Social Media

The Political Scrapbook project started out as one and then several websites not connected to any social media. Readership grew very slowly, limited to a few family, friends, and colleagues.

To boost Scrapbook readership to the level I hoped it deserved, I started posting updates to a dedicated Facebook page politicalscrapbooknet. Then I tried paid advertising to "boost" my websites on Facebook. After a while, I then tried direct political advertising on Facebook, off and on for several months. As of 3 Jan 2022, @politicalscrapbooknet has 706 likes and 716 follows, down from 742 likes and 754 follows in June 2018. After the midterms, it was 746 likes and 761 follows on 9 Nov 2022, but some paid advertising in November and December boosted that to 761 likes and 785 follows by 29 December.

Later I tried tweeting from Twitter politicalscrap1. I tried a Twitter paid advertising promotion to boost traffic to my Facebook page and Scrapbook websites. As of 4 Jan 2021, @politicalscrap1 has 5 followers; by 11 May, it had soared to a dizzying 7 followers, where it remained on 3 Jan 2022. After the midterms, it was 9 followers on 9 Nov 2022.

For the convenience of users of my Facebook page, I post daily lists of my Twitter tweets on my Facebook page.

Eventually I concluded that although social media was a good way to preach to the choir, it was not effective at reaching persuadable undecided voters, so I discontinued paid advertising.

@politicalscrapbooknet Facebook About
revised 21 October 2022 - 255 character limit

This page contains political observations linked to websites with 
more information.

@politicalscrap1 Twitter Profile
revised 7 December 2020 - 160 character limit

highlights political news 
and links to posts on

Facebook Post Indices
revised 4 Jan 2023

Indices of top posts by various criteria:

Indices of top posts by "original content" - measured by word count after removing metadata and http: and https: hyperlinks - and "impact content" - word count * popularity.

Indices by topic.

Complete lists by categories; "boosted" means "paid":

Twitter Tweets Indices
revised 4 Jan 2023

Indices of popular tweets:

Indices of tweets by topic:

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019

    Lists of all tweets:

    Daily Compilations of Tweets on Facebook
    revised 3 January 2022

    There is nothing to buy or sign up for on this website.
    Please report dead links, typos, and factual errors to
    web-report at comcast dot net
    Visitor count for this page starting 7 Dec 2020:
    øY ÃçU 1.81 24/07/14