic election


impact 84
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posted 2020-04-19
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title There are lots of reasons why you might not want to vote
topic election
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posted "04/19/2020 01:47:43 PM"
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Trumpists scramble for a winning strategy.


Talking about what Trump has done in 2020 doesn't seem
to be a winner.    Instead they plan to talk about what
Biden did in 1979.       The Trumpists do have some major
advantages - much more money and daily FREE campaign
rallies on TV.    Their problem is to come up with a
message that won't sound ridiculous in November whether
the virus fades or intensifies and whether the economic
recovery is fast or imperceptible.


topic election


comments 4
impact 148
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-18
ratio 2
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title Trumpists scramble for a winning strategy.
topic election
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ID 1123959237948594
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posted "04/18/2020 09:24:26 PM"
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Some people still believe there is a difference between
Trumpism and Republicanism



But most Republican voters reject that idea.     The
big-money investors in Republican candidates know they
can't win without the votes of the deplorables - all the
fringe theorists and dixiecrats and single-issue voters and
self-serving opportunists - who will vote the public party
line without ever asking what's really going on privately
behind the scenes.     All those voters need a political
home somewhere - and all those investors and candidates
need each other and those voters.


topic election


comments 2
impact 218
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posted 2020-04-16
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title Some people still believe there is a difference between
topic election
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posted "04/16/2020 02:22:00 PM"
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Democrats in array!

Feeling their momentum, and a leftward impulse.



topic election 1


impact 6
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posted 2020-04-15
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title Democrats in array!
topic election
wordrate 0
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posted "04/15/2020 10:17:11 PM"
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Now Trump claims Biden is too cozy with China.



It's an ad intended to stoke Trump's base, so it doesn't
have to be objectively true, of course.      Failing to
expand his base at the time he needs the broadest possible
support  is the fatal flaw in Trump's strategy.


topic election


impact 26
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-11
ratio 6
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title Now Trump claims Biden is too cozy with China.
topic election
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posted "04/11/2020 02:11:04 PM"
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All about building the brand - all the time!

That's what salesmen do!


Even better when the media access is free!

Or course Trump only wants credit for good things
that happen.     In order to have somebody to blame for
failures, he leaves the details up to the states to figure
out -


and so a national strategy is developing in spite of him -
test, trace, track, quarantine.


Everything would be easier if it were coordinated from
the top with one point of responsibility for successes
and failures - but that's not the salesman's way.  Lead,
follow, or get out of the way?    Not Trump!


So nobody could ever be said to be in charge at the
Federal level.  Instead shrink the Federal government,
except for the free PR department, so it can take credit
with no responsibility -


Thank Goldwater, Reagan, Gingrich, the Tea Party, and the
Freedom Caucus for these successes.


topic election 1


comments 3
impact 253
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-11
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title All about building the brand - all the time!
topic election
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ID 1118097901868061
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posted "04/11/2020 01:45:06 PM"
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Let Trump be Trump!

Where else will he ever get so much free air time!
Who cares what happens in November if his ratings are
great now!      All the Republicans retiring next January
can write their blogs and memoirs, blaming it all on Trump
for refusing to increase his base of support.



topic election 1


impact 28
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
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posted 2020-04-09
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title Let Trump be Trump!
topic election
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ID 1116861785325006
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1116861785325006
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posted "04/09/2020 09:57:28 PM"
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type Link


A national unity government?



topic election 1


impact 5
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-07
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title A national unity government?
topic election
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posted "04/07/2020 02:08:35 PM"
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Of course it's all about Trump


and about all those Republican politicians who have chained
themselves to him, and all those Republican donors who
are paying for it all.


topic election


impact 58
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-04-06
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title Of course it's all about Trump
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1114533002224551
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1114533002224551
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posted "04/06/2020 10:29:01 PM"
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Nobody could have foreseen!

Indeed, nobody could have predicted that the first real
crisis of the Trump administration would happen at the
worst possible time for his re-election.

But everybody who cared to investigate learned that
another pandemic would happen sooner or later, aggravated
by global mobility and supply chains.     And everybody
that cared to investigate knew that Trump has never been
able to constructively deal with a crisis - it's always
been deny and deflect instead.

There have been  plenty of warnings about pandemics and
Trump for years.          Like warnings of an end to
the current economic recovery, they were all absolutely
reliable in substance but with no hint of timing.
The timing had to work itself out in its own time.



topic election 1


impact 356
impactrate 0
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negative 0
posted 2020-03-31
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title Nobody could have foreseen!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1109762356034949
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1109762356034949
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posted "03/31/2020 09:43:52 AM"
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And why wouldn't CEO's praise Trump?

Look at all he's done for them, and all he's doing for
them.   After all, he never forgets that he's a CEO too!


Just in case they forget, the Trump campaign will no
doubt remind them in summer and fall campaign season.
What better than to combine a political campaign with
a product campaign?    Why would it be different from a
reality-TV show?


topic election


comments 2
hide 1
impact 166
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-31
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title And why wouldn't CEO's praise Trump?
topic election
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posted "03/31/2020 08:31:05 AM"
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Recalculating the Trump re-election campaign.

It's occurred to some of his political advisors that a
massive death toll in summer or fall would be fatal to
Trump's re-election chances.         So there is some
upside to following the advice of public health experts.


But wait there's more!     During the shelter-in-place
phase, the Democrats can't sort out their presidential
nominee story and can't get nearly the attention they'd
like on Congressional races.      Trump gets free publicity
every day, and is even starting to sound presidential,
compared to a short time ago.      Daily press conferences
provide free publicity for some of his corporate donors,
too -


The downside is that Democratic governors are getting a lot
of press attention in their states, and Cuomo nationally
(and to a lesser extent Newsom, Whitmer, and Inslee.
Their press conferences might get equal billing in their
states, eventually to the advantage of all Democratic
candidates in their states.


topic election 1


comments 2
impact 172
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posted 2020-03-30
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title Recalculating the Trump re-election campaign.
topic election
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posted "03/30/2020 10:58:20 PM"
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He'd like a favor...

So far, Cuomo and Newsom have managed to work around Trump
fairly well.   Not so much other Democratic governors.



topic election


comments 2
impact 42
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posted 2020-03-30
ratio 4
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title He'd like a favor...
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1109394979405020
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posted "03/30/2020 10:18:07 PM"
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type Link


Creating a rationale why Democratic deficit spending is
bad and Republican deficit spending is good.

It takes a special talented mind to solve that puzzle.


But there's nothing like an imminent election loss to
focus the mind.


topic election


impact 4
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posted 2020-03-30
ratio 22
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title Creating a rationale why Democratic deficit spending is
topic election
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posted "03/30/2020 07:09:12 AM"
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More VP speculation


But if you take sitting senators and governors off the
list, whose seats we'd like to keep Democratic, the only
ones left are Stacey Abrams and Sally Yates.


topic election


impact 0
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-18
reactrate 0
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title More VP speculation
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1099353557075829
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1099353557075829
impress 14
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posted "03/18/2020 06:53:07 AM"
reach 7
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Two old white men competing to run against another old
white man.

If the coronavirus takes a turn for the worst, will any
of them still be standing on election day?

But Biden said he would choose a woman for vice president,
and when asked specifically repeated it.  Sanders hedged
a bit, only saying that he would consider it strongly.

Here's some candidates -







topic election


impact 7
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-03-15
ratio 14
react 1
reactrate 0
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sumclicks 1
title Two old white men competing to run against another old
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1097501280594390
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1097501280594390
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posted "03/15/2020 07:06:34 PM"
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type Link


The pride of Fresno!


Fortunately, Fresno has an alternative -


Nunes gets financial support from Trumpists all over
the country, if not the world, so don't feel bad about
supporting Arballo.


topic election


comments 1
impact 20
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-14
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sumclicks 2
title The pride of Fresno!
topic election
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ID 1096630237348161
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posted "03/14/2020 02:20:01 PM"
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type Link


Three diverse possibilities for VP.


More -



topic election


comments 1
impact 2
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-03-12
ratio 12
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reactrate 0
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title Three diverse possibilities for VP.
topic election
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1095393860805132
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posted "03/12/2020 09:30:52 PM"
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Worst nightmare coming true!

The big question - will the downdraft get bad enough
before the convention that Senate Republicans will panic
and announce they don't support renomination of Trump?
Or after the convention and they announce they support a
write-in traditional conservative?        What is pretty
certain is that if they flip, they will all do it overnight
- herd immunity.       And only when their major donors
decide that dumping Trump will be more profitable than
keeping him.



topic election 1


comments 4
impact 402
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-12
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title Worst nightmare coming true!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1094895587521626
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posted "03/12/2020 06:09:44 AM"
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Biden is increasing turnout too.

Doesn't look good for Trump in the suburbs.     Especially
among voters sick from a virus or unemployed from a



topic election


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posted 2020-03-09
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title Biden is increasing turnout too.
topic election
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posted "03/09/2020 12:54:50 PM"
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Are Trump's greatest hits good enough to keep his base

Especially if they get sick from a virus or lose their
jobs due to a recession?



topic election


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posted 2020-03-09
ratio 8
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title Are Trump's greatest hits good enough to keep his base
topic election
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ID 1092958791048639
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092958791048639
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posted "03/09/2020 12:52:59 PM"
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How to take over a political party for fun and profit.

Looks like they'll decide who the Republican candidate
will be in 2024.         What's worse than a deep state?
A deep party!



topic election 1


impact 7
impactrate 0
negative 0
posted 2020-03-09
priority 1
ratio 9
react 2
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title How to take over a political party for fun and profit.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 36
ID 1092733111071207
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092733111071207
audclicks 1
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posted "03/09/2020 06:25:43 AM"
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type Link


What happens if nobody wins a majority of Democratic



topic election


comments 1
impact 4
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-08
ratio 9
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title What happens if nobody wins a majority of Democratic
topic election
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ID 1092312504446601
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092312504446601
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posted "03/08/2020 03:32:38 PM"
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topic election


impact 2
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-03-08
ratio 4
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title Sanderistas
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1092308504447001
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092308504447001
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posted "03/08/2020 03:23:17 PM"
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Bullock to run for Senate.

Taking away a Republican vote in the Senate is the most
useful thing any Democratic politician can do.  If Bullock
is the most likely to be successful, the other Democratic
candidates could do their most useful thing and withdraw.
They and their donors justifiably wish he had decided
sooner, instead of being a minor part of the presidential
candidate field, but the question is what's best now.



topic election


impact 30
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-03-08
ratio 7
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 1
title Bullock to run for Senate.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 75
ID 1092302744447577
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092302744447577
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posted "03/08/2020 03:10:52 PM"
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type Link


How Sanders already won.

Even if he never gets to a higher office, Sanders has
permanently moved the field of discourse to the left -
just like Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas before, who were
never elected to anything but helped ideas of social
justice move toward the mainstream and later adoption.


That's why most Democratic voters will vote for Sanders
if he is the nominee.      The only question is how many
Sanders voters will vote for a Democratic nominee who is
somebody else.



topic election 1


impact 132
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-03-08
priority 1
ratio 2
react 15
reactrate 0
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 8
title How Sanders already won.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1092278524449999
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092278524449999
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posted "03/08/2020 02:21:35 PM"
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type Link


You can't keep doubling down - you run into the house



Trump's luck seems to have finally run out.      Every
economic recovery ends eventually, despite the best efforts
of politicians of all stripes.


Bad luck to have an oil price war break out between Russia
and Saudi Arabia - two autocracies that Trump thought
were friends.     America wins at the gas pump, right?
Only if you have nothing to do with oil exploration
and production in, for instance, the Permian Basin.
When fracking becomes uneconomical, the whole regional
economy catches a pretty bad flu.


The circuit breakers popped on Wall Street this morning.


“It’s easy to blame the global selling panic on fears
of a coronavirus pandemic, but it has more to do with the
unwinding of excessive investor optimism than anything

Once the margin calls start, they tend to avalanche.
The house sets limits on investor optimism.


Once investors get antsy about existing BBB corporate debt,
it gets hard to raise cash for the companies that most
need liquidity

The business cycle is ultimately a phenomenon of mass


The economy always eventually runs into the house limits.
But it was beginning to look like Trump might luck into
a second term.   Then the bell rang early - from an
unexpected direction.


Maybe Trump's luck will save him one more time - if the
virus fells his Democratic opponent between the Democratic
convention and the election.        Or maybe his luck
will completely fail, and Trump will be the late lamented.
Lamented by his base, at any rate.


The virus is in Florida, New York, DC, Maryland, and
Virginia.     Trump might leave Pence in charge and chill
in Alaska or Wyoming until things get better.  Though that
would be admitting that the whole matter was more serious
than he pretended.


Luck is no substitute for skill.    The pundits said from
the beginning that the real test would come when Trump
encountered a real crisis.


And now the test is here, and Trump can expect a Democratic
barrage on competence, no matter who the nominee is.
Let Bloomberg and Steyer start it now -


And don't forget to go after each and every Republican
incumbent and candidate running for the Senate.

The Chernobyl disaster was a major factor in the demise
of the Soviet Union, exposing the rot and deceit in a way
that could not be ignored.      Is this a similar case?



topic election 1


comments 3
impact 1312
impactrate 0
likeimpress 14
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posted 2020-03-08
priority 1
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sumclicks 15
title You can't keep doubling down - you run into the house
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1092240731120445
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1092240731120445
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posted "03/08/2020 01:00:28 PM"
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type Link


A conservative looks forward to the end of Trumpism.



topic election


impact 5
impactrate 0
likeimpress 1
negative 0
posted 2020-03-06
ratio 7
react 4
reactrate 0
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title A conservative looks forward to the end of Trumpism.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1090943417916843
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1090943417916843
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posted "03/06/2020 08:19:30 PM"
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Imagining a Sanders route to victory.

What's missing is the route to enacting his various ideas,
which many voters support as long as they don't have to
pay for them.


A Sanders victory by itself does not cause a Democratic
Senate.     Mike Bloomberg's billions are a surer course
to that end, if he chooses to apply them that way.

There are plenty of billionaires who don't want to pay for
democratic socialism who are willing to  pay to maintain
the rural bias in our government


It's hard to see how those billions will be overcome
without at least a few billions of our own, especially
if the economy recovers pretty quickly from coronavirus.
Whether it will or not is the question of the day, if not
the decade.


topic election


comments 1
impact 79
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-03-05
ratio 5
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sharesrate 0
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title Imagining a Sanders route to victory.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1090202491324269
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1090202491324269
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posted "03/05/2020 07:31:03 PM"
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Last chance for the establishment?

Make it work or see what comes next.       We've had a
preview with Trump.



But Biden can't make it work without a working Senate
(neither can Sanders).     If McConnell repeats his
Obama strategy - just say NO to everything - the results
will be the same.       That's why it's so important to
retire McConnell and all the other senators who think the
same way.


topic election


impact 50
impactrate 0
likeimpress 3
negative 0
posted 2020-03-05
ratio 3
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Last chance for the establishment?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 72
ID 1090194281325090
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1090194281325090
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posted "03/05/2020 07:12:43 PM"
postlinkclicks 1
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reach 23
sharesimpress 1
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type Link


Bloomberg putting his money to good use.

If only he would concentrate on the Senate rather than
the White House.



topic election


comments 1
impact 25
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-03-05
ratio 3
react 11
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Bloomberg putting his money to good use.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1090184767992708
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1090184767992708
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posted "03/05/2020 06:52:27 PM"
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reach 43
sharesimpress 1
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type Link


What was wrong with Warren?



topic election


comments 4
impact 22
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
negative 0
posted 2020-03-05
ratio 2
react 27
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 13
title What was wrong with Warren?
topic election
wordrate 0
words 8
ID 1090181154659736
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1090181154659736
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posted "03/05/2020 06:47:03 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link


A week ago nobody cared about Hunter Biden any more.

Now it's the most pressing crisis facing Trump... except
perhaps for the coronavirus and the stock market.



For lack of a better idea, lots of Republicans still want
to investigate Hunter Biden.   Not to mention Hillary
Clinton over Benghazi and emails!     As if somehow they
might have missed something the first dozen times.

Perhaps there are some things that the Bidens should talk
about in  public -



Let's give Romney credit for calling out BS by name.
The other Republicans just see it as disloyalty.


But that's all the credit Romney gets.     He decided to
go along after all.



topic election


comments 1
impact 215
impactrate 0
likeimpress 7
negative 0
posted 2020-03-05
ratio 2
react 19
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 10
title A week ago nobody cared about Hunter Biden any more.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 113
ID 1090126627998522
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1090126627998522
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posted "03/05/2020 04:47:16 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link


Biden is the candidate who can change things.

Sanders wouldn't accomplish much with a Republican

Biden's turnaround seems to be due to one factor -
he was a white man proud to faithfully serve a black
president.      It seems that the black voters of South
Carolina remembered that.      There are a lot more black
voters than socialist voters in America, and many other
Democrats got that message and got behind Biden.



Perhaps there was another factor after that - Biden is
more likeable to other Democratic politicians than most
of his rivals.



topic election 1


hide 1
impact 213
impactrate 0
likeimpress 8
negative 1
posted 2020-03-04
priority 1
ratio 2
react 22
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 12
title Biden is the candidate who can change things.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 97
ID 1089451211399397
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1089451211399397
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posted "03/04/2020 08:30:50 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
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Projecting from 1968 to 2020.

In 1972, undergraduate males at BERKELEY preferred Nixon
to McGovern!    Much to the horror of graduate students.
Don't overestimate the rate at which America changes.
The Constitution is designed to enable evolution, not



Almost all Democrats will show up at the polls and vote for
Sanders over Trump if Sanders is the nominee.  May it be
true that almost all Democrats will show up at the polls
and vote for Biden over Trump if Biden is the nominee!
And may the Green Party enthusiasts consider carefully
the outcome their votes furthered in 2000 and 2016.
Likewise all the Achilles tempted to sulk in their tents.


topic election


comments 4
impact 445
impactrate 0
likeimpress 8
negative 0
posted 2020-03-04
ratio 2
react 39
reactrate 0
shares 1
sharesrate 0
sumclicks 26
title Projecting from 1968 to 2020.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 114
ID 1089430508068134
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1089430508068134
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posted "03/04/2020 07:49:11 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link


Who gets to be veep?    A balancing act.

It seems the Democrats will nominate an older white man
from the coast.

So the vice president should be... a younger non-white
woman from the non-coast.


And if the presidential candidate is progressive, the VP
should be moderate.

And if the presidential candidate is moderate, the VP
should be progressive.

In either case the VP should be capable to work with the
president and able to assume the presidency if needed.

Sitting senators and governors eligible to run again should
be lower priority - we need them where they are.

Younger non-white woman from the non-coast, not a senator
or governor, capable and progressive?

Younger non-white woman from the non-coast, not a senator
or governor, capable and moderate?

Or if those are too many qualifications, which ones can be
sacrificed?  Here's a listing of some plausible candidates,
listed in order of decreasing demerits.


Sanders (5) older white man coastal senator

Biden (4) - older white man coastal Warren (4) - older
white coastal senator Bloomberg (4) - older white man
coastal Tim Kaine (4) white man coastal senator

Bullock (3) - white man governor Steyer (3) - white man
coastal Bennet (3) - white man senator Booker (3) - man
coastal senator Williamson (3) - coastal white capable?
Delaney (3) - white man coastal O'Rourke (3) - white man
capable?  Kirsten Gillibrand (3) white coastal senator
Hillary Clinton (3) older white coastal

Buttigieg (2) - white man Klobuchar (2) - white senator
Harris (2) - coastal senator Patrick (2) - man coastal Yang
(2) - man coastal

Gabbard (1) - capable?  Castro (1) - man Stacy Abrams
(1) coastal


So the winners are Tulsi Gabbard and Julián Castro and
Stacy Abrams, according to this methodology.

BUT if you were to add combat-veteran as a merit factor,
everybody gains a demerit except Buttigieg and Gabbard.
Likewise, if you were to add non-conventional-orientation
as a factor, everybody gains a demerit except Buttigieg.

Adding both factors, it's either Gabbard or Buttigieg!

Your mileage may vary!      Especially if you judge
"capable" or "coastal" or  "combat
veteran" differently.   Or "older" -
the above is based on 70.     But if you think of the VP
possibly being president from 2029-2036, you might define
older as 60 or more.



So what should everybody else be doing until the election?
The billionaires should be putting their money, and the
other unsuccessful presidential candidates their mouths,
into the 33 Senate seats that will be contested in 2020.
From the point of view of enacting progressive or even
moderate centrist or even bipartisan legislation, and
stopping the river of reactionaries racing to lifetime
Federal judgeships, who becomes president isn't nearly as
important as helping McConnell, Graham, and the rest to
an early retirement.


So what about a bipartisan National Union Party?


It didn't work out so well for Lincoln and Johnson, but
maybe it's time to try again.     Let's consider a few of
the names from


excluding most of those who have already endorsed Trump.
The following all start off with one demerit for being

William Weld (5) older white man coastal republican Mitt
Romney (5) older white man coastal republican Mark Sanford
(5) white man coastal republican capable?  Mike Pence (5)
white man republican trumpist capable?

Rocky de la Fuente (4) white man coastal republican Larry
Hogan (4) white man coastal republican Jeb Bush (4) white
man coastal republican

Joe Walsh (3) white man republican Jeff Flake (3) white
man  republican John Kasich (3) white man republican

Some of them might have combat veteran experience and so
might move down the list if that were added.

Not a very diverse lot!    So let's scour the Wikipedia
page again to extract a veneer of gender diversity -

Ann Coulter  (4) coastal white republican capable?
Nikki Haley (3) coastal republican trumpist Meg Whitman
(3) white coastal republican Carly Fiorina (3) white
coastal republican

For having formally endorsed Trump, Haley gets an extra
demerit (along with any other Trump endorsers).   The last
two could not carry their own home state of California.


Thanks to Jesse Russell for reminding us about Stacy

As for the post of Vice President, "the most
insignificant office that ever the invention of man
contrived or his imagination conceived", it's been
traditionally seen as a way to broaden appeal of the
ticket - and so tends to involve persons different from
the presidential nominee.      Perhaps that's not the best
way, but that's the tradition.  But there are other ways
to organize -




topic election 1


comments 3
impact 1526
impactrate 0
likeimpress 6
negative 0
posted 2020-03-04
priority 1
ratio 4
react 20
reactrate 0
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sumclicks 11
title Who gets to be veep? A balancing act.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1089025538108631
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1089025538108631
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posted "03/04/2020 06:48:01 AM"
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type Link


The presidential election is not decided by rallying more
young voters in blue states.

The presidential election is decided by the swing voters
in the swing states.     They vote in every election,
not necessarily in the same way.     Just look at the
2018 House results; the Democrats who made headway in
swing states tended to be moderate candidates appealing
to moderate swing voters.   Especially suburban educated
white women.      Those voters tend to be very anxious
about health care costs but also very anxious about tax
increases and the economy.        Messaging to them needs
to be very carefully tuned.



topic election


comments 1
impact 172
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
negative 0
posted 2020-03-02
ratio 3
react 17
reactrate 0
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sumclicks 12
title The presidential election is not decided by rallying more
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1088009374876914
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1088009374876914
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posted "03/02/2020 09:30:24 PM"
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Six pundits praise six Democratic candidates.

Any would be better than Trump, and none would be very
effective without a vastly improved Senate.       So that's
where the energy should focus.      Which one would provide
the most leverage to Democratic Senate candidates?

Listed alphabetically -








topic election


impact 66
impactrate 0
likeimpress 7
negative 0
posted 2020-02-27
ratio 2
react 14
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 6
title Six pundits praise six Democratic candidates.
topic election
wordrate 0
words 47
ID 1084927288518456
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1084927288518456
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posted "02/27/2020 04:03:07 PM"
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sharesimpress 1
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type Link


It might not matter much who the Democrats nominate for

The coronavirus might deliver an easy win to any Democratic


But what about the Senate?     Instead of each other,
the presidential candidates should be aggressively going
after the problems in the Senate - all the Republicans
running for re-election.       No Democratic president
will do much unless the Senate is fixed - just ask Obama.


topic election


hide 1
impact 55
impactrate 0
likeimpress 4
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posted 2020-02-27
ratio 3
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sumclicks 3
title It might not matter much who the Democrats nominate for
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1084791688532016
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posted "02/27/2020 11:19:47 AM"
postotherclicks 3
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type Link


537 votes in Florida made the difference between Gore and
Bush in 2000

and led to Bush's Iraq war over non-existent weapons of
mass destruction, that we are still paying for.


It might be true that Castro improved Cuban rural literacy
in short order -


But Florida is the wrong place to offer even justified
praise of any aspect of Castro's rule.         There are a
lot of single-issue Cuban American voters in Florida and
their single issue is opposition to Castro.      It only
takes 537 of them!

This is why so many Democrats are concerned about
Sanders.  If he's the nominee, and keeps making these
sorts of divisive remarks that are easily weaponized by
the Republicans and the Russians,  he won't carry many of
swing voters in the swing states, and may cause a downdraft
on Democratic House and Senate candidates.


The larger picture - can Sanders reach out beyond his
base of committed supporters?    That's what successful
presidential candidates usually do.


What can he offer to voters who don't agree with all
his opinions?


topic election


impact 36
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-02-26
ratio 9
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title 537 votes in Florida made the difference between Gore and
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It doesn't have to be true or real, if it polls well.



topic election 1


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posted 2020-02-26
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title It doesn't have to be true or real, if it polls well.
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posted "02/26/2020 04:38:56 PM"
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A circular firing squad is not a more perfect union



topic election 1


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posted 2020-02-25
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title A circular firing squad is not a more perfect union
topic election
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posted "02/25/2020 09:22:21 PM"
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When is a census not a Census?



topic election


comments 3
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posted 2020-02-25
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title When is a census not a Census?
topic election
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posted "02/25/2020 05:11:37 PM"
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What if Bernie is the nominee?

Even if he wins the White House, it won't do much good if
he loses Congress.


Putin is betting on four more years of partisan gridlock.
He doesn't care if it's Trump and a  Democratic Congress,
or Sanders and a Republican Congress.     Heads he wins,
tails we lose.


topic election


comments 3
impact 239
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-22
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title What if Bernie is the nominee?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1081345512209967
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posted "02/22/2020 07:58:10 PM"
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The audacity of hype



topic election


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posted 2020-02-22
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title The audacity of hype
topic election
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posted "02/22/2020 05:21:29 PM"
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The questions for Republican senators -

After the last month, do you support the re-nomination of
Donald Trump for president in 2020?



Would you still support him even if the economy were
entering a recession?


If renominated and the economy stays level, Trump will
probably win the electoral vote, perhaps by a larger
margin than 2016, but will certainly lose the popular
vote by a greater margin than 2016.           How will
that affect Republican senators running in swing states?
Any other Republican could have delivered on tax cuts,
deregulation, and reactionary judges, and might not have
lost control of the House in 2018 and be at such risk in
the Senate in 2020.

Would you want your grandson to grow up to be like Trump?

Would you want your granddaughter to marry somebody
like Trump?

Would you invest your retirement savings in a fund run
by Trump?


topic election 1


impact 393
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-21
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title The questions for Republican senators -
topic election
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ID 1080286178982567
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posted "02/21/2020 10:36:59 AM"
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They only have to convince the right 78,000 voters!


There should be that many bankrupt farmers by election day.


topic election


comments 1
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posted 2020-02-18
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title They only have to convince the right 78,000 voters!
topic election
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posted "02/18/2020 04:35:41 PM"
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The argument for Klobuchar.

Coming from a perspective one might not have expected.



topic election


comments 1
impact 27
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posted 2020-02-14
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title The argument for Klobuchar.
topic election
wordrate 0
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posted "02/14/2020 05:25:23 PM"
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The argument for Bloomberg.

He is real, not a media mirage.    Not everything about him
is good.     He is another old billionaire.      But could
he be the best bet to take out that other, undoubtedly old,
allegedly billionaire?



topic election


impact 41
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posted 2020-02-14
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title The argument for Bloomberg.
topic election
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posted "02/14/2020 05:15:42 PM"
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A billionaire making himself useful.


Can he out-Trump Trump?    Should he?


He just needs to put equivalent effort into the 33 senate
races this year.


topic election


impact 25
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posted 2020-02-13
ratio 4
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title A billionaire making himself useful.
topic election
wordrate 0
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posted "02/13/2020 10:56:50 AM"
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Nothing happens without the Senate, so who has the longest


A patriotic president can't neuter a subversive senate,
but a patriotic senate can neuter a subversive president.


topic election


impact 6
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posted 2020-02-12
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title Nothing happens without the Senate, so who has the longest
topic election
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posted "02/12/2020 09:56:26 PM"
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Attacking truth and attacking reality


Truth is whatever the emperor says it is.    Journalism is
dead, there's just propaganda.


topic election


impact 2
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posted 2020-02-12
ratio 18
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title Attacking truth and attacking reality
topic election
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URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1073089886368863
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posted "02/12/2020 07:03:33 AM"
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The Electoral College will strike again.


Unless there's a recession, Trump will be re-elected.
That's why the national Democratic campaign needs to
be focused on retiring as many Republican senators as

A patriotic president can't neuter a subversive senate,
but a patriotic senate can neuter a subversive president.


topic election


impact 140
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-12
ratio 2
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sumclicks 13
title The Electoral College will strike again.
topic election
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posted "02/12/2020 06:59:39 AM"
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Trump and Putin are counting on the Democrats.



topic election


comments 2
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posted 2020-02-11
ratio 2
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title Trump and Putin are counting on the Democrats.
topic election
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posted "02/11/2020 09:50:03 PM"
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The essential Trump promise that he always keeps!

He promises to forget all about his previous promises
whenever convenient for him.


The forgotten Americans?    Still forgotten, and getting
worse off.


Nobody else knows how to cut taxes and preserve entitlement
programs and reduce the budget deficit all at the same
time.  Trump demonstrates that he doesn't know either,
and doesn't care.



topic election


impact 109
impactrate 0
likeimpress 9
negative 0
posted 2020-02-08
ratio 3
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sumclicks 6
title The essential Trump promise that he always keeps!
topic election
wordrate 0
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posted "02/08/2020 04:47:04 PM"
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type Link


No more problematic FBI investigations of Republicans!



topic election 1


comments 8
impact 88
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-08
priority 1
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title No more problematic FBI investigations of Republicans!
topic election
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posted "02/08/2020 04:28:26 PM"
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What a surprise!    The Republicans were helping out during
the Iowa caucuses!     How generous!



topic election 1


comments 3
impact 103
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posted 2020-02-06
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title What a surprise! The Republicans were helping out during
topic election
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posted "02/06/2020 03:16:00 PM"
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type Link


Paving the way for Potemkin democracy!


It's how minority rule works


We already have Potemkin foreign policy!



topic election 1


comments 1
impact 74
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-04
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
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title Paving the way for Potemkin democracy!
topic election
wordrate 0
words 21
ID 1067585166919335
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posted "02/04/2020 08:43:34 PM"
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sharesimpress 2
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type Link


Undermining confidence in elections - there's an app
for that!

Somebody didn't do their homework.



Thank goodness for paper ballots!


But Trumpists and Putinists don't like them.





topic election 1


impact 9
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-02-04
priority 1
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title Undermining confidence in elections - there's an app
topic election
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posted "02/04/2020 08:06:05 AM"
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type Link


Trumpists rev up their election machine!



They forgot to mention that at their news conference.


After all, the only massive fraud last time was by
Republicans in NC-09 - the election had to be redone.



topic election 1


comments 5
impact 242
impactrate 0
likeimpress 21
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posted 2020-02-03
priority 1
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title Trumpists rev up their election machine!
topic election
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posted "02/03/2020 04:05:19 PM"
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type Link


A teaching moment on Wednesday!

The Senate will vote 53-47 on strictly party lines to
ignore all the evidence and give Trump and Putin a free
pass to do whatever they want in the future.


For those that could have expressed some discomfort by
introducing a censure resolution or stating that they do
not support Trump for re-nomination or re-election - their
inaction is much more eloquent than their weasel words.
In effect, 53 senators plead nolo contendere to the charges
against them of dereliction of duty.



Some of the 53 could vote "present" so that they
could say at primary time that they did not vote to remove
the president, and then say at general election time that
they did not vote to exonerate the president.


But if none of them do that, it will not be because of
fear of looking inconsistent or illogical.    How many
Trumpist voters care about consistency or logic?


Let every voter understand that voting for president is
not enough or even very important if the same people keep
running the Senate.


The domestic and foreign interests in the status quo will
pour unprecedented dark money into protecting their Senate
majority.     It's time for the people to take back the
Senate in 2020 just as they took back the House in 2018.
Uncle Sam wants YOU! - money or time to fight back, as
your circumstances permit.







topic election 1


comments 1
hide 1
impact 262
impactrate 0
likeimpress 7
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posted 2020-01-31
priority 1
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title A teaching moment on Wednesday!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1064516843892834
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posted "01/31/2020 04:29:45 PM"
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type Link


How to keep your head off a pike -

just vote right on impeachment!



topic election 1


impact 11
impactrate 0
likeimpress 2
negative 0
posted 2020-01-28
priority 1
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sumclicks 4
title How to keep your head off a pike -
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1062198837457968
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1062198837457968
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posted "01/28/2020 09:53:42 AM"
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type Link


Putting billions to good use!



topic election


impact 13
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-27
ratio 3
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sumclicks 6
title Putting billions to good use!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1061610590850126
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1061610590850126
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posted "01/27/2020 02:18:45 PM"
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reach 49
type Link


Wouldn't it be a shame if Trump were brought down by

The economy is overdue for a recession.      One won't be
CAUSED by coronavirus, but a recession might be TRIGGERED
by coronavirus.


It's a field day for misinformation, propagated by the
misinformed and superstitious and by those with an interest
in undermining authority -


It's good news for homebuyers


Trump has been polling better, mostly due to the economy -


The Democrats could have as many impeachment witnesses
as they want, but that won't change the minds of any
Republican senators.    What Republican senators worry
about is their own re-election and control of the Senate.
An economic downturn that will be blamed on Trump, rightly
or wrongly, is the single biggest threat Republican
senators face.



topic election 1


impact 143
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-27
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
sumclicks 3
title Wouldn't it be a shame if Trump were brought down by
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1061511870859998
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1061511870859998
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posted "01/27/2020 11:02:55 AM"
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type Link


Investors flock to Trump - more tax cuts, more
deregulation, more reactionary judges!

They're getting their money's worth!    Some of them might
have been worried about some of the things Trump used to
say about draining the swamp or preserving Social Security
and Medicare, but they see now that was just hot air for
the voters - Trump was really by, of, and for the other
wealthy and would-be wealthy self-serving opportunistic
promoters after all.


If re-elected in 2020 and ineligible to run in 2024,
they think Trump will really be able to make all their
Christmases merry and bright.


topic election 1


comments 1
hide 1
impact 312
impactrate 0
likeimpress 17
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posted 2020-01-23
priority 1
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sharesrate 0
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title Investors flock to Trump - more tax cuts, more
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1058347261176459
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1058347261176459
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posted "01/23/2020 07:50:42 AM"
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Why the 2020 elections have to be about the Senate, not
the President.


This is where Steyer's and Bloomberg's millions should
be going.  Each Democratic presidential candidate should
pick a Republican senator seeking re-election and pick on
that senator nonstop for dereliction of duty and enabling



topic election 1


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posted 2020-01-23
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title Why the 2020 elections have to be about the Senate, not
topic election
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posted "01/23/2020 06:02:28 AM"
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Koch plans 2020 election strategy.

Mostly Republicans, but not exclusively.       They are
not supporting Trump (or any other presidential candidate)
but they are supporting a number of Trump/Putinist enablers
in the Senate.


What are you going to do about it?



topic election


comments 2
impact 267
impactrate 0
likeimpress 27
negative 0
posted 2020-01-21
ratio 2
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title Koch plans 2020 election strategy.
topic election
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ID 1057115314632987
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posted "01/21/2020 04:52:46 PM"
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William Weld's motivation.



topic election


comments 3
impact 14
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posted 2020-01-17
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title William Weld's motivation.
topic election
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ID 1054212111589974
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posted "01/17/2020 08:32:25 PM"
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Ignore the dog whistles to the Klan!   Trump really wants
to do more for black people!


Just look how he's always thinking about Obama!


If Obama were an entertainer or an athlete it might be
different... especially if he weren't so obviously smarter
than Trump.


topic election


comments 2
impact 134
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-17
ratio 2
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title Ignore the dog whistles to the Klan! Trump really wants
topic election
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ID 1054108521600333
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posted "01/17/2020 05:18:16 PM"
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The health care election


The fate of Obamacare depends on the election - but it has
little to do with the president and everything to do with
the senators.



topic election


impact 13
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posted 2020-01-17
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title The health care election
topic election
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ID 1053784324966086
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posted "01/17/2020 07:24:19 AM"
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Republican SAY is the opposite of Republican DO.


The best way to help the left behind Americans is to help
the 1% who are way ahead of them get even further ahead!
Get over it!



topic election 1


comments 26
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posted 2020-01-14
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title Republican SAY is the opposite of Republican DO.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1051133415231177
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posted "01/14/2020 10:34:31 AM"
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Buttigieg works on his shortcomings.


He doesn't double down and punch back twice as hard.
Instead, he works on reclaiming religious values from
the Trumpists/Putinists.



topic election


impact 11
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-09
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title Buttigieg works on his shortcomings.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1046498749027977
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1046498749027977
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posted "01/09/2020 05:02:19 PM"
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Nothing new under the sun.

The Republicans and Democrats have traded places, but
remarkably little fundamental has changed.



topic election


impact 8
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posted 2020-01-09
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title Nothing new under the sun.
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1046260289051823
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1046260289051823
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posted "01/09/2020 10:41:13 AM"
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We finally got rid of President Cheney.    Now we have to
get rid of President McConnell!


Kentucky voters might be inclined to help, but all the
big Republican donors will make sure they don't.


Fixing the Senate should be what the Democratic
presidential candidates talk most about, and what Bloomberg
should be spending his billions on.



topic election 1


hide 1
impact 30
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-08
priority 1
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sumclicks 2
title We finally got rid of President Cheney. Now we have to
topic election
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ID 1045684555776063
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posted "01/08/2020 08:07:28 PM"
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Why Mitch has to go!



topic election


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posted 2020-01-08
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title Why Mitch has to go!
topic election
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ID 1045622592448926
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posted "01/08/2020 06:31:07 PM"
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Will Bloomberg choose his message wisely?


How about



topic election


impact 3
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posted 2020-01-07
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title Will Bloomberg choose his message wisely?
topic election
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posted "01/07/2020 03:56:14 PM"
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All in with Trumpism/Putinism!


Why have Republican senators lost all their spines and
principles?     Are they so eager to compete for the Franz
von Papen award against the other strong candidates like
William Barr?


Trump hasn't changed.       He acts just like he
did in 2015.     He acts just like he said he would,
unpredictably and emotionally.       So Republican senators
can't change their position on Trump because Trump changed.
For senators to change their position on Trump would be to
admit they were intentionally collaborating and enabling
incompetence and sedition for five years - and in addition,
they would face the wrath of Trump's base in the next
primary, who are convinced that they LIKE and approve of
incompetence and sedition.

So the main focus on the 2020 election has to be
relentlessly calling out the Republican senators and
candidates for their dereliction of duty, to get them
replaced in the general election.         That's the #1
thing the Democratic presidential candidates need to be
talking about.

Trump has wagged the dog -


Senators know their duty, and shirk it.     No solution
but to replace them all.





topic election 1


impact 132
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-07
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title All in with Trumpism/Putinism!
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posted "01/07/2020 05:53:03 AM"
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It's all about bread and butter!

Presidential elections are decided by the relatively
few persuadable voters in a relatively few swing states.
There are two major groups of such persuadables, and they
are similar in viewpoint on economic issues but not on
many other issues.


As for the underlying problem, it can be addressed
one state at a time by allocating electoral votes by
congressional districts rather than winner-take-all
statewide, and by repealing sore-loser laws and adopting
ranked-choice voting for candidates.   No Federal
constitutional amendment required.


topic election


impact 27
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-06
ratio 4
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title It's all about bread and butter!
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1043403279337524
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1043403279337524
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posted "01/06/2020 08:36:56 AM"
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Is Klobuchar a better bet than Biden?



topic election 1


hide 1
impact 1
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-05
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title Is Klobuchar a better bet than Biden?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1042808346063684
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1042808346063684
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posted "01/05/2020 05:53:40 PM"
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"The quickest way to get a President Stacey Abrams
or President Pete Buttigieg is to first elect a President



topic election


impact 2
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posted 2020-01-03
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title "The quickest way to get a President Stacey Abrams
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ID 1040986529579199
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posted "01/03/2020 08:28:24 PM"
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Fighting it out in a battleground state.

Every vote matters in Wisconsin for the 2020 presidential



topic election


comments 1
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posted 2020-01-03
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title Fighting it out in a battleground state.
topic election
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ID 1040968146247704
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posted "01/03/2020 07:57:53 PM"
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type Link


Would Trump even talk about running with a Democrat?

Biden talks about possibly running with a Republican - but
he can't think of any that would fit.      There's reasons
that's a good idea to TALK about -


Unfortunately, the 2020 election will be close in the
electoral college, and will be decided by a relatively
few persuadable voters in a relatively few swing states.
Long term, we need to fix that -




But short term we have to deal with the system as it
stands, and an old moderate white guy is probably the most
appealing choice to the few voters that matter.


topic election


impact 11
impactrate 0
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posted 2020-01-03
ratio 23
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title Would Trump even talk about running with a Democrat?
topic election
wordrate 0
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ID 1040650619612790
URL https://www.facebook.com/politicalscrapbooknet/posts/1040650619612790
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