Facebook Posts on recent-nontweets

Title Post
Reach Like Comments Shares Clicks Hide Hideall Cost Topic
Dixiecrat Trumpists remind us of all the taxpayer money 2022-12-23 8271 - 204 13 3231 trumpism
Job's Friends - preachers of the oldest religion on earth! 2022-10-30 5565 - 19 15 568 theory
There's nothing new about minority rule in America - 2022-10-28 9350 - 74 28 3170 minority
Chosen by God - just like Hitler, Stalin, Putin,... 2022-10-20 10806 - 366 42 4226 1 trumpism
there is a lot of pressure on Republicans to vote to 2022-09-26 8641 - 512 48 3248 1 2 biden
Who are the RINO's? 2022-09-07 17040 - 233 49 7214 trumpism
“I don’t care if the speaker’s office becomes a 2024-04-19 4 - 1 gop
Where the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP can get its 2024-04-19 4 - putin
That was the week that wasn't - 2024-04-19 3 - 2 media
Getting a pardon or commutation from Trump is pretty much 2024-04-18 2 - justice
They were against labor then - 2024-04-16 6 - 1 1 economics
You don't know about the election until you've heard from 2024-04-16 4 - election
GOP megadonors cater to the reactionary religious right for 2024-04-16 3 - gop
Can Johnson lead the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP, 2024-04-16 4 - gop
Why is the Putinist-Trumpist-Dixiecrat GOP is so opposed 2024-04-16 6 - gop
Devaluing the dollar - as good an idea as unilateral 2024-04-16 4 - economics

Columns of Post Tables

The table above has these entries. Post entries with just one line for Reach were not boosted. Boosted posts have two lines for Reach and several other items. The upper line reflects all interactions, the bottom line just those resulting from paid ads.

UPDATED Wed Apr 24 03:54:10 PM PDT 2024